Pastor Ralph Posted December 20, 2007 Report Posted December 20, 2007 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? Quote
Tabatha Posted February 28, 2008 Report Posted February 28, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? Where is your treasure? So many things come to mind when I think of what Jesus is saying in these three verses that begin our passage. Are you earthly minded or heavenly minded? Are you investing in the future eternity to come, or are you investing in the here and now? Are you enthralled with the temporary versus the permanent? Now obviously all of these are asking the same thing, but it is very important that we fully grasp this thought. Jesus uses the three examples below to show how the things we deem most important are only temporary. He uses the moth, rust, and the theif. We can all think of example of these things in our lives. I had bought a new car that I badly wanted, It cut my finances short, the first thing that stopped was my tithing, the next thing that happened the car kept having trouble to the tune of $3,500.00. You can guess how fast I got rid of that car for a cheaper and older one. God does have His way. I am back on track. Praise God. A little humility comes with that. " Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves breal in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" ( Matthew 6:19-21 ) "tHE LAMP of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, Your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness". ( Matthew 6: 22- 23 ) Gathering up riches here on earth blurs our vision. It causes us not to se the truth, the will of God, correctly. It distorts our vision, causing us to not see God as clearly as maybe we once did. The eye that is full of light is a life lived by faith in the eternal promises of God. We may not be able to see the physical manifestation of those things, but we believe by faith in the truth that one day we will be with Christ-the end of our faith, the salvation of our souls. When our focus is on earthly, temporal things, our sight is all blurred and messed up. When our treasure is on earth; it is a distraction from what is really going on. We cannot see straight. Look at two examples in ( Hebrews 11). Quote
JustJeff Posted March 19, 2008 Report Posted March 19, 2008 As a young person money always burned a hole in my pocket and, coming from a poor family, I always wanted to have more because of my lusts. Since I wasn't earning enough to satisfy my desires I charged and charged some more which eventually lead to more debt than I could pay. The end was a disaster which caused my family great hurt. So, while I thought I was doing good (light) I was actually in (sin) because of debt and my lusts (darkness). Had I continued along this wide road I surely would have ended up in hell and the Lord is quite clear on this. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted March 20, 2008 Report Posted March 20, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? I am not poor but not rich enough according to the living standard in my country. I have a wife and a son. I and my wife work. Yet, I often felt I was not content with it, I wanted to be richer, I wanted to get more money. But every time I tried to take steps to get it, the saying Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted March 22, 2008 Report Posted March 22, 2008 I honestly believe that unless a person really settles who is the Master of their life, the Quote
Eudora Posted March 23, 2008 Report Posted March 23, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.' God only needs the sinner to open up just a crack for Him and God will come pouring in, by the power of His spirit. The same will happen if we open up ourselves to a lie. Darkness will sneak right in that crack. We were only 30,00 in debt which really isn't much , compared to others I have talked to. My husband wanted to consolidate our bills so that we would only have one payment. We got a 30,000 loan at 11 1/2 percent, which added on 11,00 dollars. Then he felt so freed that we bought a new car with a cost of 21,000. The interest added on at 6 1/2 percent ended up taking us now into 72,000 in debt. We would have been better off to ride out the storm. I do not work so I have no way to pay this huge bill. Five years from now, I will get back to you and let you know of my husband has learned now that he is a slave to Chase Manhatten Bank. All this time he has hated his job, I wonder if he will ever come to hate Chase Manhaten Bank more. Quote
love.serve.know Posted March 24, 2008 Report Posted March 24, 2008 If a person risks relationship and a close walk with God to have material possessions he/she will be disappointed and unhappy with the result of these choices. Rejecting Christ's free gift of salvation (for any reason) will **** a person. When the rich young ruler walked away from Jesus because he delighted more in his riches than in following Christ, Jesus said, "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God". (He also said "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible). Quote
emmaus Posted March 25, 2008 Report Posted March 25, 2008 I can honesty say that I don't think that I have sinned from the love of money. I never liked to be in debt, never liked to shop alot or go on fancy vacations. There was a time when I worried about money more than I should have. Now I realize that once I have done what I can the rest is in God's hands. Quote
Stan Posted March 25, 2008 Report Posted March 25, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? I was raise up very poor on a farm in southern Tennessee so having money took an early priorty with me. As I became an adult I became even worse giving up church to work two jobs and weekends when I could. I have only reciently descided to give it all up I now work one job tithe my pay and struggle to be a christian in all respects. Money can lead a person to believe only in himself so in that way it could **** a person but they would have to want it to. Quote
Roxanne Posted March 26, 2008 Report Posted March 26, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? YOU ONLY WORSHIP ONE GOD AND THAT IS THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!! I HAVE OUTSTANDING STIUDENT LOANS ..CAUSE RIGHT NOW IAM IN DIRE STRAITS ..MY LOANS ARE OK.. I have a forebance!! Quote
charisbarak Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 We have never really had much money growing up, and then as a single mother of 4 we were always struggling to make ends meet. Our church gave us encouragement monetarily, gifting us with $'s & once, a car with insurance. I was so thankful. I finally got a good job--although not a high-paying one--and God has taken care of us the whole time. I am thankful I am able to help others now--letting God's love show through the use of His resources!! Perhaps God kept me from being really rich--He probably knew I wouldn't be able to handle it well!! I praise Him!!! If the desire for money took over a person--he would be the slave of that master. :-( Quote
s8nfighter Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? In the seventies, long before I came to Christ, I felt secure as long as I had a quarter in my pocket for a cup of coffee. Coffee back then cost a dime and refills were free. So with a quarter you could invite a friend for coffee, chat for an hour, and leave a nickle tip. I don't know why a quarter in my pocket made me feel secure and comfortable but it did. Maybe it was because as a youth I was never invited to get a soda and go shoot hoops with the other kids because I didn't have a nickle in my pocket. I do know that because of the closeness of my family (even in poverty) relationships have always been more important than things to me. And I cannot, still to this day, understand how people can determine friendship by what they have, or determine how blessed they are by what possesions they have accumulated. Maybe I should give them one of my special quarters. But honestly I do pray that all come to know the comfort and security we have in our LORD and savior, Jesus Christ. Since I came to know him I don't need the two bit peices any more. Darrell Quote
June Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 When we are not satisfied with what we have and neglect God with a desire for more all the time will **** a person. The reason being , he will always be thinking of ways, schemes, to get more and less time on how God will provide what he needs. A camel could go through the eye of a needle easier than a rich person can enter the gates of heaven. You can't take anything with you.... Quote
Dar Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? I have never had the excessive desire for wealth, but, in this day we live in, it takes two to make a living, to put a roof over our heads, to send the children to college, etc; and this in itself could take us away from putting God first in our life! God is warning us, it is most important we find time to be in the word, to be in prayer daily, so we not let the things of this world slip in unnoticed. Take heed, do not let the wealth of this world take first part in our hearts, it is pretty subtle. According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)?And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. Covetousness means, vararice, excessive desire for wealth, exceeding what is normal or sufficient, overindulgence = GREED. What are we to take heed of, discern clearly? That our chief goal in life is not to acquire the wealth of this world, it will lead us away from God, it, greed, WILL ruler over our hearts; So, if we discern this warning, we will not have the excessive desire for wealth rule our hearts, we will have an excessive desire for God to rule in our hearts. Quote
swordwoman Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? I look at money as a tool. Like any tool, one needs to learn how to use it properly to build. God has given us $$ to further His Kingdom on the earth. Have I ever used $$ unwisely? Probably...but as a general rule, I operate with the revelatory understanding that all the money I have is given to me from God. He has blessed me a job, and as a result of me working that job, I am given an income. The earth is the Lord's and everything in it...and that includes money. Quote
JanMary Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? Growing up in a large, poor family surrounded by wealthy people at church and in school, I fell in love with the idea of having lots of money...observing the wealthy, I believed they were happier, more secure, and had more freedom than we did. Our town was set up in strict segments according to wealth...the poorer lived down low, middle class lived on the gradual sloping terrain toward the mountains and the wealthy lived at the base of the mountains, looking down upon the town. For years, I lusted after money, to be like "them", as I looked up at their beautiful homes. Moved to Calif. and finally had plenty.Then I became a new Christian, but stingy. DARKNESS/SIN. Eventually, we were stripped of business, home, car, status, reputation/standing in the community, "friends", becoming totally dependent upon God for EVERYTHING...LIGHT FLOODED IN and with it, TRUE FREEDOM... it's ALL His...We're stewards....It's His, to care for our needs, and to distribute through our hands to bless others...years later I recognized that many of the wealthy folks I'd envied, were bound, miserable and in poverty spiritually, and some appear to have missed Heaven because they relied on their wealth to sustain them denying their need of a Savior...and the wealth which ensnared them was left behind on earth, which in several cases that I know of, ensnared their children as well. A recent poll shows that people who give generously are happier.....which indicates to me that God is in control in those lives, rather than thier money. It's certainly true of me, since being set free from the love of money. Quote
Patricia A Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? Jesus knows that if a person is that caught up in his own wealth, he can't be a disciple. He can't serve both God and Money. There have been many times in my life when I have been deceived about the love of money and it takes constant prayer and staying close to the Lord to keep priorities in order. God comes first and money is used wisely to serve the Lord. Quote
jjjj Posted March 29, 2008 Report Posted March 29, 2008 For somany years I lived in the dark and lived in the Fear of want. When God showed me what he wanted me to do and provided all that I needed I knew that it is about Him and not me. Sure occasionally if feel the gap between needs and greeds , the fear of growing old and being really in a bad place but he is my Provider and I shall not want. Quote
Lunga Posted April 1, 2008 Report Posted April 1, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? When i was in the dark i used to be jelouse when somebody lives a better life.i used to say when you have money you have everything ,not knowing that ,even if you can be rich you wont have peace until you receive Jesus as your saviour.Now i know that you need Jesus more than money. Quote
mags Posted April 2, 2008 Report Posted April 2, 2008 I can think of many times that God has shown me this. Last year we looked at finances and cried out to God and asked for His help and guidance. He was specific in what He wanted us to do and in a few short months we will be debt free - Praise God!!! We were forcused on making the house better but in the meantime worrying about money. Now our focus is on God and other things are coming - the house but better than that is a deeper, close relationship with our Lord and King! If a person puts money before Christ then yes money can **** a person! HEART ATTITUDE! Quote
AngelOnLine Posted April 4, 2008 Report Posted April 4, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? In the past, I have spent beyond my means and got into financial difficulty. I got out of that bind and have been very careful since then and no longer use credit cards. If I don Quote
masika Posted April 12, 2008 Report Posted April 12, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? We all need money for our daily living. Jesus was not saying that money is bad, is only when you love money more than God. Money can easily take God Quote
Craig Posted May 10, 2008 Report Posted May 10, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? For much of my younger years, I'm 53 now, I placed personal economic soundness above all else. Then one day God caused my house of cards to fall due to some bad tax advise given my CPA. God forced me to realize that truly there is way more to life than material possessions and life. There is Him, love, people, service, joy, freedom, and more. Ultimate value has nothing to do with wealth. Additionally, I was very judgmental regarding people who had financial problems. God opened my eyes to see that sometimes it is not your fault when crisesof any kind appear in your life. My and wife and I's financial crisis was not of our own making, it came about due to the advise of a trusted CPA. I became a more compassionate Christian human being. Quote
Mephibesheth Posted May 10, 2008 Report Posted May 10, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? For much of my younger years, I'm 53 now, I placed personal economic soundness above all else. Then one day God caused my house of cards to fall due to some bad tax advise given my CPA. God forced me to realize that truly there is way more to life than material possessions and life. There is Him, love, people, service, joy, freedom, and more. Ultimate value has nothing to do with wealth. Additionally, I was very judgmental regarding people who had financial problems. God opened my eyes to see that sometimes it is not your fault when crisesof any kind appear in your life. My and wife and I's financial crisis was not of our own making, it came about due to the advise of a trusted CPA. I became a more compassionate Christian human being. I agree. I too was once rich and then was poor. My poverty, however, could be traced to my sinful life. I was saved in that poverty and discovered my first friends and real relationships among the impoverished - and I will never trade my brothers and sisters in Christ for wealth. Part of my salvation has included the ability to be productive again; however, I do not accumulate things as I once did but instead use my money to bless my friends in Christ and try to gain to new friends for the kingdom. I don't say this to boast about myself - I havn't forgotten the sins I commited that God forgave. I just know from experience that riches didn't make me happy, but Christ and His family does. So, I put my treasure where my heart is and feel that I get far more value for my money than I ever did before. Quote
Commissioned Posted May 12, 2008 Report Posted May 12, 2008 Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? I worked in a secular job for twenty plus years. During this time I spent many nights and weekends working. Time spent there was not time spent doing what God had called me to do. I agree that there were times of personal witnessing but it robbed me of the time that I should have spent in doing that which God as called me to do. I knew that I need to quit the job but continued because there were projects I wanted to complete, which called for money. The day came when the light of His love over flooded my heart and I walked away from it all to pursue my calling. Today I am fulfilled, in doing the work of my Lord. Those who refuse to heed the tender call of the Holy Spirit of God and pursue wealth could find themselves ****, condemned for all eternity. Quote
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