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Reconciliation means that we are ttuly in right standing and right relation, that our relationship has been mended. Reconciliation is necessary because of the fall of man back in the garden of Eden, we were on our way to fiery death. God wanted us back , so he sacrificed His son, to get us back on track and where he wants us to be.Every sin that we committ now is and can be covered under the blood of Jesus. Jesus is in heaven at His father's right hand and preparing a place for us to spend eternity with Him.

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  On 8/16/2008 at 12:03 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

We are reconciled by Christ's death, nothing else can pay the price for our sin. We are weak compared to Jesus, we simply can't live right without Him as our role model, and with the Holy Spirit in us. Life is impossible without them. We have the comfort to know this from reading the bible and from the moments that the Holy Spirit give us the strong feeling we need to know that He lives in us, and guides us. We need to remember to be still and hear what we are told to do, in moments that life's choices are confusing. Jesus is showing us the way, every day, the question is: "Do we hear Him?" If not we are not praying enough.

Solution: Thank, praise, serve, obey --- focus on Him, call to Him, ask Him... don't take a step without Him.

When you do this, it is all good, all that life can throw at you. He is the answer, the only answer.

  • 2 weeks later...

To me reconciliation means reunited with our father god and our lord and savior jesus in heaven for all eternity. if you want an eternal home with God you have to believe in reconciliation with God. Jesus died for our sins, he went through tragedy, he was brutally crusified for us to saved from sin, we are being saved by his crucifixion. Jesus walks with us day by day protecting us from tragedys.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation: To remove hostility between 2 or more individuals while bringing forth peace and harmony.

So that we may have free access and peace with God.

We have been justified by the by the blood of Christ.

He now intercedes for us and is preparing preparing a place for us in his father's mansion.

  • 3 months later...

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation means bringing back together-no more separation.

God can not be in the presence of sin. He can't help us if we're sparated from Him.

Jesus died so that we could have newness of life-no more fear of death, and freedom from condemnation. Jesus gave His life, so that we could have eternal life!

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation means being brought into relationship, friendship and the family of God, it means we are no longer under God's wrath.

We are being saved in the sense that Jesus lives in us and through us as we die to our selves and surrender to His lordship. The more we do this the more we are transformed in to his image.

  • 3 months later...

Q4. (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation means that we are right with God. We are no longer seperated by our sin. Reconciliation is nessary because without it we stay seperated from God by our sin. Then we would be unfit to enter into heaven. After we are saved and have accepted his gift of salvation he sends his Holy Spirit to live in our hearts to be our guide and we can draw on his strength and power as we need it to avoid temptation. If we make mistakes he has the power to forgive those as well. He also mediates for us with the Father when we don't know what to pray or what to say he steps in and says if for us. He loves us unconditionaly. He will keep us in his care for all of eternity.


Reconciliation means we have been reunited with God, Instead of being God's enemies, we are now friends with God which means we have full access to the Father through Jesus Christ. Reconciliation is important because if it wasn't for that, salvation would be null and void. The death of Jesus would've been in vain. We had to become right with God in order to have fellowship with him.

What Jesus is doing for us in the present is he is our intercessor. He is our mediator. He is our source. We pray in his name because he stands in for us to our heavenly Father.


Another thing Jesus's life does for us is gives us an example to live by. He is the living Word of God. He is the Vine and we are the branches. We can do nothing apart from him.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Verses 5-8 We know that God will never disappoint us. One writer says that God’s love is ‘like rain that pours onto dry ground’. We know God’s love in two ways:

a) He has given us the *Holy Spirit. The Spirit helps us to know that God loves us. His love will never give us up. It is like Paul’s words, ‘The Spirit joins with our spirit to declare that we are God’s children’ (Romans 8:16).

B) God has proved his love by *Christ’s death on the *cross. When God gave his son, God was giving himself. He was giving his love to those who do not deserve it. ‘We had no power of our own.’ So we cannot rescue ourselves from *sin. But God chose the right time to rescue us. God is very different from men. On a rare occasion, a person might be willing to die on behalf of a good person. But *Christ died for bad people. We were *sinners who could not earn our own *salvation. So our *salvation was entirely the result of God’s love.

Verses 9-10 God considers us *righteous because of Jesus’ death. So God has forgiven our *sin. This means that we will not suffer punishment from God for our *sin. Our *salvation is complete. We have become God’s friends, although we used to be his enemies. This happened because of Jesus’ death. But God raised Jesus to live. And the result is that we too have a new life (Romans 6:4).


Q4. (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Verses 5-8 We know that God will never disappoint us. One writer says that God’s love is ‘like rain that pours onto dry ground’. We know God’s love in two ways:

a) He has given us the *Holy Spirit. The Spirit helps us to know that God loves us. His love will never give us up. It is like Paul’s words, ‘The Spirit joins with our spirit to declare that we are God’s children’ (Romans 8:16).

B) God has proved his love by *Christ’s death on the *cross. When God gave his son, God was giving himself. He was giving his love to those who do not deserve it. ‘We had no power of our own.’ So we cannot rescue ourselves from *sin. But God chose the right time to rescue us. God is very different from men. On a rare occasion, a person might be willing to die on behalf of a good person. But *Christ died for bad people. We were *sinners who could not earn our own *salvation. So our *salvation was entirely the result of God’s love.

Verses 9-10 God considers us *righteous because of Jesus’ death. So God has forgiven our *sin. This means that we will not suffer punishment from God for our *sin. Our *salvation is complete. We have become God’s friends, although we used to be his enemies. This happened because of Jesus’ death. But God raised Jesus to live. And the result is that we too have a new life (Romans 6:4).


Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconcilliation is being resolved; to accept and understand. This is necessary because without it we would have the opposite relationship with God still. Nobody can get to God without believing in Jesus.

Jesus intercedes for us in the present.


Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation means coming back to God or making peace with God. God was walking hand-in-hand with man (Adam) in the Garden of Eden but God distanced Himself from man after the rebellion or the fall. Adam's sin seperated us from God. Because He loved the world so much, He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross as a sacrifice to reconcile us to Him.

Reconciliation is important because without it we will still be sinners and have to face the wrath of God. Sin is death but reconciliation it gives us life, that is eternal life. With reconciliation our sins are forgiven and we are made righteous before God and are able to call Him Abba Father. We can have fellowship with God and receive his love,grace and mercy.

Jesus's death not only brings us salvation but also continues to live with us through the Holy Spirit. He saves us from the wrath of God by granting us Grace. He guides us, comforts us and teachers us through the Holy Spirit. He guards us from the devil and makes our path straight.

  • 3 months later...

When we are reconciled with God, we are not only forgiven for our sins and our previous ways of life, we now have a relationship with God and a good one at that. We do so through faith and following his ways and leaving the simlpe life behind. It is very necessary because it's the relationship you have with God. If you don't reconcile, you will not have a good relationship with God and you can't possibly let him be in control and you can't possibly follow his ways. Jesus life saves us in so many ways. When he walked this Earth, he brought God's teaching and fulfilled propheses from God. Today, Jesus carries out God's will. By accepting Jesus and what he has done for us, we are able to be close to God. Thus, being saved and reborn. Everyday, Jesus is with us, for all things in life. He is our teacher, comforter, protector, and savior.

  • 1 month later...

Christ died for the worst of man's sin because in the scripture, we learn to separate the sinner from his sin. The best thing for our salvation is what God accomplished with forgiveness by transferring our sin to Christ on the Cross, and judging it there. I see Christ as our savior, and my own passion for Christ in past tense. In present tense, Jesus delivers me from evil with the second blessing of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus died on the cross, in past tense, he reconciled,(or harmonized), forgiveness of sin with God's Grace. The worst of our sin is that all men have sinned(Rom. 5:12) from the implanted seed of Adam (Rom. 5:12) The best of our salvation is having compassion for Christ in past tense, feeling his passion in present tense, and understanding that he was our only and final Atonement to the seed of sin.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation means to bring into harmony that which was once in discord. While once man thought God to be against him, Jesus' death and blood brought us to love and inner peace and reconciled us to God. God's sacrifice of His only son showed mankind what love is, and proved to man once an for all that He was not an enemy of man, but man's creator. He loved us so much that He was willing to walk among us, die a horrible death, so we could know Him, be reconciled to Him through His ultimate sacrifice. Reconciliation is the only way we can know God is for us and not against us, we cannot have discord, or doubt in order to be Christians, a reconciliation MUST take place. In order to know Jesus ( be a Christian) We must be reconciled to God. Jesus is both Son of God and GOD.

Jesus walks among us NOW. The Kingdom of God is not only in heaven, it is here on earth as well. For me personally Jesus does everything. He gives me life, He is the air that I breath. For the world and mankind He gives love and hope, He is here with us.His GREAT commission is this.:

Matthew 28:18-20 - But Jesus (after he met the eleven in Galilee) came and spoke these words to them, "All power in Heaven and on earth has been given to me. You, then, are to go and make disciples of all the nations and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you and, remember, I am with you always, even to the end of the world."

That say it ALL. He is with us now, and will always be with us!

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation means to make peace with an enemy or someone one has wronged. We were made enemies of God through the fall of Adam and Eve in their disobedience. In order to the live the life God intended for us in the beginning of time, we need to renew that relationship with Him hence the need to reconcile with him.

Despite being saved from the wrath of God at the moment of accepting Christ, we need to be saved daily from our flesh which is still in rebellion with God and has not been renewed as our spirit has. Christ daily saves us from "… sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these” (Galatians 5:19-21).

Through his word and the guidance of the holy spirit, Jesus daily shows us a better way of living- spirit living vs carnal living saving us from destroying ourselves.

  • 2 weeks later...

namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. (2 Corinthians 5:19, 20 NASB).

Reconciliation with God is so necessary.....so we can walk, work and live the life God has planned for us. Jesus is showing us through God's Holy word how we can be reconciled with God. We are being lead towards God and away from the "high placees" that keep us apart from God. This helps us focus on a Jesus inspired life.....that finally helps us come into the presence of God.

  • 4 months later...

Reconciliation is no longer being permanently estranged from God by our actions and reactions to this life as former non-believers in Christ but we are now on God's side wanting to do all that He would wish. We are being saved daily by the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God causing us to see things from His perspective and to co-operate with his divine nature towards santification ourselves. So Jesus is doing this as He promised and will never leave us nor forsake us.

  • 4 weeks later...

Reconciliation means reconciliation of differences to bring someone to the same point as someone else. to bring a person to the cross of Christ. Unless there is that there would be eternal and total separation between man and God and neer the twain shall meet. They meet at the cross of Christ.

We commit sins every day but if we ask for forgivness God will grant it and we are being saved each day. Jesus is saving us every day

  • 2 months later...

9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!

Q4. (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation means to mend or to reunite a relationship that has been broken or breached. Reconciliation with God is necessary because sin separated Israel from him, and because the gentiles were always an enemy to God, he was going to offer salvation to all his creation. We were cleansed or made righteous by and through his blood and the death of the cross past tense and reconciled back to him through is resurrection present tense and we are justified by him while he sits on the right hand of his father present tense.

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?



To restore a friendship/bond that once was. Reconciliation is necessary to be saved from God’s wrath and to have eternal life in heaven. Through Jesus Christ we continue our salvation and the way to the father.



  • 2 weeks later...

Reconciliation means to be brought back into a right relationship after estrangement.  To bring into agreement.  Before salvation we have no righteousness of our own: at salvation we are made "the righteousness of God in him" II Corinthians 5:21.  God could never agree with our unrighteousness, but he is in agreement with the righteousness of his son, which we have been given.  Only in Christ are we made in agreement with him.  There is nothing in us that he can agree with. 


In the Authorized Version the only present tense is " being now justified"  Our justification is present and complete in Christ.  We did no work to obtain justification so we can do no work to maintain justification.  It is always present tense, now, and 50 years from now.  We are justified.  Always.


Both verse 9 and 10 say " we shall be saved from wrath" and " we shall be saved by his life."  We shall not recieve any wrath from God in future judgement.  I Corinthians 3:13  "Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.  v15  he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved. "   












  • 4 weeks later...

Reconciliation is restoration into friendship or harmony. It is imperative that we are reconciled unto God in that He cannot be in evils' presence. We have no hope without Him. He is developing our character into His likeness so that we may be one with Him.

  • 10 months later...
  On 8/16/2008 at 12:03 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation is necessary because God is a Holy God, no sin exist in Him. As sinners we are His enemies because we belong to the world and it's lies. When Christ died for us God the Father accepted His death for us as payment for the wrath we would have normally received. With out Christ death to reconcile us to God there would be no way for us to ever gain access to God or even to know Him.

In a sense we are presently being saved by Christ death and resurrection, in that he has paid the price for our sin's. He has redeemed us back to God the father. Being Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, He has become our mediator between us and God.

Presently Christ, who is the head of His Church, intercedes for us daily to God the Father. By His Holy Spirit we are reassured continuously of His presence answering our prayers, praying for the saints and building up His Church so it will be presentable to God the Father in the end time.  

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