Lindap Posted February 8, 2009 Report Posted February 8, 2009 Q1. (Matthew 7:13-14) If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbors? How might it affect your acceptance of Universalism? All throughout this Bible study I have been making small changes in how I live my life. Seeing that being kind and more loving toward others is what Jesus wants. Sharing with others the word of God and the peace only he can deliver to our lives. The narrow road is the one Jesus followed and although it may be lonely a great reward awaits us at the end of this road. If the way is easy that is the way of universalism. The Devil awaits us at the end of this road. Praise God that we may reach many people on this road and turn their path to Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. Amen Quote
hanks Posted February 22, 2009 Report Posted February 22, 2009 Q1. (Matthew 7:13-14) If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbours? How might it affect your acceptance of Universalism? I believe Jesus is speaking directly to believers and is saying that to follow Him would require faith, discipline, and endurance. We have a choice; if we choose the more disciplined life we will find it to be the only life worth living. On the other hand, if we choose the easy way, we will have plenty of company, but we will miss the best God has for us. We must rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us in witnessing to our fellow humans. There is no other way; Jesus is both the only gate and the only way!! I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. John 10:9 (NIV). Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 (NIV). Quote
jr4624 Posted August 9, 2009 Report Posted August 9, 2009 Q1. (Matthew 7:13-14) If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbors? How might it affect your acceptance of Universalism? I do believe it, and I am motivated to always evaluate my daily Christian walk to see that I am walking what I talk. It is important not only for myself and my own salvation, but for everyone I meet as well. I can help believers to mature in their faith and unbelievers to come to faith. It is all in my witness to the world. I am called, with all believers, to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. This passage especially affects the way I try to reach unbelievers. 2 Peter tells us that God desires that no one perish. That is my desire as well, and the only way to make it happen is to make sure we bring the Good News to as many as possible. This passage clearly goes hand-in-hand with John 14:6, and if Jesus is the narrow gate, and "the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.", then universalism can't also be the truth. Quote
Marloes Posted November 17, 2009 Report Posted November 17, 2009 Q1. (Matthew 7:13-14) If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbors? How might it affect your acceptance of Universalism? It's very hard to stay on the narrow road. Guess I have to try harder. No 'excursions' to the broad road again. We have to warn them. We should not accept it. Muhammad was wrong because everybody who denies that Jesus isn't God and didn't die, has the spirit of the antichrist. They will be thrown in the lake of fire. Quote
royk Posted September 27, 2010 Report Posted September 27, 2010 Q1. (Matthew 7:13-14) If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbors? How might it affect your acceptance of Universalism? I keep coming back to what Jesus said in John 15 about "...remain in me and I'll remain in you. Obey my commandments...." He set a very high standard, be perfect. he was saying, "let me do it, you can't... you can do nothing [for my kingdom] without me.... let me do it... you can't possibly do it on your own..." So we ask the Holy Spirit to teach us how to be close to God, to get closer and closer to Jesus, Jesus on the cross, to give it all up for the other person, your neighbor, my neighbor. It is no longer about me, since I have every spiritual blessing by the way he has filled me up and remove the false teahcing of the world. Quote
wifee Posted April 5, 2012 Report Posted April 5, 2012 13a)I believe there is only one way to be put right with God,through the narrow path,believing Jesus died to save us from our sins.Each day need to read&absorb the word,respond to Spirit’s prompts guiding me to be me more obedient to following his commands,even when it causes critiscim,suffering for the gospel. God is gracious with us thankfully,forgiving my errors when come to him afresh each day. B)Reminders about the destruction that awaits those that don’t trust in Jesus as their saviour, prompts me to use every opportunity to share about Jesus with neighbours/friends. C) Buddha,Muhammed encourage people to follow the wide path unfortunately misleading people to think they are on a road to God.This universalism,I believe is not valid,Believing in Jesus &his sacrifice for us,to free us from the hold of sin,is the only way to the father,receive new life in him and to receive eternal life. Quote
Highohfaith Posted June 4, 2012 Report Posted June 4, 2012 Q1. (Matthew 7:13-14) If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbors? How might it affect your acceptance of Universalism? I pray always that I conduct my life through word and deed. I know there are areas, and always will be that I must work on in my life here on earth. No one is perfect, as Christians we are all in the process of being perfected. It is a work that will continue until the day of completion when Jesus returns. The key is, never stop striving to come to Jesus. Life is not always pleasant. There are oftentimes when we must endure hardship. Jesus never promised life would be easy, His promise is that He will always be with us. We must get to know Jesus, and spend time with Him daily, get to know Him on a personal basis. He is our Father. Then, and only then do we begin to experience righteousness. I have met many Christians who think their faith should be the answer to all their wordy problems. When God doesn't answer them immediately, they seem to drift over to the 'wide' side and their faith falters.As Christians we must never question our Father, faith is deep believe, unseen, that all He does and is, is for us, His beloved Children! Even though we don't see or understand it at the time, we will. 1 Corinthians 13:12 (NLT) Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. We, as Christians must remain steadfastly involved in the life of Jesus. We must trust Him in everything. Study HIS WORD, this is the only way we can know what He expects of His children and strive to do it. Open our hearts to The Holy Spirit living in us, listen to His prompting. We can't always get it right, but those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. As heirs to The Kingdom of heaven, it is our responsibility to teach others, fellowship with others about Jesus. This is something I personally struggle with a lot. I give it always to Jesus, and ask Him to help me be a better disciple. It isn't that my faith is weak. I love my Lord, Jesus! I am basically a loner ( in need of being perfected) - this goes against what Jesus is all about. I love people, I will give all my love and compassion, but I'm basically very shy. I have a problem articulating myself when speaking or coming face to face with others.Through God I'm learning to reach out and becoming "fearless" as He commands. I RESPECT and DESIRE to obey my Father. I must do as He ask. It has not been easy for me, but I do not give up.I continue to seek the gift of fellowship and the gift to spread the gospel to others. I do my part online, through social networking to spread the word, I always feel it is not enough. I feel the Lord is pushing, Our Faithful Lord is perusing me ,if you will, to be a stronger disciple. I want to do more and more for my Father. I thirst, and I want to overcome through His Holy Spirit anything that stands in the way of me entering the "narrow " gate. I want to be a dutiful servant. Because I love Him so much.I will strive my whole live long. This is my commitment to my Father in heaven,my Creator! The One who gave me this wonderful gift of life. I will never give up, He is my Faithful Father and I am His (not perfect, being perfected) child. I still struggle with one on one, or in a group encounters but making strides, taking infant steps in the right direction. God has destined me to do great things for Him, He has chosen me as His child I cannot take this gift lightly. I'm praying and seeking Jesus' will in all areas of my life. I will continue to strive to get through the narrow gate always. I do not accept universalism..simply put ONE WAY,JESUS! Jesus is the only way to be reconciled with God.Picking and choosing what you want your faith to consist of does not correlate with Christianity. Christianity is a deep belief and faith that our Father, JESUS, is SOVEREIGN, only He knows what is best for us always, and putting into word and deed all of his commands. It is loving and trusting our Father with ALL our hearts! It is a desire, a deep thirst to please Him.We do not get to 'pick and choose" according to what is CONVENIENT for us. Quote
Raph Posted July 7, 2012 Report Posted July 7, 2012 Q1. (Matthew 7:13-14) If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, the change that this would make in how I conduct my life to follow Jesus' commands with faith in order for me to be able to find the narrow road. What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbors? The difference that it would make to how I witness to my neighbours is to make sure that they understand the teachings of Jesus that there is only one way to enter the Kingdom of God and that is through the narrow gate; there is no universalism. is to assure them How might it affect your acceptance of Universalism? It might affect my acceptance of Universalism by understanding that, Universalism is not a correct teaching. Quote
tgandy Posted December 7, 2013 Report Posted December 7, 2013 The narrow gate and the narrow road to life is the gate that leads to eternal life. It does not mean it is difficult to become a Christian, but there is only one way to live eternally with God. Only few people decide to walk that road. We must believe with our whole heart. Living His way isn't real popular but it is the only way. You must be completely vested in this way of life. It must be like breathing. I do not believe in Universalism. Quote
tgandy Posted December 7, 2013 Report Posted December 7, 2013 The narrow gate and the narrow road to life is the gate that leads to eternal life. It does not mean it is difficult to become a Christian, but there is only one way to live eternally with God. Only few people decide to walk that road. We must believe with our whole heart. Living His way isn't real popular but it is the only way. You must be completely vested in this way of life. It must be like breathing. Quote
DebLam3teach Posted January 9, 2015 Report Posted January 9, 2015 If I truly believe Jesus is the only way to God, then I will be open about my faith even if everyone else thinks I am narrow minded. I would make sure my life lined up with His teachings, and I would share my faith with my neighbors when given the opportunity. My life should consist of more than just being nice, helpful and full of good deeds. Everything should point to Jesus- so there is no confusion about WHO I belong to! Quote
Eager Bver Posted January 26, 2015 Report Posted January 26, 2015 Q1. (Matthew 7:13-14) If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbors? How might it affect your acceptance of Universalism? I would be more aware of living the christian life in a way that pleases God. First, live the life before my neighbors, love them and encourage them to follow Christ. I cannot accept 'universalism', that all roads leads to Christ because they do not. Jesus' teaching proves two ways, narrow - which leads to life and broad - which leads to destruction. Quote
webster52 Posted April 26, 2015 Report Posted April 26, 2015 If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? I DO believe in the narrow gate, I constantly examine myself, my motives, my actions and behavior; I do not want to be beguiled or deceived on to the wide road by letting our eroding morals, and secular complacency influence my sensibility. I continually remind myself that satan can be subtle in his attacks and I try to remain alert and focused on my Saviour Jesus Christ. What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbors? Since it is their very existence for all eternity I try not to shy away from presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If they do not hear it they cannot make an informed judgement about its validity. I feel it is our responsibility as believers to present the Gospel to others so they can understand the lifesaving work and good news of Jesus Christ regardless of how it’s received and we are viewed. How might it affect your acceptance of Universalism? John 14:6 is my answer to universalism; “Jesus saith unto him, I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. In Acts 4:8-12 Peter tells the rulers, elders and people of Israel “that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth … is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Quote
JoanG Posted May 17, 2015 Report Posted May 17, 2015 I feel that I have made great strides to study the words of God and to try to bring that message to the people I can reach. I want to let people know that there is so much more to life. I try to bring the idea of justice to all people. I am not afraid to tell people when ideas are wrong. I have been able to walk away from some people who I feel were bringing me down spiritually. I try to let people know that I will help them but I will not let people take advantage of my willingness to help. I do not feel that all Christians will go to heaven. I feel that there will be some who do not get there because of their actions on earth. I feel that God would not consider a murderer the same way as he would a child that was murdered. Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 22, 2015 Report Posted June 22, 2015 I believe that the gate is narrow and the road to life is narrow and the changes that I made was to follow Jesus. This means that I have put away all the bad language that I use to speak and that I help others whenever I can. I study the Bible so I can find the narrow road. I have never accepted Universalism because the Bible tells me the way to heaven. Quote
Karen11 Posted May 10, 2018 Report Posted May 10, 2018 On 12/19/2007 at 11:01 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 7:13-14) If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbors? How might it affect your acceptance of Universalism? To live my life according to the Word, to obey the Word, lead by example, to share Christ love that they to will live. I do not accept Universalism, Jesus is the Way,theTruth and the Life.. Quote
Irmela Posted December 31, 2020 Report Posted December 31, 2020 If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? I need to ecamine my life daily and live as Jesus did, no matter the hardship, knowing He is with me. My conduct needs to please Him, not the world. What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbours? The neighbours need to see that I live for Jesus, in my walk as well as my talk, only then will the weeitness have any affect. How might it affect your acceptance of universalism? Jesus' teaching is not Universalism, so it cannot be accepted as being correct. Quote
Irmela Posted January 10, 2021 Report Posted January 10, 2021 Jesus' teaching is not Universalism, so it cannot be accepted as being correct. Sorry...... This should read as follows ....... Jesus' teaching is not Universalism, so Universalism cannot be accepted as being correct. Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted November 18, 2024 Report Posted November 18, 2024 Q1. (Matthew 7:13-14) If Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed, what change would this make in how you conduct your life? What difference would it make to how you witness to your neighbors? How might it affect your acceptance of Universalism? I do believe Jesus' teaching on the narrow gate and narrow road to life. Since I believe this, I do my best to ask, listen, and go where He needs me to go. I do talk with my neighbors a lot. I pray for them and ask them how I can pray for them. Universalism---not a chance. That 'religion' is so wide open that it's ludicrous. Quote
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