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God's power works with in us - the church, the believers super abandantly, I mean in great abundance. But this do not seem to be evident in the church of Christ today mainly because beleivers today seem to be caught with the physical world and lack the faith to request God's power to act and the will and thirst to experience it. If we excercise His power however, it brings Him glory for His mission on earth will be fulfilled through us.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...
:o Ephesians 3:20-21 Q5- Gods Power works according to verse 20 is first by praising God. Abundantly, it means to an extent which we cannot express!Exercising Gods power on earth means- according to the power that works in us- The exertion of that same power can accomplish for us more than we can now conceive. :rolleyes: PRAISE THE LORD. AMEN.

;) 1. according to verse 20, God's power works withing the believers

2.) the amount of power God works through us with is immeasurable

3.) God's power isn't more evident in our lives for several reasons: 1. we don't read our Bible and pray enough to tap into the resources God has given us. 2. the church sometimes prevents people from allowing God to work out their spiritual gifts by placing them in a box and setting standards that should be set by God. 3. we have too much junk clogging up our lives, and we need to do some spiritual house cleaning

4.) exercising God's power through us brings glory to Christ because an unbelieving world will be drawn to Him. Also it reminds believers of who we are in Christ. It shows the world how awesome and powerful our Lord is.

  • 3 months later...

God's power is within us who believe in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God's full power that is at work in us has no limit.

Because of the unbelieve and doubts in our prayer life this power is not evident.

It brings glory to God in that , we have some people who will never believe in God unless they see miracle done in their life.

  • 3 months later...

I see that none here are able to describe God's power any better than Paul was.

The question was asked why this exalted power is not more evident in the church today. Some listed lack of faith, lack of prayer, or lack of spiritual vision. Let us get personal.

I suspect that those responding to this list are some of God's mightest warriors. You are the cream of the crop. I would be very interested (in fact it is the reason I chose to join the list) to have each of the 50 of so who have responded to this question to post a response as to the level of this kind of power being displayed in and through your very own life.

On a scale of 1 to 5 I think I might place my own life at about the 2 level or maybe even a one. This then begs the question why? Not for the church, not why for some one else but for me who claims to be a child of God.

Now let me hear from the rest of you and then we can discuss the why for ourselves. When we speak for ourself it might make a difference.

  • 2 months later...
(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God?

God's power works through each and every one of the members of the church. This power is without limit. We do not sense that power very often because we have to little faith to develop and extend it but it is there to draw on if we truly believe and truly follow Jesus as a disciple. By drawing on God's power we extend His plan for earth. We bring closer the day of rapture when we will be raised up with Jesus. Instead of standing back; we should go forward!


God's power works within us. This power is immeasurable. We can't ever grasp all that God can do. Yet, He still works in and through us.

I think the reason this power is not more evident is found in the beginning of chapter 4. So often we do not live a life worthy of the calling we recieve. We are not completely humble, gentle, patient nor do we bear one another in love. We do not keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. We fail to see ourselves as one body and one spirit. Paul prayed in 3:16-19, that God would strengthen all with power through god's spirit in our inner being. He prayed Christ would dwell in hearts through faith, and that all would be rooted and established in love, with all the saints to grasp how wide, long and high and deep is the love of Christ. He knew that love surpassed knowledge and with love we would be filled to the greatest measure of the fullness of Christ.

We do not grasp the true love of God and without that, we can not experience giving the full measure of love to each other.

Excercising the power of Christ on Earth brings glory to God because we are firmly rooted and acting with pure agape love and living victoriously always giving praise to God for what He has given to us through Christ.

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

God' power is at work in us, signifying the church which is a collective body comprised of those called out of the World. This quantitative power or energy is released in all its fullness. I think the power is not evident as it should because we first have to believe as verse 19 indicates "for us who believe." The exercise of Christ' power brings glory because of the internal power itself that abides in the church. Hence, when this power is manifested which in essence is the power of God working through the Church - the ultimate result will be God' glory manifesting on the earth.

  • 1 month later...
(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Exposition

God's power is at work in us the church as a whole and individually.

We have imeasurable power, exceeding and abundant power at our disposal.

It isn't evident because of unbelief. We say we believe but when God promts you to lay hands on someone and pray the prayer of faith, we become fearful. Often we think "What if it doesn't work?" or "Maybe I'm not good enough or holy enough" Fear and unbelief are the reasons we don't see the miracles we so desperately need. I think the Church needs to become more radical instead of people pleasers.

Any time we see the power of God it brings Glory to Him. Unbelievers become believers and believers are encouraged.

  • 3 months later...

Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Exposition

Wahoo! !! This immeasureable power is at work in us, here on earth as individuals and together as a church. Something that should propel us, telling us that no matter what happens we are adequately covered.

This power can't be quantified, its just beyond anything we can think, dream or wish for. I simply understand this as God challenging us to try Him - "Stretch me, my children and see if you can touch, talk less of exhaust what I have prepared for you".

Lack of faith, or rather unbelief is a major hinderance. Spiritual blindness is another, many christians are blind spiritually and in the use of this power physical power does not count. Closely related is the fact that we live our life more in the physical than in the spirit, forgeting that the spirit controls the physical.

As we Exercise Christ's power God is glorified because, its a display of His matchless grace that he took us who were no people and transformed us into a people of great power.



  • 2 months later...

(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20?

God's power work in the believer according to verse 20.

How much power is at work there quantitatively?

The power is unlimited.

Why isn't it more evident?

It is only evident when believers exert the faith to operate in power.

How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God?

It brings glory to God because the church is exercising Christ power to accomplish His mission.

  • 1 month later...
(Ephesians 3:20-21) Exposition

Where does God's power work according to verse 20?

His power works in His children, in us who are saved and called by His name

How much power is at work there quantitatively?

It is immeasurable

Why isn't it more evident?

In verse 19 it clearly states that His love passeth all knowledge. If it were so evident then our belief would be limited

How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God?

We have been given power as Christians so that we can bring back the lost to His Kingdom, and when sinners sing i have been redeemed, that brings glory to the Lord.

In terms of our evereyday life as belivers, when we prosper by the power God has given us and live a life that is examplary, so much such that our lifestyles minister to sinners then we are giving Him glory.

  • 3 weeks later...
This power works in the believer. The quantity of power is given abundantly. This power is not more evident because believers pray on such a limited basis for it, thus not really having the faith needed to be blessed w/this kind of power.

Exercising this kind of power through faith brings glory to God because unbelievers cannot help but see this.

When this is applied correctly, God always receives the glory!!!


  • 4 weeks later...

phesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Expositio

according to verse 20 , God's power work in the belivers and in the church. the power of God that is at our disposal is super abundantly avalaible to the Church. but this power is limited to the level of our believe and faith system. and since we are running at a low level of power, what we see is a level of our faith in that power.

when the Church is functioning at a high level of power, the Church will be able to perform her duties like healing the sick, deliverance and operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. this will bring glory to God and to Christ.

  • 1 month later...

(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God?

The power of God works through believers on this planet and is unlimited. The power of God is as evident in believers as they submit their wills to the will of God and permit Him to work through them.

Christ's power on earth through believers gives the world the ability to recognize the characteristics of God, feel His love, and receive His blessings. The recognization of God by His creation, utlimately brings glory to God.

  • 5 months later...

God's power is in all Holy Spirit filled believers and it's force is generated to the degree of our faith. So, little faith little power, great faith, great power.

The more power we utilize the more people will see Jesus in us and He will be glorified.


God's power works in us, a power that is greater than our imaginations. Our unbelief keeps us from experiencing the fullness of that power as a church. Faith is key, expectation and hope are vital- believing without first seeing.

By exercising the power given to us we demonstrate the power and authority of the Gift Giver!

  • 4 months later...

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us in

the Heavenly realms with EVERY spiritual blessing IN CHRIST.

For, He chose us IN HIM, before the creation of the world, to be Holy and

Blameless in His sight. In Love, He predestined us to be adopted AS HIS SONS

through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His Pleasure and Will.




  • 7 months later...
(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Exposition

The power is at work within us! This power is quite beyond measure from the Greek adverb huperrekperissou. It is not evident because of our unbelief and or inaction. If the Church exercised this power, there would be mighty works, just as seen in the Gospels and Acts. These signs and works could bring others to Christ Jesus and strengthen the Church. In this, God would be glorified.

(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Exposition

-In Heavenly Realms. This does not mean it cannot effect or be seen in the physical world. Indeed, we have lost much of the original Jewish understanding that God's Heavenly Realms can, if allowed by the believer, rule over the physical. Such was, and is, the great question of the Christian reformation and it's stepchild, the Age of Reason. Which realm is predominant? The spiritual or the natural? It seems the world of humans is re-thinking this question today as more and more physical scientists and thinkers are accepting the concept that their must be an intelligent cause for all that is, and that cause could just be SUPERnatural, ie: spiritual.

-All the power that is needed for anything anywhere to be done. In short, ENOUGH.

-It is very evident, if we will just SEE the result of persons allowing it to be released. In the book and film, "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly", we see a man with only one moving visible part- his left eye, write and publish a book by that title. Does he do it on his own, or does this agnostic/atheist whatever of an unbeliever learn to let God rule rather than himself? Check it out, but be warned...it's R rated for some nudity.

-If we give God the glory, and accept the thanks of humans for simply allowing God the be loosed in our projects instead of taking credit for the results ourselves, God is glorified. That isn't always done well, is it?


The power of God works through the Church. I am so very sad that it is not being appropriated more. It is wonderful to see His power at work when

you tell someone the Gospel and they respond and are saved. Sometimes I have been in a meeting where the Holy Spirit was there in power. He

made me see that I didn't love someone I thought I loved. My heart was broken and I wept for quite a while; prayed and the Holy Spirit forgave me and

I had such joy. BTW, there has been a wonderful difference I how I respond to the person I now love with agape love. I pray that the Church will know

the need for that power and ask for it, believing God will supply.

  • 1 year later...

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