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The answer is no, it is impossible to be a Christian without the presense of the Holy Spirit.

There is no difference between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit. Both terms mean the same thing.

All genuine Christians have received the Holy Spirit.

We remain "full" of the Spirit by spending time in reading the Bible and praying on a daily basis.

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It is not possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us. Acceptance of Christ as our Savior is also acceptance of the gift He left with us, the Holy Spirit.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

I love Pickledilly's likeness to a thermometer. You are instantly filled with the Holy Spirit when you become a Christian, but how you CHOOSE to live your life affects how effective He can be and how fruitful I can be.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is an ongoing command in several places in the Bible. I need every day to be filled anew with the Spirit, to be surrendered to Him and to remain in Him.


No, it's not possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit within us. The indwelling of the Spirit would be the Holy Spirit that came into your heart when you were baptized. It helps us walk as a Christian. The fullness of the Spirit is when we trust in God and become bold for Him. We are willing to step out on faith and do things that we could not do on our own. We can do this by having an ongoing personal daily relationship with the Lord. Seeking His face, studying His word, praying and humbling ourselves to Him.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

It is totally impossible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us.

When we ask Jesus into our hearts He comes in! His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, lives in us from then on. This is the indwelling of the Spirit of God, and we have access to Him at all times.

We do not always co-operate well with the Holy Spirit Who resides within us and gives us complete access to all of Heaven's resources. Sometimes we forget about Him altogether. He is a gentleman and does nothing unless asked. He simply waits to be asked. We have a glass to drink from, but we forget to drink.

The fullness of the Spirit means that we constantly drink of the Spirit, ask for His knowing, power, guiding in all our operations, and see the reality of this in miraculous events - the works that God prepared for us to walk in. We are intended to walk miraculously in God's promises, and we can. To what extent we realise this is individual, and very much related to our own personal commitment to God.

To remain in the fullness of the Spirit we need to see Him as our constant loving friend, and be in constant touch with Him, wherever we are, fearing only to lose that touch.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

I say no, because it is The Spirit that teaches us, and leads us in the right direction. Also, The Word says that if we don't have The Spirit, then we are not His.

The indwelling of The Spirit is The Spirit living in us. The fullness of The Spirit is Those gifts that are given to us when we ask for them, such as speaking in tongues, prophecying, etc.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us?

No it is not possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us. We need the Holy Spirit living within us - if not we are living in the flesh.

What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit?

I believe that we receive the indwelling of the Spirit when we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. We receive the fullness of the Spirit as God blesses us with His gifts of Love.

How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

By staying in God

  • 3 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is waht makes us a christian. or IN Christ.

I don't think there is a difference between indwelling and the fullness of the Spirit. I think they mean the same thing

We remain full of the Spirit though worship, prayer and the Word.

  • 3 weeks later...

This is not really an answer to the question, but it is about the Spirit.

Did you know that you are a part of the trinity?

The trinity is the Farther God, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

You can say I don't see my name in that list of the three.

Read these verses

"... The Spirit of God lives (oikeō) in you." (8:9b)

"And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living (oikeō) in you...." (8:11a)

"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives (oikeō) in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16)

"... Guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives (enoikeō) in us." (1 Timothy 1:14)

If the Holy Spirit is part of the trinity and the Holy Spirit is living in you then are you not a part of the trinity?

To me this is almost blasphemy. But this is what the bile says. It is very humbling to think of myself as part of the trinity.

My Father God, My brother Jesus Christ, and myself with the Holy Sprit in me is the trinity

To me this thought makes me want to walk in the Spirit.


I do not think that it is posiible to be a christian without the Spirit. The Spirit is the power within ourselves that has the strength to overcome sin. We are much too weak, as human beings, to change our minds about sin. I don't really know the difference between indwelling and full concerning the Spirit. Perhaps indwelling is the opportunity to turn to Christ and full is actually doing your best to be like Him.

  • 4 months later...

Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

The presence of the Spirit living in us is the essential mark of a Christian.

The Spirit indwells in us. The fullness of the Spirt shines in certain people. In my church, one can see in several people the fullness of the Spirit. We remain "full" in the Spirit by staying in the Spirit or "setting our mind on the things of the Spirit".



  • (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? No, this is not possible.

  • What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit? One who has the fullness of the Spirit is a mature Christian. We can remain "full" of the Spirit by prayer, studying the Word, Worship and dedicating our life to serving the Lord. :rolleyes:

  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

It is not possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing within us, we would remain the empty hallow shell we were before our conversion. We could never enjoy our privilaged relationship that we have with the Father without the Holy Spirit, and the ongoing fullness that we receive from dwelling in His word and the reliance that we have in Him.

Create in me a clean heart

and purify me, purify me

Create in me a clean heart

so I may worship thee, everybody say it


Create in me a clean heart

and purify me

Create in me a clean heart

so I may worship thee

Say it now, say it now


Create in me a clean heart

and purify me

Create in me a clean heart

so I may worship thee

Cast me not away from thy presence

Please don't take your Spirit from me

and restore the joy of salvation

so that I may worship thee

Please Lord God....


Create in me a clean heart

and purify me

Create in me a clean heart

so I may worship thee

Cast me not away from thy presence

Please don't take your Spirit from me

and restore the joy of salvation

so that I may worship thee

Thank you Lord for saving me.

  • 2 months later...
  On 8/16/2008 at 12:21 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the <i>indwelling</i> of the Spirit and the <i>fullness</i> of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

I loved the word picture of The Spirit as a visitor and as an owner. The minute you accept Jesus, He moves in. However He needs the keys to the laundry room, the toilet, the attic. He needs full freedom to have the run of your house and to have the final say in its running.

For far too many years, Jesus was a much welcomed guest in my home. Finally when I stopped running, He came in as owner. I was emotionally healed and restored to fullness of life and was also physically healed as well.

See I was indwelt by the Spirit at my 'conversion'. I occasionally became Spirit-filled. But now I am filled to overflowing. It is however my choice to ask to be filled every morning and to ensure throughout the day that I top up with the Spirit

  • 1 month later...

I have heard the analogy of the pilot light before. When we decide to follow Christ, the Spirit comes within us. However, we can go for days, months, even years on end forgetting he is there. He is like the pilot light to a gas stove: always at the ready, always capable of igniting within us, but we have to take the initiative to light him. We have to invite that power, for the Spirit is not going to involuntarily control us if we don't want to set our minds on him.

  • 1 month later...
  On 8/16/2008 at 12:21 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the <i>indwelling</i> of the Spirit and the <i>fullness</i> of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

Both the pilot light and the thermometer analogies are good! I don't think you can be a Christian without the Holy Spirit; they are a trinity. Indwelling is the fact that the Holy Spirit is always there (the pilot light) and fullness is when I choose to ignite the light and live my life by listening to the spirit.


Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? No! The Spirit dwells within us from the moment that we believe in Jesus and accept Him as our Lord. There are no half measures with this in-dwelling. He is there or He is not, and what Paul tells us is that if we are in Christ, then the Spirit is within us.

What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit? When the Spirit comes to dwell within us when we become Christians, that isn't the end of the matter. A battle still goes on within us between the old us in the flesh and the new us in the Spirit. This battle is never completely won, as Paul makes clear, but the key is to keep the Spirit dominant or in overall control. I liked the analogy given by Elwood on the first page of postings of it being the difference between inviting someone into your house as a guest and handing over ownership to them. We need to hand over ownership. How to achieve this comes back to what so many questions like this come back to. Making Jesus Christ the centre of our lives, of our whole being and staying close to Him through regular communication (prayer), studying the Bible and worship.

  • 1 month later...
  On 8/16/2008 at 12:21 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the <i>indwelling</i> of the Spirit and the <i>fullness</i> of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

No, it is not possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us. What is the difference between the indewelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit? Paul H wrote that he agreed with what Elwood said about letting a guest into your house vs. giving the guest the keys to your house. What a super analogy! I totally agree!

  • 1 month later...
  On 8/16/2008 at 12:21 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the <i>indwelling</i> of the Spirit and the <i>fullness</i> of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

Romans 8:9 states clearly that "if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ." Therefore, one cannot be a Christian without the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. Yet to have received the Spirit is only the beginning. We need to constantly set our mind on the Spirit and submit ourselves totally to It. This is a process, as we grow in the Spirit and learn to follow its ways. We need to let go of old habits, to let our flesh, our own rebellious will die, in order that the Spirit may dwell fully in us and we may live through It.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I do not believe that it is possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us. The difference is where we try to live our faith through the power of the Spirit, in other words to have the fullness of the Spirit, to let your life be led by the Spirit or the

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us?

No, it is not possible. The Holy Spirit come to take up abode in us the moment of our repentance and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

What is the difference (if any) between the <i>indwelling</i> of the Spirit and the <i>fullness</i> of the Spirit?

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit belongs to every believer. The believer who is actively bearing the fruit of the Spirit in his personal relationship and in ministry in the community and beyond displays the fullness of the Spirit.

How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

By aggressively seeking and abiding in a relationship with God.


All Christians have the Spirit inside.

However, not all Christians feel Him completely or have much of His gifts.

We have to chase the Spirit.


Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us?

ANS - No!

What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit?

ANS - When we become believers the Holy Spirit dwells within us, because it is the Holy Spirit which represents Christ on earth, and gives evidence in our life that we are the sons of God. We thus walk in the Spirit, and are guided by the Spirit. The fullness of the Spirit is initially experienced as evidenced in Acts 1:8; 2:4; 10:44-46, 11:15, 16; and and 19:2,6, where the initial evidence of being "baptized in, or receiving the fullness of the Spirit" is experienced. However, the continuing evidence of a life lived in this fullness of the Holy Spirit is seen through the manifestation of the power, the gifts, and the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

ANS - Daily submission to the Holy Spirit, daily walking in Him. I ask the Lord to fill me with his Holy Spirit daily, and to allow any sin. and anything that stands in His way to be forgiven and removed. To be an open channel for His Spirit to flow.

  • 2 weeks later...

Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us?

No...if we are in Christ Jesus the Holy Spirit is in us.

What is the difference (if any) between the indwelling of the Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit?

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is indeed with us when we are in Christ Jesus....no ifs.....but perhaps the fullness of the Spirit refers to specific gifts, and we know that in the body we allhave different gifts.

How do we remain "full" of the Spirit?

We seek out Christ....we go to Him with our every need, our thoughts, our concerns, our worship, our praise.

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