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Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?

  • 2 months later...
Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?

Most of the time when we criticize or judge others whether behind their back or to their face negatively we do it out of insecurity in our selves. It puts others down to lift ourselves up or to make us look better.Jesus tell us to examine our own motives and conduct instead of judging others.The traits that bother us in others are often the habits God is showing us in our selves. It is like looking in a mirror. Our untamed bad habits and behavior patterns are the very ones that we most want to change in our selves. Do we find it easy to magnify others' faults while excusing our own? Before we judge or criticize others faults we need to Judge ourselves first, and then lovingly forgive and help our neighbor.

The Implication is not we should never judge, but when we do judge, remember thst we shall be judged by the same standards we use! Let mercy and love temper our judgements. It is after we have corrected our own faults before judging others. maybe then it would not be necessary to criticize others. The one thing I have seen in people judging or criticixizing others turns into a gossip fest in the name of praying for them. I have seen so many christians hurt emotionlly and put down by well meaning other christians criticizing the faults of others. Be kind, and merciful , I believe we should pray first and discern when to approach a person that has some problems unbecoming a christian and then go by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

We must judge from a position of humility, not selfexaltation, We are all sinners, we are all' like that other man'- ( Luke 18;9-14)

GOD"S STANDARDS___ The judgement is never our judgement. It is the judgement of the Word of God- (John 12:48)

  • 3 weeks later...

Guilty as charged! I have most definitly been a gossiper and backbiter and still find myself doing this at times. It is a fine line between constructive criticism and destructive critcism.

I prayed that God would reveal to me this flaw in myself. I see that when I have sinned myself that I find fault with my brothers and sisters. I am trying to pass the conviction that the Holy Spirit has laid upon me on to them. It doesn't work. It just adds to my sin.

I also note that as I grow in the Lord I have a tendency to look down my nose upon others. From this high and lofty position it is easy to censure folks.

This leads me to conclude that it is better to correct, admonish and exort brothers and sisters who have an issue. I will need them to do the same for me one day. I believe that it is called love.

Most of the time when we criticize or judge others whether behind their back or to their face negatively we do it out of insecurity in our selves. It puts others down to lift ourselves up or to make us look better.Jesus tell us to examine our own motives and conduct instead of judging others.The traits that bother us in others are often the habits God is showing us in our selves. It is like looking in a mirror. Our untamed bad habits and behavior patterns are the very ones that we most want to change in our selves. Do we find it easy to magnify others' faults while excusing our own? Before we judge or criticize others faults we need to Judge ourselves first, and then lovingly forgive and help our neighbor.

The Implication is not we should never judge, but when we do judge, remember thst we shall be judged by the same standards we use! Let mercy and love temper our judgements. It is after we have corrected our own faults before judging others. maybe then it would not be necessary to criticize others. The one thing I have seen in people judging or criticixizing others turns into a gossip fest in the name of praying for them. I have seen so many christians hurt emotionlly and put down by well meaning other christians criticizing the faults of others. Be kind, and merciful , I believe we should pray first and discern when to approach a person that has some problems unbecoming a christian and then go by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

We must judge from a position of humility, not selfexaltation, We are all sinners, we are all' like that other man'- ( Luke 18;9-14)

GOD"S STANDARDS___ The judgement is never our judgement. It is the judgement of the Word of God- (John 12:48)

Guilty as charged! I have most definitly been a gossiper and backbiter and still find myself doing this at times. It is a fine line between constructive criticism and destructive critcism.

I prayed that God would reveal to me this flaw in myself. I see that when I am have sinned myself that I find fault with my brothers and sisters. I am trying to pass the conviction that the Holy Spirit has laid upon me on to them. It doesn't work. It just adds to my sin.

I also note that as I grow in the Lord I have a tendency to look down my nose upon others. From this high and lofty position it is easy to censure folks.

This leads me to conclude that it is better to correct, admonish and exort brothers and sisters who have an issue. I will need them to do the same for me one day. I believe that it is called love.

I really Like your answer ( Tabatha )

I really Like your answer ( Tabatha ) After reading over the reply of my own and yours. I have to be honest and say I am still in that area growing. Thanks Jeff.
Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?

I have certainly tripped up in this area and had to repent from the sin of critcizing my brothers & sisters. God is faithful, sovereign and in the words of one of my favorite hymns He chastens and hastens His will to make known... the wicked oppressing now cease from distressing. Sing praises to His name, He forgets not his own." -- Hymn "We Gather Together"

One area that the Holy Spirit chastened me is listening to another criticize without reproving him/her. In other words, My people-pleasing nature was so strong I didn't feel comfortable "offending" someone who was behaving offensively and destructively in their critical speaking...

Over the last decade, the Lord has really worked on my being a GOD PLEASER, not a people-pleaser. I have learned to speak the truth in love. The scripture I lean to is:

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6

Althought this scripture context is for sharing the good news of salvation with non-believers, I find so often called to live it out with BELIEVERS (gasp!!)

I have learned to accept that my words, no matter how gently spoken, may offend the offensive person.

One of the wonderful things about being a God Pleaser is that "complainers" and "critics" don't usually approach me more than one time. (By speaking up, I'm refusing to participate in their sin...)

One of the yucky things that happened to me is that one of my "complainer/critics" was also my former boss's boss's boss. She grew weary of my honesty with her and her inability to sway me to keep me from having contact with others in the Body of Christ who had "offended" her. Eventually, rather than allowing God to transform her into Christlike-ness, she excercised her earthly authority over me. Now THAT was painful and had financial consequences for my family. Yet God is faithful even when we in the Body of Christ are not faithful with one another.

How faithful is God? He won't let me sit back and cry out for judgement on her. Instead, He prompts me to pray for her healing that she would not continue to abuse her authority over others. He calls me to forgive and pray blessings for her. He tells me how He wants to bless this person who really hurt me. And most of all, by His Grace, I have not become 'her victim" because He continually woos and sways me to FORGIVE and to LOVE ANYWAY. It aint' easy. But it's the best thing that could ever happen to me (not being a victim, but being victorious in adversity.)

Praise you , Dear Jesus! You are FAITHFUL AND TRUE!!

Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?

1)Yes, sadly, I have...I came to Christ out of desperation, but didn't recognize fully that I was a sinner, and out of my self loathing and insecurity, I judged others whom I thought should be walking a perfect line, as I was pretending to do. I looked good on the outside, but inside was "a can of worms". Thank you Jesus for healing, clarity, truth in the inward parts, and cleansing for my sin, and for showing me "living Holy" isn't perfectionism.

2)I can't speak to others attitudes, but mine was out of self righteousness and pride. Denial of my own sinfulness and need of the cleansing blood of Jesus, caused me to look down on others critically...with a smug "I would never do that, or behave that way!" attitude. Fortunately, the Lord showed me in His loving, gentle way, that I am a sinner, "among the best of them", and now look with compassion on others. Years later, others judged me and I felt the cruel sting, but could say nothing....It was payback time, just as His Word says...I was judged in the same way I had judged...reaped what I had sown, just as His Word says. I learned first hand when others didn't understand my circumstances that Judging is "putting oneself in the place of God". He alone knows about each life, and I don't.

3)Projection, or putting my "stuff" on others, or looking at others through the lens of my "stuff", caused me to criticize those in the spotlight, with the harshness I subconsciously thought I deserved....and had been told through my childhood that I did deserve.

4)First of all we show love because they are family..brothers and sisters. Next, we are to be "Jesus with skin on" as we walk through this life, and to treat others as He treats us and as we want to be treated and cared for. We are called to lift one another up when we fall. I weep when I remember the tenderness He showed me when He revealed my sin to me....such love I have never felt. I try to be that for others & to remember that He loves each one of us that way no matter what we've done.

Christianity is the only "religion" where we shoot our wounded.....(someone has said). I put down my "gun" years ago, and try to carry "salve" and "healing balm" with me now, realizing that I may be the next one who needs it.

Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?

Yes, and I convicted by the Holy Spirit to repent and confess that. Anger within one's heart has a lot to do with that. We do not have the right to try and judge any person at any time. Jesus told us to love one another as He has love us.


I have criticized others and I think the attitude is "I would never do that" - judgmental. When I have that attitude I must confess it and show love.

Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?

Yes, unfortunately more than a few times. It is out of anxiety and self-guilt that I have done this. We must show love to other's failings because we recognize that we too have failed miserably but in spite of that God showed and continues to show His love for us.


Have I ever done as this question states? The answer is yes. But thank God for the Holy Spirit and his conviction and the loving forgiveness of God and others.

The attitude as I understand it that underlies censoriousness is as John Stott states,


Yes, I have. God has been working on me to be able to recognize when I have those thoughts rolling around in my brain and deal with it!

Projection--self-condemnation. We can see that sin in someone else, but in ourselves?

Censorious--judge harshly--for the hardest punishment--with no love shown.

"But for the grace of God" I would be there too.


Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?

Guilty, Guilty, Guilty. I am very guilty of judging others it was so bad that I earned the name of "the one who wears the halo" and many have called me the next savior because I was guilty of thinking I was not a sinner, better than anyone else because I studied the Word. Boy, was I foolish. Backbitting, Criticizing, Judging, being in clic's with other Christians who only let certain types in, etc... I demonstrated everyone of those attributes. But, I am glad that I finally realized that I was sinning all along. I've repented and rebuked that type of behavior. Of course, I have to constantly work on it but I'm growing. I know now how important it is to show love and kindness towards my brother's and sister's in CHRIST. Just like CHRIST loves, I too should love my fellow brother's and sister's. And I should show GOD's love towards every creature that GOD created for HE rains on the righteous and on the unjust.


Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces?Yes, I hve and I ask the Lord for forgiveness for this. I also ask for strength not to do this in the future. What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness?It is an attitude of wanting to project my thinking on another and doing it in a harsh and unloving manner. It often comes from anxiety and insecurity in person doing the criticizing. How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Insecurity and anxiety can be involved in person projecting the harsh judgment.Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?Jesus forgave us and continues to forgive us. We must struggle to do the same for our brothers and sisters and above all to show love and care for them as Jesus taught us to do. I ask the Lord to give me the courage and strength to love all as He loves me and all of His children. :P


Much to process in this area. Certainly I found this study to be really relevent. Again back to taking thoughts' prisoner. To interrogate them (especially in reference to fault finding) and perhaps to chew it over with the Lord before proceeding in any direction. What an opportunity to re-evaluate one's own situation. Thank you for bringing this to me. Much work to be done.


Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?

Yes, one of my worst faults, something I struggle with from time to time. I think that the attitude is self we have the same faults as those we are prepared to criticize and we are trying to cover our sin or hide them by criticizing others. projection is when we criticize those with the same fault that we have. It is just our contempt of trying to hide our sin by pointing out faults of others. Christians must show love due to it being comandment of God that we love others as ourselves.


Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?


Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?

Yes i do sometimes.

Thinking i am better,which is bad

We must show love because we were loved by our Father


When I judge someone else, I will be judged the same in my faults. Criticism begets criticism. When we condemn others, we are condemning ourselves. We must show Christian love to others so they will see the love of Christ and hunger for more of what Christ is all about. Love will draw people into God's kingdom.


Yes, I've been guilty of criticizing other Christians. I think it's when I feel anxious or vulnerable that I see in others what I most dislike about myself. We have to examine ourselves before speaking. The thing to remember is that we're not to be so quick to criticize others. I need to have patience with others because God sure has patience with me.


Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?

Yes there are a number of times that I have, and when I come back to my senses, I see that the same things they have done are the same that I normal do.

Our bad habits and behavior patterns are the very ones that we most want to change in others. It is easy to magnify others


I think we all find ourselves doing this. I think Christians can be the most judgemental of all people - especially in today's society. We seem to place ourselves and our own understandings above others' lives By that I mean we often pass judgement on others without knowing the situation behind. Sometimes, very often, there is a reason or it is that God is working on something else in their lives. We are often blinded to our own weaknesses until they are revealed to us by God.

Often the things are drawn to judge are things we struggle with ourselves or are to hide the things we struggle with.

In all things we are to show love! Love is the bottom line of everything. We are to be like Jeus and to go in love. God will work on their lives and convict them when they are ready for that conviction.

We should always ask God for permission to go to someone to 'reveal' something to them - we need to know that it is what God wants at that time.


Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? Absolutely, until I read Roman chapter 14. I used to constantly judge folks in my own mind, but now I have been set free. I now begin to look at everyone as a potential disciple of Christ. He will clean their home by the power of the Holy Spirit. This cleansing is what he has done in me and I feel safe in saying that He will cleanse others in His perfect timing , according to what Jesus knows of their needs.

What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? I think it is the likeness of finding fault in one

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