iam4_1god Posted September 4, 2011 Report Posted September 4, 2011 Q2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? The answer to all these questions is this-I chose to follow Jesus. However, sometimes I will do a thing without even thinking about it. For instance, when my better half tries to get me riled up, and he says something that he knows will make me mad. I start arguing, and it turns into a scream fest. That is not godly! For me to slow down and think about what is reall happening, I would be able to recognize the fact that he is doing this on purpose. He want me to scream at him. The right response would be for me to just get away from him and let him think about what he is doing. I can choose to get away from him and let him choose to stop what he's doing. These choices happen numerous times a day. The battle between good and evil rages, and we are in the thick of it! We are Christians, and the devil hates us. Therefore, he is always trying to knock us off our feet. I need to consciencly decide to slow down and think about things before I act. Choose to act like Jesus would have me act. Do what Jesus would have me do. Determine to follow Jesus, and get Him involved in my life. Quote
ross_laoshi Posted September 19, 2011 Report Posted September 19, 2011 Q2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? We make choices many times each day choosing to serve God or the flesh (and so the devil) We can sin unconsciously by being caught unawares, for example; we hit our thumb with a hammer or stub our toe or someone offends us and we react out of our old sin nature. When we do this we need to go to God for forgiveness and ask Him for help, as we surrender more and are transformed more in to Christ's image we will find that Christ will live through us more and more. Quote
Janissi Posted January 11, 2012 Report Posted January 11, 2012 (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? I believe sin first starts with a thought. When we give life to a thought, it could lead to sinning. If we don't cast down every thought and imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, we are doomed to habitual sinning. We must make a decision to yield to temptation or use the Word of God as a weapon against the enemy. We are free. We DO NOT have to give in. It's up to us to ask God to engage the help He's already provided. We can sin unconsciously because we don't recognize some things as sin. That is why it's so important to read and study God's Word for ourselves so we can rightfully divide the Word of Truth. We can begin to offer our bodies deliberately to God by yielding our members to His will. Again, I believe we do this by the intake of doctrine into our hearts. David said, "Thy Word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against thee." That's the key in my opinion. However, when we do knowingly sin, we have to make sure we confess our sins immediately because that puts us right back in fellowship with God. The changes we must make is to be mindful of what we do, what we say, what we think on, and make a decision to not yield. Quote
Joeraja Posted February 17, 2012 Report Posted February 17, 2012 Q2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? When we intentionally see obscene things, curse and say profane things, steal or physically hurt someone, or have wicked or lustful thoughts, we are offering our,eyes, mouth, hands and legs and our mind to sin multiple times a day. But if we use our mouth to offer praises to God, encourage a brother, help someone who has fallen or is hurt, feed the poor and hungry, or care for the sick, we actually offer the members of our body to God. We sin unconsciously because of habit. If we sin habitually, we may sin without realising. We don't feel that we are doing wrong. Basically it is when we become slaves to sin. We can begin to offer our members to God deliberately by choosing to follow Jesus. If we have faith in Him as our Lord Saviour and forgiver of our sins, we will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do good works. We need to read and meditate on His Word, allow the Holy Spirit to guide and lead our lives. Put God first in everything we do. As Mathew 6:33 says "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well". Quote
awylie1949@yahoo.co.uk Posted March 5, 2013 Report Posted March 5, 2013 I have suffered from an addictive behaviour for many years and have fallen into sin and done things which I am ashamed of. I can offer my eyes, hands, mouth, mind, feet, to do the selfish things of sin that I want to do . We sin unconciously because we still struggle and we always will this side of Heaven. We can offer to God what I have illustrated earlier and we have to crucify our fleshly desires and focus our mind on God and Him alone. It will take constant and daily vigilance of our mind and our eyes and constant prayer and communion with Him Quote
lynnjaylynn731 Posted April 29, 2013 Report Posted April 29, 2013 Q2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? 13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. Answer one: As Instruments for God's use. Answer two: Because if we are not walking in life, we are still operating in sin. Answer three: By making a choice to offer our bodies as instruments of righteousness. Answer four: Prayer and choosing or declaring to move from death to life on a daily basis. Quote
Debbe Posted September 14, 2013 Report Posted September 14, 2013 . (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? We allow ourselves to be controlled by sin or we present ourselves to obey, (or offer ourselves) to righteousness. We can sin unconsciously if our attention is drawn away from God. We must practice the presence of God throughout the day. We also need to maintain communication with God. Paul tells us to pray without ceasing. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted July 23, 2014 Report Posted July 23, 2014 Q2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? During the day we may offer our bodily members to the fleshly desires of sin, unless we have become followers of Christ and offer our bodily members to him. At times we may sin unconsciously not knowing or realizing what we have done. Either we were under unknown circumstances that have allowed us to sin or we have given into the sin thing it was only a small insignificant offense and the Lord would forgive us anyway. This attitude could possibly lead us in to the hyper-grace movement which seems to be picking up movement in some Christian communities. This belief is totally non-biblical and there are some who believe that Christ has died for them and under grace they can sin and it is covered. By allowing Christ to be our master and offering ourselves to him, to be used for righteousness instead of sin, we should daily pray that the Lord would fill us with his Holy Spirit and guide us to do righteousness. Allowing Christ to be our master and for his righteousness we are daily being sanctified to the point where the Lord wants us to be for use in His Kingdom, strengthening the church and being a weapon against evil. Quote
WinstonY Posted February 22, 2015 Report Posted February 22, 2015 2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? When we are justified by faith in Christ our sins are forgiven and we are baptized with the Holy spirit. At time the process of sanctification begins. The Holy Spirit begins to teach us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.The Holy Spirit e also guides our lives to help us break from our old habits as we become obedient to the Lord. Sanctification however is a slow process that gradually sanctifies us to become more like Christ. each day, as we live our lives in joy with the Holy Trinity we gradually learn to do works of piety and begin to be aware of the sin and squalor around us. As we become more and more of the poor and desperation around us the Holy Spirit points out to us that there are various and wonderful ways to aid these 'miserables' and we begin to offer our members to God. Gradually as the process of sanctification we are set apart to God and we begin to know feel and express the joy and hope of being 'in Christ' as this happens we will begin to call more and more upon Christ and the Spirit and will allow our members to act deliberately to the Lord. May the Lord be praised! Quote
Uncle Dave Posted August 6, 2018 Report Posted August 6, 2018 Q2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? We can offer the members of our body to God by doing good things for others and even by resisting temptation. Ways we off our body parts to sin would include things/actions which are unpleasing to God. Acting on temptations willfully, and I say this because temptations are ever with us in this life and some things come under control easier & faster than others and we often do things merely as a reaction as a result of a lifetime of worldly education. We could begin to offer our members deliberately to God by doing good things for others, standing up for righteousness. These things really do require somewhat of an effort at first. The changes required to do this could be avoiding places of temptations, no longer running with people who have no desire to live a righteous life. Quote
Victor Adekunle Posted May 28, 2020 Report Posted May 28, 2020 On 8/16/2008 at 1:13 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? By willingly placing ourselves (physical bodies and minds) and our capabilities at the disposal of either master. We sin unconsciously because breaking the sinful nature's control requires a conscious effort. The sinful nature is inherent to all mankind so some of its more subtle manifestations may be considered socially acceptable. We might have learnt some of these behaviours over time until they become subconscious actions. By deliberately placing our physical bodies, minds and capabilities at His disposal. There's no neutral state, the only way to break sin's hold is to consciously "use" ourselves for God's glory. Quote
Lottie Posted November 2, 2020 Report Posted November 2, 2020 (edited) When I choose to let food control me instead of the Lord and overeat. When I choose to spend too much time on other things and not enough time with Him in prayer. When I choose to be lazy instead of work in the house. When I open my mouth and say something that I regret later. We sin because it is hard to break our old habits. We do it without rvrn thinking because it is like old nature to us. It takes a conscious effort to stop and pray before doing something and ask God about it. We are so used to doing what we feel is right it is hard to do anything else. I can choose to pray more by starting with the Lord's prayer and praying for others. I can pray using the Psalms as a guide. I can choose to stay out of the kitchen bewtween meals. I can ask God to help me say kind words to others. By remembering that God does not like lazy people and that I can be praying to Him as i work. Edited November 2, 2020 by Lottie I was not done with my answers. Quote
Godswriter Posted December 1, 2020 Report Posted December 1, 2020 Q2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? Reading the Bible, choosing to pray, memorize Scripture, give praise, choosing to love our fellow man without hypocrisy and learning not to holding grudges by openly forgiving others, put on the full armor of God. By choosing to compromise our values and morals in any way for the sake of getting something or somewhere in the world. By applying the Scriptural principles deliberately to our lives daily. By asking the Lord to remind us of His sacrifice that He made for us. Quote
AmyF Posted March 12, 2021 Report Posted March 12, 2021 Q2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? Every day I’m presented with the nonstop opportunity to offer the members of my body to either sin or God. If I’m not deliberate in my mind and heart to be controlled by God’s Spirit and love His ways, my flesh will compete to let irritations, inconveniences, laziness, a harsh word, an unjust action, or just my own selfishness win the day. Living for Jesus is supernatural living…counter to what is natural instinctively. So imbedded and deceptive is sin in the human heart that it takes time and the washing of the Word to bring into the light both conscious and unconscious sin. My every thought, word and action come from the wellspring of my heart. The greatest battlefield takes place inside me and so that’s where true change begins to affect who I am and how I respond to life. The basics of the christian’s life - daily feeding on God’s Word, committing to obey what He teaches me, personal prayer, and fellowship with believers are the ways I can deliberately present myself to God. I need all of these to help my heart choose God over sin. It’s not complicated but it takes “showing up” for practice and yielding to God’s ways. It takes making most important what is of greatest importance. Sometimes (more times than I’d like to admit or realize) I don’t get it right, and so yielding then begins with confession and repentance. Quote
Irmela Posted May 29, 2021 Report Posted May 29, 2021 (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? To offer is to yield to someone or to put at someone's disposal. So whatever our action, we are yielding to that power. (our deeds) So if we are stealing, cursing, committing adultery etc we are yielding our body to sin. If we are living a righteous life, showing love, patience, kindness, long-suffering etc we are yielding our body to God. Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? Maybe by a thoughtless deed we sin against someone. Or by watching something, we can allow our desires free reign. (in Christ's eyes thoughts are the same as deeds) How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? When a wrong thought or desire crops up, resist it. Pray. Don't play with it. In this way we deliberately give our thoughts or actions to Him What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? Change habits. Read the Word more. Pray. Sing and worship. Quote
Krissi Posted August 31, 2023 Report Posted August 31, 2023 We sin consciously and unconsciously because the process of sanctification is not complete. Only slowly are we being transformed into His image. In the meantime, the old and new natures are battling. Sometimes we lose that battle and sin. Unconscious sins are a outgrowth of the old nature that hasn't yet been transformed. It's difficult to keep a lid on ideas and behaviour that seem to come from nowhere -- that is, from the old "man" inside of me that hasn't yet been transformed by the Spirit. I'm rather pragmatic about this. When i decided to change my thoughts and behaviour, I simply got rid of things that tempted me. I threw them out or stopped. No television. No movies. No novels. No radio in the car. No social life. No obsessions with the war or whatever. In other words, I sanitized my environment. Of course, I must live in the world and shop and do things with people who are not Christian, but it's amazing how much I can reduce substantially the things in life that pull me down or away from Him. This was the first step. The second step was replacing old with new, secular with Christian. I started reading Christian biographies, particularly mission ones. I started studying sociological books on particular countries -- I have a passion for India. I have been studying Sanskrit for several years, for example, perhaps because the Lord may lead me there some day. My devotions are long and getting longer, often many hours. So, "offering my members" as Pastor Ralph words it, involves a two-step process ON MY PART: removing the old and slowly replacing it. Then, the real job begins ... but this doesn't involve me. The Spirit within, once I've cleared a spot for Him to work, now transforms me. He does the real work -- I simply set the stage for Him to act. His job is to do what I cannot do, which is to work on the unconscious and the areas within me that are too deeply rooted to clear out -- fears and anxieties. My job only is to do what I can do, to remove problems and temptations and replace them with godly ideas and behaviours. Quote
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