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Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

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When presented with a choice to indulge in sin or obey righteousness, the one I choose is the one that becomes my master, my overseer, my authority. Obedience to that master demonstrates my submission as a slave, one in servitude. Doing bad things is evidence that I am under the control of sin, allowing myself to be bound by it. When I confess this and repent, the LORD always forgives me (1 John 1:9).

But then I am directly faced with the choice all over again about whom I will serve. While Christ has defeated the power of sin in me, I still have to deal with the presence of sin in my flesh. I have to decide to present myself as an instrument for God's holiness. Obedience is the key because whatever I offer myself to takes control. Christ has opened the door to the prison of sin and provided for the way out. I have to engage my faith and step out in obedience from the heart in order to walk out of that bondage.

The LORD has been dealing with me for some time about simplifying my life in order to commit more time to Him and the people He brings across my path. A mission trip to Central America earlier this year really drove that home. This ridiculous manner in which we live modern life (at least in America) is killing, stealing, and destroying our walk. I have made a couple of adjustments already, but am trying to cultivate an open spirit that is simply willing to do whatever He asks. I want to matter for His kingdom and make an eternal difference in somebody's life!


Q3. What does obedience have to do with slavery? In way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

When you obey you do as your told, if you live under a rule you are a slave to it by obeying it wheather good or bad.

Doing acts of righteousness for God demonstrates your slavery in a way that you are living how he wants you to, you are obeying his commands, being a good or a better person and doing good deeds. Obviously if you are a slave to God for doing acts of good, then if you do acts that are bad you are in sin and a slave to sin and also demonstating loyalty to satan.

By being obedient to God you can break the chain, choosing to obey the holy one the righteous one the Lord Jesus Christ you are no longer under the power of sin, staying focused and keeping with Jesus your saviour, obeying him no matter what bondage has no power over you.

Sometimes i rush in to things thinking that i know what i am doing thinking that i have the answers! I need to stay more focused on God and let him run my life more, obeying him as he knows best, Lord i pray that you help me and guide through what areas of my life need your help and you prompt me in the ways of your will Amen.


Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? In way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

It involves training ourselves do be obedient-obey God. It's that simple. Determine in your heart that you will do what is good and right, in God's eyes. Slavery to sin is just refusing to obey God. Slavery to God is refusing to obey the flesh (satan). We need to determine in our hearts and minds that our members will not let sin rule.

There are so many areas of my life that need to be worked on. I struggle daily with my attitude toward other people. I want and need to be a servant towards others, but sometimes, I have problems with this. I lost a job last week because of my failure to get along with some people that I worked with. It was hard for me because of the bad language and the music listened to on the radio. I just couldn't handle the music. It had an adverse effect on me. So, because I couldn't "fit in", I was let go. But, I am not angry. I do not wish these people ill will. They don't understand how God works in my life, and I pray that God will move and minister to them, and show them the truth that they couldn't receive from me. I truly want them to have Who I have, and thus be saved! May it be so Lord!


Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? In way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

Obedience have to do with slavery because, when you obey someone, it means you have to give yourself fully to that person, like in our case, we have to give fully to God, to Love Him with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind.

Jesus said, "Everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin" (John 8:34, NASB).

If you sign up to serve a certain master, you are bound to obey that master. That is what slavery is.

Before you come to Christ, you are a slave to sin, but when you receive Christ, you become a slave to the Lord. The person who comes to God through Jesus Christ is not only ethically bound to obey, but made to obey as well. Believers are "created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them" (Eph. 2:10).

Many people have misunderstood Romans 6 because they don't realize that God brings to pass practically what He declares about believers positionally. Salvation begins with the creative act of God in totally remaking the believer's nature, and then moves to an ethical responsibility on the part of the believer.

Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? In way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

In Romans 1:1 Paul present his self as a slave unto Christ Jesus. This tells me that we are a slave unto sin or unto righteousness, and the free will choice has been given to us by Father God, because He does not force us to do His will He lets us make the choice and this day I can say as Jeremiah sayed "As for me and my house we are going to serve the Lord and for us to make a choice this day." Eather way you look at it we are obebient to one of the two, We obey the sin of our desires which keeps us unto death or we obey the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus which leads us unto life eternaly.

Through obedient we make a decission to obey the will, the ways of God through Christ Jesus, by not letting our self centered desires controll us in all of our actions. If we are true to God's righteousness we will obey what the Holy Spirit directs us to do.

We are slaves to sin when we do and act out of the will of God, God is not the author or confusion but about peace and righteousness, If It is not pleasing to God it is not His way and we fall unto the slavery of sin.

Obedience brakes the boundage of sin when we conforms to the rules and requirements that has been set by God through Christ Jesus, these rules and requirements are found in God's Devine and Inspiring Words found in the Holy Bible, You can't take part of neither can you learn of unless you study to show thyself approve an workman rightly dividing the word of truth, God's word of truth.

God speaks to me about being consist in my desire to learn more and more about my purpose here and about doing that which is pleasing in His eye sight . He tells me when I am in a storm of life situtions to be still and look at His salvation take place rather than letting my desire take matters in my hands, He consistly tell me to do it under His will and His way and to let His Holy Spirit teach me in all my actions and as His Holy Spirit reveals the reighteousness of God unto me victory is mines through Christ Jesus.


When you yield your members, mind, body and soul, to whatever or whomever you are obedient. So, when you live in sin you are obedient to or a slave to sin. Ditto righteousness. Living a righteous life demonstrates our slavery to God.

It is sad to see a drunk on the street. This is an open demonstration of a slave to sin. The only way out is through Jesus Christ by dieing in baptism with Him and arising a new creation by Him, living a righteous a victorious life through Him.

As I examine myself daily I am led by the Spirit to constant renewal. God always humbles me to obedience as I can plainly see that by nature I'm a rebel.

Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? In way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?






Without obedience, slavery is only imprisonment. Slavery requires an action, doing something for the "Master". It requires obedience.

In life, our choices can only fall under two categories..."Pleasing to God", and "Not pleasing to God". Sometimes the choices we make are made so quickly, so subtly that it almost seems out of our control. We dont think about it, we just do it. Afterwards, we may wonder "what made me say or think or do such a thing?" That is because we are born into slavery to sin. It is part of us and we may not even think about it.

But when we turn our hearts and minds over to God, we have a new Master. One who loves us and has blessing and life and wholeness in store for us. We become a new creation and sin no longer has us in bondage. Very quickly, God begins to show us-gently, where we need to change. He reveals those areas in our lives that are not pleasing to Him. He disciplines us as a loving father does his children and requires our obedience in order to be able to bless us abundantly.

God is speaking to me recently about Discipline. Being an artist and a creative spirit, I tend to rebel against discipline in my life. I DESIRE to have more of it; sometimes I dont even recognize where or when I am undisciplined, but God has been pointing it out to me and I have been able to see the areas in which I need more of it.

I think He requires it of me so that I can be a better person, so that I can be a better witness for Him.


Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? In way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

We don't have a free ticket to since just because we are under grace and not the law. There are no excuse to being a slave to sin. Paul principle is letting us know htat everyone is a slave to something or someone....whether it is a person, possession, or activity. We as believers should be a slave to righteousness.

The message that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead is our pattern. We must respond to this message from the heart by voluntarily obeying.

We know being a slave is being owned by a master. Whether the slaves obeyed did not change their status as slaves, although it would affect the relationship between slave and master. A person who has been freed from sin can act as though still a slave to sin or that person can live as a "slave" to righteousness, as a servant to a kind of master who gives great rewards. The ultimate reward is eternal life.


Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery?

Our Obedience has everything to do with whom we want to have rule over us.

Now that we have been set free from sins hold, how can we not but be a thankful

bondservant unto God, whom we have been reconciled to??

In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God?

The new covenant is written on our hearts. We who know righteousness are those whose heart holds God's law.

God tells us, if you love Me, keep my commandments.

In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin?How is such a slavery or bondage broken?

What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage?

Doing bad things I assume its meaning to be, practicing doing bad things?

I believe we who are saved from sins HOLD will at times do bad things, in other words sin;

But we should no longer practice doing them. If we do, then it still has its hold on us and that calls for some strong measures,

such as repentance, getting into the Word, asking God for help in the areas we are still weak in.

Satan knows our weakness and it is important we do not let him bring condemnation on us. The Holy Spirit will bring conviction

on our hearts, leading us to repent, this is called growth as we yield to the Holy Spirit. We are having a heart operation and we

must open our hearts to God.


If the Sin commands me to become angry and shout at another person who irritates me then I am obeying Satan and not God. So who is my master: SIN. So I am under the slavery of SIN. If I can resist that temptation and do some act of kindness to that person then I am obeying God and I am slave to God. It is a very practical test to find out who is my master not just head knowledge.

The bondage to SIN's slavery is broken because Jesus conquered death and stripped the devil of his powers, I will not be defeated. The victory is already mine!

As we know even after born again our flesh and mind (not spirit) are sinful. So the obedience allows me to break that bondage to flesh and mind. Many of my deep rooted sinful habits still lurking in me and try to trip me down again and again. I am sincerely asking God to help me to completely get out of it. That way I can the staedy growth and hoping to become like His Son ultimately. (Process of Sanctification)


Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! 16 Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey -- whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? 17 But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. 18 You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.

Total obedience is slavery to the one you are obeying. In doing righteous or trying to live a holy life is having the desire in your heart to obey God and a pure heart makes you a slave to God and His righteousness. Doing bad things is a habit and leads to being a slave to the devil, if we can't break out bad habits they have power over us a keep us trap in a relationship with satin. Breaking this bondage is hard and with out the power of God and His Spirit impossible we need constant prayer and learning the scriptures and an indwelling of God Spirit towin our fight over ourselves. Obedience to God, having the over powering desire in your heart to do His will make you a slave to Christ and lead you away from obedience to sin. God reminds me daily of my short coming and disobedience I need His strength in my daily walk just getting through the day is so often a struggle for me and I pray for His forgiveness and mercy. My biggest struggle is my thought life keeping a clean mind and heart when all around methe word is saying your not going to make it.


Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

What ever your obedient to is what your a slave to. Because you become a slave to it.

Doing righteous things becomes what your a slave to thus brings you into slavery in God.

By believing in Jesus he died to break the bondage of sin. Then we must be in his word doing righteousness.

If were obedient to God we won't be obedient to sin.

Listening and responding to gossip. Keeping a clean thought process letting the Holy Spirit guide me.

Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

By being obedient, either to God or to Satan, we are said to be slaves to one or the other. I think that the classification of being in slavery to either sin or righteousness is to make us aware that it is not our will that is the major player. We must place ourselves under God's will, and surrender as slaves to Him, or we will go on sinning. Our doing acts of righteousness can be either an outward sign of our faith in and slavery to God, or they can be shows intended to give the impression thereof. We must examine our motives and be sure that we are truly acting in faith, and not trying to curry favor with God.

We must make a conscious effort to break our bondage to sin. Obeying the teachings in the Bible, especially the teaching that we should study, meditate, and pray the Scripture, is a way that I have found very helpful in breaking the cycle of sin.


Slaves have no option other than obedience. Our actions show to whom we are slaves, be it God or sin. Bondage to sin has been broken already by Jesus. By the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, we replace our sinful actions of obedience to Satan with Christlike actions of obedience to Him. An area I know God is speaking to me about is to stop wasting time on things like bad television, and spend more time in His word.


Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery?

I obey whomever is my master.

In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God?

As my master, His will comes before mine. Acts of righteousness are obedience to His Will.

In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin?

Doing bad things demonstrates a yielding to the flesh or sin nature to whom one was once enslaved.

How is such a slavery or bondage broken?

First, to take the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, then to wear His yoke and throw off the old yoke of slavery to sin and death.

What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage?

We are commanded to reckon as dead the old sin nature which was crucified with Christ, and to daily surrender to our new Lord and Master to crucify the flesh and ungodly desires.

In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

It's this crucifying the flesh! I've been spiritually taking authority over its collusion with Satan to be lethargic and not execising, to giving in to idleness and distraction, rather than obedience to continue writing the book I've been asked to write, by saying "Flesh, you will exercise, you will write, you will worship whether you feel like it or not". This has been a huge breakthrough in understanding! I praise God for this study!


Obedience to any one/ thing that becomes habitual becomes slavery. Doing acts of rgteousness is slavery to righteounes that leads to life and hense is obedience to God.

Doing bad things contiously becomes a pattern and is slavery, slavery to sin and to Satan. This type of slavery can be broken by willfully making up our minds to be obedient to our Redeemer and Lord Jesus by doing the right things only.

Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

What does obedience have to do with slavery?[/color] In our world if you are employed to someone he is your boss or master, what ever he says or order we obey. so obedience have to do with slavery because whoever you serve is your master, if you follow the way of the flesh and live as one who is godless then sin will be your master.

In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? By presenting my body to Him to be use as instrument of doing righteousness (6:13b). by doing the perfect will of God. by living according to the Spirit.

In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? Paul said that we are not free to live in sin. but we should not practice doing bad things, practicing or doing bad things is still in-slave to sin. but we are free to resist it.

How is such a slavery or bondage broken? By accepting the gift that Christ has offered, the grace of God.

What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? by serving God wholeheartedly.

In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life? wholeheartedly serving Him, wholeheartedly do His will. and His command.

Q3. (Romans 6:15-18)

Q. What does obedience have to do with slavery?

Ans: We are slaves to the one we obey. It could be either to sin or to God.

Q. In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God?

Ans: When we are slaves to God we do what is pleasing to Him. We obey His commands through love. Obeying His commands brings righteousness.

Q. In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin?

Ans: Sin are things done against the will of God. When we are slaves to sin, we do bad things because that is the fruit of it.

Q. How is such a slavery or bondage broken?

Ans: By wholeheartedly obeying the teachings of Christs.

Q. What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage?

Ans: The obedience which comes from inner desire to obey Christ. This is not just an outward expression of obedience but a personal decision to follow the teachings of Christ.

Q. In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

Ans: God is speaking to me to obey the great commission. I am doing it now in fact. I have a cell group initially composed of 5 fathers.


If you keep doing the same sin you are enslaved. If you keep doing good things whish please God you become righteous. You are slaves to whom you obey. Breaking the pattern of sin & by making the right decision, you can break the bondage that it has on you. When you make a heart decision it is usually from God. Follow your heart not your mind.


Q3. (Romans 6:15-18). What does obedience have to do with slavery? In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin? How is such a slavery or bondage broken? What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

What does obedience have to do with slavery? If we are slaves to sin we are not obedient to God, but to Satan, and our own lusts and doubts. If we are obedient to God, we are free.

In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God? Acting on our obedience to God is evidence of our commitment to serve Him rather than the dark one. Such acts show our undestanding of and faith in and loyalty to Him.

How is such a slavery or bondage broken? Bondage to sin is broken by saying No to it and choosing to walk in the way that the Lord has shown us through the Word and by the Holy Spirit within us.

What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage? Giving your life, your heart, soul, mind, and body over to Christ will break the bondage sin has over you.

In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life? God has spoken to me recently about ****, pride, anger, and trust in Him. I am listening to Him.


Slaves obey their masters. If sin has mastery over us, we're not His. If He is our master, we need to obey Him!

We purposely do acts of righteousness as a witness to whom is our allegiance.

If we purposely do acts of unrighteousness--as a lifestyle, our allegiance is not with God.

If we continue to sin & ask forgiveness from God, He will answer. We might try filling our minds & hearts with His Word and remove any form of tempation & replace it with His Word & righteous acts.

Our obedience to God becomes so important we are able to see where we fall short & act to "right" it quickly.

Part of my problem is time management. There are so many things that grab for my time--many worthwhile things, too. But I want the best--Jesus!!

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