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Q3. Rewards in Heaven

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

" How do we lay up treasures in heaven?" The answer is by living the way God has asked us to live and following after Him in all that we do. There are so many things which all narrow down to loving God with all your heart,soul, mind, and strength, loving your neighbor as your self.

Storing up treaures in heaven is not limited to tithing but is accomplished by all acts of obedience to God. There is a sense in which giving our money to God's work is like investing in heaven. But our intention should be to seek the fulfilment of God's purpose in all we do, not merely what we do with our money.

In contrast, Jesus says in ( Matthew 6:20 ), " But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal." here Jesus is talking about laying up eternal treasures that do not fade away. What are these treasures Jesus is talking about? (1st. Peter 1: 3-6 ).

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God though now for a little while,if need be, you have ben grieved by various trials.

What an awesome thing to know that as believers our inheritance is waiting for us, that as children of God, we will inherit eternity! Being with Christ, that is our reward! Those who strive to store up treasures here on earth will be disappointed because those treasures will only pass away.

" The scripture teaches that the heart is the control center for life. A persons life is a reflection of his heart. ( Proverbs 4:23 ) states it like this: " Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life.' The word picture here is graphic. The heart is a well from which all issues of life gush forth.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

One "stores up treasures in heaven" in a way that do acts of love toward God, do good works with pure heart for God alone.

Over accumulating earthly possessions, this has advantage of producing eternal things, as stated in verses that the treasures in heaven cannot be destroyed by moth and rust, and cannot be broke in and stolen by thieves

We are uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven because we feel it does not conform to a

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Obedience, love, prayer, fasting and living a life for the Lord come to mind when I think of laying up my treasures in Heaven. This is true wealth that will be waiting for me after this life. Whatever I accumulate materially here on earth will remain here as I came in naked and I'll go out the same way.

Speaking for myself I'm not at all uncomfortable with this thought though I do at times feel I could do more to increase my heavenly riches. I guess a lack of faith would lead one to not believe this.

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"?

Anything we do to please, to worship God, is a treasure being stored up in heaven. The scriptures are full of wisdom and knowledge on how to love God. As we desire the things of God, our hearts will be growing in the desire not only to please Him, but to please others.

What is the condition of our hearts? It is with our hearts we are to believe in Christ, it is with our hearts we are to love God. Let the treasures we hold dear in our hearts, be founded on the Lord, for it is by our hearts decisions are made, and our character is seen.

What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

The advantage is, joy unspeakable and full of glory, peace that the things of this world cannot give!

I am not uncomfortable with the concept of being rewarded by God in heaven. I am looking forward to that day. Any reward I receive is only because of His love, His mercy, His grace over me. He loves blessing us and it will be a great day for Him, the day He can give to us our reward, and what for? For loving Him so. What a day that will be! :rolleyes:

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? We place our heart on heavenly things, because that is where our heart is, that is where our treasure is. This is where Jesus is, whom has gone on before us, to prepare for our arrival.

What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? No one can steal our possession, or eat away at it. We can all know the difference now when folks say,

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

We store up treasures in heaven when we follow Jesus and His instructions of helping the less forunate than we are. He said 35For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. when you do it unto the least of these you have done it to me. When we do good for those around us and are not greedy toward God we are storing up treasures in heaven. The advantage of this according to scripture is that we can never lose the treasures in heave no thief can rob us or rust destroy them as they can here on earth. We are uncomfortable because we think that by saving up treasures in heaven we are some way earning our salvation instead of it being a free gift of God, but it is only through Grace that we are saved. These rewards are the blessing that we recieve for the good work that God prepared in advance for us to do.

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One stores up treasures in heaven by doing God's work; being used as an instrument in the redeemers hand. Heaven is our eternal home. Nothing we have on earth will last. We are uncomfortable with this concept because it feels like "works" instead of grace. We can see earthly treasures and we cannot see heavenly treasures

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

According to v 20, we are to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, where thives do not break in and steal. in other words doing the will of God here on earth.

The is no garuantee on what earthly possessins we have here on earth.

I don't know why some people are uncomfortable with the concepts of rewards in heaven. I am very comfortable wityh the reewards that Jesus has promised for me in heaven.

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We store up treasures in heaven by what the lesson calls, "acts of love towards God". What a wonderful way of thinking about it. All we're really doing is what the bible has taught us to do, obeying. This is better than the treasures we have on earth because they can not be taken from us. Sometimes we want our reward now instead of waiting till we get to heaven for it.

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

1) Treasures in Heaven are the result of those things which are done out of our love and devotion to Christ....He mentions something as small as giving a cup of cold water in His name.(Mt. 10:42) I think of prayer, praise, and worship as well, because they are done unto Him, and sometimes are an extravagant sacrifice when our hearts are grieving, heavy or confused. I was thrilled to learn in Heb. 2:12 that Jesus sings hymns of praise to His Father, through my worship as I yield my voice to Him in the midst of the congregation. Each of those require obedience...or yielding my will to His. Isaiah 33:6 says.....the reverent fear and worship of the Lord is your treasure and His... I think I'm trying to say, that when I allow His Holy Spirit to motivate and flow through me according to His good pleasure, He lays up treasure for me in Heaven.

2)His treasure is eternal, whereas "stuff" I accumulate here decays, rusts, fades, can be stolen or lost....won't last, or is left behind for someone else to take care of or worry about.

3) This notion for some may spring from Jesus' teaching that what we do should be done in secret...not to be seen by "men" for reward. For some, the applause or praise IS the only reward there will be. I don't serve in order to earn a reward, but I love that He values and honors my service, and is "investing" in my future in Heaven, and that whatever the treasure is, it will last.

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

One stores up treasures in heaven by allowing everything we do to be motivated from a heart's desire to please God. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we move and have our very being in service to Him to bring glory to the Father. These are the treasures that are eternal and will not fade or burn. Accumulation of earthy treasures is simply a temporary "fix" and will not bring eternal glory to the Father. Yes, I believe God does bless us with material possessions, but we are not to turn them into idols before our relationship with Him. He is the Giver of all things...what we do with His gifts determines whether they are of an eternal nature or temporal.

I am not uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven. I am not looking for rewards, but if it is my Heavenly Father's desire to give me rewards, then let His will be done. He's God and I am not.

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

Storing treasures in heaven means using the examples of Christ and living a Christ-like life. The advantage this has over earthly possessions are that we store our treasures up in heaven where they are eternal. Many find this uncomfortable because by storing treasures in heaven you can't show your material possessions here on this earth, one can not live to impress "The Jones" because we don't live according to the standards of man's earth but we live to do Our Father's Will and store our treasures in heaven. Rending us void from earthly standards and conditions because we aren't storing up earthly treasures that prove our worthiness before man.

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I am going back to an Audience of One.....the treasures that we store I believe are kindness, thoughtfulness, grace and uncondtional love. Each day we are given the opportunity to make hundreds of choices, the easy, feel good choices are often rewarded in the earthly realm, the harder intentional choices are invested in the heavenly realm. The truth of the heart motive does need to be investigated and often God directs us in how to handle the situation.

The advantage of this is that the 'interest' pays off in the earthly realm in being closer to God and being blessed. Seeds planted bring harvests.

I think we are uncomfortable with the concepts of rewards in heaven because it is like the parable of the rich fool we would like to just eat , drink and make merry and coast and think that as long as we say Jesus is Lord we will have everything. Their is a judgement.

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

To store up treasures in heaven is to do God's will.The advantage is:when we are doing God's will,He gives us the desires of our hearts and He promised to give us the possessions of those who hate Him.Not uncomfortable.I am looking forward to it.Thank you

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By giving of oneself to spread God's Word. By following Christ's teachings and having a heart that is right with God. People with earthly riches often times think they are better than others and snub those that have less.

Guilt of not doing what God has commanded will make one uncomfortable. Freedom from the things of this world and knowing that God will not forsake us should give confidence to do the work we are to do while waiting for Christ's return.

We know we are not worthy of the Great Rewards that await us.

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?



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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"?

We live according to God's Word and we do good works to glorify God. Good works do not save us but are a result of our relationship with God.

What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions?

Earthly possessions do not last beyond our life on this earth but treasures stored in heaven will be our forever.

Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

I think it important to understand that we are unable to comprehend heaven in our finite minds. Just being in the presence of the Lamb that was slain should be our desire and is reward enough. Suffice it to say if any one of us could have a glimpe of what God has in store regardless of what we have accomplished, we would not be concerned about rewards.

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Storing up treasures in heaven is to use our resources to bring others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, giving & praying.

By doing this, we are primarily thinking about God & our heavenly "home." It makes us single-minded.

Rewards in heaven--I cannot imagine what this would be. However, seeing those we have brought into the kingdom or whom we gave to to bring them in, would certainly be a reward. I want to be a faithful servant--using what He gave me to serve Him.

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

I am not. Matter of fact I am looking forward to that day!!!!

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According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"?

By keeping the faith-> being obedient to our Lord and Saviour

What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions?

It is eternal and is about a relationship with our Lord

Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

It isn't tangible. We like to see our rewards etc. and we can't see it, we just have to believe -> just like our faith

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Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven?

According to the Bible one store up treasures in heaven, in that; if you have been blessed with wealth, then thank the Lord. Don

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According to the Bible, one "stores up treasures in heaven" by giving to the needy, praying in private, and fasting. These acts of love toward God are ways of storing up treasure in heaven. Also we store up treasures in heaven by doing good works with a pure heart for God alone and not out of selfish motives.

The advantage this has over storing up earthly possessions is that heavenly treasures do not rust or decay like earthly ones.

Also we need not fear some thief breaking into heaven to steal our treasures there.

We are uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven because most believers feel they are undeserved. There are those who teach that Jesus' sacriface on the cross to redeem us from sin is reward enough and we shouldn't expect anything else.

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