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Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

Good doctrine is that which is Bible based, God honouring and teaches me how to be the woman God wants me to be.

I will honour good doctrine as a mouthpiece from God. It should follow the promise from Timothy - ALL scripture is given for reproof, correction, exhortation, encouragement

Any doctrine that denies that Jesus is God, that sin is ok, that I can do it on my own should be challenged and avoided.

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Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

Any doctrine, good or bad, affects the way we live, if we use it to guide our actions. Obviously, we should follow good doctrine, but since it is a matter of interpretation, that can get a little fuzzy. I guess if I hear teachings that have to work hard to demonstrate how the Bible supports what I consider a "bad" doctrine, I would then consider it "bad", but again, that's the way I was brought up. I think I can discern good from bad doctine but it's based on the way my parents raised me.


Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? As this study demonstrates very clearly, the Bible can be a very difficult book to understand at times and many of its meanings are lost on just a read through. We have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit to help to guide us, but without teaching, which has to involve some kind of doctrine at some level, I would miss out on a huge amount of what there is in the Bible. Take what I am doing at this very moment for example. Without this study course, and others which I have done with Pastor Ralph, I would have missed huge pieces of what was being said, in this case by Paul. This study has really focused my attention on my attitude to sin. What sin is, what it does, how it is overcome, and that itself has changed the way I conduct my life and changed my attitude to my sin. Without the teaching I am getting on this course, that wouldn't have happened certainly not now and possibly never. So good doctrine nurtures us and helps us grow.

Why should we honor good doctrine? I think that I have already answered this above!

If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding? This is the difficult issue, and this is one where we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Clearly if teaching is contrary to what we read in the Bible and to what Jesus taught, then it should be avoided. However, I think that sometimes bad doctrine can be very subtle and difficult to discern. That is where we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit within us and, in particular as young Christians, the guidance of a more experienced Christian.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, Dr. Ralph,

The teaching that we should be avoiding are those that are contrary to God's Word. Unfortunately, occassionally, not everything being preached from the pulpit and in other Christian settings line up with the Bible. Therefore, we should pray for a discerning spirit, and ask God for the help of the Holy Spirit to give us guidance in our daily walk.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

Good doctrine affect the way we live in that when we follow the instructions we are following the way God wants us to live. We should honor good doctrine because we are honoring God and His instructions to us. We shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, because when the teacher is delivering the undiluted Word of God it is God's instructions. We should avoid teachings or doctrines which do not line up with Jesus' teaching.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

My understanding is that good doctrine affect our lives that we strive to do God

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

My understanding is that good doctrine affect our lives that we strive to do God


Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live?

ANS - The fruits of what we truly believe in is seen in how we live on a day to day basis.

Why should we honor good doctrine?

ANS - It guides our lives, our churches, our communities, and our nation.

If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

ANS - The doctrine and philosophies of this world system, everything that doesn't line up with the truth of God's Word.

  • 2 weeks later...

How does good doctrine affect the way we live?

With good doctrine we are taught in the right manner and given sound Biblical knowlege from someone who has studied the Word of God.

Why should we honor good doctrine?

We should honor good doctrine because it helps explian the Bible to us and when it is good and holy we learn form it.

If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

If something is not based on the truths of the Bible or does not conform to the Word we we should avoid that kind of teaching.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Answer: Good doctrines,are essential in our walk with God.This doctrines ,which were inspire by the Spirit;spoken to Ministers,Leaders,Pastors,and Teachers,are the Good Doctrines that we should heed.God has gifted this people,to deliver the good doctrines,for unifying the Church,whose head is Christ Jesus.(Eph 4:11- And he gave some apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.

There are a lot of doctrines however that are being bombarded to the world daily.And everyone of those speakers,testify that theirs(doctrine)are the true one,or are

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

Good doctrine frees us from the bondage of sin. We should honor it because it teaches us how to live. Rather than avoid doctrine entirely, we should avoid false teaching that deceives.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

- Good doctrine affects the way we live. Without good and sound doctrine, we would live carelessly. We need to be connected to a good church that teaches sound doctrine.

- We should honor good doctrine because it teaches us truth and gives us a witness in our spirit that it is truth. It gives us a good foundation, whereas, we can teach and disciple others in the faith.

- We need to avoid false doctrine, the doctrine that doesn't agree with the Bible. Our church has a 7 month Catechism course - Building Firm Foundations which gets everyone on the same page. New people come to the church with teachings that are false and need to know the truth, this course really helps them.

  • 4 weeks later...

Good doctrine teaches us to live the life that pleases God. We honor good doctrine because good, true doctrine comes from God. It most often comes from someone else other than ourselves or is passed down to us by others but we must make sure that what we are taught by someone lines up with the Word of God. We must avoid watered down doctrines to suit a group or congregation because that is what the group wants to hear, especially in order to receive money. We must avoid doctrine that is twisted to mean something other than the original from God.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live?

Those who worship the Father must worship Him in spirit and in TRUTH! True worship . . . holding firmly to good doctrine will enhance every area of our lives. Living under the deception of false doctrine could mean living a defeatist life, whereas living according to good sound doctrine will help us to be victorious over sin.

Why should we honor good doctrine?

Peter put it best when he said to Jesus: You have the words of eternal life. Also: The truth shall set you free.

If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

We should avoid teaching that tells us we can't win . . . that we are fated to lose the battle. Sometimes the doctrine can be sound but the teaching of it could be in error.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

Good doctrine is a pattern or instruction for living so it helps me interpret the words of the Bible and explains how I can practically apply it to my life in my age or time.

We honour good doctrine by obeying it.

We should avoid doctrine that is not Bible based or that dilutes what the Bible says.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live?

We all, whether we want to admit it or not, must have a doctrine to live by. Whether that doctrine is of God or Satan is our choice. If we choose the God doctrine we live a life of righteousness. We do what is right by God. If we choose Satan we must be able to live with the consequences that this type of life brings us.

A. Why should we honor good doctrine?

We should honor the Good doctrine because The Good Doctrine is the Way the Truth and the Light.

B. If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

We should avoid the teachings of Satan.

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

I was on an airplane, and God placed a Christian married woman near to my seat. She saw me reading the bible, and asked if I was saved. I said "yes" and then explained sometimes I'm not sure if it is God who is talking to me. She said, "if it is not in the Bible, then it is not God who is telling you to do something." I decided this is a good test, though I still have brain failures now and then and act upon the wrong message. So we should avoid any teaching, any advice that seems contrary to the Bible.

The sacred word of God is what we live by. Everything that is good we were taught, it stems from the guidance of the Bible. Sacred listening, sacred viewing, sacred doctrine. Happy life.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

A good doctrine would effectively teach God's word as it is written without flavoring by mans' ideas.

Honoring a good doctrine steers us away from the practice of sin to the practice of Good over evil.

When viewing the doctrine it is important to be certain that what we are digesting is a true teaching of Christ and not a twisted, diluted version created by man's heart and mind.

  • 3 months later...

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

Good doctrine will cause us to be obedient.

If I read the Bible, and I understand doctrine, I will obey what that doctrine teaches.

I avoid doctrine that is false. I understand it is bad doctrine, because I read my bible and I know what it says.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

Good doctrine helps us to live a godly life because it is truth from the Bible. We should honer good scriptural doctrine because it is base on the truth of God's word. We should avoid any kind of teaching that is unscriptural. We need to know the Bible well so that we can identify faulty doctrine.

  • 3 months later...

(Romans 6:17b) How does good doctrine affect the way we live? Why should we honor good doctrine? If we shouldn't look down on doctrine itself, what kind of teaching should we be avoiding?

If we allow it, good doctrine penetrates our heart. We become closer to the Lord, thus it affects the way we live. If we love Him, we will want to obey Him. Our love for Christ should have a major affect on our lives because we don't want to willfully grieve the Spirit.

We honor good doctrine because it draws us closer to Christ; it teaches us how to live effective lives for Him, and it causes us to be obedient to His Word, thus honoring God and making Him pleased with us.

The kind of teaching we should avoid is FALSE doctrine. Doctrine that goes against the Word of God and its principals.

  • 1 year later...

Good doctrine, as taught us from God's Word, will ensure that we walk correctly before the Lord. And this doctrine should be revered and cherished above all other forms of dictates as itmhas been received diredctly from the Lord himself and just for us ! We therefore should be avoiding doctrine that smacks of man-made origins. For example, the Bloodless variety, so beloved of apostasy-like denominations.

" Without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission for sins"

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