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Through union with Christ, this power has resident in and working in the Church. God has establised the church by His eternal purpose through redemption in Christ Jesus.

This Power is in Abundance! P.T. L.

The power is not evident in the church because believers are not grasping the significance of this mighty power.

When we, through this power, walk in the newest of life we will manifest God's plan for the Church. In other words, His plans will be accomplished through this great power; this resurrection power!

This will bring Glory to God!


This power works in the believer. The quantity of power is given abundantly. This power is not more evident because believers pray on such a limited basis for it, thus not really having the faith needed to be blessed w/this kind of power.

Exercising this kind of power through faith brings glory to God because unbelievers cannot help but see this.

When this is applied correctly, God always receives the glory!!!


All God's power has been given for working in and through us; however, most believers do not understand or are not aware of their authority in Christ. When the Body acts on the authority we have in Christ we glorify God's will here on earth.


According to 3:20-21 God's power works within us, the church then is filled with this unmeasureable power. It may not be evident due to lack of knowledge or lack of prayer and or lack of faith. Exercising this power causes others to think of His goodness and in turn praise Him.

;) God is at work with power that is greater than we can even imagine. It is working within us. It is not often demonstrated fully by believers because they are unaware of the power available to them. If we excercise Christ's power on earth God's glory is shown to others, unbelievers as well as believers.

The power is in the believers. How is this possible? It is possible because Jesus lives in us. It is not us but Christ in us. The more we humble our selves and invite Christ into our lives, the more power we will see.

Why don't we see the power of Christ in the churches of America? It is because we think we are able to run the church our selves. We are not humble.If we want to see what the church should be like look we should look to the brothers in Africa. A prayer meeting will fill the chruch and they may end up praying all night. That is seeking God. If we want to see a change we need to seek God with all our heart. Then he can bring revival in us and then revival can come to our churches.


God's power is found in the heart of the faithful. We don't see the evidence of this limitless power because "we see through a glass darkly." We live in a perpetual state of spiritual blindness that can only be defeated by faith. As we open our hearts, God fills us with light. When we open our physical eyes, we close our hearts because we only see the darkness of sin in the world around us.


Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God?

It works above anything we can ask for or think of to ask for .. It works in us.

More than we can imagine.

Because of our unbelief.

It shows that God is good and able to do that which is good.


When we see the power of the early church one has to wonder where has all the power gone. That power is still available to us today through Jesus Christ He has promised us that power in relation to our faith in Him and in our obedience to his word, the church seems to think it needs to be run like a business when all we have to do is rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us.


God's power is working in and through us. Each of us has this power in us and it is unlimited! We (I) put limits on this power, not God. It would be more evident if I would believe it more and allow the power to work in me for the greater good of others. When it happens it bears witness to Jesus Christ. It is evidence of His power that transcends the natural and the limited human power that is all too often centered in the self. To Christ be the glory! He gets the credit -- we get the benefit.


Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? ;) God's word tells us that "all" power has been given to us as believers, so accordingly this power resides in us; for we are the Church! As far as why we don't see this power manifested today.....well that's indeed a deep question! <_< If I may, let me tell you where I am as far as the Church goes today; First off, I love God's Church! God has taken me on a journey this past year, opening my eye's to the "Big-ness" of His body....the Church. Do I believe in the local body...yes! I belong to one, and love it dearly, but I have also come to realize that the Church, is not a building, nor a man. We are the Church, so if we are to ask why we don't see God's power manifested today, as in the book of Act's, then we need to ask what we as individuals are doing, or not doing, that they did! I believe there is a price to pay for the power the early believers had....that price is prayer, and when led to, fasting, and of course faith! Because of working with many young converts through the years, I've had the pleasure of seeing their zeal, and belief first hand...its wonderful! :lol: It seems that when we first accept Christ, we can believe for anything...our faith is new and fresh. As time goes by we can find ourselves becoming hardened in heart, which brings on doubt and un-belief, And finally can find ourselves leaving "our first love"...Christ. I read what Ron (Buffalo) wrote and agree with him; in countries where the Gospel is "new", the power is there. As far as bringing glory to God by exercising this power, it does! Jesus Himself said "I seek not my own glory; there is one that seeketh and judgeth" John 8:50 We bring glory to the Father when we "work the works of God"


I'm Jeanne Jones from Greenville, IL

Q #5

Christ's power works in US! Chroist is able to do more than we can imagine - more than we can think of to ask - and all within us. We do not ask for or implement this power. It ois already their for us to use. We must give Him all praise and honor and glory. He has the power to make all things possible. Not our will but His! Not our doing but His! Christ, alone, gives us power to do all things according to His will! We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! We can meet all challenges when He rules our lives!


The power, according to verse 20, works in the Church which means that the power works through us. The power is abundant, meaning that there is more than enough for all the members of the Church but unfortunately, it is not very evident because the either the members of the Church doubt the capabilities of the power itself or know about the power but has no knowledge on how to gain access to it. However the case, we should learn and educate the membders of the Christian community on how to exercise this power because this is one of the greatest manifestations that our God exists and is actively working through His people.

(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Exposition

(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God?

God's power works in us who believe and serve the lord...We as believers don't believe that God can do exceeding and abundantly above all we ask..When we excercise this power then more nonbelievers will see him and in turn want this power also..This is when God will get the Glory..

In Christ Jesus,



God's power works within us as christians; working within his church. There is an exceedingly abundantly of power at work. It is more than our minds and heart can imagine. I often wonder do we really realize just what God can and will do within the church. It isn't more evident because of unbelief. As we believe and exercise this power within us, other will see this and Glory will be to God and Jesus Christ


Hi all,

I see the church in some places as running on an almost flat battery. The power is dim and weak. Thank God that churches are beginning to put in new batteries and charge up on God's abundant energy. They shine brightly in the dark and are a beacon to all. God's power is limitless but we don't always see that because we don't tap into it enough. Exercising Christ's power sets captives free and they in turn will praise God and bring Him glory. The cycle continues as they minister to others.


5a) In verse 20 God's power works through us.

b ) As much power as we cannot even imagine, think, or dream of.

c ) ;)

d ) :huh:


NKJV~~These two verses from a doxology,or praise,to God in which Paul points out that God can do exceedingly abundantly above any-thing we may ask.Neither God's love nor His power is limited by human imagination.

~~Exercising Christ's power on earth,which that power was given to us as believers to defeat all evil,and put satan in his right place "Under Our Feet".

We give God all the honor and glory which God so much deserves.

>Psalm 57:5,Be exalted,Oh God,above the heavens.Let your Glory be over all the earth.


I want to back up to the verse before where it talks about "to know the love of Christ" . I think that we miss it in the body of Christ, when we don't realize that His mighty working power is in knowing the love of Christ. Then we are able to do abundantly and above anything we can think or ask. I believe that sometimes we focus on the power rather than the giver of that power. When we walk in the love of Christ we have that power becomes evident in our lives. Praise the Lord from whom all things come.


God's power is at work within us (the believer). God's power is immeasurable, it is much more than we can ask or even imagine.

The reason this power isn't more evident is because we are usually to full of unbelief to pray the bold prayers that would make use of this power.

An example of this is in Acts where Peter has been imprisoned by Herod.

The other believers are praying for his release. However, when Peter shows up at the door, after the angel has set him free, the other believers act in disbelief. They think it is Peter's ghost until they find out otherwise.

They are actually surprised that their prayers for Peter were answered.

Exercising Christ's power on earth brings glory to God thruout each generation of believers. God's power is displayed in and thru His church-now and forever.


Q5. (Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20?



This power works in the Church, hence in us.

Quantitatively, it is immeasurably more than we can ask for or imagin.

This power is not very evident in the church because of our ignorance, lack of faith and relative inactivity.

Exercising this power will bring glory to God because it is His power that is used for His purpose. He therefore only takes the glory.

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