Pastor Ralph Posted May 6, 2003 Report Posted May 6, 2003 q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition Quote
buffalo Posted May 10, 2003 Report Posted May 10, 2003 We were created by the Father for fellowship with him. We have a created desire in us to be in fellowship with the Father. Father God is pure and holly and cannot be in fellowship with anyone that is not also pure and holly. So we were denied access to the Father because of sin. When we accepted Christ as our savior our sin are covered by the blood of Christ shed on the cross. Now we can be in fellow ship with the Father because when he looks at us he sees us as pure and holy for he looks at us through our ambassador Jesus Christ. When we accept Christ as our savior we become citizens of the kingdom of God. The kingdom is now not something in the future. The members of this kingdom are the Church. As a citizen of this kingdom our bodies are the temples and our heart is the throne of God. Through this citizenship or access we are able to have the power of pure love (Jesus Christ). Through Christ in us we can then love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and we can love our neighbor as yourself. Praise God Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted May 10, 2003 Report Posted May 10, 2003 We can't receive from God or be blessed by him unless we can reach him in some way. We can approach him with complete confidence that we will be received in his presence. Unless diplomatic relations have been established you cannot reach the authorities of the country with any request. You must either have access or go through someone else who does have it which is not often as effective. Diplomatic relations must be set up before anything of any importance can be done. We have this access through Jesus Christ who through his sacrifice enables us to have a free and personal relationship with the Father. This access enables us to love others with the love of Jesus and in that way keep the commandment to love. Quote
jaunita Posted May 11, 2003 Report Posted May 11, 2003 Why is access to the Father important? Just as access to our natural fathers would be important to any child, so is being able to come boldly before the throne of grace, as a child of God important. To know we are able to go before the one who knows us, better than we know our selves, knows what is best for us, will always listen to our cries, when no one else will....what can I say? I love Him and desire fellowship with Him; He is my Father. How was this obtained? The way was prepared for me by Jesus, He is the reason we have access to the Father. Prior to the coming of Jesus, and the sacrifice of God's son upon the cross, we as gentiles, were out-siders...we were not even able to enter into the temple. We, as gentiles were delegated to the outer court, Not able to enter in to fellowship with God, the Father. Jesus came to not only become our sacrifice, for sin, but to reconcile us to the one body, in Him, complete. "How great a love the Father has for us, that He would reconcile us to Himself!" This is why we can now say "We love Him, and our neighbor"! Quote
leo Posted May 11, 2003 Report Posted May 11, 2003 In the same way that we cannot gain access to a country (trade and dipomatic relations) without first creating diplomatic ties with their government, we cannot gain access to the benefits that the Lord will provide if we are not Christians. We could not have gained the right to speak directly with the Lord through Jesus Christ had we not proclaimed ourselves believers and received the blessing of the church through the sacrament of baptism, thus cementing our relationship with the Lord. And one of the benefits of being a Christian is the fact that we are, through the grace of the Lord, able to go beyond the limits of our humanity and forgive and love even those people who have hurt us deeply. In this manner, we are able to fulfill the two greatest commandments that the Lord gave us. Quote
Pat Beckner Posted May 11, 2003 Report Posted May 11, 2003 Access to the Father is important because without it, we are not members of his family, without hope....seperated from the community of God's people, strangers. Because we now have access, we are citizens of His kingdom His children. We have this access because Christ made our peace, moved the partition between us with his blood. Now as citizens and children we love our Lord who has adopted us into his kingdom, giving us hope. We also love our fellow citizens because our king loves them likewise. Together we are working to help build our great kingdom. "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exault you in due time. 1Peter 5:6 Quote
Desiree Posted May 11, 2003 Report Posted May 11, 2003 I believe that at times we the church have lost the understanding of what was really accomplished at the cross. The revelation of what was accomplished helps us to drawn near to the Father and as we draw near the love in our hearts begins to grow. The enmity we have towards others diminishes and we learn to love others as the Father loves us. A fresh revelation of God's love can conquer anything that besets us and all the walls around us begin to crumble and fall. We must learn to grasp the grace of God so that we can begin to flow in the goodness of God and what He has for us. Love, peace and joy in the community of God (the church). Quote
DebChats Posted May 11, 2003 Report Posted May 11, 2003 Why is "access to the Father" important? It's important because we can come to know God more intimately and on a personal level. It is our deepest desire to know Him. In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? We learn how to communicate with God. We come to know the sound of His voice and we can make our requests known. How did we obtain this access? We obtained this access through Jesus. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are granted access to the 'inner court' which is the 'throne' of God. Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? This access fulfills the two commandments by helping us to know God personally, therefore .. To know Him is to love Him .. We are also able to learn what people mean to God, thereby helping us fulfill the 2nd commmandment. It also fulfills God's purpose for us because we are able to communicate with God one on one. This eliminates any and all dictatorship. Quote
Lambschild Posted May 11, 2003 Report Posted May 11, 2003 Diplomatic relationships in the political arena allows for two or more countries to sit down at a table of discussion to air out there differences etc. And they must go through a reliable source.:We have somewhat of the same thing with God through Jesus Christ "however where as the diplomatic government must go through another source to have a voice we do not, because that has already been made for us .And so we can now go boldy to the throne of grace and recieve directly from our father .and that was made possible only by way of the cross. Quote
Sunshine Miller Posted May 12, 2003 Report Posted May 12, 2003 Access Important? Diplomatic Relations? Obtain the Priveledge? And, Only One Commandment for me... all the rest of 9 seem to just come with the territory. Explaination: I would rather go directly to the One who is Providing... making the decisions... with the Control. Flesh is Flesh and going through someone else would never reveal the heart as God sees it. Access deals directly with the Source. Come reason with Him... talk it over, sit a while and enjoy His company. We are given a Golden Priveledge to Come Boldly before Him... believing, confessing, repenting, and developing; learning/growth. First commandment seems to take care of the rest... Love the Lord thy God with all of your Heart. The first lesson even before I rededicated my life to Christ was learning to forgive so that I could be forgiven. Ya know the 10 commandments really are written upon the Heart. Learning to Love God teaches us to Learn to Love others... treating them as you would desire to be treated... even while you are NOT being treated the way you desire, but knowing this does not exuse you from obeying what God has commanded of you. Sunshine Quote
Michelle1976 Posted May 12, 2003 Report Posted May 12, 2003 Pastor Ralph said: q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? Access to the Father is important because without him we can nothing..Going directly to him brings intimaticy... In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? In is similar because each one is in authority to something... How did we obtain this access? We obtain this access through the cross and the blood of Jesus Christ so we can come boldly to the Father.. Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? It fulfills by loving God with everything and giving everything to him...As we love him, we learn to love one another and we are able to forgive each other as Christ has forgiven us...Walking in love and loving the lord with all our heart then we are walking in his purpose for our lives.. God bless, Michelle Quote
Helen Williams Posted May 12, 2003 Report Posted May 12, 2003 Access to the Father is important because we are able to come bodly into God's presence. We do not need a priest to do it for us. We can draw near to God thru Jesus Christ; this is a blessing. We don't have to ask permission or wait for a particular time. God is available to his people at all time. We have citizenship, we are not forerginers. We can share in the blessing and promises of God. We obtain access thru Jesus Christ(He usher us into God's presence). This access fulfill the two greatest commandments(Matt. 22:36-40) of love. We need to have love for God and fellowman. Jesus came to fulfill the law. Quote
Mike Dickinson Posted May 12, 2003 Report Posted May 12, 2003 Q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? Without access to the Father we would be trying to do the impossible, like trying to live a good life under our own steam. Jesus said of Himself Quote
NASHVILLE071995 Posted May 12, 2003 Report Posted May 12, 2003 Why is access to the father important? It is important because it is a priveledge and honor to go before the throne of God, its an awesome honor to be able to go before the throne and enter as a child, not a slave, servant or friend...a child with all rights to the household, when I enter into my parents home I know that I have acess to everything , I don't feel as if I am in a friends home. To be in the presence of God is the most important thing in life because all we ever need is found in Him. To compare this to having diplomatic relations, A person with diplomatic relations has access to that country they are able to sit before the leaders and bring forth there concerns, so it is with us as believers we are able to sit before God our father. How do will obtain the access? The access was obtain through our wonderful Savior Jesus thru his precious blood, our precious saviour reconcile us to God, he loved us and loves us so much that God sent his only HOly Son to die for us even while we were still sinners he pull us out of that pit, he chose us . Thank you my God that you Love me with and everlasting great love. Quote
Julie Posted May 12, 2003 Report Posted May 12, 2003 For without access to Our Father we could not have a relationship with Him, it is similiar to diplomatic in that it is open, open to all, in which was obtained through Jesus. This access fulfills the two greatest commandments for access to God is access to Love for God is Love, and He lives in us in which the commandment is fulfilled. We are to be righteous-to live right with Him through faith and to live right with others. Quote
Tom Gilbert Posted May 12, 2003 Report Posted May 12, 2003 Access to the Father is important because we need to be reconciled to Him. Our sinfulness has kept us apart, but through the Spirit and Christ (by his death on the cross) we are reconciled. We've got direct access straight to God. We don't have to go through a bunch of redtape and legal channels or hire lawyers or ambassadors. We are given a citizenship in Heaven! Because of this we are in union with God and Jesus. It is the most intimate of relationships, so we are able to love God with all our strength and love others with the love of God. Quote
linda bass Posted May 12, 2003 Report Posted May 12, 2003 Because we have been reconciled to God thru the blood of Christ, we now have access to His heavenly throne. We are able to come into God's presense anytime of the day or night. Jesus grants us access to the Father. He doesn't just act as a messenger between us and God. Jesus actually ushers us into the very presense of the Father. Quote
Listener Posted May 13, 2003 Report Posted May 13, 2003 Access to God is important because it gives us the privilege of having His presence with us, in us, and among us. We can dwell in His presence! Reconciliation with Him, ushered in His Holy Spirit within. Reconciliation gave us peace with God and the peace of God. Without reconciliation, no peace; no peace no access. We were all by nature children of wrath (Behold I was shapened in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceived me Ps 51:5) We have been saved from the wrath of God. We have obtained the righteousness of God which is in Christ Jesus. We had to be reconciled! For we were enemies of God for we walked according to the course of this world and according to the power of the air whose spirit now works in the children of disobedience. We were unable to keep his commandments (the law was weak through the flesh). Oh, you had heartened to my commandments, then your peace and prosperity would have been like a flowing river and your righteousness (the holiness and purity of the nation) like the (abundant) waves of the sea. There is no peace, saith the Lord for the wicked. God commended His love foir us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Now justified by his blood, we are saved from the wrath through Him. And not only hat but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. by whom we have received the atonement (reconciliation)PTL 2. We now can do what we [previously could not do. We were not a part of the covenant of promise, etc. 3. Jesus Christ made this access to the father by the shedding of His blood and bringing down the wall of partition. Extra credit - God loved and gave, we need to love and give! As God has loved us, we are to love one another. First loving him with all our being. So much is dependant on our love for God and for others. Access to the Father gives of the power to do this by way of the Holy Spirit living within us. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted May 13, 2003 Report Posted May 13, 2003 Access to the Father is very important for us so that we can have a relationship with the Father,spend quiality time with Him.Through Jesus Christ we are now free to come to God.As each child is led to Jesus and is saved in receiving Him as their personal savior,is now a citizen of Gods Kingdom and member of Gods household.I think this is where diplomatic relations comes in.Through Jesus Christ the Church is formed.The Church puts to practice their skills, gifts ,or works in the Holy Spirit that has been invested in us. >Extra Credit>We truly love God and our neighbor,we will naturally keep the commandments.We should concentrate on all we can do to show our love for God and others.This is Gods purpose for us.(Matthew 22:36-40 Quote
Peggie Posted May 13, 2003 Report Posted May 13, 2003 Access to the Father is important for our fellowship with Him, which includes our prayer life. We may go to Him anytime, anyplace and He is there for us. This is similar to diplomatic relations because we are free to tell him how we feel, say what we need to say to him without fear....knowing we are part of Him. We have gained this access through the blood of Jesus Christ who bridged the gap between sinful man and His Holy Father in Heaven. This fulfills the 2 greatest commandments because we cannot love someone with all of our heart, soul, and mind without access to them. It is God working in us that allows us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Quote
sangra Posted May 13, 2003 Report Posted May 13, 2003 Direct access to our Father means we can place our requests personally at God's feet without any need for an intermediary. I imagine that I am outside the huge iron gates of Buckingham Palace, which are firmly locked. But then Jesus Christ unlocks the gates and invites me to follow him straight into the throne room where I can tell God what I need and thank God personally for all God has done for me. If we are travelling in a foreign country and our homeland has established diplomatic relations with the foreign country, we are entitled to go to the consulate and request safety, diplomatic immunity and other special privileges. Our access to the Father is possible because Christ has broken through the barrier of sin which separates humans from God, opening a way for us to reach God. The Holy Spirit makes the Father known to us and helps us put our requests to God. The Spirit also helps us to understand what God is saying to us. Quote
bjcollin Posted May 13, 2003 Report Posted May 13, 2003 Pastor Ralph said: q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition Access to the Father is important because God the Father is the power. It is similar to having diplomatic relations in that we are Christ's ambassadors (2 Cor 5:20, Eph 6:20). We obtained this access through God the Son (Jesus Christ) who gave us (both Jews and Gentiles, aka the Church) this access to the Father through His blood and through the cross. God the Holy Spirit is God living in us who brings us to Himself and acts to give us the access to the Father. (Ephesians 2:11-22) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. Each of these commandments can only be fulfilled through God's Spirit living inside of us giving us access to Himself. If we are walking in the Spirit then we will be doing the things of the Spirit which is in the will of God and His purpose for us. Quote
bergerjones Posted May 14, 2003 Report Posted May 14, 2003 Pastor Ralph said: q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition God created the world. He named the Jews as His chosen people to whom He revealed Himself. But He wants all fo His people to come to Hijself. And to do so me must all have access to His. We must be able to come into His presence - to approach Him and commune with Him. Diplomatic relations allow different gov'ts to come together - to understand each other. Likewise, We, as Christ's people, must all come to know God and understand Him, as much as we mortals can. We must be able to come into His presence. We can do this, both Jews and Gentiles alike, through the Holy Spirit whom God sent to help us! We are charged to love the Lord OUr God with all our heart, strength and mind. We must know Him in order to do this. We can only know God's full majesty with the help of the Holy Spirit. We need help to love everyone, even our enemies, to love our neighbors as ourselves. Quote
papanero94 Posted May 15, 2003 Report Posted May 15, 2003 Quote Why is "access to the Father" important? Access to the Father is everything...because of the ultimate sacrifice God made with his Son, we have total access to be in God's holy presence...we don't have to go through a second or third person but strait to the father himself...Access to the father is everything. Quote In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? Diplomatic relations is defined as "negotiations between parties without hostility" is similar due to the fact that we can negotiate or talk to God in a relationship mannor. Quote How did we obtain this access? We obtained this access when Jesus Christ died and reconciled us with the Father. Quote Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? With access to the father we can show and confess our love to God personally and pray directly to him of our purpose. Quote
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