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Christ is the head of everything on earth, He is the leader and the source of the power for the church. The church as His body is the meanse through which He impacts the world. And thus Christians can excercise His power with faith to serve Him and accomplish His mission on earth.

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  • 9 months later...

Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"?

What does this say about the Church's power?

God appointed Christ to be head over everything for the church. God's purpose was" to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ." To be the leader. And He has given us His power.

Therefore we have His power and wisdom to all things through Christ as He strenthens us into growth and love for one another. To glorify Him

  • 1 month later...
:o Ephesians 1:23, Q4- Christ is head of the church! All the elements, physical works of God,I.E-Waves,Wind, Rivers. Earthly Kings and Rulers- kingdoms, nations are under His control,angels in heaven are under His control with reference to the church- Hebrews 1:14.The church therefore is safe- Matthew 16:18.No weapon formed against it shall prosper! Christ is head over everthing, He also gives the church the power to accomplish His will. PRAISE THE LORD! AMEN. :rolleyes:

1.) Christ is over the church. We are His body, the church. That means we are his hands and feet. We are ministers reaching and teaching a hurting dying world. We operate and minister with the full authority and power of our Savior. It also means that if we try to minister in our own power or according to our own agenda, then we operate outside the will of God, and we operate in our own authority, and then that will cause us to fail, lead others astray, and possibly worse. We must act in accordance to the Head.

  • 3 months later...

It means that their is unity of God's creation and to fulfill God's plan on the earth.

Christ is the Head of the Church and we represent Christ here it means the church is used to exercise God;s power and authority here on earth.

Yes , the church has the power so long has it is in tune with Christ.

  • 5 months later...

If Christ is the head of the church, then just like a physical body the body of Christ is connected to Christ. His life blood flows through us. This makes us one with Him.

Christ as the head "thinks" for the body, therefore we have the mind of Christ. We also are guaranteed the fullness of Christ, so we not only have a share in what Christ knows (The knowledge of Christ) but we share in who He is. His character. His knowledge is supreme and all knowing and His character is all loving.

We as a church share in this when we acknowledge Christ as our authority and head. He will direct all our actions in divine wisdom. When we submit to Him, we know He is the author of our faith and actions. Then we become His hands and feet etc. as a part of Him. We can then truly represent Christ to a dying world in His wisdom and with His character.

We do all this in Him, with the same unsurpassing power He posseses that He has so graciously shared with us.

If we stay connected to our head, there is nothing that can defeat the true church that is submitted and one with Him. There just isn't anything above Him. If God is for us...who could ever be against us? We may suffer for awhile and even give our lives for His Kingdom, but Jesus will reign forever and His church will survive. He loves His bride and is very protective of her. He covers her and jealously guards her and guides her. He allows nothing to defeat her. He is not only the head in a bodily sense but is head in loving authority over us as one also. Like a good husband for His beloved bride.

He is good to allow us a share in all these things of Him, and to be so protected by Him, so we should have deep gratitude that He guides us and shows us and shares with us. We don't deserve any of this....He is just good and pure and very merciful.

(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power?

In everything that the church does as a collective body of Christians, it can draw on the power of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is easy to be timid about what the church seeks to achieve and to doubt its ability to succeed. In thinking in this way, Christians overlook or distrust the power of the leadership of Jesus in the church. It is a failure of faith. As the body of Christ, His power flows through His church to each of its members. We should not hesitate to use it to advance His ministry on earth. It is there to be used.

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power?

Christians constitute the Church of Jesus Christ. Consequently, Christ being "head over everything for the church" means that the Church of Jesus Christ is also the "head over everything". The church can excercise commensurate power, as Christ possesses, over all things just as Christ did and shall continue to excercise.

This says that the Church has invested in her tremendous power to exercise in trust for Christ for the execution of the Will of the Most High God!

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Personally I believe that to us it means that the power and authority that Christ has we have come into it, since the Church is the body and that same power flows through the Body. it also means that the Church is also a conqueror since Christ has conquered. This is refreshing and inspiring.

  • 1 month later...
(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition

Christ being head means that He is the final authority and we are to be under HIs authority. He wants Unity in the body coming together under the leadership of Christ for a common goal...to seek and to save that which is lost, to bring deliverance to the oppressed, to heal the sick.

  • 1 month later...

My body the tempol of the Holy Spirit, when I am sealed with the Holy Spirit, I have the power of christ in this tempol, Christ the Son of God has power over the flesh and ALL things even Me.

  • 1 month later...

(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power?

This means that Christ is head over all that exists, all of God's creation. The purpose of the headship is not entirely for lordship alone but for the unity of God's creation and to fulfill God's plan.

The implication of this for the Church is this; the Church has been chosen as the medium (channel) through(by) which this power and authority is to be excersiced. The remarkable revealation is that we are his body - the church! And its only when we are in line and in tune with God's purpose & in Christ Jesus will this great power & authority be available for us or at our disposal.



  • 2 months later...

(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"?

To the extent that Christ is "head over everything for the church," the church has the authority that comes with Christ headship. His power and authority is available to the believers and Christ exercises His power through the church for his purpose.

What does this say about the Church's power?

The Church has power and authority because we are full of Christ! We are designed to be the full expression of Christ on earth.

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power?

what it means for us Christians is that since Christ who is the head is our Lord and savior, then we do not have anything to fear

because He is Lord over everything including angels and spirit beings and things on earth and in heaven. He is head over everything for the Church means that Our Lord intends to use the Church as a means to exercise His power and authority.

what it says about The Church power is that the Church can experience the power of Christ to the extend that we are in tune to our Lord mission and purpose

  • 1 month later...

(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power?

Jesus is the Head of the Church -- the body of Christ. We, the Church, are His body and He works on this planet through us to bless others and spread the gospel. Jesus Christ empowers the Church to do the Will of God on this planet. The Church has the unlimited, supernatural power of Almighty God.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all, God bless you!! This means that there is unity in the church and with us being as one in Christ there is more power in our unity and we are blessed to be united in Christ with His power to guide us and lead us in all things. The Church is very strong through it's unity with Christ!

  • 3 months later...

I do not see the Church as a building, we as Christians are the church. Jesus is in us , he is our leader, The head of our Church family. we are all gathered under one heading, The Church of God.This makes the body of the Church very powerful.

  • 1 month later...

As Jesus has absolute power over all of creation so must the church recognize and funnel that same power from the head throughout the body. Open the doors and let the power flow out to the community by going door to door and offering a good witness and prayer. Watch the power in action as the church becomes the rightful center of activity in Christ.


since Christ is the head of the church- with all power and authority- the church becomes His instrument to demonstrate that power, authority and grace. Christ works through us to fulfill His plans and purpose.

The church's power must line up with the will and purpose of Christ our source; without Him we are nothing and without that relationship in Christ our power and purpose will become nothing.

  • 4 months later...
(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition

The church is his body,it is filled by Christ, who fills everything everywhere with his presence. We are

Jesus' body on earth.

The Church's power

It is the same power that ressurected Jesus from the dead in ultimate and complete victory over death and sin. The authories of the universe with force and power . He rules supreme over the church.

The church is an organism, not an organization or institution. The fullness and power of Jesus is made available by the Father through the Holy Spirit for each and everyone of us who is united in His Body

(the church) and pursues to intimately know Him

  • 7 months later...
(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition

I have read Ephesians many times and never really saw the "for" in the phrase "for the church". I was thinking in terms of head of rather than for. This is powerful. As you said in the lesson: "If Christ is head for the Church, it means that he plans to use the Church in the exercise of his power and authority." This means that Church has power! Power to use to serve his purpose.

(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition

-Either we, the Trustees, the Lead Team, or the informal clique is head of the church, or God is. He gives us free reign to choose our leaders. Why do so many of us choose one of the former?

-If the church is God's, it has unlimited possibilities. If it is the pastors, etc, it places itself inside a human box that can only be what humans can imagine it to be. WARNING!!!!!! This does not mean that a church that does not grow in numerical attendance is not in God's hands. It means that any church, of any size, can do anything GOD wants it to do if it will agree to place God at it's head.

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