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Everything from our government leaders to the aldermen and city council members speak on our behalf. We have given them authority to speak and make decisions. They are to make decisions based on what is in the best interest of their constituents.

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The pilot of an airplane, driver of a bus, engineer of a train - all make decisions that can affect the people in their care. The CEO of a corporation may make decisions that affect all stockholders.

  • 2 weeks later...

Often the leader of a religious cult will make the decisions for the entire congregation.

The members of the Supreme Court often make decisions that affect the entire nation.

The President can either pass or veto a bill that can affect the rest of the country.

  • 2 weeks later...

There is a theory in the world that when a butterfly flaps its wings in (eg) Japan, it sets something in motion that actually affects Brazil. I think this (farfetched?) theory illustrates the point exactly. Everything that we do affects our surroundings, including the people we are in touch with, and then consequently, those who are in touch with them. If I decide today to wear no make-up, it will affect the thought patterns of someone else who notices that, and it will change their day and the pattern of ideas in their mind (eg it might inspire compassion, or disgust, or apathy ....) thus affecting their mood and behaviour patterns for the day, and the way they interact with their contacts, who then respond to them similarly until a huge groups have become involved in the chain interactions. Thus whole nations develop their characteristics, attitudes and particular peculiarities. They are a composit of their parts, each part having its ripple effect. Paul described this when he showed that we are a body, and whatever the arm does affects the rest of the body. We do not operate in isolation, but as part of the whole. If the pancreas is ill, then the function of the whole is affected.

For example a mother's (or father's) attitude to family affects the function of that family totally. It affects the way the children operate and establishes their life patterns and to a very large degree their life parameters and functionality, including their relationships with people outside the family. Our attitudes to one another in church affect the whole operation there, and Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." Everything is astutely observed and effective in the lives of others. Our speech is very powerful and deeply affects those around us, which is why it is the rudder of the ship.

So when Adam introduced unbelief (sin of believing other than God) then it is a negative (poison) that has become part of the nature of mankind as a whole, and no-one can run free of it - until Jesus introduces the counterbalancing action, the anti venom.

There is no circumstance where the action of a single person has no effect on others. We are all culturally involved with everyone else, and must seek to exert a positive effect by our attitudes and conduct. James 3, discussing the power of the tongue, touches the whole principle of the way we affect each other. And the tongue is only about 7% of the communication process, body language being far more effective!

  • 1 month later...
Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?


the first group that I thought of was the president of the USA becasue He is in a king positon for the country. We are tied to him by our citizenship. What he says for the country goes for us too. "Even if we don't agree with him.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group?

Political leaders such as President, and Fathers, leading their families the wrong way.

In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

Nations are led by their President and his decisions affect everyone. A father can make wrong decisions for his children that can affect them for their entire lives. :rolleyes:


Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

In politics, we have the opportunity to vote on a single person to represent a group, locally, district wide, statewide and nationwide. These persons are responsible to at all times and in all situations, look out for our best interests.


We elect political leaders to represent us as a group. We may have a person in power at work or church that is responsible for final decisions for that particular body of people. The people uaually support the decisions of the appointed leader on behalf of the group as a whole. In some instances, a majority of the group may disagree that decisions are beneficial to the group and may have the right to voice their opinions.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

the mom or the dad of a family. The kids have to do what the mom or dad say, so that is this one person can acts for the group.


Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

My siblings, because I always look up to them because their older and they are sort of like roll-modles so I expect them to teach me right from wrong. Also my pastors because if they teach the wrong thing and I don't catch his mistake I will believe the wrong thing.


Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

1.pastor paul, because he help us doing some bible reading to make us change.

2.And my parents who keep me and my brothee and sisters because when we had a great time, we used to makes me happy and honor.


Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

The most obvious one would be the president but what comes to mind to me is teachers. As soon as our children are of a certain age we send them off to school, putting our trust in persons to teach them and guide them. Most of us know nothing of the background, morals or beliefs of the people we trust our children to but we let them influence our children in what might be life long decisions. These people are molding our children. I think what one of the most often heard phrases out of the mouth of our children once they reach a certain age is..."but my teacher said..."...unless we want to homeschool we need to hold these people up to the Lord and trust that He will provide to our children the best there is to offer.

Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

There are circumstances such as the President acting for our whole nation, Your boss, your parents, etc... The groups are tied to this person because they move and act as one unit, one whole.

Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

There are circumstances such as the President acting for our whole nation, Your boss, your parents, etc... The groups are tied to this person because they move and act as one unit, one whole.

  • 2 months later...
Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

I think what is being asked here is how does headship affect those under the head? I have heard lots of teaching on this and the best answer I can come up with is, the role of the husband and father of the family unit. The husband is the head of the wife and every decision that the husband makes will ultimately trickle down to the wife and then down to the children. We all know that children learn by observation, so how the father acts in public or in church or at home will ultimately determine how children will behave in church.

Another good example of headship is the role of the pastor and his congregation. Every decision the pastor makes ultimately will affect the congregation. That is why sometimes churches split in two. There is someone there who does not respect the head or the pastoral head of the church and breaks away. The pastor of the church needs to stay humble before God and makes sure that what he is leading his congregation in is what God wants. If the pastor leads the churh in the direction that God is wanting the church to move in the church will experience phenomenal growth. But if the pastor is not living right, making wrong choices, it will affect his congregation. Spiritual growth will be stunted, church growth will slow to ceasing. The Holy Spirit is grieved if not quenched.


Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

The most common one will be the President or National leader. They make decisions that can and does affect millions of people. Whether they accept it or not a nation can be involved in a conflict or a resolution based on one person's choice. In a household, the father or mother does make choices that affect the entire family. In the case of the military community in which I live, sometimes delinquent children make bad decisions that affect the entire family and thus in many cases they are sent back to USA and that brings another set of problems.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

The leader of a country such as the President of the United States or the leader of Iran acts for the people or the entire group. The decisions and policy of this leader should be that of the people; however, sometimes issues such as abortion, gay marriage, and the holocaust do not represent a large part of the constituency.

For instance, the current US President is highly pro-abortion (killing the unborn) which is diametrically opposed to many Americans who believe in the sacredness of human life.

Another instance is the leader of Iran does not believe the holocaust occurred.

Strong beliefs on moral issues or immoral beliefs are difficult to bear for members (Americans) tied to the United States.


<_<Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group?

Often in the news, when a leader of a political party makes a statement, this statement becomes representative of the entire party. A father



Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group?

A President of a corporation can affect all the employees by the decisions he or she makes; The teacher in a class can have a profound effect on the students by his or her decisions and actions.

In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

The members of these groups look to this person as a leader and one to follow.

  • 3 weeks later...

I think of Hitler He must have had great power. He had many who followe him. Many people died because of him. How any one could beleive killing people isright must have been brainwashed But Christ died for sinners and that includes everyone of course he would have had to accept christ before he died

  • 4 weeks later...
Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

Being the dad of children, man of the house, a leader in goverment, a Pastor, a leader in combat. The children have to follow and listen to their dad, being the man of a house or home brings forth different leadership roles. In some homes but not all it is where they go to church, where they live, different functions they may attend, our goverment leaders make dicisions that effect all of us, a Pastor guides his church, a leader in combat leads his troups. Jesus acted on behalf of us and so I follow Him. :rolleyes:

Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

I can think of many examples, some already mentioned, families, nations, businesses.

God has put on my heart peer pressure and gang membership. How many of our young folk lose their way to Jesus in their teen years because of needing to belong to or fit in with their friends. Often there is no safe way out of the gangs, initiation rites tie them in so tightly. They scream out in silent need and live in fear, their lives ruled by the gang leader or friendship group.



Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group?

In what ways are members of the group tied to this person?

Many heads of state throughout the world act on the behalf of many. The actions they take may be right or they may be wrong, either way we have little we can do about those actions.

Actions of this kind cause many reactions, thankfully Jesus came to seek those who are lost and in sin.

The actions of Jesus, caused for those who believe, absolute forgiveness.

Whilst the actions some leaders in this world has caused pain and suffering, may we all thank the Lord that His actions lead to our salvation.

  • 1 month later...

One just has to watch the news on TV or read about it in the newspaper or magazine and we all see the results of one person who does or says something that affects the entire group of people, such as the high-minded business executives whom some of them rob their businesses of millions of dollars and that means the business goes bankrupt and many people are put out of work; or the president making a single decision that affects millions of people, etc. The members of the group are all connected together by a bond of work, related, or in some way they all depend upon each other. But, with your two examples above about the meaning of

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