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Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

  • 3 months later...
Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

( 1 Samuel 15:22 ) Obedience is greater than sacrifice.

John A. Stormer gives the following explanation of obedience: " Obedience is doing what those in authority request or want. It is the opposite of'doing your own thing' true obedience involves doing what an authority wants immediately. respectly, joyfully, and completely. Obedience requires the submission of the will of the individual to those in charge. True obedience ultimately stems from submission to God.

( Matthew 7:24-27 ) The point that Jesus is trying to make here is that works for God are not sufficient evidence that we are His. He says that not everyone who says to me, " Lord, Lord," will enter the Kingdom of Heaven: but he who does the will of my Father who is Heaven, In othr words, it takes more than saying that Jesus is Lord to make us a child of God. It takes obedience to God's will.

You see, doing work for God does not mean that we are doing the will of God. We may simply be doing what we want to do, And the evidence that we are truly born of God is that our lives reflect His life. You see, obedience is never an arbitrary thing. Obedience is allowing the Lord to rule in our lives. Obedience is the life of Jesus Christ being lived through us. Obedience is surrender to Him. Obedience flows from a living relationship with God. It comes from knowing Christ intimately. And you're not living based upon your own human ability. You are obeying God. You are living by the power that God supplies. And you are obeying God's will for you. True disciples do not just say "LORD, LORD," they do the will of God.

The Christian obeys God because God has shown favor to him, the Lord of the Covenant sacrificed him self to save his people from their sin and to redeem them for righteousness ( Ephesians 2:8-10 ), This is the ultimate motivator to Christian obedience.

  • 2 weeks later...

In 1 Sam 15:22 it is written that "to obey is better than sacrifice". It is expected that a disciple of the Lord Jesus would not only obey but do so in a manner that the whole world can see, that is by our witness.

Grace is a free gift. The works that we do are a result of the application of that grace by our obedience.


Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Yes Jesus requires us to obey His teaching and do what it says.

Many people are heading to destruction, not out of stubbornness but out thoughtlessness. They do not put the word of God into practice the way they were taught. We should help them as believers to stop and think about where their lives are heading to and point out the consequences of ignoring Christ


Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?



Yes, Jesus requires that we obey His Word.

I think there are true Christians who do not seek to obey. These Christians do not grow & miss out on a life lived with Jesus at the head. "Saved by the skin of their teeth"

Salvation is a gift, but it's a grace gift, giving you a relationship with the giver. You can't keep a relationship going without hard work & listening & obeying.


Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

All have fallen short of God's glory. All have sinned. Therefore it is not possible to get to heaven on our own. It cannot be earned, but we can choose life with God or life without Him. It is a gift from God, yet the fruit of the Spirit enables us to live the life God desires for us. When we believe in faith we are saved. Yet the understanding here of believe is revealed in obedience and action. It is the changed life which bears the truth of living by the Spirit. His Spirit enables and impowers us to live righteously. God will forgive us along this journey when we willingly bring our faults under the saving blood of Jesus. Over a life long relationship we live in right-standing with God through our intercessor Jesus Christ.

Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Obedience is an act of the will. If one is truly submitted to the Lord Jesus Christ, obedience in all areas will come as He places "sections" upon the brazen altar and burns away the flesh. There are many true Christians who believe, but are walking in disobedience. That is the essence of Romans 7...we are in constant battle with our flesh...that wants and desires happiness.

The Lord told me: I have not called you to happiness...I have called you to holiness...and in your holiness, you will find happiness. The world says: Don't Worry-Be Happy. The Lord says: Be holy as I am holy. 1 Peter 1:16. We are responsible for the revelation we have been given. If God shows you something...the Holy Spirit will enable you to do it. He will remain faithful, for he cannot disown Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13.

Salvation is a gift. For the gifts and God's call are irrevocable. Romans 11:29. When God speaks...man listens. He is big...we are little.


You are only a disciple when you obey God's word. Hypocrites act like they are godly and faithful but are deceivers when closely observed. They are living a lie and will be revealed somewhere down the road. They have no fear of God and do not possess the Holy Spirit.

We are saved because of the gift of God and only by His grace and mercy can we get through each day. We do absolutely nothing unless the Holy Spirit gives us umption. Faith and Grace gets us through each day. Believing in our heart, repenting and doing God's will are inclusive of our gift of salvation. All have been given a measure of faith and grace, but it is up to us to pursue it. Go for it or resist it is a choice... God does not push anything onto us, we are given a choice in everything in today's society and it is up to us to make the right choice. I choose Jesus, the One and only way..

Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

1) Yes, he does. That verse says "You are my friends if you continue to do the things I command you." Friends implies obeying out of Love for our master and Friend.

2)Yes and No.....No, if the disobedience is for a lifetime...I would say in that case, it may not be a true Christian. But I know of some who due to major abuse and trauma in early life, BELIEVE IN JESUS, and attend church but seem to be paralyzed when it comes to action. When hard things come, they don't BELIEVE JESUS, due to the betrayal and untrustworthiness of "trusted "ones who deceived them. As they grow in maturity, and begin to trust the Lord, and to know they are loved, they surrender to His will an inch at a time...(much like during the war when the Marines would land on a beach, they radioed back to the ship and said "The Marines have landed, the island is secure", though they only occupied a toe hold. Then the long grueling battle began for them to take the ground, yard by yard.) For these badly wounded ones, obedience can be a slow and hard fought battle.

3) They are 2 different things....Salvation is a totally free gift of God's Grace. Paul is talking about that free gift which we do nothing to earn. Jesus' command to obey His Word, refers to our born again walk with Him after we've received His gracious gift.


Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Jesus wants us to follow out of love for what he did for us, but He is God and knows that we are weak and sinful at heart thats why the Father had Him die for us and it is for that reason we must always seek forgiveness when we struggle and fail. We must get back up seek His forgiveness and try harded to live by His commandments. Our Salvation is a gift we can do nothing to earn it but we must recognize that we are indebted t Jesus for His blood and suffering and we must seek to live lives worthy of that sacrifice. Paul does not want us to become prideful and forget who is our Saviour and Lord, that is why he says it is not through works. We must live as Jesus lived and that in it's self is work and only through the Grace of God can we ever hope to come close.

Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Jesus says obedience is better than secrifice.

No way.the one who doesnt obey is not a true christian

We just have to beleive God.It is not by works that we were saved but by grace.

Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Yes Jesus requires obedience. Is there a "TRUE" Christian who believes but does not obey? NO!!!! Salvation is a gift not of works. Salvation puts us in the race as Paul says, but salvation does not complete the race as Paul also says. If salvation completed the race Paul would have kept on doing what paid him the best, instead he gave that up to do what was right. If there was no change in Paul's life how many books of the New Testament do you think he would have written? There was a change in his life, in what he believed, and how he "Ran the race" to recieve the prize and to insure the conpletion of what was started in him through Christ. Those are also quotes from Paul himself, which he justifies works.

I don't to justify Christ's requirement of obedience because I was not there when He measured out the water in His hands, hung the stars in the sky, and set the sun and the moon to mark the day and night. But I do know that if He says that He desires obedience above sacrifice, it is better to be obedient. And if he says that not all who call on His name will have there name in the book of life because of thier disobedience, I had better take note to do all I can. And if to sit undecided living a wishy-washy life, niether hot not cold makes Him sick, it is better to choose now who I will serve.


Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Yes, Jesus requires obedience of his disciples. According to John 15:14, to be considered as his friends he require that we do what he commands.

No, there is not a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey. A true Christian will practice Jesus


Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14)

Yes, Jesus requires obedience from all of His followers.

Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey?

If you are true Christian, you will obey the Word of God. A true Christian could not be disobedient.

How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Salvation is a gift from God, we can


According to John 15:14 Jesus definitely requires obedience from His disciples.

If someone is a true Christian, he will not only believe but will follow and obey the Lord's teachings. Anyone who believes otherwise is only deceiving himself.

We justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching of we are saved by faith and not by works because they both go together. We don't earn our salvation by doing works but by trusting Jesus as our Savior. At the same time, we show the world that Christ is Our Lord by doing the works He requires of us.


Yes, if a person is to be a disciple of God he or she must be obedient. A true Christian will want to be pleasing to God and obey him. That doesn't mean we're going to be perfect, but with God's help we'll do our best. Salvation is a gift from God because he loves us, because we love God we want to do his work and obey his commands.


Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Jesus requires all disciples to be obedient. A true Christian believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God. We obey because we have given our live over to serving God and following His commands.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Jesus wanted us all to be on equal ground when we were saved. He didn't want anyone to say that they were more important to God than anyone else. So, if I am truly saved, and have confessed my sins, I will WANT to do the things that are required of me. Obedience, dedication, kindness, humility, giving-all this, and more if I am truly His. I want to.

  • 6 months later...
Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Yes, Jesus requires obedience of his disciples. No, I don't think you can be a true Christian and not obey God. If you are a true Christian, you will want to hear and obey, because you will be totally committed to him.

Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Yes. Yes. Even the Devil believes in God, he fell from Gods graces and he does not obey. Salvation is a gift from God when we truely follow him and live with God in our hearts. We must do good works, bear good fruit. But we must also be careful not to deceive ourselves iinto believing that we did these things on our own with no help from Jesus. Jesus must live in our hearts and we must shine our light on the people around us.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27)

Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14).

Yes, He requires absolute obedience.

Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey?

No, Jesus says this person is like a

  • 5 months later...
Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?


I think not. They may think that the truly believe, but if they aren't strivng to obey and follow Jesus to the best of their understanding and ability they aren't true Christians probably.

Jesus is talking about total obedience to Him, about completely trusting Him and handing over every aspect of our lives to Him. True obedience comes from true faith, the kind we are saved through by grace. If we have that kind of faith, the good works that God prepared for us beforehand (verse 10) will flow from it.

  • 3 months later...

Q4. (Matthew 7:24-27) Does Jesus require obedience of his disciples? (John 15:14). Is there a kind of true Christian who believes, but does not obey? How do you justify Jesus' requirement of obedience with Paul's teaching that salvation is a gift, not because of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

Yes, He requires obedience.

Satan believes but he doesn't obey.

Knowing Jesus isn't the same thing as loving Him.

A true christian doesn't only believe but also loves Him and therefore obeys Him.

We are saved because of our faith - not because of our deeds.

Even though, we have to prove our faith by good deeds.

Good deeds alone are not enough.

Faith without obedience also isn't enough.

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