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(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Exposition

According to verse 20, God's power works within us. This is the same power that God used to raise Jesus (Eph 1:20), and it is immeasurable as it is the measure of all the fullness of God and it is more than we can ask or imagine (Eph 3:19-20). I believe this power isn't more evident in saints lives today mainly because we don't believe it is ours to have (i.e. lack of faith), and also because of sin. If we are exercising Christ's power here on earth, we will be solely relying on God through the Holy Spirit to direct us and give the glory back to Him.

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I believe that we do not see the power of God in our churches because we have not gone through the presecution the early church did .As a whole we have experienced a freedom to worship and express our beliefs freely, therefore do not understand the power (spiritual power) that we have.In order to manifest that power we must become humble trusting not in ourselves but in an eternal God ,and that can only happen with knowledge of who we serve .I think all believers need a new approach .We need to study Acts over and over .Many of the men who witnesed the miracles of Christ, in the end many faltered ,but those who were stedfast became bold .As they became bolder the annointing power began to flourish in their witnessing and many believed. Peter's witness was so poweful that when he came by those who needed a healing his very shadow healed those who came near him.We have that same annointing today but we need the faith to believe in a Jesus who came that we might have that power to do the exploits the early Apostles did.


We are fast becoming like the world. We no longer believe in spiritual things like the people of old, especially in the area of the power that has been given us in the body of Christ the church.We are somewhat like the Ephesians. We put our trust in things we can see.Because God does not move like we think He should ,some people believe that the God of old is just that and something to read about ,but we fail to have faith to believe that His power is still in force and it has not changed .Today we have that same power that the early church had but somehow we are not able to fit Him in this time and age. So we become powerless to do what He has commissioned us to do ,powerless to exsert our authority that was given us through Jesus.


Q5. According to Eph. 3:20 God's power works within us, and that power cannot be measured as it exceeds more than all we ask or can imagine. Exercising Christ's power on earth brings glory to God because this action of witnessing, praying, worshiping, giving, visiting the widows, orphans, the shut-ins, healing,studying the word, living Christ-like ....in His name pleases God, and the stories of God's manifested power are passed down to future generations.



Where Does God's Power Work? In us, through us... every Believer.

How much Power is at work? More than we can Comprehend. We " simply" must Believe

Why it is not more evident? I don't believe that is Not Evident. I will give a few examples.

People are coming to Christ.

God still Heals and every time I go through something He restores me.

I have been delivered from some things of the Flesh and look forward to being delivered

from something I have struggled with from before I came to Christ.

I have been healed in 7 different ways and look forward to God's healing in other ways.

I have witnessed a Boldness in me... the passive princess I thought I was... is no longer there.

I see the changes in people whom I pray for. God is very near... nearer and the Power of His work can be seen not only in the Big things, but the little things; to which are just as Mighty.

Excersing His Power is by Faith and using His Word with Believing. Putting it to work. Allowing Him to move in you... and giving Him all the Praise and Glory for it. Praise His Name and Tell Somebody what He has done for you dears... He loves us when we praise Him and give Him the Glory. Amen. Sunshine


Q5: His power worketh in us. There is more power at work than we can ever imagine, because God is an awesome God and he will do more than we cold ever expect of him. In other words it would be mind boggling. It isn't more evident because we have let our guards down and instead of letting the spirit of God have His way, we cut him off. If we exercise Christ's power on earth, this will bring glory to God because blind eyes will be opened, the deaf will hear, the lame will walk and the dumb will talk. And all the glory will go to God not man.


His power is at work within us. immeasurably more. we don't try to grasp all that is set before us. His glory is fullfilled when we honor and give Him all the glory.


Praise the Lord everyone!!!

Ephesians 3:20 is an awesome, awesome verse. God is the almighty and everlasting God who can do anything, even those things which we think are impossible. God can do that and more. It hurts too much to image how much He can actually do. I just know that is more than my finite mind could ever comprehend. Imagine, all that we think-wow; all that we ask-wow! God can do it! And all this because He is the omnipotent God, all power in heaven and in earth are His. It is on top of the top of the top of the top! His power that worketh in us is amazing. It is like we give Him the power to do immeasuably more than we can think or ask through our faith because of that power that is in us. We activate His power by our faith. It is amazing. Hallleujah! That power allows us to do what He can do. It is awesome.

I believe it is not more evident because, we don't believe. We don't belive that God will do what He said or that He is really capable of doing the impossible. We can believe the Red Sea because it is in the Bible? If that is the case why can't we believe that He can help us? I was seaching for a miracle. Thinking my miracle was money to help pay bills, but the miracle of all miracles was Jesus. He is the miracle that I needed so badly. I had to seek Him again, I found Him to be the One who could help me in my impossible situations. I believe that He will perform those things above that which I can imagine or ask. I did not believe it for myself. When we truly believe it will be evident in our lives that God can and will do more than we could ever imagine or ever think. God is amazing. I just love Him.


Where does God's power work according to verse 20?

Within us. We are the ones that control the direction the church takes. It is only as we become empowered through our obedience to Christ and His plan for His church that we can make the proper decisions on the direction the church should take.

How much power is at work there quantitatively?

Power beyond what we can imagine. And I have been told that I have quite an imagination! ;)

Why isn't it more evident?

Our lack of faith which shows up in our lack of action. We do not believe the promises and therefore refuse to act upon them or even desire them the way we should.

How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God?

By fullfilling God's plan the way He intended it to be. By showing others the power of Christ and His church. By helping others to accept what God has for them. People want to know that there is enough power here to see them through the tough times before they will fully commit thier lives to God. I have heard many arguements that wind up blaming God for some lack within thier lives when the truth was that they never excercised the necessary faith required to see the results they wanted. Or the results they wanted came from a selfish motive instead of an unselfish one. Again here they are not following the plan Christ intended for His church.

  • 1 month later...

(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20?

Through Faith in the believers and the Church. God's power must be spread through your Faith and others be able to see the Faith in you.

How much power is at work there quantitatively?

There is abundant power given to those who believe and live for God and exault his praises.

Why isn't it more evident?

It is not more evident because most church's do not have to love of God in their hearts. A church must have Love for one another in order to Love Jesus an praise and worship him as he wants to be and so richly deserves.

How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God?

When we excercise Christ's power on earth we bring Glory to God because we spread His word to others and he see's the Faith we have to carry his word through out the earth.

  • 4 weeks later...

God's power is at work in us, His Body, the Church and the power is superabundant, beyond measure. It is not more evident in us perhaps because of unbelief, but certainly the world cannot always recognise it even when it is exercised because of their rejection. Exercising Christ's power on earth brings glory to God because (a) we are able to recognise that is is all of God and we are able to bring Glory to Him and because it is working out in perfection God's Plan

(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Exposition

Gods power is in us. Gods life and nature are in us. God lives in us by the new birth and by the power of the Holy Spirit. The power in us has no limit as the potential of this power is equal to the abilities of God. Nothing is to hard for God. All things are possible with God. God is above all and knows all. As God reveals himself to us and gives us His faith and we exercise His faith we then can roll the care over to him and wait on him. Gods timing is always right. We can get in the way when we dont have patience. Our human reasoning and understanding get in the way. We are spiritual people and God leads us through our spirits. We have to discern between the spirit and the flesh. God recieves the glory because what he does goes beyond and above what our ability could accomplish. What God speaks to our spirit man will come to pass even when doubt and fear come against our outward man because the natural man can not comprehend the mind of God.

  • 3 weeks later...

The Head[brain] doesnot work in isolation from the body. The Head works through the feet, legs, arms, etc. of the body to accomplish the plans it formulates. It is not so much that Christ cannot do the task without the Church; rather it His unwillingness to do it without the Church.


5a) "according to the power that works within us."

5b) Super abundant power--more than we could ask for or can imagine.

5c) Are we afraid of this power? Are our simple human minds unable to comprehend or enjoy His "immeasurable power? ( "You have not because you ask not.") Either we do not believe it will happen, or we are afraid it may happen.

5d) The church, as the representative body of Christ, exhibits the full comprehension of Christ on earth. By believing, excercising, and participating in His abundant power, we show the world who God is and what He can do for us, through the church. We therefore glorify and bring honor to Him--the giver of that very power we display!

  • 4 weeks later...

The Holy Spirit is the one who brings continued wisdom and revelation to the church. If the members are not aware of the Spirit's working in the church it will be short-sighted, or near-sighted about the ongoing plan of salvation for all of creation. (This is my answer for the first question in the Ephesian's study)

  • 2 months later...
(Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work there quantitatively? Why isn't it more evident? How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God? Exposition

Where does God's power work according to verse 20? God


God's power works within us according to verse 20. There is as much power there quantitatively as we exercise faith for. It isn't more evident because we lack the proper faith. Excercising Christ's power on earth brings glory to God by showing others His love and mercy. He wants to give blessings to us, but we have to earn them by trusting Him and obeying His commands.

  • 1 month later...


Where does God`s power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work here quantitatively? Why isn`t it more evident? How does exercising Christs`power on earth bring glory to God?


God`s power works in and through us the born again believers in Christ.


Quantitatively speaking:God is able to work "Super abundantly"more than we can even imaginein our wildest prayers`.


Because I think whatever the cause or reason we as weak christains do quinch the Holy Spirit that is within us .We must strive to live a totally surrendered life to christ so that our lights may shine so that others will see christ in us.Hard sometimes,Yes! but that is there if we would but believe.


His Power exercised through us and for Him in every way aids in the upbuilding of His Kingdom and in doing so does bring honor and glory to His precious name. Amen.

  • 4 weeks later...

God's power works in us!

There is much more power there than we can ever imagine!

Power has to be turned on before it can operate - at least that is so with the electricity in my house. In order for the power that is established in us (like the wiring in my house) we have to plug into the wiring, ie attach ourselves securely into the Spirit of God. This took Jesus 40 wilderness fasting days. It took Joshua 40 years of devoted full time service to Moses. It took a complete turn around after near drowning for Jonah. It took huge repentance with Peter, even after exercising a healing and deliverance ministry under Jesus. For John it took pressing right through the pain of being boiled in oil, before Patmos, to receive the Revelation. It takes huge integrity, all of one's passion, focussed time, love, endurance, determination that the Lord be glorified in every part of one's life. It takes overcoming by the power of His might. It is overcoming that wins the crown (Rev 2&3) Faith without works is dead, and this is the outworking of our faith.

When we are walking in the good works that God has prepared for us to walk in, (healing, salvation, deliverance etc) everyone will come running to find out, as they did with Jesus.

  • 2 months later...

Q5. Ephesians 3:20-21) Where does God's power work according to verse 20?

His power works in the Church.

How much power is at work there quantitatively?

The power is immeasurable.

Why isn't it more evident?

Because of a lack of Faith.

How does exercising Christ's power on earth bring glory to God?

When we live our lives for Christ, unbelievers see Jesus in us. They are influenced by what they see, accept Jesus as their Savior and God receives the glory. :rolleyes:


According to verse 20 GOD's power works through believers in Christ.

Super abundant power, more than we ask or think is at work there.

I believe that power isn't more evident because many are unaware of the power of GOD's Holy Spirit within us and what He wants to do through us. These truths are not taught as they should be.

Exercising Christ's power on earth brings glory to GOD by the needs of believers being met and new believers coming to a saving knowledge of Christ.

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