smithj7 Posted May 31, 2009 Report Posted May 31, 2009 ken135 said: -Either we, the Trustees, the Lead Team, or the informal clique is head of the church, or God is. He gives us free reign to choose our leaders. Why do so many of us choose one of the former? -If the church is God's, it has unlimited possibilities. If it is the pastors, etc, it places itself inside a human box that can only be what humans can imagine it to be. WARNING!!!!!! This does not mean that a church that does not grow in numerical attendance is not in God's hands. It means that any church, of any size, can do anything GOD wants it to do if it will agree to place God at it's head. I really liked your statement: If the church is God's, it has unlimited possibilities. This is pretty exciting! May God's church be "reborn". Quote
truth2me Posted June 3, 2009 Report Posted June 3, 2009 Jesus as Head over the Church (His Body on earth) gives us the power to co-labor with Him in obeying the Great Command; to go to the nations and give them the Gospel; baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Church has power to obey Him. Only the Lord Jesus can open the eyes of the spiritually blind nations; only we (church) can do the 'going'.... It is a partnership of wonder and grace. Of course, some of His gifts enable the church to sort of specialize in areas of Truth such as 'evangelism' and 'mercy'...etc. However, I believe He gives each believer whatever gift or enablement we need to obey Him in any circumstance. Quote
truth2me Posted June 3, 2009 Report Posted June 3, 2009 Jesus as Head over the Church (His Body on earth) gives us the power to co-labor with Him in obeying the Great Command; to go to the nations and give them the Gospel; baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Church has power to obey Him. Only the Lord Jesus can open the eyes of the spiritually blind nations; only we (church) can do the 'going'.... It is a partnership of wonder and grace. Of course, some of His gifts enable the church to sort of specialize in areas of Truth such as 'evangelism' and 'mercy'...etc. However, I believe He gives each believer whatever gift or enablement we need to obey Him in any circumstance. Quote
snowrosies Posted October 18, 2009 Report Posted October 18, 2009 On 5/7/2003 at 8:06 PM, jaunita said: What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Just as the natural body cannot live nor operate without the head, its the same with the Church. Jesus "heads-up", rules, and guides the Church today.! The head is where the mind is located (we are to have the mind of Christ) The true church of Christ must rely and be guided by the head, which is Jesus, Himself! I'm sure everyone reading this has at one time, or another, stepped out into something without seeking the guidance of the Lord; and needless to say, learned the hard way, that we need to seek God in our decisions. The same is true for God's "House", the Church. It must abide in Him to fullfill it's mission, and seek Him in prayer to complete it. The power bestowed by our Lord upon the Church has been neglected, in some way's, down through the years. (forgive me, if you don't agree) We have allowed the world to convince us that we need to be more like them, to win the lost, forgetting that we are a "called out people". I look forward to the day when God's Church realize's who she is, and what she is capable of, through Him! A BIG AMEN TO THAT JUANITA , and sending a Big Hug to u also Quote
wifee Posted June 21, 2010 Report Posted June 21, 2010 4a)Christ is head over everything for the church. The church is Christ Quote
Lion of Grace Posted June 30, 2010 Report Posted June 30, 2010 When Christ is head over everything for the church, then Christ is our leader, exalted over anything or anyone and directs the actions of the church. We as the body, are the fullness of Him, directly connected to Christ, so as we are led by the Holy Spirit, we will represent Christ's presence to the world. Christ will use us as the church, to exercise his authority and power for His will to be done. If His will is being exercised, nothing can ever stop us! Nothing can ever defeat the church that has Christ as leader! Quote
Marloes Posted August 18, 2010 Report Posted August 18, 2010 On 4/28/2003 at 6:03 AM, Pastor Ralph said: (Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition Jesus is the boss He has all power Quote
hanks Posted October 22, 2010 Report Posted October 22, 2010 Q4.(Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? We know that Christ is far above every creature in heaven and on earth, in this age and in the coming age. That all things as well as all created beings are in subjection under His feet. Jesus being Head of the church; and as we are seated with Christ, by His grace, we share this spiritual power. What does this say about the Church's power? The church shares Christ Quote
Kerneydr Posted November 19, 2010 Report Posted November 19, 2010 On 4/28/2003 at 6:03 AM, Pastor Ralph said: (Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition He is the principal leader, the five star general, boss, president, and etc. In every ministry of the church He is leading it, if not the church is going astray. As well it has lose its authority and power to minister. Without His leadership the church can not do anything that has eternal value. Warren Wiersbe mentions, Quote
wilma m Posted February 9, 2011 Report Posted February 9, 2011 On 4/28/2003 at 6:03 AM, Pastor Ralph said: (Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father in the heavenlies- He is the ruler over the whole of creation, everything is under His feet and He wants to rule through the church. He supplies us with His power to rule. As His body on earth, He delegates his work to and through us. Its a wonderful assurance that we do not have to do anything in our own strength, but that God will supply us with power and strength.We just have to be available and obedient Quote
Jeff@qlbc Posted February 16, 2011 Report Posted February 16, 2011 Christ has authority over everything in the heavenly and earthly realms and will exercise his power/authority through the church. As Dr. Wilson says, "to the extent that we are in tune with Christ's mission and purpose." Quote
anne1151 Posted May 19, 2011 Report Posted May 19, 2011 On 4/28/2003 at 6:03 AM, Pastor Ralph said: (Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? Exposition 1. We, the church, are Christs body. We recognize that Christ is head over us and that we turn to Him in prayer for our needs. 2. Since Christ is the head of the body, He uses us to do His will. He will give us the power we need, whether it be as disciples, missionaries, cooks, fund raisers, home visitors, etc., to get His work done. We just have to stay in prayer and in faith. Quote
Old Jerry Posted August 24, 2011 Report Posted August 24, 2011 The meaning for us Christians that Christ is “head over everything for the church” is that we have the power of Christ if we are in Him. If we are doing the things that He has placed us in His body to do then we can do all things according to His will. Quote
parkerslope Posted December 19, 2011 Report Posted December 19, 2011 Jesus is the head of the church - He paid for it with His blood - and we Christians must submit our goals and wills and careers to Him. No man is the head of the church. We think we are great and we are nothing. I see so many "pastor" that think that they control their congregation with an "iron hand", when Jesus looks at them as "little petty rulers." Where is our spiritual eyes focused? Do we only look at what can be seen physically? Jesus is in control and we cannot change that. First we need to be in Christ and trying to do His will. The body of Christ (not the individual congregations) has power to use only where Jesus is working. We do not do our own thing! Anybody that thinks they can use this power for themselves, need only to read Acts 19. Quote
garymerkel Posted July 23, 2014 Report Posted July 23, 2014 For me as a pastor, it means that as I surrender to Christ, I can lead a church under His Lordship and power so His results bring Him glory. It takes all the "pressure" off of me and is quite liberating. If something in church life cannot have His "stamp" of approval, 1) it will not have His power and 2) it will not produce God honoring results, and 3) why should we give another thought to's not worth pursuing. Quote
JoanG Posted February 12, 2015 Report Posted February 12, 2015 Ephesians 1:23 we as the body of Christ have complete heavenly power. We have the ability to do miracles if only we can tap into the power of the Spirit. We have to have the faith and closeness to Christ and in Christ to be able to do this. But we have lost this ability over the years because we have become very materialistic. Quote
WinstonY Posted April 18, 2015 Report Posted April 18, 2015 (Ephesians 1:23) What does it mean for us Christians that Christ is "head over everything for the church"? What does this say about the Church's power? If God the Father set everything under the feet of the Lord Jesus this implies, strongly, that Jesus is all powerful-He is the leader and the shepherd of the flock and has power over the principalities and the powers. And if "[...The Church] which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way." (1:23) then the church must also,in effect, have the same powers as the Christ-the awesome and incomparable power of the Lord God who raised Jesus from the dead. And we as the member parts of the church of access to that wonderful power. Quote
Eduvigis Antonio Nerio Lop Posted September 16, 2020 Report Posted September 16, 2020 Jesus Christ is Lord of everything. He create angels, spirit beans, animals, wind, oceans, universe, he is the head of all man 1Corinthians11:3 Paul already mention in several places on this letter, in and Colossians 1:18 that He and only Him is the Head of the Church, I pray that many understand this to focus in Him first to learn and practice his power in His church and out of the church and reach out the world Quote
Siphoñ Posted March 23, 2021 Report Posted March 23, 2021 Since Christ died for everyone.We see God now crowned him with glory and honour because of the death he suffered.Jesus is the one who leads us to salvation.He was also obedient to God,that is why God has made him Head over everything for the church.Christ is the one who distributed the gift of the Holy Spirit in the church according to his will.That is why the power of the church is in the hands of Jesus. Quote
Siphoñ Posted March 24, 2021 Report Posted March 24, 2021 The reason that has made God to put Jesus as the head over everything for the church.Jesus is the one who died for everyone. So God has crowned him with glory and honour because of the death he suffered. Jesus is the one who lead us to salvation. God has made him the firstborn over all creation and the church.He is also the firstborn from the dead,that in all things he may have the preeminence. The church has no power without Jesus.Jesus is the one who brings power to the church by bringing spiritual gifts to the church. Quote
JanSumi Posted March 5 Report Posted March 5 Christ is "head over everything for the church." This means that God has given His Son for us. He is our "head," and yet He was given for us (our salvation from sin and so much more!) and given to us to be full of Christ. We don't represent and reflect ourselves. We represent and reflect Jesus. That is why Jesus had to die, to be victorious over sin, our sin, so that we, the church, could be full of Him, who is perfect and full of all power. If we are Jesus to the world because we are full of Him, then His power dwells in us, and He means us to access His power to accomplish His purposes. He is using us to bring others to Him! Quote
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