Lion of Grace Posted July 1, 2010 Report Posted July 1, 2010 I am so excited like Paul, to see the power of God at work in US! Going back to vs. 16, I wondered what "out of His glorious riches" he may "strengthen you with His power" really meant. I pray to totally understand that. God is`glorious and is from whom all divine splendor and perfection proceed. The riches of God are the character and ways of God as exhibited through Christ to and through believers. Paul asks that we be strengthened by this inner power and that Christ dwell in our hearts in faith. He asks we be rooted and established in love. Together with all the saints. To grasp the love of God and to know this love surpasses all knowledge. To be filled with the fullness of God. The power of God is love. The character of God is love. The riches of God are mercy and love. The fullness of God is His love in us. God is at work one by one to fill us with the power of His love and in all the church as a whole also, now and forever. His power is expressed in His love through us. Why isn't it more evident? Because we so often don't grasp how much God loves be filled with it and to give that love away to others. We don't see that love is better than knowledge, so we "know" a lot, but we don't "love much." It is true that those who have been forgiven much, love much, because they truly have experienced God's great love and mercy. All who have, know Jesus and His love and forgiveness and His sacrifice ARE the treasure to seek for, find and give up everything for. Mercy and love are within us, for we have the power of God in us. We love Him because He first loved us and we give love because we are loved! Without Him there is no life and no love. Quote
hanks Posted October 23, 2010 Report Posted October 23, 2010 5.(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? In the heavenly realms; in each believer. How much power is at work there quantitatively? Immeasurable great power. Why isn't it more evident? Perhaps because of our sinfulness causing spiritual blindness, lack of knowledge, and lack of faith. How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? As an example; when we have Christ in our hearts we display the fruit of the Spirit - unbelievers notice - and this brings glory to His precious name. Quote
Kerneydr Posted November 19, 2010 Report Posted November 19, 2010 (Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Exposition This power is found within each believer. As well in Ephesians 3:16 mentions that God wants to continually strengthen us within. There is no limit to this power, because it is God Himself the Holy Spirit. Paul tries to explain this power with many term greek terms, but whatever term is used is incomplete in describing the fullness of how powerful God is. It is limitless. Why don Quote
wilma m Posted February 12, 2011 Report Posted February 12, 2011 (Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Exposition God's power works in us, His church, through the working of the Holy Spirit. It there in super abundance, but because of our unbelief, we do not use it. We will bring Glory to God when people realise that He is a loving God, when they see prayers answered and turn to Jesus as their Savior also. Quote
Jeff@qlbc Posted February 16, 2011 Report Posted February 16, 2011 God's power is at work in us (the church working together), not just some of God's power but poured out to the fullest measure. God wants his church to demonstrate his power in order to bring glory and honor to God's name in Jesus Christ. The reason the church does not always exercise that power is because we don't trust in God's Word. This is why it is important for Christ followers to study the Bible together, and believe and trust in what it says. Fill me up until my cup runs over! Quote
anne1151 Posted May 20, 2011 Report Posted May 20, 2011 (Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Exposition 1. The Holy Spirit lives withn us and that is where God's power works. 2. Immesurable, unimagineable. 3. It is within us, hidden from sight until we decide to let Christ be the one directing our steps, pointing us in the direction He wants us to go. Only then can others see Him working in our church, and in us. 4. Using Gods power to touch others and convert them to belief in God and Christ will glorify God. He will work thru us, the church, if we are open to Him, and ask for His help, giving all glory to Him. Quote
Old Jerry Posted August 25, 2011 Report Posted August 25, 2011 God’s power works in us according to verse 20. And since it is God’s power that is at work in us, then that is immeasurable. This isn’t more evident because we don’t have the faith that it takes. Exercising Christ’s power on earth brings glory to God because we can do the things that God wants us to do. Quote
parkerslope Posted December 19, 2011 Report Posted December 19, 2011 God's power is in us in the indwelling of Holy Spirit as we are born again. God's power is immeasurable and that is what Holy Spirit brings with Him as He lives in us. By the end of the first century, the church was being pounded by the forces of evil to the extent that by AD 325, the church had to have a "council" to determine if Jesus was fully God. Today, 2,000 years from the beginning of the church, we have all of the petty divisions in the church that war, not against evil, but against each other. God's power in us needs to be exercised through Holy Spirit in our actions to do the will of God, the Father. Many have an outlook that brings more power to themselves and to bring about the glory of God. It is not more evident, because like James wrote - we want to comsumed it on our own lusts. Integrity, holiness and righteousness seem to be far from the hearts of many Christians today. So we need to again submit ourselves to Jesus, to allow His divine power to work through us. Glory is given to God when we accomplish something that we do take the credit for. It seems that we have to be recognized and rewarded for everything we do in this world. Then we see football players kneeling down on the field to give thanks to God. We need to do that in everything that we work at and finish. Quote
JoanG Posted February 12, 2015 Report Posted February 12, 2015 The power of God is inside of us. His spirit fills us with the power. It is not as evident as it once was because we have lost the ability to trust in God completely and fully as the 1st followers once did. We have to give up on all of our worldly ideas and ideals and get back to the basics of our true faith once again. Â To be able to use this power is a Glory to God because once again w are honoring God in the fullest. We have grasped into our inner powers to the Spirit and asked for help. Quote
WinstonY Posted April 18, 2015 Report Posted April 18, 2015 (Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God?  There seems to be two reasons that Paul prays in this verse. 1) so that God's incomparable great power is available for us so that a) we ourselves will be resurrected as was Jesus with a new body with extended power and abilities and  that in this side of our dying in this mortal body we can have access to this power.  There is as much power as we need to do the word of God! However we are not always able to discern this incomparable power because the fleshy aspects of the world's power clouds our eyes and hence our view and sense of the power of the Lord.  If we exercise God's power in the name of the Lord then we will be exhibiting the glory of God. Quote
bob1942 Posted July 26, 2019 Report Posted July 26, 2019 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of POWER, and of love, and of a sound mind." Galatians 2:20 "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by FAITH of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." In 2008, my late wife of 38+ years was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, had surgery and chemotherapy. One morning she told me "I feel like I am dying" this prompted us to ask our Kaiser Doctor, she told us that my wife had 3 months to live, so I asked my wife "do you believe the doctor?", she said no, only God knows, so I told her, I also don't believe the doctor, but believe God knows. So I told my wife, let's refused anymore treatment and let God heal you, my wife said yes. I felt so broken, so I prayed and asked God to guide us on what to do. To make the story short, God led us to a doctor in Mesa, Arizona who doesn't believe in traditional medicine, but believe in God and practice homeopathic treatment. He asked us, Iris and Robert what brought you here? Without hesitation, my wife said God, my human doctor told me I have 3 months to live, but we believe God knows best and He will heal me. He said, If you believe that, God will heal you. He put us on Vegan Diet, lots of green vegetable juices, and read the Bible. We were there 11 months, on the 11th month repeat PET Scan showed no cancer. However, the bad news my wife immune system was damaged by the surgery and chemotherapy, which made her very high risk for pneumonia, if that happened, the cancer will come back. He said stay away from crowds and put on mask. However, a week later my wife had pneumonia and cancer came back. My wife was so happy, praising and thanking God, so I asked her why is she happy she is going to die, she said "my purpose in this life on earth is done, I am a good wife, a good mother". So I suggested that we pray, ask God to get me first and let her live, she promptly rebuke me, you're not my husband, you're the devil, at that I felt so guilty I realized I offended God, I cried and asked for forgiveness. God healed me of diabetes, high cholesterol almost 600, high blood pressure and many more diseases, my wife said no more doctor nor medicine, she was happy to see God. Before she died she gave me 3 advice - share our story, get married after 1 year, and pleased don't chase anymore money, instead use God's blessings to help lots of people, and please don't charge any money, I asked why? she said God will pay you, charging money to help is chasing money. So I told her if helping 100 is okay, she said no, then I said a thousand, she said no, jokingly I said you mean a million, she said no, several millions, I looked at her and said, but darling that is impossible. She looked at me, said yes for a man like you it is impossible, NOT FOR GOD, remember my human doctor told me I have 3 months to live, see what happened. She died peacefully at home 09/09/09 took her last breath in my arms at home with our son and daughter. I have experienced all sorts of painful experiences but nothing come close. One Sunday while reading the Bible, I asked God, my wife never spoke to me like that, Lord it is you that spoke to me. So you want me to help millions of people, Lord the tools you have given me - Registered Nurse, Insurance Agent and Real Estate Broker, I charge money. Lord give me the tools and train me so that I can help millions of people. On November 8, 2012, God use a good friend and gave me the tools. Our Lord Jesus Christ, reminds always- Robert "if you want to follow me, deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me" this is the POWER of God - our Lord by grace gave us His Spiritual Nature, Holy Spirit and Mind of Christ, all indwell in each of us. Beware of the tricks of the devil - to unleased the POWER of God - God gifted us FAITH, not 99.9% but 100% FAITH in Him, remember, Fear can not coexist with Faith - when you fear, that is unbelief coming from the devil. Quote
Eduvigis Antonio Nerio Lop Posted September 18, 2020 Report Posted September 18, 2020 Q5. (Ephesians 3: 20-21) Where does the power of God work according to verse 20? (a) In us who believe on Him  How much power is working quantitatively? (a) Abundantly in all things without limits  Why isn't it more obvious? (a) The reason we don’t see this power in the body of Christ is because in the church there is not a good understanding of God’s wisdom, revelation and knowledge for this reason there is no understanding of this power that operates in the saints. 1:17-18 How does the exercise of Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? (a) In the Church to our Lord Jesus Above all adges and in all generation Quote
Siphoñ Posted March 25, 2021 Report Posted March 25, 2021 Gods power works within us who believe in Christ.Christ told his disciples that if they want to do mira les they must have a strong believe in him not small believe.That is why there is five fold ministries inside the church.That why the bible says wants we believe in him everything will be possible.As long as we pray and intercede.The power is no more evident because we are not obedient to him. Quote
JanSumi Posted Friday at 12:08 AM Report Posted Friday at 12:08 AM God's power is in the church as His Spirit dwells within us and we are seated with Him in heaven in victory. His power in us is immeasurable, "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine." In fact, it can't be quantitatively measured, but it is much more than we ever ask for or even could because I don't think our faith can comprehend how much power God can and is willing to work through us. Actually, I think for most of us, we don't imagine God working miracles through us. Yet, I'm beginning to believe that no matter the size of our faith, if we step out in obedience to whatever He is asking of us, He will do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine through us. Like with Gideon, He understands our weaknesses, but if we trust and obey Him, He will do more through us than we can presently imagine. We will see His power at work for His glory and renown. Exercising God's great power brings glory to God because His power, which resides in us, is to fulfill HIS purposes, which are to glorify Him and point people to Him and His great love. Quote
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