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(Ephesians 1:20-22) The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"? Exposition

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2a.) Paul is teaching the Ephesians, that Christ is enthroned in a place of honor and has authority and power over all things except God. That he has all authority and power that comes with His position which includes the heavenly realm. That any spirit being that their former beliefs worshipped was below Him in power and authority. Christ is supreme.

2b.) All of the spirit beings are under total subjugation.. Christ is ruler of all!


Paul is trying to tell the Gentile Chrisians that with Christ being seated at the right hand of God in the Heavenly realms, He is in complete autority over everything because in this spiritual realm, Christ rules over all. This teaches the Ephesians that Christ has complete rule over any and everything that they were formerly taught.

The other spirit beings are "under" Christ, he rules supremely over all.


Christ has power over all other spiritual beings -- and is equal to God. It is important all other powers are under His power. His power is supreme. This is the power we have as we do God's work and will in the world.


2. The importance of Paul telling them that Christ is seated at God's right hand, is to let them know that Christ is present with our Heavely Father on our behalf, that there is no need to fear spirit beings they feel have power over them,

that Christ is our living Priest having ascended on high, Christ is above them all, is the head over everything. :rolleyes:


When we go back to the book of Job we can see that the Lord has power and authority over all powers of the universe and no one can come out from under that power except to the extent that God allows it.

And Christ has the authority over the church, to many times we as the church try to do things in our own power, if we recognize that Christ has the power and we submit to Him our churches will grow and be full of the Spirit of God.


The sanctification of our hearts and lives is proof to the Christian that God is at work, but the proof that Paul offers to the doubtful Ephesians is the work of God in Jesus' life. Paul is telling us that God can sanctify us (raise us to new life from the death we live in now) because He's already done it in Jesus. Because God has proven that Jesus is best, every other god-like thing must go to the back of the line.


The significance to them is letting them know that the idea of installing a person in a place of honor"Enthroned" "Highest Authority in a room,"At His right hand,and that is where Christ is enthroned!

Spirit being and power are"under His feet".

To me,in Ephesians 1:21-22 explains it all."Far above(Ruler Of All In His authority) Power and Dominion,and He has every title that can be given,in the present and also in the future.

"And God Placed All Things Under His Feet".That means "everything".


The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

Saying that Christ is seated at the right hand of God in the heavenly realms, gives a mental image to the Ephesians of someone with absolute power and authority over all.

They are under His feet, as they are under complete control and authority of Christ.


Greetings All!

What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms?

It is significant because it was customary for the most honored or most prominent individual to be seated at the right hand of 'the host'. This placed Jesus in th most powerful place in the heavenly realms, save the position of the father.

In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

Placing an enemy 'under foot' was, and still is, a sign of absolute authority over the one upon whom the foot rests.

In Christ,



:D 2a) The significance Paul is relating to is the fact that the various spirit beings that the Gentiles believed in were under Christ's feet because of Him being seated at God's right hand.

:) 2b) No spirit or spirits can exceed him.


The significance for the Ephesian Gentile Christians of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms is that they had always believed in a hierarchical order for spirit beings, both good and bad. Paul is saying that Christ is enthroned with God in the most honoured position of all and that all other spirit beings were subject to Christ. He said this to help them understand Christ's supremacy in a way they could relate to.

In what sense are these beings and powers 'under his feet'?

Either the spirit beings recognised for themself the supreme authority of Christ and bowed down and worshipped him, or they were forced to subjugate themselves to Christ as conquered powers. In any case, Christ is so far above them that they are now in a position described as 'under his feet'.


Paul is telling the Ephesians that God has given Jesus the highest honor in the spiritual sphere. He rules at the right hand of his Father. All authority and power has been given to him. Even though the Ephesians Gentile christian believe in various spirit beings that exercised power over them; Paul is saying that Jesus has total and complete power. The power that the Gentile Ephesians believed in are "under His feet." Jesus has authority over them. With this in mind we have confident that Jesus has full authority because he rose with all power.

(Ephesians 1:20-22) The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"? Exposition

What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms?

Christ is the rule over all and he has all the authority..

In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

Because Christ has complete power and authority over the spirit beings and powers..We should have confidence that they are defeated..

God bless,



The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"? ;) "In the beginning was the "Word" (Christ!) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.....He was present with God...All things were made, and came into existence through Him...not one thing was made, without Him...." Paul, in telling the Ephesians that Jesus is seated on the right hand, of the Father, proclaimes His preeminence, His Lordship. ("That at that name..the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess, Jesus is Lord") To be seated at the right hand,of a King, indicates equal power, equal authority. To tell the Ephesians that Jesus is seated "Far above, all powers" and every name that is named, would assure them of His preeminence...His Lordship. In what sense are these spirit's under His feet? All things ever created, were spoke into existense by Him; Does the creation, rule the creator? Jesus stepped down from His throne, to take on the form of man, a sinless man, to become our sacrifice, conquering death, hell and the grave! This authority has been given to us, the Church, because we are seated with Him. :lol:


The Ephesians are familiar with the term "heavenly realms" as that area where spiritual power is in operation. Christ is seated at the Fathers right hand, which is the position of power and authority, which places all other principalities, powers, and authorities under Christ. Not only now in this present age (that is really exciting to think about) and in the age to come. He is our victory, now and in eternity.



By Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand, it lets the reader know that Christ has been put in the place of honor. The spirit beings under his feet, signifies that he has complete power and authority over them.


Christ seated at the right hand of God in heavenly realms is significant because it proves that He had dominion over all powers. Through obedience, He obtained victory over all. The last enemy is death.....His resurection proved victory over all demonic forces. Every force is under his feet. When all things are subject to Him, then God is all in all.


Q2. (Ephesians 1:20-22) The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them.

The Ephesians of the time lived in a culture that was heavily laden in the worship of false gods and goddesses. (Acts 19:23-27) Because of the Roman occupation the people were even influenced to worship the Emperors of Rome. Ephesus, as a major trading port at the time, served as a channel for all kinds of false religions and cults. When Paul eventually left Ephesus he left Timothy behind to continue the ministry and it wasn


Sitting at the right hand of God in the heavenly realm means God has enthroned Him above every other power or authority.

That these spirit beigns are under His feet means that they have been conquered and are now totally subject to Him.

:P God has won the final victory and is in control ov everything. We need not fear any dictator or nation or even death or Satan himself. The contract has been signed andsealed and is just waiting for delivery.

Because the Ephesians had so many gods and goddesses that they worshipped, they understood that these beings operated in the spiritual realm. Paul wanted them to understand that Jesus had authority over everything including these beings.


Since God is the ruler of the heavenly realms, for Christ to sit at His right connotes that Jesus is the "second-in-command." As such, what Paul wants them to see is the fact thst there is no other being greater than Christ except for God Himself. Since this is the case, then it follows that the spirits are inferior to Christ and are, therefore, under His feet.


At Gods Right Hand is a place of authority and power. This world became Gods footstool. God placed these beings there.

Jesus is exalted above all except God The Father. Every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord of all.

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