rosegarden Posted November 7, 2010 Report Posted November 7, 2010 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? 5.a. Mortify or put to death means... not by doing this in our own strength, but as the Holy Spirit reveals things to us, we stop in our tracks and do not do the old things out of habit but, yield our members as instruments of righteousness to the Holy Spirit putting to death the deeds of the flesh. b. It looks like a person denying themselves. c. To be led by the Spirit is to walk, trust, submit, obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit daily in our lives. d. In actual practice it looks like we stop sinning and start demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit. e. Putting to death and being led fit together because only as we are led by the Spirit are we able to mortify the deeds of the flesh. f. We yield, the Spirit works in us. Quote
ljmnkscart Posted December 18, 2010 Report Posted December 18, 2010 To mortify or put to death means to stop doing an activity; in the case sin, whatever is unpleasing to God, the Holy Spirit. To look at a person do this we can see when a person stops doing certain activities that have been deemed sin by God. We will not be able to see and know what exactly is in that person's heart or his motives but we can see this person being led by the Spirit when his life style goes in the opposite direction of his sinful life of before. Being led by the Spirit is following what the Spirit instructs us to do. Listening to Him. He dwells in us and He is either leading us into the right path or back to the right path; controlling us or convicting us of our error or sinfulness. We are to ALLOW OURSELVES TO BE LED. In actual practice you can see the results as stated before, a complete turn around from the life of sin. Of course we will not do everything right, but we are allowing the Spirit to work in us to show us our errors, to follow what it says to do and not to do. Putting to death and being led by the Spirit tie in together. Most of the work will be done by the Spirit. The Spirit tells us what to mortify but we have to listen and submit and obey. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted January 31, 2011 Report Posted January 31, 2011 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? I think it means to deny the lusts of the flesh to the point where they whither unto death. That's the eventual goal her. For the record I don't believe for a second that anyone can actually put temptation to death. That is why Christ intercedes for us with the Father. We will always be tempted to sin by the enemy who will try every different tactic to make sinning appealing to us. The Holy Spirit within us will give us discernment when temptation comes so that we can identify it and, by the strength God gives us, resist it. What would it look like to watch a person do this? You'd see me NOT clobber someone who insults me when the world considers he deserves it. You'd see me saying no to drugs and alcohol. You'd see me not insulting people. What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? This is only my take on the subject. I think we need to develop a sense of the Spirit's leading. By prayer and Bible study we learn the right way to live and by having the Word of God in our heart and minds we are able to call to mind appropriate Scripture to reinforce . . . or rebuke . . . our actions. Go by the book and they can never throw it at you. What does this look like in actual practice? How can you spot someone who is being led by the Holy Spirit? At first nothing out of the ordinary would present itself. When things go pear shaped is when the Spirit led person's character becomes apparent. How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? There is a hole is each of us. It's our need for fulfillment and happiness. The flesh desires that which is inherently and potentially evil to fill that hole. The Spirit wants to fill that hole with the things of God. As we continually say no to the fleshly desires and yes to God's plan for us we become more closely aligned with God and more spiritually mature. How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? That would depend on each distinct circumstance. We do have to take responsibility for our actions and that is a conscious decision of will. Quote
Barbara A. Lee Posted February 24, 2011 Report Posted February 24, 2011 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? Fight and flight are the two ways to mortify the sins. We must fight the desire to sin and we must flight the desire by always going to the Word Quote
royk Posted May 5, 2011 Report Posted May 5, 2011 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? This is only the work of the Spirit, and our continued request for it to teach us. If we ask with the right heart, God knows we are ready; we can't rush it, I have found. He does it. When we are 'dead to the world' we have surrendered; its a journey, what a joy. He promised "your joy will overflow" Quote
pastor neal Posted June 6, 2011 Report Posted June 6, 2011 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? To mortify or put to death the deeds of the body by the spirits refers to the conquering of sin through the Spirit, thus giving us life. To watch a person do this I believe that we would notice a change coming over the individual as he strives to be more Christ-like by replacing hid sinful way of life with a more positive one. In turn, we would see a happier person demonstrating his love and faith in God. To be led by the Spirit is to no longer-fight God but to lay aside our rebellious attitude and allow ourselves to be lead in a peaceful and gentler journey. Putting to death and being led by the Spirit fit together as we must first lay to rest our old ways making room for the new. Quote
iam4_1god Posted September 25, 2011 Report Posted September 25, 2011 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? When I accepted Christ as my Savior, and I received the Holy Spirit as my down payment, it was as if I were telling God that I would obey His commands, I would read His word and apply it to my life. Also-I should be praying and asking the Lord to take control of my life, and lead me down the right path. I don't want to ever go back to the old ways-I want to be lead by the Spirit of God, and be obedient to Christ. Now, I just repeat what I said in the previous answer, where I said that my flesh and my spirit are at war with each other, and the battle rages on. I have to choose to be lead by the Spirit, and believe that God is in control of my life. Then, when God's Spirit speaks to me and leads me, I can and will obey. When I mess up-Jesus is my Advocate, and He will cover me with His blood, and make everything right. Thank God I am forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ, my Savior! Quote
ross_laoshi Posted October 22, 2011 Report Posted October 22, 2011 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? By yielding to the Spirit and obeying the promptings of the Spirit and at the same time denying the deeds of the body we grow stronger spiritually. The deeds of the body, or the flesh has to be starved to death by refusing its lusts to control us. The Spirit gives us the power to do this and the new creation in us grows stronger as we obey the Spirit. Our part in this is obedience to the Spirit and resistance to the lusts of the flesh. Quote
Janissi Posted January 29, 2012 Report Posted January 29, 2012 (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? When something is dead, it ceases to have control, so to me this means the nature of sin ruling our bodies has died. We are no longer slaves to it or it's control. We do not have to be live a life of sin. I believe this does not make us perfect, but this does say that, thankfully, through the Holy Spirit, we are not subjected to it's call. This cannot be done in our own strength, but in that of the Holy Spirit. I see it like this: A person comes up to me and starts yelling, screaming and calling me names. The fleshly nature wants to retaliate, but the Spirit without me keeps me from doing so, thus I can remain calm and not repay evil for evil. The "new me" loves that person, but the "old me" could get out of fellowship and retaliate. That is my example of putting to death the deeds of the body. I could use another example. Say I go to the store and the cashier give me change, but inadvertently give me more more than she should. Do I keep the money or do I inform her that she made an error? If I "put to death" the deeds of the body, I immediately return the money. I am compelled to do that because I walk in the Spirit, and it would be wrong to keep the money. The Holy Spirit in me would not permit me to do this. What would it look like to watch a person do this? See example above. What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? It means that the Spirit whom lives within me guides me, talks to me, I listen, and I follow His lead. He is the captain of the ship. What does this look like in actual practice? For example, say the Lord shows me that he wants me on the mission field, but I want to move to another city. I can either obey Him, or I can resist. If I'm "led" by the Spirit, I'm going to do exactly what he commanded me to do. How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? When you "put to death" something, it means that you are being led by the Spirit. Again, walking in obedience. The Spirit is leading me, thus I'm putting my will and desires to death. How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? To me, it is the Spirit of God that leads me to do His will. Man tends to be rebellious; thus, I think it's 100% the Spirit. He is not going to force me to do anything, but it's my volition that decides what I do. Quote
Joeraja Posted February 27, 2012 Report Posted February 27, 2012 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? To mortify or put to death the deeds of the body by the spirit is to put to death our sinful lives by repenting and accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. This will allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and sanctify our body. This will enable us to have a mind set of the Spirit and submit to God's law. Paul here compares the life of a non-believer and the transformation that takes place when he becomes a believer ie he puts on a new self, a spiritual self. Quote Posted March 28, 2013 Report Posted March 28, 2013 It means we have to crucify the things that we do that are not of God. We literally have to kill them out of existence by His help or they will destroy us.. I struggle with internet ****. For me that would put blockers and filters on sinful sites, to ask for accountability partners, to join Godly sites and to immerse one in the things of God, to soak oneself in Him. It is a partnership of the Holy Spirit and us. Putting to death, its desire must come from the Spirit because we are at war and the Spirit is our Helper. We have to surrender to Him and let Him lead us Quote
lynnjaylynn731 Posted May 20, 2013 Report Posted May 20, 2013 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? A1. To kill or crucify our flesh. To not feed it. Galatians 5:24 - And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. A2. If a person has an addiction eventually you would see them delivered from this addiction through he giving of themselves to Christ and letting the spirit lead. If a person was unforgiving, you would see them become a very forgiving person. A3-4. Romans 6 says you are no longer a slave to sin but a slave to righteousness. Jesus said whatever I hear my father speak, I tell you. So I would assume if you are being led by the Spirit, your talk will change, your attitude would change, there will be an evident change in a person. A5. I would assume if something dies meaning the flesh, something has to resurrect or take lead, which would be the Spirit. A6. It is all Spirit by the power of God because apart from the Spirit and within our natural selves we do not posses this power because the flesh is weak. Quote
Debbe Posted September 30, 2013 Report Posted September 30, 2013 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? To mortifying the deeds of the body by the Spirit is to cause total cessation of an activity, by following the lead of the Holy Spirit. A person would stop wrong behavior . Being led by theSpirit actually means to allow oneself to be led. Our behaviors will change as a result. Putting to death and being led suggests a process, sanctification. Apart from Him, we can do nothing, so it is entirely the Spirit and our willingness. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted August 19, 2014 Report Posted August 19, 2014 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? To mortify the flesh would be a mortal way of self denial, to use the power of the mind to suffer by denying oneself to do or have something that would be pleasing to the flesh. this type of rejection would be one way a particular denomination would work their way to Christ. One the other hand putting to death the deeds that would cause us to sin, we trust being lead by the Holy Spirit to help us over come the fleshly desires. By doing this we are trusting God in our relationship to Him to guide us to a path He wants for us. Christ has become Lord and savior and to Him we owe our allegiance. To observe a person who has committed himself to Christ it would perhaps over time or in some cases immediate, that they have changed their life and it would be obvious. Being led by the spirit and putting to death those things which cause us to sin is much in part that the spirit has led us to righteousness and when fleshly desires arise in us we know that we no longer have to give in to flesh. Death and sin have been overcome by Christ and we are to follow His example in deed and life. This would be an action of sanctification which over time Christ will purify us and prepare us for His kingdom which He will turn over to our heavenly Father. Quote
WinstonY Posted March 27, 2015 Report Posted March 27, 2015 What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? The Greek Thanatoo is translated as "Mortify" (KJV) or "put to death" (NIV, NRSV) is thanatoō, "put to death, kill," then by extension, "to cause total cessation of an activity, put to death, extirpate." (notes) When we "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit we are allowing the Holy Spirit to eradicate the deeds of the flesh from the body. Ihe process can be seen as a process of sanctification where the Spirit gradually sets us apart from the deeds of the flesh and we become holy , set apart for God and for His service. To watch a this process in a person would be to see a change in the persons action and attitudes- a change from evil to good, a change in attitude from the attitude of evil to and attitude. Gradually this person would become more active in the church and from time to time and gradually we will come to the point where we will be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks for the reason for the hope we have.(1Peter 3.15) Christ has risen! He lives! To be lead by the Spirit is to allow the Spirit to live in us, to listen to the Spirit and to follow the Spirit's direction. It is a process where by God's grace we put to death the sins of the flesh and live unto the Lord. In Galatians Paul writes :"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." (Galatians 5:24-25) "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together in that they two phrases have the same goal-victory through the Spirit over the flesh and living to God in the Spirit. This whole process has little or nothing to do with us, it is offered by the grace of God. We are just an open vessel into which the Lord pours His Grace and we will be and can be used . There seems to be in all of this something of the debate between Calvinism and Arminianism. I cannot see of the God I love and serve creating creatures only to predestinate them to a eternity in hell. Yet Arminianism seems to allow for human self worth to be part of salvation. But God gave us the grace of free will- the choice between good and evil. If we choose the good than God's grace through the Lord Jesus is poured out upon us, if not then are we turned over to the wrath. Most times in the Bible wrath is not used with the 'of God' so often seen in translations. It is possible that the wrath is the result of not following the principle of the Lord and of the created world. If we treat a person badly and unfairly then we will reap the consequences. If we step outside the laws of our country we will probably be punished. If we violate the laws of nature then we reap the consequences. The wrath creeps up on us and upon humankind and people, countries and societies have been wiped. However if we turn to the Lord and are led by the Spirit we will in some fashion escape the wrath. Quote
WinstonY Posted March 27, 2015 Report Posted March 27, 2015 What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? The Greek Thanatoo is translated as "Mortify" (KJV) or "put to death" (NIV, NRSV) is thanatoō, "put to death, kill," then by extension, "to cause total cessation of an activity, put to death, extirpate." (notes) When we "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit we are allowing the Holy Spirit to eradicate the deeds of the flesh from the body. Ihe process can be seen as a process of sanctification where the Spirit gradually sets us apart from the deeds of the flesh and we become holy , set apart for God and for His service. To watch a this process in a person would be to see a change in the persons action and attitudes- a change from evil to good, a change in attitude from the attitude of evil to and attitude. Gradually this person would become more active in the church and from time to time and gradually we will come to the point where we will be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks for the reason for the hope we have.(1Peter 3.15) Christ has risen! He lives! To be lead by the Spirit is to allow the Spirit to live in us, to listen to the Spirit and to follow the Spirit's direction. It is a process where by God's grace we put to death the sins of the flesh and live unto the Lord. In Galatians Paul writes :"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." (Galatians 5:24-25) "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together in that they two phrases have the same goal-victory through the Spirit over the flesh and living to God in the Spirit. This whole process has little or nothing to do with us, it is offered by the grace of God. We are just an open vessel into which the Lord pours His Grace and we will be and can be used . There seems to be in all of this something of the debate between Calvinism and Arminianism. I cannot see of the God I love and serve creating creatures only to predestinate them to a eternity in hell. Yet Arminianism seems to allow for human self worth to be part of salvation. But God gave us the grace of free will- the choice between good and evil. If we choose the good than God's grace through the Lord Jesus is poured out upon us, if not then are we turned over to the wrath. Most times in the Bible wrath is not used with the 'of God' so often seen in translations. It is possible that the wrath is the result of not following the principle of the Lord and of the created world. If we treat a person badly and unfairly then we will reap the consequences. If we step outside the laws of our country we will probably be punished. If we violate the laws of nature then we reap the consequences. The wrath creeps up on us and upon humankind and people, countries and societies have been wiped. However if we turn to the Lord and are led by the Spirit we will in some fashion escape the wrath. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted August 24, 2018 Report Posted August 24, 2018 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? To mortify the deeds of the body was to replace the Spirit of the flesh (Satan) with the Spirit of God. There are two invisible forces in the world. We have been studying about the Spirit of God, but there is another, the spirit of darkness: “Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”. The deeds of the body are controlled by the spirits of darkness and need to be euthanized and the only way we can do that is by the Spirit of God. On our own we lack the strength to do this but Philippians 4:13 says it all: ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me’. To watch a person do this? I will have to go with the fact that this is something only God can do and it is possible to see/watch the results of the transformation. To a person of the world it would like a really boring movie, but to the one being saved, indescribable. To be led by the Spirit is to listen to God speak to you through the Spirit He placed in you (for the sake of clarity, I’m taking about the Holy Spirit). Seeing this in actual practice would be watching a person who is producing good fruit. The two go together in that you are destroying the life you lived in darkness (or, by the spirit of darkness), and replacing it with the abundant life which Jesus gives us. These two types of life are in constant conflict and only one can be in charge. It is us by decision and the Spirit will take care of the rest. We do, of course, have to watch we don’t make a wrong turn onto the broad, super-highway with the dazzling lights that ultimately burn out. Quote
Lottie Posted November 24, 2020 Report Posted November 24, 2020 It means to kill cause to stop and repent and turn away from what you used to do. To learn to say no to our fleshly desires and yes to Christ. For me it means saying no to eating so many snacks during the day and learning to eat when I am hungry. It means turning to God instead of food, games or books when I am sad or depressed. Being put to death and being led by the Spirit work together in that we have to kill or get rid of the things we used to do before we we were saved. We need to fill our minds with godly things and spend out time serving Him and others and not ourselves. Being led means listening to Him and obeying what He tells you and you will be at peace instead of worried. In order to be led we need to spend time in prayer and reading the Word and taking time to listen when God speaks to us and be accountable to others in a church. It means serving Him and witnessing; doing all he tells you to. Quote
Godswriter Posted December 15, 2020 Report Posted December 15, 2020 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? To put the deeds of the flesh to death, it means to physically die to sin and its passions that come with it through the flesh. For me I can tell you how I have done it I no longer allow myself to spend money that I don't have by getting away from the computer when I am tempted to spend. It also includes learning to be teachable through the process of being brokenness by the Spirit after the Lord spoke to me. In practice it's being willing to say no to sin at every opportunity. We need to be led by God daily in order to do His will to maintain our relationship with Him. Quote
AmyF Posted April 29, 2021 Report Posted April 29, 2021 Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? To “mortify” or to “put to death” my sinful passions/deeds certainly doesn’t conjure up a passive walk in the park. Rather there is a sense of the seriousness of the matter and that I am actively involved in the process. It means I consciously examine my sinful attitudes, actions and priorities, that are now in opposition to my new love and Master, and willfully fight to align all my life to His ways. I do this by first setting my mind on the things of the Spirit - renewing my mind with the truth of His Word, thereby cultivating a sensitivity to sin and a desire to please Him. The fruit of this will be evidenced by obvious choices I make - what I do with my time, how I respond to people and circumstances, the words I speak, what I care about. What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? To be led by the Spirit infers that I’ve got my eyes and attention on Christ, that I’ve taken hold of His hand willingly and gratefully. His voice I love to hear and His voice has become authoritative in directing my path. The attitude of my heart directing my behavior can’t help but change because I have Him as my shepherd and teacher. How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? They are partners working together for the same purpose. The sanctifying work in my life begins and ends with the power of Christ in me, but He requires my compliance and cooperation. I think of Heb. 12:1-2. Because Jesus is the author and perfecter of my faith, I energetically lay aside every weight of sin to run hard after Him. I think too of John 15:4-5. I can do nothing apart from abiding in Christ, but when He is my source of life and I am intimately connected to Him, the fruit of my life is identifiably of His vineyard. 2 Pet. 1:3-8 clearly describes this dual relationship of “His divine power” enabling godliness and our “every effort to supplement our faith” with the obedience of faith. Quote
Irmela Posted June 19, 2021 Report Posted June 19, 2021 (edited) (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? The deeds of the body would be sin and when we put on the new nature the old deeds will not be part of it. The sinful nature is what has been put to death and discarded as a garment being taken off. What would it look like to watch a person do this? The person would no longer be as before. The Fruit of the Spirit would start manifesting in his life. A change would be evident. What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? It means not doing your own thing or going your own way but waiting on God for His guidance and going where He leads and doing what He leads you to do. What does this look like in actual practice? It means not saying/doing what would be natural to say/do when something bad is said/done to you. How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? It is a way of life. When you stifle or put to death fleshly desires then you will not walk in the way of the ungodly because you will not be led there. When you put to death cursing or bad thoughts then when something happens where you normally would have cursed ... you don't do so because that is dead. There are new words and thoughts inside of you. How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? Remember the 'us' part is dead. Cannot be done by us. Can only effectively be done by the Spirit. When a tube of toothpaste is squeezed........ Toothpaste comes out. No matter how hard you try to get soap out. It will be toothpaste. When you are filled with the Spirit and have truly put to death what is of the flesh. When you are 'squeezed' ...... here also the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT should manifest. This can only be done with the help of the Holy Spirit Edited June 19, 2021 by Irmela Quote
Krissi Posted September 15, 2023 Report Posted September 15, 2023 Making a conscious decision to do all we can in our own power to stop a particular sin, and then submitting ourselves to the Spirit for the power to stop as well as for a complete rewiring of that desire ... these are NOT two separate acts, but one seamless act. We co-labour with God toward morality. Quote
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