Sarah43 Posted October 25, 2008 Report Posted October 25, 2008 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? The law, given by God to Moses, defines right and wrong for humans, clearly. But the law does not intrinsically help sinners, all humans, obey the law. Perversely, in knowing the law, we break it because we are sinful. Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? We are sinners, needing Christ to help us to salvation. It is not in our nature to be obedient. Quote
nes Posted October 27, 2008 Report Posted October 27, 2008 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? What does the law do well? The law gives us the knowledge of what is wrong. What does it do poorly? The law could not save us. as what Paul said when the law came sin's sprang and he died. in 1 Corinthians 15:56b "....the strength of sin is the law." Why is the law powerless to save us? The law is a law, and he has no power to save us from our sinful nature. only the grace of God can. What is the problem here? the problem is in us, like what Paul said it is not from the law is the problem, but in us. because eventhough we are living by grace still we are sinning, we did not think what Christ Jesus did at the cross for us. Quote
house Posted October 27, 2008 Report Posted October 27, 2008 As previously mentioned in many excellent posts, the law is good for revealing and defining sin, but not much help in overcoming it. Yes, the law defines what crime is, but it does something else critically important: it defines how restitution may be made. The sacrifice system of the Old Covenant had limitations, as Eudora points out in post #25, but I would say the problem had more to do with the animal blood sacrifices being insufficient than with the means of atonement itself. Without the law, the Old Covenant, what purpose would there be to Christ's death on the cross? When the perfect sacrifice was offered, complete restitution was made. Quote
Rosie1Rose Posted October 27, 2008 Report Posted October 27, 2008 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The law does well in that it shows us what sin is. However it cannot set us free from sin and it is impossible to match up to it. The law in itself cannot set us free because it causes sin to come to life. The problem is that by being a negative - you shall not, it creates in us a desire to do what it is telling us not to do. We need a power that will negate the sinful desire generated in us by the law. Will power alone cannot achieve this so God sent Jesus. Quote
Greta Posted October 28, 2008 Report Posted October 28, 2008 The law does well in telling us what is right and what is wrong. It is poor in enabling us to change our course. The law is powerless to save us because it holds no grace. Even after confessing our sins and being foregiven and reinstated, we still have to have the help of the Holy Spirit to be able to change our course and 'get it right'. Quote
haar Posted October 30, 2008 Report Posted October 30, 2008 What the law does very well is to show us clearly that sin is ugly and wrong. It however is not good in helping us not to sin. Knowing that sin is wrong does not keep us from comitting a sin as the sinfful and rebelious nature fights agaist our desire to do right. There is a battle between wanting to do the right thing and the strong desire to commit the sin. Quote
studybug52 Posted November 1, 2008 Report Posted November 1, 2008 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The law points our right and wrong well. It shows well what we should and should not do and what God expecs. it reveals what is right and what is wrong. Tells people what to do and how to do it. What the law cannot do is deal with the human heart and emotions . Only God thru his son Jesus's deathcould take and deal with our sinfull hearts. The law could not save us and is powerless to save us because of human nature. it was weakened by our sinfull nature. the problem is the deceit and evil ness of our human hearts Quote
Linda Stanley Posted November 2, 2008 Report Posted November 2, 2008 Romans 7:2``The law was holy,expressing God's nature and will for people.When we are tempted to sin(rebel,we need to look at the law from a wider perspective-in the light of Gods grace and mercy.(NIV) Sin deceives people by misusing the law.I believe a lot of us misunderstand Gods law and why it was given to us.(NIV) romans 8:3~~Right or wrong the law can not save us; only Jesus Christ is the only way to God(salvation).Jesus gave himself as a sacrifice("sin offering"),for our sins.(In the Old Testiment times animals were continually offered at the temple.(NIV). Quote
linda bass Posted November 6, 2008 Report Posted November 6, 2008 What the law does well is that being holy and righteous, it points out our sins to us. What the law does poorly is by pointing out a sin, it just makes us want to commit or continue in a sin all the more. The law is powerless to save us because it has been weakened by human nature. Having the law is one thing, enforcing it is another matter. The problem here is the human heart. Knowing what is right and wrong doesn't deal with the human heart which is naturally wicked and rebellious. Quote
Jewell Posted November 11, 2008 Report Posted November 11, 2008 The law defines for us specifically what is right and wrong. It is powerless to save us because all it does is define the law, it doesn't change our hearts. It is only Jesus that can change our hearts - that's where the power is. Quote
emmaus Posted November 13, 2008 Report Posted November 13, 2008 The law tells us what sin is but it doesn't keep the flesh from wanting to sin. The law can't save us because we have freewill. The problem is that the flesh is weak. Quote
Craig Posted November 16, 2008 Report Posted November 16, 2008 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The Law informs well what sin is and what we should do to honor God. The Law, however, does not change hearts. Again, the Law informs and just informs. It wasn't meant to save us, but to point us to God. The Law informs, but God saves. Quote
Snaps Posted December 8, 2008 Report Posted December 8, 2008 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The law delineates the base line on what is needed to create a safe society. Society will not work while there is murder, adultery, covetousness, idolatry, dishonouring of parents, of sabbath, etc. If these things are enshrined in the law of a country, that country will have sound basic functions socially, emotionally, economically, spiritually, and be a safe place to live. The law is there because without it people will become violent. It outlines what is not acceptable, and what must be answered for (punishable). It sets safe parameters for society and personal life. What the law cannot do is establish the possibilities of human potential. It is a base line, not a mark of potential for human society. We are capable of living by the law of love, which is a much higher standard than the law sets out. No-one living by the law of love will murder, commit adultery, covet, steal etc. Not only that, but they will seek opportunity to give instead of steal, encourage and build up instead of murder, rejoice in the good fortune of another rather than covet, build stable, loving, strong, emotionally sound families instead of fornications and traumatised children. No amount of law can achieve these things. They can be achieved only by those who have a vision about love, fidelity, encouragement, generousity, etc. all of which comes with the Spirit of God. the law cannot achieve the mind of Christ in us. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. The law is powerless to save us because it only states the negatives and basic premises, and doesn't create a vision of what God can do with society. Jesus came to fulfill the law (do all that it asks of us), and very much more than that, to teach us how to live in God's abundance of LIFE, how to love and sacrifice (take care of widows and orphans etc) and look after one another. The law does not create intimate relationship with God. This is what is needed for salvation from sin - a new nature and the mind of Christ. The problem with knowing right from wrong seems to be that somehow we like to push the boundaries of right and wrong. Pushing boundaries is considered adventurous, daring, funny, clever, and more than that it draws attention to whatever your are marketing, and sells. For example the pop groups attract attention by having vile names and singing songs about lawless topics. They seem to compete for lawlessness in their character, and develop a great following this way. Look at the names of some restaurants, eg hog's breath. This is vigorously defended by the human rights lobby who are so busy defending the rights of criminals that the law dare not chastise them, and society dare not point out their failures (discrimmination). Marketing goes past parents to create demanding children and teach them how to override their parents. It uses social pressure and carnal covetousness to sell product, and demands the right to sell product that violates even the law (***********, guns etc). One could give huge amounts of examples of how marketing treads on the law and yet appeals to people's carnal, rebellious instinct. Rebellion is enshrined in "human rights" thinking. It is now all about what one can get away with, not how one can benefit society at large. Knowing right from wrong is latent within every man - they all automatically know what to expect of Christians, even though they don't do it themselves. However, it doesn't carry weight as far as personal desire goes. Quote
iam4-1god Posted December 22, 2008 Report Posted December 22, 2008 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The real deal is this-the law shows us what is wrong and right, but only Jesus Christ can save us. We, in and of ourselves, are helpless to save ourselves. We can do nothing to help our situation. We must fall on our knees and accept what Jesus has done for us, and believe that we have what He offers. This is the only way to be truly forgiven, and then daily, ask Him for help. We must totally depend on Him. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted January 9, 2009 Report Posted January 9, 2009 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? Since it was given by God, it is holy, righteous, and good. It gives up something to live our lives by and tells us about sin. What does it do poorly? It can tell us about sin, but can Quote
starangel2 Posted January 18, 2009 Report Posted January 18, 2009 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The law points out God's righteoussness and our unrighteoussness. I doesn't however keep us from sinning. We are still in sinful flesh and still sin. the answer is Jesus and accepting Him as our righteioussness. Quote
starangel2 Posted January 22, 2009 Report Posted January 22, 2009 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The Law is the revealtion of what sin is. Without it we wouldn't know what sin was. It doesn't keep us from sinning. and we need a perfect Savior to sacrifice for our sins and that Savior is Jesus who never broke the law or sinned. The law was not perfect because it couldn't keep us from sinning. Quote
Ron2 Posted January 31, 2009 Report Posted January 31, 2009 What does the law do well? The law showes use that we are sinners. Also after we are believers in Jesus Christ the law showes us how to live a Crist like life. Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? Joh 3:16 The only way to be saved is to believe in the Lord Juses Christ What is the problem here. There is no problem, if you call upon the name of Jesue to be your savior and live by the law to live a life of holyness. Quote
Ron2 Posted January 31, 2009 Report Posted January 31, 2009 What does the law do well? The law showes use that we are sinners. Also after we are believers in Jesus Christ the law showes us how to live a Crist like life. Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? Joh 3:16 The only way to be saved is to believe in the Lord Juses Christ What is the problem here. There is no problem, if you call upon the name of Jesue to be your savior and live by the law to live a life of holyness. Quote
l.a. Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 The law reveals the supreme righteousness of God. It brings us to the level of being that was intended for us at the beginning of our existence. We have a goal to be raise up to. Unfortunately, because our sinful nature lives and constantly wars against the spirit of righteousness, we are in constant jeopardy of 'slipping up' and letting our sinful nature win a battle or two. When this occurred under the law, we were left to suffer with our guilt and grief, knowing full well that we can never stand fully righteous in the eyes of God. Praise be to God for sending His Son, not to condemn us, but save us. We can have full assurance that we can continue to strive to be like Him and He will do the rest. Hallelujah! Quote
nurselaino Posted April 18, 2009 Report Posted April 18, 2009 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? Rom 7:12 But the law is holy, and its orders are holy, upright, and good. Rom 8:3 For what the law was not able to do because it was feeble through the flesh, God, sending his Son in the image of the evil flesh, and as an offering for sin, gave his decision against sin in the flesh: The Law clearly states what is right and what is wrong but what it does not do is tell us how to follow the Law or give us redemption once we fall away. The Law neither pardons or purifys the heart. Quote
brandon Posted April 18, 2009 Report Posted April 18, 2009 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? the law does well by telling us whats good and evil. the law does not make us not do evil. becasue it is not god. Quote
Sasquatch Posted June 28, 2009 Report Posted June 28, 2009 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The Law is holy, righteous and good. The Law names what is wrong. The Law does not provide the solution to the "flesh" or our inherent rebelliousness against God. The Law is powerless to save us. Doing or complying with the Law is doing it "ourselves" or on our own merit. We do not achieve salvation by our own works but by grace through faith. Quote
Patriciaa Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The law makes it clear what is right and wrong but knowing this does not save us. The problem is knowing the law leads to sin because our human nature leads us to break the law. Our hearts must be changed as we turn to strength from Jesus Christ. Jesus died for our sins and will give us strength to do live a Godly life if we only ask and desire in our hearts to serve and glorify Him. When we do fall and sin, we repent and because of His love of us, we will be forgiven. Quote
C Riv Posted August 21, 2009 Report Posted August 21, 2009 Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? The law pronounces Gods word, the commandments, keeping them holy and true. The law is weak thru the flesh, it tells us right from wrong but cannot save us. Now because there is a law sin has come alive, but the law does not make us sin it just explains right from wrong, the only one who can save us is Jesus. Quote
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