Paul H Posted January 8, 2010 Report Posted January 8, 2010 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? It means the exchange of a hostile relationship for a friendly one. Before we were enemies of God and as such would ultimately be subject to His wrath. Now we are reconciled to Him through Jesus. Why is reconciliation with God necessary? Without it we would ultimately be subject to God's wrath, which based on a read of some of the Old Testament, is not a great position to be in. We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? He is interceding with God for us, and through the power of the Holy Spirit sent for and dwelling in us, is sanctifying us and making us more Christ like as we live in Him. The way that this works is covered really well in Pastor Ralph's study on the Epistles of John (Lesson 4 in particular) which I can thoroughly recommend. Quote
JoeB Posted January 23, 2010 Report Posted January 23, 2010 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? Jesus is showing us the example of how to live our lives serving others. Jesus is the supreme example of unconditional love- he died for us sinners. We should strive to serve and love others in the same way. Also, the image of the crucified Jesus on the cross is a vivid reminder of how much God loves us! We should never forget this! Quote
Vaiden Rochelle Posted January 30, 2010 Report Posted January 30, 2010 Hi, Pastor Ralph, Reconcililation means to restore broked or destroyed pieces to create a whole piece. We need reconciliation with God because we are God's creation, and are meant to be like Him. Through Adam's sin, all of us are flawed or have a sin nature. God is pure and Holy. In order to be like we were meant to be before Adam's sin, we need to be reconciled with God thereby creating a oneness with God. With reconciliation with God, we also are sons and daughters of God and are going to enjoy heaven and all that God has for us. Without reconciliation, people are doomed to hell for eternity. Jesus is doing so much for us in the present. He has made a way for us to ". . .have life more abundantly." John 10:10. Jesus still makes a way for us during difficult times when there doesn't seem to be a way. He takes care of us in all situations, physical ones, spiritual ones, and emotional ones. Thank you, Jesus! Quote
Commissioned Posted March 3, 2010 Report Posted March 3, 2010 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? The term "reconciliation" means that we who were once enemies of God are now in fellowship once again. Reconciliation with God is necessary because the fellowship was broken in the Garden of Eden when man disobeyed God. Jesus came so that man may be reconciled once again with God. We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). However, we are being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life through the power of the Holy Spirit working salvation in us now, that sanctification that brings about in us the character of Christ. In the present Jesus is interceding with the Father on our behalf. Quote
Charles Sanger Posted March 7, 2010 Report Posted March 7, 2010 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? I think reconciliation means making your life right with God. Excepting He is our saviour and our salvation, excepting the fact that He is the path, the truth and the way of living. Reconciliation with God is very important in order to share in the greatest give we can receive Quote
Antwan Posted March 13, 2010 Report Posted March 13, 2010 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? Reconciliation, to me, means to be brought back to, joined together again; it means that those who were once enemies are now friends again. We have to be reconciled to God because He is holy and just by nature, and cannot stand sin, and must deal with it in a just manner (punish/destroy it); we have been sinful by nature every since the fall of our parents Adam and Eve, and so we were children of wrath before Christ came to die for us and before we accepted His gift of eternal life/being reconciled to God. Reconciliation to God is necessary, because without it, God would be obligated by His justness and holiness to destroy us for our sinfulness. We are saved from the wrath of God by trusting that what Jesus did on the cross satisfies the requirements for our sins; we will be saved from eternal damnation after this life. We will live in the Presence of the Most High. Quote
Kingskids1 Posted March 22, 2010 Report Posted March 22, 2010 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? The word Reconciliation is the act of being made right and who;e in the sight of GOD. WE have to be reconcilied unto GOD because he can not ignore sin GOD has given us the law by which we are suppose to live if we deviate or break any of the 10 comandments we have sined ,in the sight of GOD and we need to have a way to be reconcilied to GOD and the only way for that to happen is when CHRIST died on the cross for our sins.WE are being saved in the past present and future tense. When we accept that CHRIST JESUS is LORD of our lives that he was crucified died and was burried and on the third day he rose again and assended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of the FATHER!! This is the only way that we can and are forgiven of our sins. We have been saved and forgiven of our sins Past, present and future. Quote
powerkept Posted May 11, 2010 Report Posted May 11, 2010 The word for reconciliation is katallassō which means Quote
jon burke Posted May 16, 2010 Report Posted May 16, 2010 This means that there is harmony, no more strife, we are reunited. Reconciliation with God is necessary due to our sin. Christ died on the cross for us so that our sins could be forgiven and that we might be reunited with God in harmony. We are continually being saved by Jesus, due to our sinful nature we continually have to ask for Godes forgiveness. Jesus intercedes with God (His and Our Father) for and on our behalf. Quote
Marloes Posted May 29, 2010 Report Posted May 29, 2010 Reconciliation is the change from hostile to friendly. We need this because we're sinners and therefore are hostile to God. The fact that He lives shows that He outran death. Now He's alive He prepares us a place in heaven and pleas for us at the Father. Quote
Paul G Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? ANS - The hostility between God and man has been changed to harmony and friendship, because of the redemptive work of Christ when He died on the cross. Why is reconciliation with God necessary? ANS - If there was no reconciliation, then we would be doomed to hell forever. We could never enter a relationship of love with Him. Therefore, in order for this happen the plan of redemption had to take place. We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? ANS - We are being made more like him, being made holy, being sanctified, and purified daily by his redemptive work, by His blood, and by His Spirit. Quote
Craig Posted June 19, 2010 Report Posted June 19, 2010 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? Reconciliation means if we accept Jesus the Christ as savior we can have peace and a restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Reconciliation is necessary because of Adam's sin. Adam's disobedience made humanity orphans -- fatherless and Jesus made a way for humanity to be restored to their Creator/Father -- God the Father Almighty maker of heavens and earth. We are being saved from eternal separation from God -- hell and from the destructive consequences of our sin. In the present Jesus is changing my heart thus changing my life, relationships, and eternal destiny. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted June 22, 2010 Report Posted June 22, 2010 What does "reconciliation" mean? To reconcile means to make the relationship right, what was wrong is now restored, waht is broken is now fixed...once we had no exchanges, but now are restored to safety and love through Christ Jesus. Why is reconciliation with God necessary? If we had no reconciliation with God, we would forever be separated from Him. We are now His children because of the price paid for us willingly. We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? We are being saved in the present because He stands as our advocate to the Father and daily pleads our case. He causes intercession of the Holy Spirit and is responsible for drawing us closer to Him. Quote
Help Me Understand :-) Posted July 9, 2010 Report Posted July 9, 2010 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? I understand that we are reconciled by the Blood of Jesus Christ. However, I have conversed on several occasions with someone that is very knowledgeable of scripture, and I respect his understanding of scripture. He is of the opinion, that us being reconciled with GOD by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST and the acknowledgment of such is not the only requirement for our eternal salvation. Please forgive the run on sentence, Im a bit rushed. What occurs during the second judgment when we all stand trial for our deeds and transgressions. Quote
Old Jerry Posted July 15, 2010 Report Posted July 15, 2010 Reconciliation means that we have been made right with somebody. The reason reconciliation with God is necessary is because if we weren Quote
wifee Posted August 4, 2010 Report Posted August 4, 2010 4a)Reconciliation is bringing together 2 parties separated by hostility b)When sin came into the world by Adam Quote
Ramon Posted August 12, 2010 Report Posted August 12, 2010 Answer: Reconciliation means to bring forth Quote
rosegarden Posted September 21, 2010 Report Posted September 21, 2010 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? - Brought back to God, became friends with. - Because we were once enemies with God and now have been reconciled to Him by His shed Blood. - Christ sent his Holy Spirit to work salvation in us that brings about Christ's character in us. Quote
Prof M Posted October 9, 2010 Report Posted October 9, 2010 Reconciliation means to come together again after something has divided you from someone else. We needed to reconcile with God because we were once enemies from him because of the sin of Adam and all the personal sins that we committed before we were Christ's. We need to reconcile with God so that we can be a part of his wonderful plan and we can enjoy his eternal life. Through Christ's death on the Christ, we were saved, reconciled with God, but Christ continues to save us by forgiving us for the mistakes we continue to make and teaching us how to be like him, developing in us the Characteristics of strong Christians and helping us develop into people who can live his perfect will. Quote
ljmnkscart Posted October 21, 2010 Report Posted October 21, 2010 Reconciled means to have friendship restored. Reconciled means to exchange hostility for friendliness. To restore a relationship that had been severed or broken. There is now harmony with God, peace, access to God because Jesus made it possible. Reconciliation is necessary because that is the only way we can be assured of our salvation. It is the only way we will be saved from the wrath of God in the future. It is the only way we can have access to God now as He sanctifies us and help us develop the character of Jesus Christ in us. WE are being saved in the present tense now for just that reason. That is what Jesus is doing in us now as He is using whatever is happening in our lives to build that righteous, holy character that He is in us. Quote
Chichii Posted December 15, 2010 Report Posted December 15, 2010 (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Reconciliation means to be judged innocent, put in right standing with God, to have a guilty verdict overturned. Why is reconciliation with God necessary? As in the parable of the prodigal son we are of two states of unrighteousness. Those that are outwardly rebellious children and those that are filled with shame for their guilty acts. In both states a person will not be of a mind to approach God. Also God is Holy and only a holy person can fellowship with Him. Rom 3:10-12 says that no one is holy, no one seeks God and no one is righteous so no act of our own could have won us right standing with God. Reconciliation with God is therefore necessary to overturn the guilty verdict and restore us again to sonship as God intended from the very beginning. We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? Jesus is in the present giving us the keys to victorious Christian living i.e living a life free from control by sin. This does not mean that the Christian never sins but the Holy Spirit enables him or her to live a godly life and when he or she fails but confesses and repents the blood of Jesus immediately cleanses and restores their soul. Thus the sin does not have time to fester and grow but is immediately mastered. This is the victory over dominion from sin that Jesus does for us on a daily basis and we are assured of this. So we can be confident in the power of the Blood of Jesus to deliver us from being controlled by any sin. If we believe this then we can master any sin and live "right" before God and man. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted December 16, 2010 Report Posted December 16, 2010 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Reconciliation means that peace has been made between two people or parties that were in dispute of conflict prior to the reconciliation. Why is reconciliation with God necessary? In order to bring us from death into life. For our part we have to accept Christ's sacrifice on our behalf. The rest of the process is all God's work. Having been reconciled with God we can now approach the Throne of Grace for help in times of trouble. We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? Salvation is an ongoing process. It's called sanctification. Christ lives in and through us by His Spirit. It's the Holy spirit who enables us to grow in faith and Christian maturity. In addition, Jesus's position at the right side of God the Father interceding on our behalf guarantees us our ongoing salvation. In ways we mortals can't yet understand Jesus is our everliving High Priest before God the Father. Quote
Barbara A. Lee Posted January 13, 2011 Report Posted January 13, 2011 Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present? What does reconciliation mean? Reconciliation means Quote
sue57 Posted January 18, 2011 Report Posted January 18, 2011 To be reconciled means to come together in relationship where there once was seperation. Jesus death made it possible for us to be reconciled with God. His life makes it possible for us to live in a continual relationship with Him, as we grow closer to Him , become more like Him, are forgiven by Him and guided by Him. Quote
Jeff@qlbc Posted February 24, 2011 Report Posted February 24, 2011 Reconciliation means that an offender (that's us) has been forgiven by the offended(that's God). The offender accepts the forgiveness and is reconciled to God. Jesus has paid the price for our offence. We now have access to a God in this present life. We can enjoy our restored relationship right now. Quote
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