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By the way, Pastor Ralph, I love your 'Big Concept'

God has embraced us with his love and favor far beyond any measure. And he did it while were still his enemies. So now that we are saved, we are assured that he won't give up on us in the future. We truly are at peace with God! We can relax in this kind of love and just enjoy him.

AND: I agree in your prayer.

Thank you, O Lord, for making peace with us. You have brought us life and hope and joy. And your awesome peace mission is not one of oppression and exploitation, but one of love. We were your enemies by our sins and you reconciled us and won us over! Praise you! In Jesus' name we offer thanks. Amen.

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Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconcilliation with God i guess if we are close to him we know that Jesus our beautiful saviour died to cleanse us from our sins but we still need to do our part .Jesus is by all terms saving us daily as our human nature is sinful thanks to Adam and Eve.

I would also point out that we are now saved from the wrath of God.


To me reconciliation means to be on the same side when you previously have been on oposing sides. So it is important to be on the same side with God so we live by his ways not ours. Jesus showed us by his life how to live. We are to live as him now so we can give him the glory. Jesus helps us to be more like him day by day. Go and reconcile today.


Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

9 "Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! 10 For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through42 his life!" (Romans 5:9-10)

It means that we are not longer enemies of God, we have been brought back into relationship and are at peace with Him. It is necessary because we are sinners and in God there is not place for sin and on our own we can't come back to Him and be reconciled unless He make a way andthat way was Jesus who cleanses usfrom all unrighteousness. We are being save ever day as humans we are struggling with our sinful nature and Jesus covers all our sins and gives us His Spirit to lead us into right relationship with Him. He is standing by the Father pleading our case daily interceding as we struggle to walk worthy to His calling.


In bookkeeping reconciliation is when a credit note is debited ie it is paid in full. God is love. The whole essence of the ten commandments is to teach us to live in a loving relationship with God and our neighbour. We all commit sins against God and our neighbours. Just as you can never withdraw that stupid hurtful remark you made to a friend, the same way we can never repay our sins towards God and our neighbours. While we are trying we are committing even more sins which just keeps on adding up. Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross made in love (John 6:3) our sins were fully paid up.

Jesus said that if we loved Him we will do what He commanded.(John 14:15) His whole life on earth was a practical demonstration of the Ten commandments. We need to study His life and do what He commanded which God makes possible through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus also made God known to us. (John 1:18) Faith is knowing the character of God. The more time you spent with a friend the more you know what to expect from him. The more we study the Word of God and the Word become flesh, Jesus Christ, the more we come to know the character of God (who He really is), which transforms us more to His likeness.

Jesus is also busy making intercession for us at the throne of God as High Priest.( Hebr 9:24) Through His death Jesus has made us friends of God, thereby saving us from the wrath of God.

Jesus also made it possible for us to rejoice in God because He gave His only Son to save us. Daniel prayed three times a day - Praising God!!! (Dan 6:10) How much joy do I miss in my life because I don't spend enough time praising God?


Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation means to go from being at odds with someone to having harmony with them. We are one with God.

It is necessary for our salvation.

All our sins from now on are forgiven giving us eternal life guaranteeing our salvation for all times.


In this passage reconciliation speaks of God restoring things to the way they were meant to be.

We cannot be in fellowship with God until the matters of our sins and sinful nature have been addressed. By Christ's death we have been justified and our sins are forgiven. Now, by Christ's resurrection life, we are able to be transformed into new creatures, the way we were meant to be.

I like the way Romans 5:10 is translated in the Living New Testament:

"And since, when we were His enemies, we were brought back to God by the death of His Son, what blessings He must have for us now that we are His friends, and He is living within us!"


Reconciliation here refers to the establishment of harmony between God and man, through the sacrificial work of Jesus on the cross.

Reconciliation with God is necessary. Sin brought about separation and enmity between man and God. By putting away sin the Lord Jesus restored those who believe on him to a state of harmony with God.

It cost God his Son to have us reconciled to him. It cost him dearly, and therefore he will not easily let us go, we shall be preserved to the end by the present life of Christ. If his death had such power to save us, how much more will his life have power to keep us?

At the present moment Jesus is at the right hand of God, interceding for us.

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconsiliation is the coming together after a separation. We have been separated from God by sin and through the work of the cross we have been brought back to the Lord, Savation is a work of God. We are saved when we recieve him.

Jesus is guiding and moving through us to accomplish his will, if we give our will to him


Q4. (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation: the process of making consistent or compatable

Why is reconciliation with God necessary? So we can be of the same will and live in harmony with Him. The perfect harmony of the Father, Son And Holy Spirit. We go from enemy to friend.

In what sense are we being saved by his life? He lives ever to intercede for us.

What is Jesus doing for us in the present? He is our Friend everyday that He leaves us here. He makes us acceptable to God.

God Bless!!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

What does "reconciliation" mean?

Reconciliation is a return to God, after the Fall, when humans knew sin, grabbed ahold of it and ran with it. It seems to me that all scripture, both the OT and the NT, chronicles God the Father's repeated and patient attempts to reconcile us to Himself, to show us the inherent righteousness of casting our sins down on the roadside and returning to Him. It seems also that God's wrath at, disfavor with, and temporal punishment of humans are but quick fixes, bandaids, to the healing of reconciliation. We are, to say the least and to put it kindly, slow learners. True reconciliation occurred, and is occurring, and will occur, through the Gift, the Father's gift of the Christ, the Son who was sacrificed and who died so that we might know both salvation from our fallen state and reconciliation with the Father.

I reflect now on John 3:16. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

I am also prompted here to reflect on the story of Abraham's temptation by God, in Gen 22, whereby Abraham would have sacrificed his only son to show his love, obedience and fear of God. Since God was willing to do the same for us, and did, we can look at Abraham and Isaac's story in a new way, that God not only wanted to see how much Abraham loved Him, but He also wanted to see how godly, alike to Him, Abraham was. Some interesting parallels exist here concerning filial and paternal love, and the nature of God and man, although doubtless they have been examined eschatologically and discussed in minutiae by those more intellectually equipped than am I.

Why is reconciliation with God necessary?

Reconciliation with God is necessary because God is by definition, a Good Father. Good Fathers, because they love their children, are unwilling to abandon their children to the pain and suffering of sin and to eternal perdition because the children stubornly refuse to behave as taught. Our Father never gave up on us, was constantly thinking of different ways to instruct us, to lead us to the light. Christ was his final and eternal teaching. If our Good Father were willing to abandon us to the devil's snares, to our own error and thus to eternal perdition, He would be his opposite, which is impossible, as He is, by definition, what He is.

In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Scripture is a living document, as the waters representing the Spirit of God are called living waters. When I study the life of Christ, open my Bible and begin to read, I experience baptism again and again. I become one of the multitude sitting down on the green grass, waiting for words and a smile from His mouth, waiting for His laughter and a meal of fish and bread. I become the dusty woman on the thoroughfare, a child hot with fever drooping on my hip, reaching my fingers towards Him to touch his robe. The words are alive and once I read them, they transform me, so that when I emerge from reading, I am able to walk in the Spirit. Everything is diffierent. I can praise Him, thank Him, Exalt Him, pray, and conduct myself, as He would have(what would/wouldn't Christ do?), to those close to me and those who are, as I am, just strangers and pilgrims.

I think now of Luke 22:49-51, telling of those who came to lead the Christ from his prayer on the Mount of Olives to His death. One of Christ's followers sliced a priest's servant's ear from his head, and Jesus affixes the ear and heals the man. I always get tears in my eyes when I read this, for in it I see human nature (Slice the enemy's ear off!!! Yeah!!!) as well as Christ's nature and His beauty. Even at the hour of death, He is doing what He must do. What He does shows me how he feels about us. He is reconciling us through love.

Do we deserve it? I don't think so, but He did. And who am I?

I want to be as He was.


Q4.(romans 5;9-10

Reconciliation means we are know longer divided by sin;we are not Gods enemy anymore.We were reconciled to God through the death of his Son Jesus Christ.

Reconciliation is necessary with God ,because through Jesus Christ we are saved by his blood and death on the cross.Through Jesus Christ is the only way we can come to God and have a relationship with him.

Jesus intercedes for us,now in the present.

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

[size=4]Reconciliation-----Change or exchange. Reconciliation means the our state of alienation from God has been changed. We are no longer enemies of God, we are at peace with God. Reconciliation with God is necessary for us to be saved from the power of sin. God declares a person who was formerly His enemy to be righteous before HIm. We can expect salvation from God's wrath. We are saved from the power of sin. It is necessary to die to sin and present ourselves to God as an "instructment of righteousness."[/size]

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?



Reconciliation means "to reestablish a close relationship between" (American Heritage Dictionary). God created us for close relationship with Him and we ruined it with sin. Jesus death and resurrection has reconciled us with God and brought us back into close relationship with Him.

Presently Jesus gives me power over sin - it has no power over me, I can say "no" to it because Jesus has delivered me from sins bondage and dominion. This is in the present because sin dogs my steps while I am in this flesh. But since I died with Christ, I have His resurrection power over sin.

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

The dictionary says reconciliation is to cause to be friendly or harmonious again, adjust, settle differences, to bring to submission or acceptance. We have peace with God. He has accepted us as His children. Reconciliation is necessary with God because He is our hope and our eternal life. We are being saved now because ou salvation lies in the blood of Christ and His resurrection life. We are forgiven, we are reconciled to God. We continue to be saved by our faith that is in us and continued fellowship with God. God sent His Son for our sins, to settle the difference, that we may know Him as our Father. Now that we are His children, He will make every provision possible to save us from the evil times that we will face while we are serving Him and walking along His path. Today, He is inteceding for us at the Father's right hand.

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconciliation means to restore previous peaceful relationship. Reconciliation is necessary because God's wrath will be upon us if we continue to be His enemy. We are saved because we have been declared righteous through the blood of Jesus. We are being saved by Jesus because he is continually interceding for us.


Reconciliation means the exchange of hostility for a friendly relationship. Instead of enstrangement between us and God there is now harmony.

Reconciliation with God is necessary because as sinners we are enemies with Him. Only by accepting Christ can our relationship with God be restored.

Our initial salvation from past sins was settled by our acceptance of Christ's death on the cross. He is now alive, in heaven and interceding for us as we struggle with present sins. Christ's life, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is working salvation in us now in order to bring about in us the character of Christ.

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconcilation mean to change something to make it compatible with something else; it brings harmony between two or more things. Theologically speaking, reconciliation means the process by which God made sinful humanking compatible with himself.

Reconciliation with God is necessary because our evil behavior set us at odds; God is holy. we are sinful and that makes it impossible for the two dwell together, thus the need for reconciliation. Christ death made friends of enemies.

We are being saved by His life now because we have free access into God's awesome presence. Now there is peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We are saved by His life, since he is now alive and intercedes for us, our salvation from sin has been settled by Jesus death on the cross.

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

reconciliation means brought into harmony with someone we were enemies with. The bible says while we were God's ememies Christ died for us, when we accept the work of Christ's death we a brought into harmony(reconciled) to God. We are saved by Jesus' life in the sense that he now makes intercession for us, because Jesus is in heaven he could send the comforter, the Holy Ghost who leads us into all truth. Presently Jesus sits at the right hand of God making intercession for us. Just as Abraham interceded with God for Lot's life, so Jesus intercedes with God for us.

Q4. (Romans 5:9-11) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

Reconcilation is to restore a close and peaceful relationship with our enemies.

Reconciliation with God is necessary because we are being saved by the blood of Christ and His resurrection life. We are forgiven and are reconciled to God. God sent His Son for our sins, that we may know Him as our Father.

We are being saved by His life now because we have free access into God's awesome presence. Now there is peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We are saved by His life, our salvation from sin has been settled by Jesus death on the cross


Q4. (Romans 5:9-10) What does "reconciliation" mean? Why is reconciliation with God necessary? We understand our having been saved by Jesus' death (5:10a, past tense). In what sense are we being saved (5:10b, present tense) by his life? What is Jesus doing for us in the present?

1. Let's take this back to the time of the Garden Of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned against God. When they sinned they broke relationship with God and their sin separated them from God. Now that Jesus has come and atoned that sin by the shedding of His blood we are no longer apart from our Heavenly Creator. The shedding of the His blood reconciled us back to God.

2. Jesus is seatedat the right hand of His Father in heaven making intercession for us today and He will continue to do so for all generations to come.

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