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For Christ to be head over everything in the church means that He plans to use the church to exercise His power and authority. This means the church has power at its disposal to the extent that we are attuned with Christ's mission and purpose. The church was designed to be the full expression of Christ on earth.


Christ is the head of the Church meaning that all power in the church comes from Him. All decisions should be guided by Him not by human authority. Many times people get caught up in being in charge of a church and forget that without Christ there is no church.

(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition

For Christians we have a powerful risen saviour over our lives which form the church. This says to me that the church has the same power as Christ has because He is our head.


On Christ the church was built He is the chief cornerstone solid and true.In Him the whole body (the church is builded on.


Christ is head for the Church:

We read in Scripture that in the old covenant, God had chosen the nation of Israel to manifest His glory.

Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites." Exodus 19:5-6 (NIV)

Now in the new covenant, we are spiritual Israel of God. God has called us to be priests:

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)

We are called to the holy priesthood for the display of His splendour

Isaiah 61:3


Christ is the head of the Church. It is to Him we should look to for guidance, growth, lessons and answers. It is He who heads the worship committee, it is He who is the Choir Director, it is He who brings the word to us. It means that people may have titles, but He has Power and Authority. Reminds me of the sign "Leave all egos at the door". Our focus as a church should be on relationship and direction from Him.



Christ as "head over everything for the Church" means for us Christians that He exercises his power and authority according to His Father's will, and therefore we must honor and praise and glorify the Name Jesus. He has given the Church His power and authority.

Tragically today, there exits a form of godliness, but denying its power. (2 Timothy 3:5) lmc


Jesus is king of the church. He has authority over the church and just as a mighty king has a mighty nation, we are equipped with power, and victorious over all, since Jesus has won all that battle for us.


Q4: Christ is the head of the church. He has all power in his hands to defend and to destroy. The church is his body and he will care for it, but we have to remain true and faithful to Him, because he supplies our every need.


Hi everyone,

(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power?

it means Christ is the ruler, director, commander, king and Lord of the body the church, but many times we forget that. And so the power is used many times by the church to do it will, rather than Christ will.

Help us Lord to do your will and to make you Lord of our lives, so when we use your power be for your honour and glory.

May the Lord Bless you always,

Raul Gurdian


It means that all things are in His (Jesus) hands. Jesus is Lord of all things. That as long as we walk with Him as we are raised up with Him, we have the power to do those things which Jesus did: heal the sick, open blinded eyes, cast out demons. Mark 16:15-18 tells us what we are empowered to do.


What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"?

It means that as we operate within the church we are operating as an extension of Christ. This is why when a church begins to drift away from what Jesus wants it to be they begin to loose thier spiritual power and become dead for all practical purposes. I have seen a few church's like that. It grieves me when I come across one. I preached at one church that was so dead that I called for the "paw bearers" instead of the ushers to take up the offering. :lol: (I noticed several people chuckling in the congregation. I then thought about what I had said and realized what they were chuckling about. Talk about being embarassed.) :ph34r:

What does this say about the Church's power?

The power of the church will only be as great as the spiritual health of it's members. The church I mentioned above is closed today. They dropped down to less then 3 members and the denomination had to step in and take it over. (Cannot have a church with less then 3 members.) After a few more years of working and praying it was decided to close the church and sell the property.


What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"?

That He is to be the final authority in how the church is to be run.

What does this say about the Church's power?

That as the church operates the way Christ intended it too it's power will increase. If the church were to operate exactly as Christ wanted it too then it's power would be unlimited. I believe that many times Jesus has to pull back on the bit and briddle the church because it has gotten off track from the purpose Christ intended it to have.

  • 3 weeks later...
(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition

Christ is head over all things, over all powers that be in heavens and earth and the church which is His body here on earth which will be complete at His coming.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4: (Ephesians 1:23)

A. What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"?

That Christ is the Head of the chuch and all things in it.

B. What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition

The more we abide by his wishes and support our church and church family the stronger our church becomes.


  • 3 weeks later...

(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition

This has its equivalent in John 15 where Jesus says

I am the vine, you are the branches We are in Christ. We are the hands and feet - we are parts of the vine itself. We cannot be closer to the Lord Jesus than that and as He is the Head, we can only live as we are directed by Him. As we act for Him we are empowered as the Body of Christ.
  • 1 month later...

The Head is the center of activity. It is from the brain that the body gets its direction s to operate. The body [The Church] must function in obedience to the Brain [Jesus Christ]. For the Church there is no operations to be preformed without the HEAD. The Head is the Master Computer.


4a) Christ is head over all--everything created. He is the one in power, the one honored, and the one who is over all! We as the body--the church--are fully able to assess this power and give the glory back to Christ. Christ is the thought, we are the action. Christ left the earth with the command to "Go unto every nation and preach the gospel". We are the represention of Christ, who sits on the right hand of the throne, his orders, thoughts, and desires are spelled out in His Word and in our prayers. We are to act (the body) on those.

4b) With Christ as our giver of power, we have all we need to be a dynamic and powerful force here on the earth. All we need is to ask, believe, and wait upon the Lord to give us what we need to further the kingdom of God here on earth.

  • 2 months later...
(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition

What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? The Church is Christ

  • 2 months later...

The church is his body, ie part of Him. As a man and woman in marriage become one flesh, so we are betrothed to Him to become one with Him.

As the head orders everything for (the benefit of) the body, so Jesus orders everything for the benefit of the church. We share with Him, living bread, Life, heartbeat, mindset, power, authority, inheritance, motivation (love), even to some extent glory (except that we will throw our crowns at His feet because He it is who did all the hard work and, alone, accomplished this position for us!)

The church should be operating as one with Jesus, in the fullness of His person and power etc. Again it depends on us, the church, overcoming our carnal nature and entering fully into all that God has prepared for us, even now.

  • 2 months later...

Christ is head over everything for the church. He is the leader of the church and we must follow His lead. If a group of believers is not teaching the Word and praying and seeking the Lord's guidence in all things that group is not following their Leader. Lifting Christ up in everything we do is of uppermost importance.

Verse 19 speaks of "the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power." With Christ as our Head we have all of the power that we need.

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