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The significance of Paul's statement that God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ is that this placing gives us the same authority and unlimited and immeasurable great power over anything that is against God and his eternal plan. Power to witness, power to live victoriously, opower to be a manifestion of God's glory!


The same resurrection power that God used to raise Christ from the dead is given to Christians. We have by grace been given the victory over death and sin. AND, we have been given the power to accomplish through faith all that God would have us do according to His will. This power is all ours, if we but will exercise the faith for it to be shown.

(Ephesians 2:6) From the standpoint of power, what is the significance of Paul's statement that "God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus...."? Exposition

We are seated with Christ, and also above the other spirit beings, angels, demons. That we have the authority over Satan and his demons. That we have victory over them through the saving work of Christ. :lol:


By raising us up and seating us with Christ, God has granted us the same power he used in the resurrection. What an enormous power, if we only us it for His good. It allows for us Christians to use the same power to live out God's will for us here on earth.


WOW! Now I see! It is hard for us to comprehend that we live in a world with demons, evil spirits who can live in us, as Christ lives in us, before we were saved by the grace of God, the evil spirits were in work in us and is in work in all that are not saved, but "God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the Heavenly realms in Christ Jesus..." Through our faith in Jesus, and by the grace of God we are saved we died and rose as Christ did it is by faith alone, nothing else. Works do not count observing traditions don't count, we are raised up with Christ through faith, the evil spirits have no control in us. Thank-You Jesus!Ephesian 2:. 13But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.


What a promise from our saviour, that we have the power to overcome anything that we may face through the blood of the lamb, that power lies in his word and in the holy Spirit that now lives in us.

B) 3) God raised us up over all other pricipalities to be seated with Christ at a rank of royalty.
:D Being seated next to Jesus gives us the freedom that Paul speaks of in Romans. We are free to defeat evil because we have all of the power of heaven committed to seeing us succeed.

Through the sacrifice of Christ we may claim victory over Satan and all his demons. We can be free from bondages and control by him -- he is under our feet! In our human minds this concept just "don't compute" because we are so accustomed to our natural experiences that we don't tap in to our spiritual selves to fully enjoy what Christ died to give us!


From the standpoint of power, what is the significance of Paul's statement that "God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus...."?

The significance lies in our ability to control our lives. We decide, in the end, what our lives will be about. This ability is a gift of Christ and works through Him. Therefore, we have all power and authority over darkness.


"From the standpoint of power, what is the significance of Paul's statement that "God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus...."? :rolleyes: Being raised up, and seated with Christ in heavenly place's, tells us that as long as we abide in Him, that the same power and authority that lives in Christ, lives in us! The same work's done by our Lord, will be done by us, in fact He said we would do "Greater works"!! (Greater ?This I admit I don't understand) Yes, we have power over the enemy, as long as we abide in Him, and know who we are in Christ. Jesus said that these sign's would "follow" us...In His name, we would cast out devils; we would speak with new tongues; We would take up serpents( divine protection!) we would lay hand's on the sick, and see them recover. Mark16:17,18. I don't believe the Church has even started to understand, the Great power that has been bestowed upon it! :lol: Knowing who we are, in Christ, is the answer...many today still struggle with their "identity", myself, at times included.! ;)


We were all in the race of Adam , which is the race of sin. When we came to Christ and accepted him as our savior we were then placed into the race of Christ. We were raised up with Christ to be made alive with him. We were not just made alive but were seated together with him (Christ) in the heavenlies. This seat is the highest place in the universe.

We now have a heavenly nature and are a heavenly people with Christ. We can experience this reality in our spirit through faith .

Have a great day in the Lord

Ron :D


From the standpoint of power, the statement that we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms signifies that we share in the glory and the riches that are available available in the heavenly realms. It is like having the pleasure and the luxury of being the right hand man of a king or of a prince of a feudal kingdom. During the days when kings were still very much in power, to sit beside people of such status meant that the person was trusted. It also meant that the person was not a commoner. He did not belong among the common people. Such is also our case since we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms.


From the stand point of power, Paul reminds us that there is no greater power demonstrated then in God raising Jesus Christ from the grave. Of the resurrection power Paul himself wrote:

Phil 3:10-11

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.


(Ephesians 2:6) From the standpoint of power, what is the significance of Paul's statement that "God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus...."? Exposition

(Ephesians 2:6) From the standpoint of power, what is the significance of Paul's statement that "God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus...."?

:PWe have the same power and authority that Christ has...We abide in him and he in us.

God bless,



It is comforting to know that we have power over demons and evil spirits. We can be victorious in our spiritual walk. We have been given the power to live a victorious christian life. Our eternal life in Christ is certain because we are united in his powerful victory. This is a gift we should be grateful, believe and exercise it. We can fight this spiritual battle with power and be victorious. What a mighty God we serve!


3. My eyes have been enlightened to know the hope

Of that which Jesus called me to

The riches of his glorious inheritance

I know the word of God is true

Far above all rule and authority

Power, dominion and might

I'm seated with Jesus

Complete in his fullness

And victory is now my right.

The words of this chorus have been running through my head all day and I think they summarise my answer quite well.


:lol: One thing I must always remember is that the authority given to me is a gift of God by the grace of God not anything of my own ability. I am seated with the Father in heavenly places only by believing and accepting what was done for me at Calvary, and what Jesus did for me that I may be resurrected with Him ruling over powers and principalities and rulers of darkness in this present world. The authority with which I use must be used with reverence and in accordance to His word that I may continue to walk in victory and freedom through the accomplishment of the cross.

Do I acknowledge daily the grace bestowed upon my life? I should. :rolleyes:


Greetings All!

From the standpoint of power, what is the significance of Paul's statement that "God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus...."?

This is huge! When we are in Christ, we occupy the same position as He does, and have the same power & authority as He does. Incredible!


:lol: Sanctified souls sit in heavenly places raised above the world by God's grace. This is a free gift of God and the effect of being quickened by His power. Thus we are destined to glorify God through the changes He has done for us. Because of Christ's Ressurrection we know that our body will also be raised form the dead and that we have been given the power to live as Christians now. Our eternal life with Christ is certian becuase we are united in his powerful victory.
(Ephesians 2:6) From the standpoint of power, what is the significance of Paul's statement that "God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus...."? Exposition

The significance from the standpoint of power, being that we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms, gives us the same power and authority that Christ has over the evil spirits and powers. It is also significant in that the majority of the church today doesn't seem to live and walk in this authority and power.

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