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Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The law is a powerful tool and guide, it highlights our sin and capability to sin. It affords to us a means of correction, the law albeit powerful as a tool, it remains useless as a remedy for our sin.

It is helpless and hopeless when it comes to forgiveness or supplying an eternal answer, thankfully thats where our Saviour takes over, throught His finished work at Calvary we have the eternal answer, by faith we are saved.

Thankyou Lord for saving me.

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The Law does well in teaching me what sin is. Where it falls down is that in my inherently sinful nature, it awakens rebellious thoughts and desires. The Law has no power to save as I cannot, in my own strength, overcome sin.

  • 1 month later...

Paul is getting to the core of human nature here. The law, and rules in general, are good for providing context and structure for acceptable behavior. But we know what happens when we let it stop there. Either we rebel against the rules, or we make them our own god. Ever meet the Christian who commits to arbitrary rules about things like dress or behavior (no dancing!) but has trouble loving people, showing grace, expressing true joy? In many ways, it's just easier to follow the rules. Rules are direct, clear, and easy to categorize. Grace and love are messy. Just look at the life of Christ. Giving in to grace can be scary. It is an actual leap of faith. But real transformation will never come from stone tablets. We need the flesh and blood of Christ.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The law shows up the righteousness of God and the sinfulness of man, but of itself is powerless to do anything about that sin either by ensuring that man does not sin (in fact Paul says that it has the opposite effect) or by saving man from the consequences of that sin. Only through Christ are we able to conquer sin and therefore be saved from its ultimate consequences.


Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The law defines the sins and that is all it is meant to do. It is not meant to save us; Jesus is, and we have to agree to follow Him in order for that to happen. The problem isn't the law, it's us and our human weakness, but fortunately we have a savior, if we choose to follow Him.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The law shows us plainly how to correctly live for God. It also shows us that we are incapable of living correctly for God without His help. I can't see that it does anything poorly since it is from God. Of course the law itself can't save us because only Jesus saves us. We have to accept Him as our Lord and Savior and admit that He is God's son. There shouldn't be any conflict here. The law is one entity, and Jesus is the other.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The law reveals, provokes and condemns sin, this it does really well. However, with sin revealed the law is powerless to keep one from sinning or having the desire to sin. The problem here is that the deliverance not to sin came after the law. When Christ died on the cross that which the law was powerless to do, in combating sin in the body, was done at the cross.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The law is good at telling us right from wrong, good from evil, but it does not give us strength to resist evil, it does not give us understanding. It is, rather, life for sin. It is the light that shines on sin, for sin to grow (notice the plant analogy in the Scripture). This also reminds me of Jesus's parable about the seeds that fell on the side of the road. For some seeds, other weeds sprang up and choke them. But the problem is not the law, but the seeds of sin.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The thing that the law does well is to tell us what we are doing wrong. To tell us the difference between right and wrong and to supply us with guidelines on how to live life with love.

The thing that the law does poorly is too prevent us from sinning. It identified sin to us, but does not prevent us from doing so. In contras it allows us to sin more, because we are aware of our wrong doings.

I think the law is powerless to save us, because it helps us to do the right thing on our own. The law gives us the power to do the right thing without the power of God. If I don

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well?

ANS - The law does well at teaching us God's commandments and instructions in right and wrong living, and living according to his truth. It teaches us basically what sin is, what holy living is, and how to please God.

What does it do poorly?

ANS - The law points out wrong doing, and what sin is, but doesn't provide the eternal solution to the sin or heart problem itself. It provided a temporary fix, as it were, through sacrifices, but that was symbolism of what was to come.

Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

ANS - It was the only the instruction book, but didn't provide the spiritual solution to the underlying problem of sin itself.

  • 2 weeks later...

What does the law do well?

It shows us what is right and what is wrong.

What does it do poorly?

By putting a light on the wrongs, it made us want to do them more.

Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us?

The law is powerless to save us because we have that human spirit of rebellion.

What is the problem here?

The problem is that we as people think we can solve the problem, but it is one that only God could accomplish by the death of His beloved Jesus.

  • 3 weeks later...

The law does well to points to the sin we have in us.

The law does poorly in keeping us from sinning.

The law is powerless to save us because it does not deal with the real problem which is the heart.

The problem is in us.


a)The law points out sin & makes it clear to us,&gives us the moral code for living. B) the law could not produce holy living. It is powerless to keep us from sinning & sin feeds on laws commands. :( C)The first step towards truth, is the naming of a sin, as this causes us to make the distinctions, but it cannot save us. d)The problem is not the law, but in us. Even the good in us is corrupt & cannot be trusted. The Spirit we now have within us creates a desire to agree with God

  • 4 weeks later...

Posted 16 August 2008 - 12:18 AM

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

Answer:The law strengthen sin.(1 Corinthians 15:56-The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.).That is without the Law,..Sin has no sting,no bearing,although sin already is present in early days(before the law)it was not imputed unto men—Romans 5:13-For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.

So the purpose of the Law is to tell man,that your self righteousness,your work mentality is to no avail,YOU CAN’T SAVE YOURSELVE.Nobody can fulfill the law,for all have sinned and fall short to the glory of God(Romans 3:23)..Even if you painstakenly try to follow ,99% of the thousand or more law,then you break one…Apostle James said YOU ARE GUILTY OF ALL(James 2:10- For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all)

The Law can’t save us,try as we might we will only fail.This is one purpose of the Law to make us despair of ever saving ourselves to drive us to our knees and look FOR A SAVIOR.It brings the knowledge of sin,condemnation,and guilt..and in so doing in answer to “What does the law do well?THE LAW IN FACT BRING US TO JESUS CHRIST---.Galatians 3:24-Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The law helps us to see God's righteousness and holiness; however, it is hindered by our sinful nature. We needed someone to free us from bondage to our flesh. Christ did that when He became our sin offering and condemned sin in our lives.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

- What the law does Well: The law gives us the knowledge of sin.

- What it does poorly: It can't deliver us from sin.

- It is powerless to save us because it does not have the power to save because it is weakened by the sinful nature.

- We need a savior, who paid the price for our sin, Jesus Christ the righteous one, who alone delivers us as we walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. He gives us the power to do this as we walk in fellow ship with Him.

  • 4 weeks later...

What the law does well is it reveals sin, tells you what is wrong. What it does not do well is that once a sin is revealed it provokes us to want to do that sin even more. We always want what we cannot have and always want to do what we should not do. The law is the revelation of sin. It is our heart that is the problem. Because even after sin is revealed we still want to sin. We are powerless to resist temptations on our own. WE NEED A SAVIOR!!!

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well?

The law informs or educates us as to just what sin is.

What does it do poorly?

The law cannot stop us from sinning.

Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us?

Just knowing right from wrong doesn't enable us to cease doing wrong and make us do right. It needs a change of heart and mind attitude on the part of the believer.

What is the problem here?

Sin is the problem. The god of this world, the Devil, constantly throws temptation at us to lure us away from the right path. The flesh part of us is still under Satan's control.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well?

It tells us what is sin and what is not

What does it do poorly?

It doesn't tell us how to stop doing things that are wrong.

Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The knowledge of right and wrong is not what saves us or what enables us to stop sinning, the problem is that the flesh is too weak to withstand temptation.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3)

What does the law do well?

Paul writes that the law is holy and each commandment is holy and just and good. It was given by God and is therefore perfect as an expression of His will for His people. It gives us the knowledge of sin. It allows us to discover the evil nature of sin, and its deceitful workings in us.

What does it do poorly?

It is because of our sinful nature that the law could not produce holy living. It is powerless to keep us from sinning.

Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us?

The law spoke to us when we were already sinners; without strength to obey. What we need is a Saviour to deliver us from the penalty and power of sin.

What is the problem here?

We always want our way. When we know something is wrong we don't care. We want it so it doesn't matter if it is wrong, as long as our mind is satisfied.

  • 6 months later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The law only reveals sin to us-it cannot save us. Jesus loves us, and died for us. He is the ONLY way to God, Heaven, and eternity.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The law tells us what is sin and convicts us of sin. The law doesn't help us not to sin. The knowledge of does not give us the power to save us, only Jesus can do that. The problem is our flesh, the answer is the new life of God in us.

  • 3 months later...

(Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here?

The Law is holy. Nevertheless, the Law could not fix the issue of the flesh. It was weak. It became hijacked by sin. In other words, knowing something is wrong, drive us to it, and the Law cannot do anything about it.

Only Jesus could do something about the sin problem.

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