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Q1. Greed and the Rich Fool

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Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

Jesus did not condemn this man because of his richness, but because of greed. Good life has nothing to do with being wealthy.

Planning for retirement, or preparing for life before death is wise, but neglecting life after dead is disastrous. If one accumulates wealth only to enrich oneself, with no concern for helping others, you will enter eternity empty-handed.

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Jesus condemns the Rich Fool for thinking more about material possesions than about the eternal destiny of his soul.

I don't Jesus was condemning him for the harvest itself but rather his attitude concerning the harvest. The rich man figured since his harvest had produced an abundance of crops he had it made for the rest of his life. He probably didn't take into consideration that it was God who sent the sunshine and the rains that produced such a large crop.

The key verse in this passage is "This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God. (Luke 12.21)

This pararable relates to the Sermon on the Mount in that Jesus wants us to store up treasures in heaven rather than concentrating on earthly wealth.

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Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

Jesus condenmed him for his greed. He thought that after this good harvest all his problems were over and he could just sit back and enjoy himsels for ever, not knowing that his life was in the hands of the Lord.

The key word in the passage is be 'Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions'. The context is that we should always ensure that our treasure is stored in heaven and not on earth. We are to "seek first the Kingdom of God"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

Jesus condemns the man for his short-sightedness, arrogance, and his lack of understanding as to the true meaning of life. The key verse in this passage is verse 15: "... Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."

The context of this verse is that a man wants Jesus to be an arbiter in an inheritance dispute between two brothers.

This parable relates to the Sermon on the Mount in that it applies to "Blessed are the poor in spirit ... Blessed are meek ... Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous ..." The focus of the Christian -- the follower of Jesus Christ is the Kingdom of God on this earth and the Kingdom of Heaven universally. As reflected in the Lord's Prayer, our focus should be on the will of God on this planet. If I am caught up in wealth, then I am not caught up in Kingdom Building and growing as a Christian.

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Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest?

Jesus condemned him for not ascribing his abundance to God, not for the storing of the harvest.

What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

The key verse in this passage is verse 15, inparticular Jesus' saying "beware of covetousness: a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth." In His sermon on the Mount Jesus instructs us that we are to be generous in that which God has blessed us with for the care of others.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

Do not rely on the type of riches and money to store up for we can end up serving money as we make it our god, instead of putting the Lord first.

The key verse tells us not to be greedy and to get our priorities right

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

The whole idea of this passage lies in the fact that this man felt at ease because he had more than he needed to survive-he was rich, according to the world's standard. Wealthy people become complacent, and feel they need no one-they have it all. So, with all his wealth, he got focused on the wealth and lost his focus on God. As a result, one gets all puffed up, thinking he's all that, and what does he need God for-he has what he needs. He's no longer meek or humble! Being wealthy changes everything. Generally, rich people are cold and selfish. They give to charities that they started, and then they brag about their efforts. I see this all the time in racing circles. The me, I, My, syndrome kicks in, and God gets shoved out of the picture.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Jesus condemned him for storing up things for himself without being rich toward God.

The context revolves around greed in relation to excessive storing up, not because it's needed but just to have it.

It relates to the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus instructs us to "not store up for yourself treasures on earth..."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

there is a whole lot of " i wills" in this passage much like isaiah 14:13-14. selfishness is so hard to overcome, thats why jesus said it would be so much easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle. we all have it, sometimes its subtle, other times it shows itself before the person actually shows up.it could just show itself with a name, anybody have a person like this in their life besides me? you bet. if it is hard for us to give up our possesions, then they have become our god. we must quickly give them back to god for his glory, or they will eventually take over our lives.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

he was motivated by selfishness. it was all me, myself and i, leaving everyone else, especially god, out of the quotation. love is a choice and it is obvious this guy was in it for himself. so we have to be on gaurd against all covetness.whether it be people, places or things." not all treasure is silver and gold, mate."-captian jack sparrow in the curse of the black pearl.

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  • 5 months later...
Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

Jesus condemned him for selfishness and greed. I think the key verse is 21: So is he that lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God. The context is seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness. This relates to the Sermon On The Mount in that we are to give to the poor, an seek God to provide for us.

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Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

Jesus condemned him for storing up large amounts of grain which the rich fool had no intention of sharing . He was storing up treasure on earth so that he could enjoy the easy life. He was not condemned for storing his harvest but for the attitude in which he stored the harvest. The key is verse 15, Watch out! Be on guard for all kinds of greed, a mans life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. We should store up enough food to last to the next harvest, but any excess should be shared with God. Not stored up so we can lead a happy and merry life. Bless are the poor in spirit. We must be humble and share all God has given us with people who have less . God gave to the rich fool all that he had. And the rich fool did not see this, he thought it was all by his own hand that he had so much. God commands us to share with those less fortunate than ourselves, to care for our brothers and sisters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (Luke 12:15-21)

Read the Parable of the Rich Fool.

What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest?

Jesus condemns this man for his greed; his selfishness and his covetousness.

What is the key verse in this passage?

Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." Luke 12:15 (NIV)

What is the context of this parable?

In this parable our Lord Jesus illustrates the fact that possessions are not the principal thing in life. We see this wealthy farmer being faced with what seemed to him a very distressing problem. He had had an exceptionally good crop, and he did not know what to do with all the grain. All his barns were crammed to capacity. He then had a brainwave; he decided to pull down his barns and build bigger ones. He already had much more than he needed; by looking on the needy world about him, he could have saved himself the expense and bother of building new and larger barns. As soon as his new barns were built, he planned to retire. He thought he had it all planned; but God told him that he would die that very night and lose ownership of all his material possessions. Someone has defined a fool as one whose plans end at the grave. This man surely was a fool.

How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus warns us not to store up treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. We should then ask ourselves the question - If Christ should come today, who would own all my possessions?

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  • 5 months later...
Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

Jesus condemns the man because he thought first, foremost, and only of himself. He should have given the first part to God, and also thought of others less fortunate than himself. It is not the storing up, but the thinking only of himself in light of God's great blessings.

The key verse is 12:15:"And He said unto them,'Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he posesseth.'"

Jesus is answering a man who wants his share of what his brother has from their father. He wants Jesus to tell the man that the right thing to do is to give up the inheritance. Jesus' answer was probably not at all what the man expected.

The general theme of the Sermon on the Mount is to live according to the spirit of the Law, rather than the letter of it. This parable relates to loving your neighbor as you love yourself, and not putting so much value on things carnal rather than on things spiritual.

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  • 2 months later...
Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest?

Jesus didn't condemn the rich fool because he stored up for the future, but because he was being greedy

"In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil,

but a foolish man devours all he has." (Proverbs 21:20)

What is the key verse in this passage?

Luke 12:21 'This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God.'"

What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

Jesus tells the Parable of the Rich Fool in response to a question from the crowd that hinted at greed. A young man wanted Jesus to tell his brother to share the inheritance. Jesus both in the parable and in the Sermon of the Mount was concerned with our attitude. It has to do with whom we are serving: God or man.

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  • 2 months later...

Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

Jesus asks complete submission.

This man hangs to much on his possessions.

He prefers his possessions above following Jesus.

That's what Jesus blames him for.

The question is how to get a place in the Kingdom.

This is also what the Sermon on the Mount is about.

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  • 9 months later...

Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

If we are insecure relative to God's kingdom, then in fear we will hoard things, and stockpile money, food, etc. With such fear we can not feel the love of God, we can't receive His grace and mercy. Also, we can't enjoy life if we are living in fear.

We can't feel God's calling us to help others in need. In deed such people are the most needy, but they don't realize it a try to fix the problem by hoarding.

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Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? Not for storing his harvest but for his greed and for his disregard of what mattered the most namely his eternal life.

What is the key verse in this passage? 'This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God.'" (Luke 12:15-21)

What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount? It is in the context of Jesus talking about the danger of focussing on building up possessions here on Earth whilst ignoring the Kingdom of God.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

Jesus condemned him for his greed and not depending upon God for things in his life. This man thought he was self-sufficient. The key verse is: Yes, every man is a fool who gets rich on earth but not in heaven. Luke 12:21 We are to lay up treasures in heaven, not on this earth since we can't take them with us and they can be destroyed or stolen. This relates to the Sermon on the Mount because Jesus addresses the meek and the lowly. He said that the whole earth belongs to them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

He condemned him for not being rich toward God because he was storing for himself, not motivated by prudence, but for "taking it easy". I would say verse 21 is the key verse. The context is what motivates a person to "store" greed or wisdom from God.

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  • 1 year later...

Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

Jesus condemns the rich man for thinking his life depends only on his material (worldly) possessions. His wealth will provide, and protect him. He did not condemn him for storing his harvest, but for thinking that because he had material wealth he did not need God anymore.

Key verse: 21 “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”

The context of the parable is no matter how much wealth one has, God must always come first in his life. Just because one is wealthy he cannot rely on his wealth for provision, God is our only provider.Worldly wealth can easily be taken away. God is our keeper, our King..no matter how much money we have. Don't become spiritually null because you've become worldly rich..

This parable relates to the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus is also telling us that what truly matters in life is our love for God and God's love for us. God looks only at the heart. God does not care how much worldly possessions one has.

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  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Luke 12:15-21)

What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest?

Jesus condemned the Rich foll not for storing his harvest passé, but for thinking that, by having everything on earth is enough and he did not think about God.

What is the key verse in this passage?

The key verse is:

"This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God."

What is the context of this parable?

The context of this parable is we should not forget God who provides for all that we can store.

How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount?

The relation is in that, they both contain the elements of greedy and storing.

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  • 1 month later...

If we understand that all we have is from God, then how do we treat 'our posessions' and 'our surplus'? I recently heard someone say God gives to us for our lives. Then He takes everything away only to give to others. Things and wealth move through God's creation at His will, never to be 'ours' only to be loaned or borrowed.

Maybe the subject of this story was focused on 'his stuff' not 'His stuff'. When we take God out of the picture our plans typically are sinful. The sermon on the mount points to the values God upholds, in contrast to values frequently upheld in our world.

Covetousness, self centeredness, greed etc are all demonstrated here, but the greater failure may be generally dismissing God. The Lord met this man's needs and also gave his abundance. But all was God's.

How many of us today would give away our one and only cloak? Or open our homes to one in need? Share our food? Loan our savings without interest or forgive a non payment?

Why did I just use the word 'our' four times?

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  • 1 year later...

In the Parable of the Rich Fool Jesus condemned him for storing up too much for him to use and storing up nothing for God.  I believe the key verse is "Be on your guard against all kinds of greed."  The Parable is saying preparing for life before death is great and a wise thing to do.  But neglecting to prepare for life after death is a very dangerous.  This relates to the Sermon on the Mount because storing up of one's wealth is not helping others.  Not being humble enough to help the needy, but locking away the wealth that no one will use is a sin.

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