Pastor Ralph Posted August 16, 2008 Report Posted August 16, 2008 Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of: perseverance, tried character, and hope? Quote
Sandym Posted September 13, 2008 Report Posted September 13, 2008 Because without our sufferings we can't relate to the world. God is preparing us to be able to preach to all a bit at a time. Through the understanding of other peoples problems because we have truly been there, we are able to stand beside them and say "i understand what you are going through". God brings us through the trials and sufferings. If you have been a single parent you can relate to another single parent. If you have been through divorce you can relate to another divorcee If you have an illness you can relate to others with that illness. Whether or not the trials of life have been resolved you can relate to others. You can be a bridge in the gap where they can only see no hope. No future. You because of having faith in Jesus know that there is a future, there is hope. Quote
Brad Posted September 13, 2008 Report Posted September 13, 2008 Because we know that suffering produces perseverance,character and hope Perseverance----Gives us the capacity to hold out in the face of difficulty Character--------Helps us to stand up to a test Hope-------------Enables us to know why we are,who we are,and where we are going. Quote
sadiejee Posted September 13, 2008 Report Posted September 13, 2008 Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of: perseverance, tried character, and hope? I find that the importance in my life of perserverance is building my faith, with each obstical that comes accross my path, as long as I believe and don't give up, I see God's glory shining through and so do those who stand by and watch. As for tried character, I believe that God sets the stage of my life so as to build my character and deepen my faith, therefore hope is important factor through which trials are faced knowing beyond a shadow of doubt that no matter how bad it gets or what I must face, my God is with me and my destination only a step closer in the whole scheme of things as God's plan for my life evolves. Quote
house Posted September 13, 2008 Report Posted September 13, 2008 We can rejoice in our sufferings and trials because they have a purpose; it is through them that we grow. Going through testing and enduring suffering (perseverance) builds strength (character). Hope comes when you can look back and see what you have endured in the past, and especially when you can see that God was with you then, He is with you now, and He will be with you in the future. That He was with you and got you through yesterday, and He will be with you and will get you through tomorrow, is hope. Quote
jason Posted September 13, 2008 Report Posted September 13, 2008 Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of: perseverance, tried character, and hope? 1) Because God uses suffering as a classroom to develop his character in us. 2) A. Perserverence: Is to have the patience to endure the difficultys in our lives. B. Tried character: Learning from experiences & withstanding tests "character building, changing our perspectives on life". C. Hope: Confidence & hope in Christ, for if we did not have hope life would be meaningless. Quote
jason Posted September 13, 2008 Report Posted September 13, 2008 Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of: perseverance, tried character, and hope? 1) Because God uses suffering as a classroom to develop his character in us. 2) A. Perserverence: Is to have the patience to endure the difficultys in our lives. B. Tried character: Learning from experiences & withstanding tests "character building, changing our perspectives on life". C. Hope: Confidence & hope in Christ, for if we did not have hope life would be meaningless. Quote
pickledilly Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 I really don't think this means that we should be thrilled because we get to suffer painful or difficult things. I do think this means that we should be thrilled because it is through suffering that we realize glory, just as Christ did (Romans 8:17-18). We can know that suffering ultimately produces good in our lives if we will "rejoice in hope of the glory of God" that will be fully ours one day! Perseverance is important in life because "winners never quit and quitters never win"! The promises of God and our hope of glory in Christ are our "prize". This earthly life will be and do everything possible to keep us from attaining that goal. We have to deliberately choose to press on, stand firm, reject compromise, maintain a set focus, remain steadfast in faith. Otherwise we forfeit some degree of the full reward. Tried character is important because it reveals the heart. Struggles and testing always expose one's true nature. God uses those things to show us what’s really in the heart and challenge us to yield to His process of developing the holy Christ-like character within us. And as others see uncompromising godly character, they see true Christianity. "Christ in me" is what makes me acceptable to God and secures my access to Him. This is my hope for making it through my journey on earth. And this is my hope of the completion of His holiness in me when I am united with Him in His glory for eternity! This confident expectation strengthens me to persevere through the next suffering I face as God proves Himself faithful to His promises to guide and provide over and over again. As I repeatedly walk through these cycles of perseverance, tried character, and strengthened hope, I become a living testimony of God's powerful transforming work to those who watch my life. Quote
Eudora Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 First of all, this is where we receive our biggest blessings. When man says a harsh word against our belief or our conduct based on our belief, or when we have been falsely accused of something, we can rejoice because Jesus knows us through and through and when we stay steadfast in Him, we too can count it as His righteous work in us to bring us through each and every trial or tribulation. Personally I think God loves to teach us in these ways because He likes to show up and show off and bring us through it so that He becomes glorified, when we recognize Him coming to our rescue. He comes through every time because He is faithful, but sometimes, He waits until we are backed up in a corner, like Moses and the Hebrew people were when they got to the edge of the Red Sea. The greatest reward we have waiting for us in heaven, is stored ahead of us, before we even get there. Jesus ! He is our hope, He is our peace and He is our saving grace. This is the practice run with the little things in our life because soon, we will have it all, more than we could ever hope for and practice makes us perfect in His eyes, even though we don Quote
Letsgohuntting Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of: perseverance, tried character, and hope? We should rejoice in our suffering and tribulations because we learn from our mistakes, we get smarter and become more knowledgeable. This makes us all a better person than we where.(romans 5:2-5) Perseverance is being able to deal with trouble in a sound mind, to think clearly, to be patience, to be kind and good, to have faith that it will be alright. Tried Character is to go through trouble so we can become a better person. To learn from our mistakes, to better ourselfs, To become a good and desent person that others can count own. Hope is Knowing where we came from, Having faith in the one that made us, believing that when we die that we will be with the Lord in Heaven. Quote
johnbis Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 We should rejoice in our suffering and tribulations because we learn from our mistakes, we get smarter and become more knowledgeable. This makes us all a better person than we where.(romans 5:2-5) Perseverance is being able to deal with trouble in a sound mind, to think clearly, to be patience, to be kind and good, to have faith that it will be alright. Tried Character is to go through trouble so we can become a better person. To learn from our mistakes, to better ourselfs, To become a good and desent person that others can count own. Hope is Knowing where we came from, Having faith in the one that made us, believing that when we die that we will be with the Lord in Heaven. O WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE HAVE, trouble wants to undermine us, and how the resent times have tried to do this, BUT OUR GOD finds us more valuble than any thing/person to let us suffer alone, he is always their, even when we do not realise his mighty strength. Quote
nancychua Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of: perseverance, tried character, and hope? 1) Because God uses suffering to shape us and mould us to develop his character in us. It helps us to cling and depend on HIm who can strengthen us. It illuminate our mind, moral and spiritual reinforcement that He is always with us and will not allow the suffering that we could not bear it. He is the God of love and mercy. 2) A. Perserverence: "it is the art of trying again after the series of failures until you get what you are aiming for". Self motivation and perseverance are our success secrets. The promises of God and our hope of glory in Christ are our "prize". It gives us the endurance to hold out in circumstances of difficulty. B. Tried character: willl help us to develop qualities like graciousness, purity, wisdom and patience. Will show us how to extend yourself to others so that Christ can be glorified. C. Hope: Enables us to know why we are who we are and we know where we are going. It is where we can see the fulfillment of God`s promises for our eternal destiny. Quote
quenboss12 Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 it helps us learn to endure. endure develop strength of character in us. Character strengthens our confident of salvation. Suffering because we know it produces character, presevrance, and hope. Quote
charisbarak Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 We should rejoice in our sufferings because Christ also suffered & there is a fruit that comes from suffering. Perseverance--patience & strength to make it through the test Character--forming a more godly character in us--smoothing out the rough edges Hope--knowing what God said will happen--we know the end of the story!! Gives us a goal to run to!! Quote
Delivered Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? Suffering seems to be a part of the process of our growing in Him. Tribulations we face from time to time, and by facing them by staying in ''faith", we know our faith is building in us endurance to go on, trusting in the work Christ did for us; We know that as our endurance grows it will be put to the test, but through it all, as we stay in faith, in the good times and the bad, we will be found trustworthy to God, and to our Lord Yeshua. And when Yeshua comes for us, we will not be ashamed, we will not stand before Him in disgrace, we will not have dishonour covering us, so we can look for the blessed Hope with great pleasure, and anticipation. How can we go through the test? It is because we have the Holy Spirit, Power living in us, given unto us at the great Pentecostal effusion, for each believer. Quote
Stan Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of: perseverance, tried character, and hope? 3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope." I think that verses 3& 4 say it all if we suffer patiently then we build perseverance, which improves our Character and increases the hope we have in us. Quote
jeff sa Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 The troubles and tribulations of this life are transitory and our hope is fixed on the glory of God. Our sufferings produce perseverance and they test or prove our character and they give us hope because we share in the sufferings of Christ. A poem that describes this I walked a mile with pleasure She chatted all the way. But not a thing I learned from her For all she had to say. I walked a mile with sorrow And not a word said she But oh the things I learned from her When sorrow walked with me. Quote
masika Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of perseverance, tried character, and hope? Because God uses life difficulties and Satan Quote
hendrick Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 God created the world and menkind perfectly, but due to the disobedience of men, we lost the intimate relationship with our Creator. Now we are suffering from that absence, and as a consequence we do not love eachtother anymore. So, suffering came in the place of happyness. Suffering became our dayly part of live, someone more, and someone less, bur we all suffer. But in Christ Jesus, we may see that suffering in a different approach. Suffering is no longer without meaning, now it leads us to (at least when we chose for the way of Jesus) salvation. Suffering towards eternal dead if awefull, but suffering toowards eternal LIFE is a joyfull thing, althouhg suffering in itself is a horrable expirience. But if we can see the end of the road,(eternal life with Jesus) we can stand our ground, and rejoice even when we are suffering. Hendrick Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 God uses our sufferings and tribulations as a means to develop a Christ like nature or character in us. It is through our suffering and tribulations that we can find the hope that God offers to His children. The old hymn says it something like this. Quote
paulcrf Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of: perseverance, tried character, and hope? [b] We should rejoice in our sufferings because through it we can share Christ suffering. It also reminds us that we need Christ to strengthen our faith and reliance of his grace during the times of trials. For a man without Christ, suffering is something unthinkable. We do anything not to experience suffering. But when we have Christ in our lives, we consider suffering as a test of faith hence we rejoice. Good or bad, thanks be to God. Perseverance increases faith. It strengthens our reliance on God. A faith to be alive should have experience testing. Without it Faith is anchored on sandy soil. God has tested Abraham before he considered him righteous. Abraham persevered and passed God's tests. Tried Character is a character that has passed satan's lies. It has overcome the world. It is a character of integrity and dignity. Hope gives us the sure assurance that God will fulfill his promises to us if we keep his words. We rejoice our christian walk because of expectation.[/b] Quote
trebenaid Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 There are already so many good answers I am not sure i can add anything that hasn't already been covered. So I will just put what my very first thought was when I first read the question, it is bound to repeat someone else...... when we suffer we come close to understanding what Christ went through. And when we have that understanding, be it ever so feeble, we can hope to become like him. If we never suffer we can never know. We learn through experience not through illustration. And then in turn we can be like The Rock when it comes to helping others who find themselves in similar situations. Quote
Taruu Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of: perseverance, tried character, and hope? No one rejoice in sufferings and tribulations, but we as Christians who know that Christ who knows no sin and suffered and died for us sinners, we have to share the suffering of Jesus. Jesus accepted the suffering because he knew what rewards awaiting Him after His suffering. So as Christians, followers of Christ we also know that after our sufferings and tribulations we go through, we will share with Jesus what God has prepared for all faithful believers. The importance of perseverance is to stay firm regardless of what we are going through, and in that way our true character will be revealed and in that way, our future hope becomes a reality. Hope is the key word here, because it is "hope" that allows us to stay firm when our characters are being tried with sufferings and tribulations. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Thank you. Quote
Triciahh Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 Our sufferings and tribulations produce the end good result of God Quote
JustJeff Posted September 15, 2008 Report Posted September 15, 2008 By perservering, going through the fire, we are purged of our old nature. By sticking to the word of God, prayer, fasting, praise, worship, works and more we are able to replace the old person's character with a Christlike character. As we become like Him, the clearer our hope of beholding the glory of the Father and eternity with Him becomes. Quote
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