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(Ephesians 1:20-22) The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"? Exposition

The significance is that Christ is seated in the place of honor and of power. He was placed there by God the Father. He is above all else and everything is under His feet. Every spirit being and power is under His feet because they are all false gods whose origins were started through demons and because Jesus conquered them through His death on the cross and His resurrection.

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Christ is seated at the right hand of God: every being, every creature, every spirit is beneath Him, beneath His feet! There is no title that is over Him! He rules the whole world, the whole universe - all that is in creation here and beyond! The church is His body, broken for us that we, too, would have life and power to do His will. We have the fullness of life in every way! This is the truth. We have only to believe! Praise Him froj whom all blessings flow!


To be seated at someone's right hand is to be seated in a place of honor.

This is a position of power and authority. In relation to the person with the highest authority, the place of honor would be at his right hand. That is where Christ is enthroned, at the right hand of God.

Jesus now has full authority and power over every other spiritual being with the exception of God. To have these other spirit beings 'under His feet' gives Christ total authority over them.

In ancient times, a conquering king would make the vanquished king kneel on the ground while he placed his foot on the defeated king's neck.

We recently saw evidence of this in modern times. During the fall of Bagdad statues of Saddam Hussein were toppled down. Many Iraqis placed their feet on the head of the statue(s) as a sign of contempt.


By stating that the Lord Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, the apostle Paul was bringing to attention of the Ephesians the position of authority the Lord Jesus Christ had attained in the heavenly realm. Seating at the strong arm of God the Father signifies that the Lord Jesus Christ was crowned with all power, all honour, all glory and all authority. Thus His foes have been subjugated and disarmed and thus they can


Paul was trying to tell the Ephesians that Jesus had absolute power and authority over everything in all realms of the universe. He was trying to point out the vastness of His power and authority. In effect, what he was saying was "Why rely on all these miniscule beings when you have access to the greatest power ever known.?"



Q2. Paul's saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms provides several points.

a. He explains where Christ is

b. Christ's place is one of honor and dignity

c. Paul tells what Christ is doing now and what he will be doing

d. Paul makes info. relative due the their belief in spiritual beings

e. Paul gives truth and sound doctrine

f. The verse provides a genuine sense of comfort/security

Next, the spirit beings and powers are under His feet because Christ is the "appointed one" and is now "far above all rule and authority, power and dominion and every title given....." lmc


Paul was teacing the people that regardless of the spirit beings that encamped themselves in the invisible realm, that the power of God was much greater, because God had raised Jesus, His Son from the dead with awesome power and seated him at the right hand of God in the heavenly places far above principalities and power and if these people believed in God, they had nothing to worry about because all things were under His feet meaning that Jesus had all powers in His hands and we as Christians should possess the same power and authority to put Satan and his imps under our feet because we are now fighting spiritual warfare.

We have to remember in the 28th chapter of St. Matthew when the two Mary's went to the grave to see their Lord and Savior, an angel met them with the message that "He is not here; for he is risen." When the disciples went up into the mountain as instructed, Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, :

"All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth".

Who would not serve a God like this? That is why we have to put on the whole armor of Jesus Christ so we can fight the devil with faith believing that God is our refuge and in Him there is no fear


God is above all. Jesus has been seated at the position of authority and victory at the right hand side of the Father, and this victorious Christ has all things underneath His feet. For those who came from a pagan society, who served their gods out of fear rather than love or trust, this would have been a revelation.

God who loved them enough to send His son to die for them, had given Jesus power over all things


Hi everyone,

I hope it is not too late.

What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms?

It is significant for the Ephesians, for they could serve God and not be exposed to fear the power of the gods they were believing in.

In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

These spirits beings are under Crhist power in all senses. they are nutralized, they no longer could post a danger to God's people. they can not harm us any longer and even if they come to us to harm us, it has to go through God's trone. Job 1: 6-12


In verse 19 Paul plies term upon term to emphazie that the extraordinary divine force by which Jesus Christ was raised in verse 20 is the same power at work in and throught believers. The right hand is the symbolic place of highest honor and authority. IN his day many people believed not only in the existence of angels and demons, but also in that of other beings. Under his feet- Psalms 8:5-6 emphasizes the destiny of man, and Hebrew 2:6-9 shows that ultimately it is the Son of Man who rules over everything.


Freedom. That is what comes to mind. The Gentile Christians were now able to see that the spirit beings could not exercise power over them because we are walk along side Jesus Christ. The power that God has given Christ, His Son, is the same for us. Being under our feet means that we can trample all over them, crushing them into the ground. Defeating our enemy!


The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms?

It was like telling them that Christ was above all other spirit beings and equal with God.

In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

Thier power is not as great as the power God gave to His Son Jesus Christ. Therefore they are subject to His power. He can set them up or put them down as He sees fit. He has full authority over them.

  • 1 month later...

2A) Paul was telling them that Christ was raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of God. Therefore has the authority and power of all things that was given by God including the Heavenly Realms.

2B) That Christ is the ruler of all. That all spirit beings are beneath him.

  • 3 weeks later...

Christ seated at God's right hand is in the place of highest honour and is a place of authority in the spiritual realms - i.e. not a physical place as we understand it but a spiritual realm. The conquerors in Rome would place their feet on the necks of the conquered rulers as a symbol of their conquest. Christ has won the battle and is the Conqueror. We are in the place of conquerors with Him.,


The idea that Christ has been placed above all of these other spirits is still an intellectual one for me. I appreciate Paul praying that God give us the Spirit of revelation and wisdom, and an enlightened heart because apart from revelation from God, I cannot imagine myself living in such confidence and reality of God's incomparable power and might.


Paul is recognising heavenly realms as the spiritual realm in which powers and principalities, demons and human beings and Christ Himself as well as God exist, quite separate from the material world which includes outer space! The religions of Paul' day and of ours believe in such realms and picture them as places of conflict. Paul is pointing out that Christ is victor in this realm, having conquered, and as a symbol of that conquest, have placed his foot upon the neck of the conquered foes. He is at God's right hand, the place of privilege and having direct access to His Heavenly Father on our behalf.

  • 4 weeks later...

In the years of kings and rulers, The one in power set on a throne and put his feet on a footstool. The footstool often took on the nature of asserting dominance. The enemy is seen so in Ps. 110:1, Matt. 22:44, or in James 2:3 as a sign of superiority. The earth is even indicated to be God's footstool Matt. 5:35.


2a) The heavenly realms were not so much a physical, far-off place, but a spiritual place in which they all dwelled. This shpere included angels, God the Father, demons, and men. Christ was seated there at the right hand of God, meaning that He held (and still holds) a position of honor, authority, and power.

2b) Under His Feet--Jesus Christ has all power, authority, strength, and might over all! This phrase places the conquerer as the one victorious over His enemies. :)

  • 2 months later...
(Ephesians 1:20-22) The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"? Exposition

What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms? Paul wanted to show them that Christ was seated in a place of honor at God


The significance of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms is that Christ has jurisdiction over everything. He controls them for the glory of God. These spirit beings and powers are "under his feet" in that Christ has dominion over them and is the most high of all ages.

  • 1 month later...


The Ephesian Gentile Christains believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God `s right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings And powers under his feet?


Paulhad been teaching the Ephesian Gentile Christains at that time as well as to us today that Christ has the absolute authority and is enthroned with all power and honor that goes with the position of the heavenly realm of sitting on the father`s right hand.


A good example(todays example)of this Pastor Ralph is the one used by you. At the fall of baghdad in the second Gulf War where Iraqis pulled down the statue of Sadaam Hussein and then climbed on top of it etc. So when we read the phrase in scripture, it has an important significance. To be under ones feet means yo have complete power over one who has lesser power....." OMNIPOTENT"

  • 4 weeks later...

He demonstrates clearly that God & Jesus realm is way superior to the realm of spirits - far above them. He is likening the Greek spirits in a way to satan's evil angels and declaring the huge degree of God's superiority to any spirit. Jesus is at the level of God, way above these so called heavenly beings, at the right hand of God (place of earned honour, I think). The power of Greek gods, demons etc is insignificant compared to the creating power of God to whom they are all subject.

These beings occupy a much lower realm than that of God and Jesus. Not only that but God specifically put all things in subjection to Jesus. Their opposition to Him simply means that Jesus controls them with only His feet, (as David subjugated Goliath under his feet before removing his head!) signifying His utter disdain for them. "Under His feet" = "LOSER"

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (Ephesians 1:20-22) The Ephesian Gentile Christians believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms?

To let them know that Christ sits at the right hand of God and has supreme power. There are no other gods over Him.

In what sense are these spirit beings and powers "under his feet"?

God exalted Jesus to the highest place, and placed all things under His feet. This means that no one is over Him, He is supreme. :rolleyes:


When Paul told the Ephesian Gentile Christians that Christ is seated at GOD's right hand in the heavenly realms he was telling them that Christ is over all spirit beings that had exercised power over them.

Jesus Christ is now in a place of full authority and power over every other spiritual being in the universe, He has total authority. Therefore these spirit beings and powers are under His feet.


Hi, I believe that the significance of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms is to show that He is seated in His 'rightful' place as the Son of God who . . ."hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: . . ." Ph. 2:9-11. Therefore, He is the head over all things to the church and all things are under His feet!

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