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Q4. Forgiving and Forgiveness

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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?

1)Because life is "messy" and it's impossible to get through the day without sin, or a mistep, or a misunderstanding of some sort, and if not sin we've committed, then sins of omission...not having done something we should have done. The commercial says "life is messy, clean it up"...asking for forgiveness is how we clean up sin...the blood of Jesus "washes us white as snow"... asking those we've wronged in some way, for forgiveness, cleans up those relationships as well.

2) Unforgiveness creates a hard heart, and puts a block in our relationship with God. It's possible to blame God for allowing painful or disappointing things to happen to us, and that can also block the relationship. Anger can turn to bitterness, then lack of faith creeps in....and we find we're stuck.

3)Jesus said, "If we forgive those who have sinned against us, our Father in Heaven will also forgive us." That's not what we may want to hear, but it's fair...How can I who am a sinner needing God's forgiveness every day, withhold forgiveness from someone who needs the same from me occasionally..

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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?

Christ is very clear, both in the warning attached to the Lord's Prayer and in the parable in (Matthew 18) . If we do not forgive others, our sins will not be forgiven. Those who are saved by grace alone, must show gratitude for grace in their attitudes toward other and in their daily lives. " Lord, I have manifested my faith in your grace by forgiving others, continue to show mercy to me for I truly believe."

This petition is unique in the Lord's prayer. It is the only one with an argument attached. We ask God to forgive our sins because we forgive those who have sinned against us. This is the kind of praying that we often see in the book of Psalms where David offers God reasons and arguments for the petitions that he urges. In such a short prayer it is remarkable that an argument is attached to this petition.

Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone who offended him, "Up to seven times seventy. ( Matthew 18:21 ). In asking this Peter no doubt thought he was being generous. Among the Rabbis, some explicitly taught that a man could be forgiven three times. Seventy times seven! Which is to say, however many times the sinner sins against us, we must forgive him. Indeed, if we did not, no family or church could stay to gether

Daily forgiveness means daily confession of our sins. It means daily repentance. The Christian life is a life of repeated repentance and renewal. We will always be sinners in this life and will always need to be renewed in our faith and repentance.

The essence of perseverance is daily repentance for our sins and trust in the grace of God to save us. Our Lord's instruction connects our perseverance with helping other Christians to persevere, for that is part of what it means to forgive others. Jesus instructed the disciples to rebuke those who sinned against them not so that they could humiliate the person, but so that they could help reclaim the sinner from sin. To admonish a sinning brother is to seek a lost sheep ( Matthew 18:12-15 ).

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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?

1. Because if we don't ask God to forgive us, we will never make it into His kingdom; Confession and forgiveness of our debts. 2. Wickness and evil and self-rightiousness can block God's blessings to flow to you. 3. You must repent always and ask God to forgive you daily if you want God to bless you. He said that when we ask for forgiveness He will forgive you and forget it too.

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We continuously ask because we continuously sin.

Unforgivenss blocks God's work in our lives. We close the door to His power & remain frustrated Christians with no fruit.

We ask for forgiveness like the forgiveness we have shown others. If we haven't truly forgiven others, we are not truly forgiven by God.

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I think we should ask God, when we pray, to real to us our hidden sins and remind us of sins we committed. When He does reveal them we should confess them and turn away from them. At the same time we need to carefully examine ourselves, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to see if we have not forgiven someone else. God will only bless us and forgive us in proportion to how much we forgive others.

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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?

it is because we are only human.we do have mistakes.sometimes we think we are right not knowing that to God it is wrong.we have to ask forgiveness all the time.

unforgiveness on our part block God's blessings becaus it it a sin.it is not the will of God.before God can bless you ,you need to to clear your concious.forgive because you were forgiven.and you also have to ask to be forgiven

if you dont forgive God wont forgive you

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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness?

We should continually ask for forgiveness because we are sinners and we need to be forgiven for those sin continually. We must never forget that we are sinners, we were born in sin and we will die in sin, but Christ has made a way for us to be forgiven for that sinful nature that we possess.

How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?

God cannot be a part of sin, unforgiveness is a sin. He can't bless us without forgiveness so we have to find it in ourselves (even though it can be difficult) to train ourselves to be able to forgive others that offend us the way the Father in Heaven forgives us of our offense or sins. Through this forgiveness of others it keeps the communication open and it allows for blessing .

We must remember that God can't be a part of evil (our sinful nature) so in order for us to have forgiveness we have to forgive also.

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Why should we continually ask forgiveness?

We are continually sinful and need God's continual forgiveness. We like to think that we aren't sinful but the reality is that we strive for perfection but sin in the process.

How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing?

God's forgiveness comes abundantly if we ask and if we forgive others. We can see in this prayer that God forgives us as we forgive others. How can we expect otherwise? We are to show God's love, grace and mercy to others -> that includes forgiveness, even when they don't ask for it. It is for ourselves, them and God.

How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?

Our unforgiveness of others stops God's blessing upon us -> we must forgive if we are to be considered sons of the Father.

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We need to continually ask for forgiveness to keep in mind who we are and who God is. It is the remorse and the understanding of direction that keeps us aware of God's grace and our journey. Also it is the understanding of the relationiship of God, of Jesus and of the Holy Spirit.

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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?



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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?

If we forgive others only a little and hold grudges, we are asking God to forgive us only a little and bear a grudge against us. If we are to know and understand God, we must love. We must know and understand forgiveness. If we reject this part of God, we reject the kernel of who he is (1 John 4:16-21). So when Jesus puts it so bluntly in our passage (6:14-15) -- you must forgive to be forgiven -- we dare not reject this truth.

We must continually ask forgiveness because of our weak nature.

God makes a way where there is no way when it becomes difficult to forgive. He takes us beyond ourselves.

Two simple lessons we disciples learn from this petition: (1) we must ask for forgiveness time and time again, and (2) unforgiveness blocks God's blessing.

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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?

We are human and are subject to sin, for all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, and as such we must always seek forgiveness. When we sin against someone we must not only seek their forgiveness but the forgiveness of God for scripture says it is against God that we sin and it is His forgiveness that we must seek. If we fail to forgive those who sin against us then we are sinning by with holding the love that God says we must show everyone and how can you say you love someone when you are holding a grudge and unforgiveness against them. Unforgiveness is sin and when we sin God will not forgive us unless we confess it as sin and seek His forgiveness.

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We need to ask forgiveness from God at every prayer time because we are continually in sin, whether physical, mental or spritual. If we don't beg His forgiveness He will not hear us and since He commands that we equally forgive those that we have grudges against we are in sin if we do not. We cannot be forgiven by God if we are in sin. It would be a contradiction to expect anything of Him.

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We must forgive if we expect to be forgiven. Fully forgive or God will not forgive us because He doesn't do anything halfway. All our blessings from God depend on our forgiving others. Unforgiveness is a stronghold we need to dispense of in order to be in right relationship with God, and to acquire something bigger and better. This also refers back to freedom of choice and freewill. Choose to Forgive so we can be forgiven...

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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?

We should continually ask forgiveness because we have sinful body, we therefore cannot attain his perfect standard of holiness.

Unforgiveness on our part can block God's blessing in this way: forgiveness is part of God, so we as his sons must have this part too in order that his blessings can reach us.

Unforgiveness can block God's forgiveness in this way: in the Lord

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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?

We are to continually ask for forgiveness because we are sinners and live in sinful world, it is only God who is righteous .

Unforgiveness on our part blocks God

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We should continually ask forgiveness because eventho we are Christians we still have a sin nature. We still sin and so we need to confess our sins to God and receive His forgiveness.

Unforgiveness on our part block's God's blessings because when we refuse to forgive those who wronged us, He withholds any blessings He was going to bestow on us.

Unforgiveness block's God's forgiveness because when we refuse to forgive those who have wrong us then God will not forgive us when we ask Him for forgiveness of our trespasses.

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Jesus taught that if you forgive then God will also forgive you.

Jesus makes it clear that we must forgive, if we are to be considered childern of God, otherwise he will not forgive us.

Since Jesus was so determined that we learn that we must forgive to be forgiven we do not dare not surrender to his wishes.

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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness? Forgiveness is asking God to "lay aside" our sin. It is asked because "sin" seperates us from being in fellowship with Him. This desire to be forgiven should always be on our hearts, why? because we want to please Him, we want not to have sin rule in our lives. The key part to the question is not sin, but, the continual desire to be close to God, to continually be in fellowship with Him, understanding how awesome it is to be forgiven by God.

How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? If we truly come to understand what forgiveness is, we can go to God and ask Him to forgive us our debts, and how it is possible we can be forgiven; God gave His Son, who paid the debt we could not pay, is it too much to ask us to forgive our debtors? The key word here is "our" Father -- We are all in the same boat together, we must have a heart willing to forgive each other. This is what God is teaching us, have a heart of love, of forgiveness, Christ has set the example as He said on the cross "forgive them for they know not what they do"

We received so much more than just being forgiven, we have been given the Holy Spirit, we have been given the Word by which we grow, we have Chirst living in us, changing our hearts, hearts that at one time was centered on "self" -- I am happy this is a process my heart is going through. Forgiving is a process I am learning to do, as God comes to rule in my heart. I ask God to do what He promised He would do, change this heart of stone. :huh:

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Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) Why should we continually ask forgiveness?

So that we can be forgiven by Yah

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