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The fact that Christ died for the ungodly and the sinner underscores the fact that I can do nothing to attain heaven, nothing to attain holiness, and nothing to enter into the presence of a Holy Soverign God. All of these are given to me as a precious and priceless gift. Also, sin is made equal in that all sin deserves death, there is not one of us whose sin is counted as less than another's. Sin is sin and a sinner is a sinner who needs Jesus Christ.

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Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

Why is it important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly", is that when we were still hopeless and powerless, still slave to our sins, God through His love sent His sinless Son, the one who did not know sin to bear our sins to set us free from the slavery of sin. Christ died for us at our worst and this gives us assurance that whatever the devil tells us are all lies, because Jesus died for us sinners not for the righteous.


It is important to embrace the truth that " Christ died for the ungodly" because nobody has ever committed a sin so bad or evil that it would cause salvation to be denied. In a sense, we are all ungodly, rebelling against God until we accept Christ.

Jesus died for us when we were at our worst.

It is also important to embrace the truth that " Christ died for sinners" because He didn't die because we were righteous or just relatively good. Christ died on the cross because we are all sinners,pure and simple. Even the best of us have gone astray and missed the mark.

Christ died for us when we were at our worst. This gives us assurance against the devil's lies that we are too bad to forgive because we have been adopted into God's family as sons and daughters. Just as we wouldn't kick out or disown a member of our family who has done wrong or messed up, neither will God disown those who are now part of the heavenly family.

Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

If Christ died for us when we were ar our worst, we can dispel the taunts of the devil and not feel God is going to leave us or throw us out anytime we mess up. God knows we are not perfect, but being perfected.


Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

Why is it important to embrace the truth that Christ died for the ungodly, that Christ died for sinners?

To embrace is to hold closely. It has the sound of affection or love. Since the devil will try to get us to believe the opposite of God's Word we must embrace the truth that Christ died for sinners, for us while lost in sin. Don't you just love what our Savior has done for us!!

According to 5:8 did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst?

He died for us when we were at our worst. Oh how His actions humble us when we refuse to forgive others.

How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about being to bad to forgive?

We have embraced (hold closely as in a hug) the truth that Christ died for the ungodly, for us when we were at our worst.

What a Friend we have in Jesus!!

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26

Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

We are assured that God loves us inspite of our sin.

The devil always try to fear us with the wrong doing that we have done against Him. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Satan wants us to feel that we have sinned so bad that we can't be forgiven.

But when we come before God with a repentant heart, He will forgive us. Christ died for us that we might be washed clean of our sins through repentence, and acceptance of Christ's love and salvation.

The truth and His redemption work on the Cross has set us free from sin and condemnation. We should not fear that we human being are too bad to forgive.


Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

1. It is important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" so that all could come to the knowledge of God.

1 Tim 2:2-4

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth


2. What is the knowledge of the truth? It is not only knowing we are powerless to save ourself, but it is also to recognize we are yet sinner only will we be saved by grace.

Eph 2:5-10

5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.


3. Through the Holy Spirit we have constant access to the throne of God. He makes it possible for us to see Jesus in the way each one perceives Him. If we again are going growing and learning by relationship with Him then we will begin to learn and understand that when we sin our hearts render that feeling of love for Him. We want to do right and we learn that living in the spirit with Him that the flesh is weak and we will sin. We know that the devil will voice his opinion on our sin. Knowing who we are in Christ we should repent quickly. There are times when we don't and we will know that something has distanced us from God. We will feel that until we truly repent and turn from our ways. He cannot justify us unless we admit we sinned so the blood covers it. May we never leave an open sin in our lives in order for the devil to accuse us. God loves us so much, lets not waste the cross on pride.


Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

We must believe that God loves us, even though we are detestable sinners. He proved His love for us by sending His Son, Jesus, to die for us! And we were still in sin! Now how can we doubt His love for us?

The devil is the father of lies, and he wants us to believe that there is no hope when we sin. We have really done it this time! We will never be forgiven. What rubbish! This is not a license to sin, but because we won't be perfect in this life, we are covered by Jesus' shed blood, and we can confess and be forgiven!!!! How marvelous, excellent, and wonderful!!! Gloray!


Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

It is important to embrace this truth because it is the only hope for human salvation. As Paul wrote, "All have sinned and have come short of the Glory of God." Even the most religious are sinners. Jesus is the way, truth, and life ... for all humanity.

Jesus died on the cross for us at our worst. If Jesus died for us at our worst, then there is no such thing as being too bad to be saved and forgiven. Rejection of this free gift from God is what prevents people from forgiveness, salvation and ultimately being separated from God in hell.


Q1 - It is important because Christ's death on the cross is the basis of our faith. We are descendants of Adam and Eve and we inherited sin from them.

Q2 - Christ died for us when we were at our worst, as sinners. This assures us because it means that if God demonstrated his love for us when we had no hope as sinners, there is nothing that God cannot forgive. Our falling into temptation is an opportunity for God to discipline us and to train us into righteousness.

Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

Although I have been a christian for 20 years, it is only through this bible study and the one on 1 Peter that I am learning what it means for Christ to have willingly died for me.

Like a lot of people I struggle with not feeling good enough or worthy enough, and right now I find it hard that God actually WANTED to die for me. That dirty and sinful as I am, God KNEW I was worth saving.

I stand robed in righteousness covered in Jesus' Blood and ALL through the GRACE of God who CHOSE to die for me.

It's mind blowing, scary and fills me with a hope that maybe bad as I am, I do have some worth.



Jesus Christ died for us when we were at our very worst. Sinners through and through! It was by Grace that He saved us, not by works, so that nobody could boast. We are unworthy - BUT - He saved us anyway!

The devil tries to tell us that we are beneath contempt - not worthy of being saved - we have done it now! and no way can we expect help, - BUT - Christ has done it for us, and even as we commit further sins and come to Him repentant, Jesus is graceous to forgive us once again, and wipe the slate clean again.


It is very important to embrace the truth that Christ died for the ungodly or sinners because this is the peak of love, mercy and grace. God's love for me motivated him to have mercy on me and have me reconciled to him by sending his son to die in my place despite me! Amazing grace indeed.

Christ died for us sinners when we were deep in our filth and mess thus we were at our worst and not at our best.

The fact that God loved me and made Christ to die for me when I was at my worst, is the best reminder I should always keep at the back of my mind- ALWAYS.

Now that I am reconciled to Him, I have the confidence that He will still love me even when I sin. However, I will endeavour to run back to Him to confess the sin and repent.

I thank and love you Lord God for such amazing grace.


It is important to recognize that Christ died for us as sinners because it makes us acknowledge that there was nothing we could do to save ourselves. While Satan is the accuser of the brethren if we keep the fact that Christ saved us at our worst it will keep us humble. We can never forget, less we begin to think more of ourselves than we should and therefore make the cross to non effect. I also believe that we will not become puffed up in pride. If he died for us as sinners he would not cast us away when we have become born again.

  • 2 weeks later...

We have to be willing to accept the fact that Jesus loved and died for us when we were sinful and carnal minded. When we have given our lives to Him, He delights in us. We will never be perfect here on earth and God knows that. Christ died for us when we were at our worst, if He's willing to do that He will surely not give up on us when we love Him and try to live for Him.

Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

Because the godly would not require salvation (someone who is healthy does not require a doctor). Christ dies for us at our worst. By faith we have have the assurance that we our His children.


"did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst?

For whom would you die so that they could live? A Your spouse? B your child? C A stranger?. D Ungodly people? E All of the above?

For Christ, the answer is E. It's ABSOLUTE

How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

The devil's lies are based on us thinking RELATIVE. My path to temptation is "John, you are not good enough for the grace of Christ. You are going to hell. You might as well enjoy the ride." A great strategy for the devil as it plays upon two fears that all human beings have;

1. We're not good enough.

2. We won't be loved.

Such fears of RELATIVE goodness or love are non-applicable to our relationship with God as his love for us is ABSOLUTE. Romans 5:6-8 makes this point clear.


Because we are all sinners; He died for us at our worst; He died in our place so that no matter what we've done, forgiveness is there for the asking - no one is too bad to be forgiven.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

When we were without hope, when we were still powerless and weak, while we were still sinners God died for us. He died because we are sinners who were lost. He died for us when we were at our worst because of His love for us. We can have assurance against the devil's lies because Christ adopted us as sons and daughters and misbehavior is not cause for turning us away.


Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

"The Truth shall set you free". It is always essential to know the truth, for it sets us free. Not to face the whole truth inveigles us in a lie, which is the reason for our death in the first place. Ignorance holds us firmly in bondage to the lie, for Jesus said on the Cross, "Father, forgive them, they DON'T KNOW what they do." The fact is that Jesus died for us although we live in sin in order to raise our status with Heaven. 'There was no other way in which it could be done. If we are to appreciate Him we have to appreciate the whole truth, not just the good bits! Our access to salvation, in large measure, requires our appreciation of what He has done.

Christ died for us at our ungodly worst. Only His love could redeem the situation. We had NO power over it at all.

I praise Father that He sent Jesus to redeem us at our worst, to exhibit His love in our depraved state, for it means we can always receive it right at that point, and there is nothing that satan can do about that.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q3. (Romans 5:6, 8) Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly" (5:6), that "Christ died for sinners" (5:8)? According to 5:8, did Christ die for us at our best or at our worst? How does this give us assurance against the devil's lies about us being too bad to forgive?

This is probably one of the devil's favorite tactics! Yes, we are all sinners, and fall short. However, its what you do afterward that is important. Yes, we all sin but because of Christ's death, but if we repent, forgiveness is readily at hand. With the understanding that Christ died for the ungodly, allows believers to be able to relate to those who are not saved because they were there at one point in their lives also. God saw us, and understood how lost we were. Shame on us that it took the Son of God to be crucified because we had strayed so badly. Then again, because of Jesus, no sin is to big for forgiveness. When the devil lies, and says we are too bad to be forgiven, let us remember what Romans 8:38-39 says...nothing can separate us from the love of God.

  • 4 weeks later...

This is a concept that is so hard for Christians to accept...of course, it doesn't help that satan is constantly accusing us. I have to think of my own children, just as we are God's children. When they come to me and say, "Mom, I messed up..." or, even when they DON'T take that step to confession and I already know what they have done--I always forgive them, I always love them. Nothing changes that. How much more so does the Father of all creation love His children?

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