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In a family, the actions of the father will affect the whole family. how he spends the his paycheck. Does he pay the bills like he should. Is there food in the house. The action of the father will affect the whole family. Is there a father in the house. tho help raise the children.

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Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

The Father being the head of the family, act for an entire family group. he decide, plan.

In the church the Pastor is the one who act for church as a group of believer. he is the one who decide for the church. and the members did is to follow for they love and obey him.


Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

Dads act for the family, teachers act and lead children in school, and pastors lead congregations in that they lead us to Christ and then they teach us how to maintain a relationship with Jesus and each other.


Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

I believe that the previous examples pretty much define the acts of a single person and how they affect an entire group. Ex: Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, pastors, presidents, political officials, governments, etc.....

Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?



b]Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person[/b]?[

I feel that today an ambassador is acting for the US goverment and people to which ever

country he is assigned to . The top representitive or a Union will speak for and represent

all the members of a Union. And at times the senator of an area is representing the people

of a state in congress in washington.

An ambassador is tied only to the president of the US and the leaders in congress and THe house

of representatives. the individual people in the US may know about him but have little ties personally

with an ambassador.

the top representative of a union only knows the whole picture of how the Union members feel

by their voats. they are tied together by meetings and votes.

Senator is more tied to his people of a certain region because any person may write and contact

the senator or call and talk to a senator. Only there are red tape to get thru the people running

the office but this person I think is more likely to have a good idea of what people who are in

his area think and personally how they feel thru letters , emails etc...


There are many circumstances where a single person acts for a group. I find it interesting that so many people immediately think of the president of the United States as guiding the direction of our country and having direct influence on our well-being. I think that our individual Senators and Representatives have had a much greater role in creating the economic and social climate we are now experiencing- after all they are the ones that pass the bills and right now, with a liberal majority in both houses they have the ability to over ride the Veto power of our president.

In any group, there are often times that the single person's actions determine the well-being of the group. This happens in the family unit, sports teams, businesses, government and yes, churches. There are many times when talking with a non-believer, they cite the hippocracy of the church leaders as a reason they don't believe.

It's natural to think of the leaders in groups, but Achan wasn't a leader. Often, we have unsung heros quietly working in the background not expecting any recognition who contribute more to the greater good of the group/attitude and direction of the group. These people are just as much that single person acting on behalf of a group as the leader and perceived movers and shakers.


Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group?

Most if not all have been covered by now. One that comes to mind just now is the pickett lines where someone says we should strike and others follow.

In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

In the instance of the pickett line they are told what to write on their banners, told what to chant etc etc.


Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

A single person acts for an entire group in many instances. Politically, the head of state is supposed to act for the good of the entire group, as are representatives. A pastor is supposed to act for the good of his church members also. The parents in a family, also the elders, act in the good interests of the family group.

The members of each group rely on the head of the group to effect good for them, to care about them and all their needs and wants.


Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group?

Jesus acted on the cross for all of humanity, even unto today. The President of a nation acts on behalf of the people he represents. Pastors may act on behalf of a congregation. Coaches act on behalf of the entire team. The CEO of a company acts on behalf of a group of employees, or investors. (For good or for evil....I'm thinking as I see what's happened with AIG, Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac....and the corruption and greed)

In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

Through election, loyalty, acceptance of the leadership as part of a team, or as an employee...sometimes through choice and sometimes through necessity.


One of the circumstances that one person can represent a group is a situation where a community rquests a lawyer to act as the community's mouth piece in a dispute between two communities. The people will be bound to the resolution reached in the course of solving the case.


We may see a president of a company acting for the entire company or group. His decision may make or break the company. In our military system the officier in charge may act for his company. In certain situations it is a matter of obeying or not. Being tied to this person may cause certain consequences that may end up being good or bad.

Jesus acted for us on the cross and still doing so today. All that Jesus does for us is good whether it feels good or not. We know all things work for the good of those that love God and called according to His purpose.


The President is a single person acting for the entier nation, the United States Of American and we find ourselves in war with the Middle East and so meny of our young men and women's have lost of life because of the president plunging in to war.


In a soccer game, after about 4 periods of game, if the 2 teams are still keeping equality, the two goalkeepers will do a face to face. One will decide for all (That often happens in final, when each team is strongly determine to win the Cup...). The all team trusts in the goalkeeper, and the goalkeeper (more than to satisfy himself)concentrates his whole energy for giving his best to satisfy the whole team, the fans, sometimes even nations...


Democratic & Republican Parties--

Each have a candidate speaking out for what they & others think they believe. By voting for that candidate says that you agree with them.

Our President- acting for the whole country , sending troups off to war to keep our freedom.

Jesus Christ-- dying on the Cross for everyone so we could be forgiven.

Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

I think of teenagers and the peer pressure they face regarding drugs and sex. It's so hard to be a lone voice particularly in this day and age when most teenagers are armed.

One member decides what to do and the rest follow or are out of the group. This can put the lone voice at considerable risk

I have read the posts regarding families, but I have been blessed. Most families I know run as a team and decisions are taken in family conferences. Obviously this doesn't work for very small children, but I read this to mean where we can make decisions but let others do it for us.


a) In each household, the fathers decision determines the the outcome of family life.

B) He is the leader of the household and his wife and children will follow his direction.

a) In Government, laws are passed and decisions made by the Members of Parliament.

B) Each constituancy voted for their own member of Parliament and chose him/her to represent them in the House of


a) In church life, our Pastor makes decisions on our behalf (after much prayer), and leads us forward in worship,

evangalism, giving help to the community and how we can best help other people.

B) He is our Pastor, chosen by God for our church, and we follow him.


Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

The following examples apply: Head of households; Head of States and certain other political leaders; Corporate CEO's; Judges; Military leaders; and certain religious leaders, i.e the Pope, etc.

Members of each group willingly or unwillingly, depending upon the relationship and/or the circumstances, acknowledge and defer to the decisions of that single person.

Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

a single person acting for an entire group would be the president, parents ,a ships captain. The members of the group are tied because, what ever dicision is made on behave of all, and the group has to accept or suffer the consiquences of the leaders actions.

Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person? HUSBAND HOW HE TREATS HIS WIFE ..THAT IS HOW THE SON IS GOING TO THINK HOW TO TREAT HIS WIFE ....AND THE DAUGHTERS WILL THINK THAT IS THE WAY THEY SHOULD BE TREATED ,,, GOOD OR BAD!!!!!
Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group?


Thats an excellent example Eudora used what happened in Oregon.

Tolerance of unbiblical behaviour is strife throughout the whole world (yes, I realize the world is crumbling into apostasy and the likes, Christ is coming back very soon, are we prepared?)

So it comes through our political leaders, church leaders, teachers and parents then that filters through to our nation/state, churches, schools and family unit.


Lesson 2, Q1

Since I live in a large city and have taught in public schools, I immediately thought about how gang leaders or drug leaders influence and affect their groups. The members of the group may be tied to this person because of fear, loyalty, acceptance, protection, the thrill of danger, economics, or just plain like-mindedness.

Another area is the church. The pastor can and does make decisions that affect his entire congregation. Even though a pastor

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