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The right hand of God is a place of authority and that is where Christ is seated. If thisis a place of authority the Christ has authority. Heavenly realms differ greatly from physcial realm, God , angels demons annd we exist there.

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Q. 2) Paul was speaking the language he knew they would hear and understand. People who are not yet believers or very new believers need things put in terms they will understand. Paul knew they would understand "heavenly relms" because it was a word used in their time by worldly religions. The spirit beings and powers are completely subject to Him. He has authority over them. Being under someone's foot symbolizes power over them.

  • 2 months later...

Paul's saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realm is significant to the gentile Christians for the fact that their lives were influenced by various spirits. He is telling them that Christ is enthroned and he is above all rule, power and dominion including the spirits which used to influence their lives. All the spirits and beings are under His feet, He is the authority above all the powers, the king of kings. We as belivers are also supposed to rule over these spirits through His grace.


Paul's saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realm is significant for the gentile Christians. Their life was highly influenced by spirits and they know that; besides knowing that Christ is enthroned in His fathers right hand and that He is above all authority, power and dominion gives them the confidence to believe in Him and to fight all the evil forces through His grace. Christ's power is immeasurably great as all spirit beings and powers are under His feet and by His grace they are also under the believers feet.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

The church at Ephesus had a lot to deal with. For many years the the people worshipped the goddess of fertility or the moon goddess called Artemis. Paul needed to explain the truth of the matter and that truth is that God is the creater of all, heaven and earth and therefore is the ruler over all things of this world and of things not of this world.

The miracles, which Christ preformed, confirmed that He also was the ruler over the things of this world and the things not of this world. He calmed nature, healed the sick, raised the dead, and also cast out demons. But the miracle of all miracles was the fact that He was also able to forgive sins in order to give people a new life, and that made Him God.

  • 1 month later...


my understanding of Ephesains1:20-22

when Christ was resurrected he was placed in the heavenly realms to have authority, power, and rule and dominion over all. And he is the head of the church and the members, are subject to our Lord and should be miniatures of the Body of Christ

  • 2 months later...
(Ephesians 1:20-22) The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms?

Christ is alive!! He's the Right hand man!! He is supreme, sitting on the throne, and has the power over all other gods and deity's of the day.

In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

Crushing them under His feet. He was victorious, and we can be too, if we rely on his power and not our own.

That's the God I live for. He's my lord! It makes me feel so small, but I know he also loves me and cares about me greatly.

God Bless, Kevin


What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms?

god is above all and above every power. We all (even the gentiles) who are in Christ are seated with Him. Will be with Him when Raised up. Triumphantly the Church will Rise!

In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

There is a spiritual battle going on but we have the power that Christ has because HE has given it to us.

  • 3 weeks later...

What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

Everyone who is in Christ is seated with Him and will be with Him when Raised up.

Christ has defeated all the evil spirits with His resurrection.

  • 4 weeks later...
:D Ephesians (1:20-22) Seated at Gods right hand- The idea is,that great power was displayed by this,and that a similar exhibition is made when man is renewed and exalted to the high honor of being made an heir of GOD.See Matthew 16:19. Praise God, AMEN! Also see ACTS 2:33. :o

1.) Paul is letting the Gentiles know, by using the term "heavenly realms",

that God dwells and rules supremely in spiritual places or the spirit realm.

2.) The phrase "under His feet" is to show complete submission. Paul is letting the church know that God is in complete control and is supreme ruler.

He is letting them know that through the death and ressurrection of Christ,

that all other powers and evil spirits will have to bown down and worship at Jesus' feet. It summarizes that God is the greater power and all others are lesser and subject to Him.

  • 3 months later...

They believed in spiritual realms - where God ,angels ,demons - and human beings exist and we are strongly influenced by the spiritual realm wether we know or not .

Christ is at aplace of full authority and power over every other spiritual being in the universe.

Under His feet gives Him full authority.

  • 5 months later...
The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

By Jesus being seated at God's right hand, He is over everything else in the creation, including any spirit beings. In fact these spirit beings are entirely subservient to Him and this is shown by their being under His feet, like a defeated enemy. They are below us too and we have power over them as we, being children of God, are with Jesus. We have mastery over them so they cannot control any aspect of our lives unless we permit it.


Jesus's resurrection revealed God's unsurpassable power. By placing Jesus at His right hand, the seat of highest honor, God established Jesus as supreme ruler over all Heavenly and earthly powers forever. This gives Jesus absolute authority over any spiritual being or earthly being. He " tramples " on anything not of Him or His Kingdom. Any other form of power is under His feet.

There is no power except that which is given by God through Christ. This includes both in this present age and in the age to come. Christ has exhalted authority in both. We as believers, participate in both ages. Christ is already seated in authority, so the power He has in the age to come is also in this present age we live in.

The Ephesians did not need to fear any imagined "power" over them by human or spiritual beings not of God. Neither should we. Whom shall we fear?

They have no power except what is given them. All believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit and the power of Christ is in us. There is no other power that passes His power....everything is in submission to Christ and His will for His Kingdom!

Praise be to His Holy name!

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (Ephesians 1:20-22) The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

The apostle Paul was communicating to them, using spiritual ideas they were very familier with from their pagan past, in a way they could readily grasp his message and come to the understanding that Christ also inhabits and operates in the spiritual realm but a much greater and higher authority and power than the spirits of darkness they had been accustomed to and associated with in their past before they came to Christ.

The spirit beings and powers are "under his feet" in the sense that they (i.e. the spirits) are only allowed to occupy and operate in a spiritual dimension permitted them by God, at whose right-hand Christ is seated. Their powers are circumscribed and trumped by the omnipotence and omnipresence of the Most High God and Christ in ALL dimensions, spiritual or physical!!!!!!! Halleluyah.

  • 4 weeks later...

answers to question #2 a.) Paul was trying to show that Christ now has the same power and authrity that God does- he is held in a place of honor. b.) Christ is in the highest heavenly realm, higher then all spritual beingd, they will never have the power that Christ has.

  • 2 months later...
(Ephesians 1:20-22) The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"? Exposition

Christ being seated at the right hand of God signifies his power and position in the spiritual world. It is a place of honor. He is Lord and Ruler of ALL. Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess. These spiritual beings are under His feet because He has power over them. Even they shall bow. Demons and such have no power over Him, but He has all power over them.

  • 1 month later...

First the spirit powers over them, are still over us today... That said, to say that Christ is seated at the right hand, is to say that I am seated at the right hand. And if the spirit powers are under Christ feet, they are under my feet, I say this because I and Christ are one. peace and love to you all coreylee.....

  • 1 month later...

The Key to understanding Paul's statement rests on these words "RIGHT HAND" & HEAVENLY REALMS". The message is this; that God raised Jesus from the dead and enthroned Him at His right hand - a position of highest power & authority in the heavenly realms- the spiritual sphere & dimension in which God, Christ, the Powers of darkness and believers exist together.

The exaltation of Christ, by God was without boundaries or limits. In every sense, physically & spiritually - in this age and in the age to come power, dominon & autority has being given to Christ Jesus which is far above any other rule, authority or power. And by this action God put everything under His feet, impling that Christ has complete power, dominion & authority over all other spirits/human known & unknown to the Ephesians.

The importance of this message to the Ephesians and to us today can not be over emphasised. To fully appreciate who i/we are in Christ we must see the position from where we operate or from where we have be enthroned to operate from.

  • 2 months later...

(Ephesians 1:20-22) The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms?

When Paul stated that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms, he is pointing to the authority and power that Christ has in the present day realm and in the heavenly realms.

In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

These spirit beings and powers are "under his feet" as He has been given all power and authority, in this world, in the heavenly realms and in hell.

  • 2 months later...

What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms?

the significance of christ sitting at the right hand of God to the Ephesians is that they may know the superiority of Christ over all other gods, in that Christ is enthrone with power over all rulers, authority and powers

In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

to be under someone's feet is to be below them. Its a figure of speech whereby a conqueror put his feet over the neck of his defeated enemy.

  • 1 month later...

(Ephesians 1:20-22) The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

God Almighty has placed Jesus Christ above physical and spiritual entities at every level, of every kind and title throughout the universe.

They are "under his feet" because Jesus has complete power over them.

  • 5 months later...

The right hand of God means power and superiority. Being in heaven indicates that Jesus is above all other powers and seated with the Father has all dominion. By this He is greater than all others

gods, spiritual or otherwise, and as conqueror, He has put them under His feet.

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