jon burke Posted June 16, 2010 Report Posted June 16, 2010 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? Quote
Charles Sanger Posted June 23, 2010 Report Posted June 23, 2010 As previously mentioned the law made us aware to sin and thus we fell to the law of sin. The law was only there to lead people to Christ and to justify our faith, but with the new Law of God we can live our faith through Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. The Weak Link was us and our sinful nature we found ourselves in through sin. To save us we need to follow the law of God and live a life of faith with the power of the Holy Spirit. Quote
Marloes Posted July 11, 2010 Report Posted July 11, 2010 We can't obey the law. The only way to get saved is the unconditional grace of Jesus. Quote
Paul G Posted July 21, 2010 Report Posted July 21, 2010 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? ANS - Because nobody can completely obey the law, except Christ. If any one sins, even in one law, he is guilty of all, and is condemned. It took Christ's death on the cross to provide the only solution to the sin problem, and to bring us back into fellowship with God. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted July 31, 2010 Report Posted July 31, 2010 Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? Obedience to the law can not save us, because we can really never do it....we have that sin nature and in our human state can never make it right. We are the weak link, by sin and our selfish pride. It took the saving Blood of Christ Jesus to save us....God gave His pay the price for our sin. Quote
Old Jerry Posted August 16, 2010 Report Posted August 16, 2010 Obedience to the law canst save us because it is impossible to obey the law completely. The puts man on his own. It is up to us and our strength to obey the law. The weak link is man. Man with all the gadgets that we have can not obey the law. It takes the Spirit and our living Savior in us to save us. Quote
wifee Posted August 22, 2010 Report Posted August 22, 2010 6a)Obedience to every aspect of law alone can Quote
Ramon Posted September 22, 2010 Report Posted September 22, 2010 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? Answer:Obedience to the Law can't save us,FOR NO MAN CAN OBEY THE LAW,NO MAN IS CLOSER TO PERFECTION TO SATISFY THE LAW,EXCEPT JESUS. The Law given to Man,so that he will stop comparing Himself among others,that He is better of,because he is not doing this or that. It is a mans instinct to edify himself,and justify his act,and corrupt the Word of God,and in fact it was displayed by Lamech in the old testament: Genesis 4:23-24-And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.24If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold. Lamech has killed another man, just like Cain has killed his brother. Even though Lamech did it in self defense it is still murder. And look how he justify his act in verse 24"If cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold"...God speak for anybody who killed Cain,I will avenged sevenfold and in Genesis 4:15- And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain , vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold . And the LORD set a mark upon Cain , lest any finding him should kill him. However God did not speak this to Lamech,t hat God will avenged seventy and seven those who try to kill him. Notice how man, corrupt the Word of God, to their advantage and benefit .In the New Testament, Apostle Paul has written that, such act of comparison, judging others is not wise. 2 Corinthians 10:12-2.2-For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. So the Law was given,so that Man will stop justifying Himself (Romans 3:19-Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.) The weak link is our Nature.. our Old Sinful Nature,and the only tha we be save is to stop trusting in ourselves,and turn on,Trust,putting our Faith on Christ Jesus.Because He alone saves.He is the only perfect man,that can satisfy the strictness of the law. Quote
Moody Grad Posted October 3, 2010 Report Posted October 3, 2010 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? The law can't save us because it alone cannot free us from our sins. Our sinful nature keeps us from walking in victory. We needed a Savior to free us from our sins so that, by His Spirit, we might be made holy and able to uphold the law. Christ did that by becoming the sin offering for us and cleansing us from our sins by his death on the cross. Hallelujah, what a Savior! Quote
rosegarden Posted October 30, 2010 Report Posted October 30, 2010 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? - Obedience to the law cannot save us because it has been weakened by the flesh and it is powerless to save. - Jesus Christ dying for our sins and us accepting Him as Lord and Savior by faith. For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death, for what the law could not do, in that is was weak through the flesh, God sent His only son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh that the righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. Quote
ljmnkscart Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Obedience to the law could not save us because we could not keep the law because of our sinful nature. We could try but our efforts would be in vain. The law doesn't save anyway. The law just points out what sin is. The weak link is us, because we are wicked according to Jer 17:9 and our flesh is enmity to God in Romans 8:7 It takes our belief in Jesus on the Cross and His resurrection to save us. It is a gift from God. All we need to do it believe and accept it. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted January 24, 2011 Report Posted January 24, 2011 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? People down through the centuries have tried obeying God's law as a means of salvation. It can't be done. Even the most fastidious people of all, the Pharisees, who obeyed every little last detail of the law to the letter of the law and even made up more laws besides to increase their view of perfect obedience to God failed miserably because all their devotion to the law resulted in was a ritualistic approach to righteousness that even the common people could see right through. Even their prayers were hollow and not pleasing to God . . . "I thank you God that I am not like other men . . ." The weak link in the chain is the sinful nature, the flesh. Without coming into union with Christ in his death and resurrection we are unregenerate and sinful. Nothing good we can do is good enough. What then does it take to save us? Firstly it takes the sacrifice of the one Man who was without sin, who became sin for us and paid God's decreed penalty for our sins. That one man of course is Jesus Christ. Secondly we must become united with Him in His death and resurrection. Only then are we declared righteous in God's sight. Quote
royk Posted May 2, 2011 Report Posted May 2, 2011 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? Being saved is a lot more important than being able to type the two words. We're unable to be obedient enough to be deserving from our behavior. We have no hope. Its by His grace alone. We are the weak link. Only His blood can save us. We must recognize we are worthless by our own merit, be thankful God loves His creation, and repent, and spread our joy to the world about His love and Mercy. God wants nothing less than a wholehearted Love from us, luke warm won't make it. Quote
pastor neal Posted May 31, 2011 Report Posted May 31, 2011 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? Obedience to the law is unable to save us for the law is weakened by the flesh of human-kind (sinful-nature). The weakest link is the sinful-nature of mankind. The rebellious human nature and the human value-system stand in opposition to God's value-system. We are saved not by living to our sinful-nature but instead according to the Spirit. Quote
iam4_1god Posted September 25, 2011 Report Posted September 25, 2011 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? The law is good, in that it reveals our sin to us. However, without the blood sacrifice, the law cannot save us. Jesus' sacrificial death and His shed blood was the only thing that could redeem fallen man. Thank You Jesus, for being obedient unto death!!!! Quote
ross_laoshi Posted October 19, 2011 Report Posted October 19, 2011 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? Obedience to the law can't save us because our flesh is the weak link that that prevents us from obeying the law. We need the Holy Spirit and we need to live by the Spirit. Quote
Janissi Posted January 28, 2012 Report Posted January 28, 2012 (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? Because it's weak and powerless in the flesh. The Law isn't the problem; our flesh is the problem. The blood of Jesus Christ and His work on the cross saved us. Salvation is through Christ, and Christ only. Quote
Patricia A Posted February 18, 2012 Report Posted February 18, 2012 Our flesh is weak and thus we the saving blood of Jesus Christ. The Law reveals our sins to us but we are too weak in the flesh to obey--we need the Holy Spirit to give us strength needed to live a Christian life. Quote
Joeraja Posted February 25, 2012 Report Posted February 25, 2012 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? The law is holy and perfect. However, the law only enables to identify sins but does not have the power to overcome it. Obedience to the law, as difficult as it may be due to man's sinful nature, doesn't however save us from death. The weak link is the sinful nature of man. Ever since the fall of Adam, we have inherited a flesh of sinful nature. This sinful nature goes against God. It is rebellious. Thus it will not allow us to obey the law, that is, help us to stay away from sin. So in other words, the law has no power to overcome sin. The only way to save us is a sacrifice or death of a sinless man who can purge us of the sinful nature. That is why God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to redeem us from our sins and free us from the domination of sin. Our faith in Christ and the acceptance of His death as a sacrifice for our sins will set us free from condemnation and grant us an everlasting life. The Holy Spirit with comes with the baptism will empower us to overcome our sinful nature and make us holy and righteous. Quote
robertprice Posted February 23, 2013 Report Posted February 23, 2013 Obedience to the law cannot save anyone, as 'we have all sinned (and come short of the glory of God)' no matter how little or how much, and we are told that to be guilty of even one sin only is tantamount to being guilty of the lot ! So it could never be that any man or woman could have avided sin completely due to the inherent sinful nature within themselves, being that lunfortunate legacy from Adam. That is the weak link here, I think. To save us from this terrible fate, we need to ask the forgiveness for our sins of God by the believing that His Son, by deliberate divine plan, became the only sin offering that could appease God's wrath. In the Old Testament, sin offerings of animals were the way to atone temporarily for the nation's sin, until their next violation ! It will be remembered that 'without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission for sin.' Now complete faith in Jesus as the perfect sin offering, has led us to this new and wonderful relationship with God ! Quote Posted March 20, 2013 Report Posted March 20, 2013 Because only Jesus can save us and the law condemns us. Our weak link is the flesh that is constantly warring against Gods spirit. It is like a civil war, Jekyll and Hyde. By putting our faith and trust in Jesus and relying on Him and His spirits strength to save us Quote
lynnjaylynn731 Posted May 18, 2013 Report Posted May 18, 2013 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? We are saved by Grace and nothing other than that John 3:16, which is that Grace. By one mans sacrifice salvation was given. Obedience does not save us, but obedience is better than sacrifice and it promotes holiness. Salvation is free and any man that wants to be saved can be by he blood of the Passover lamb, Jesus Christ. Quote
Debbe Posted September 25, 2013 Report Posted September 25, 2013 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? Our sinful nature causes the law not to be able to save us. The weak link is human nature. We need a redeemer to save us, a perfect sacrifice, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He took our punishment upon Himself and if we accept that, we have eternal life. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted August 17, 2014 Report Posted August 17, 2014 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? The law was given to Moses, these 10 laws are Holy and were give not only to the Israelites but to all mankind. They demonstrate to us our relationship to God and our fellow mankind. In addition to these laws God gave Israel additional laws, the priest hood, moral and civil laws. These additional laws commanded that they once a year come before the priest and the temple to offer a sacrifice for their sins, yearly they were to do this. It showed that with out a sacrifice and shedding of blood there could not be a  forgiveness of sin. The weak link in this ritual was that the people needed a permanent sacrifice that would show Gods love and forgive them of their sins. God provided that link to them by sending His only Son to be that sacrifice forever for our sins. His only requirement was that we have faith and repent of our sins against the father and follow in His ways and be obedient to Jesus teachings and accept His shedding of blood, a sacrifice for us.   Quote
WinstonY Posted March 25, 2015 Report Posted March 25, 2015 Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? Paul writes "...the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature,..." . The law as given by God to Moses is holy and just and gives to humanity a basic look at the moral character of God and of His morality. It also suggests that these laws are ones to which humans should hold but because of the basic flaw of sin which appears as inherent in the human character people are unable to complete the laws of God and are thus condemned. The weak link here is not in the law but in the weakness of human sinful nature and our in ability by ourselves not to sin against God and His laws. There seems to be some paradox here in that the God who created us sinful is Himself sinless!But God being God did and does have a plan-by'... sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man (sarx) to be a sin offering(8.3b) ' we humans can by belief in the truth that was thus expressed by God the Father through the Son and by the Holy Spirit humans might live within the power and love of Christ and to be justified before God by the Son and sanctified by the work of the Spirit. God does have a plan that is promised in hope and provided by the power of the Lord. Quote
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