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Acccess to our Father is very important and the church family is there for to be supportive and. We have access to our Father when ever we need him or even when everything is going Ok. The Lord doesn't say you can get ahold of me only at 5am, he is there for us always. He loves us more than words can tell and he loves our neighbors and he wants us to do the same and he is there to carry us threw. :)

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Access to the Father through our Lord Jesus is important for numerous reasons:

guidance, direction, a journey in his will, His forgivness, his communion,conversation, listening sessions, his fellowship, his love, his compassion, his spiritual healing, peace... the list goes on, but access is important. I am so thankful God does not have caller ID, an answering machine or a lost signal cell phone. Thank you Lord for your available access. lmc

Access to the Father may be similar to a diplomatic relationship

because there can be conversation, revelation and resolution.

We obtain this access through the CROSS.

If we love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind and our neighbor as ourself, there is no other interference or better way to live in God's plan and purpose for our life as the laws and the prophets are based upon there two commandments.


Access to the Father is of utmost importance because it made relationship with Him possible. We are then able to benefit from His love and mercy.

This is similar to having diplomatic relation as we are able to enjoy the rights of children of God and benefit from His amazing resources.

We obtained this access through our Lord Jesus Christ Who first of all reconcile us with ourselves via His body and finally reconcile us with God through the cross.

The fulfilment of the two great commandments is made possible because the hostility between us and between us and God has been removed by Jesus.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:16-

Access to the Father is important because it gives us an opportunity to enter His presence and present our needs.

In what way is access to the Father similar to having diplomatic relations?

Access to the Father implies that the line of communication with the Father is open. We have ready access to Him. We can go in His presence at any time, day or night.

How did we obtain this access?

We obtained this access through the death of the Lord Jesus who is the Way to the Father (John 14:6)

18Extra credit: How does this access fulfil the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Why is "access to the Father" important?

Access to the Father makes it possible for us to express our love for Him and with the loves that He show us we can also love others.


Access to the Father is so important because we realize now that we are no longer castaways in God's sight, but we are now the children of God because he shedded his blood on Calvary's cross so we can have a right to the tree of life and we can all be one both Jews and Gentiles alike. When we have access to the Father we can ask him for anything and he will give it to us as long as we are walking in his footsteps.

Access to the Father is similar to having diplomatic relations because we are no longer divided, but have become one in the sight of God. When we have diplomatic relations with God it is like us going into a foreign country with our passports and being recognized as a citizen of that country with diplomatic immunity meaning we are protected and we have access by one Spirit unto the Father.

In other words we are no longer strangers in a foreign land. We obtained this access by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. This access fulfills the two greatest commandments because we are to love the Lord thy God with all our hearts, with all our soul and with all our mind. We also are told to love our neighbor as ourselves.

We know if we love ourselves, we will not do anything to hurt us and the same goes for our neighbors.


Access to the Father is so very important because we now are able to speak to God ourselves. We are now in the position to communicate with God. We do not have to depend on anyone to speak on our behalf. There aren't many people I would trust to take my pleas to God. When I need God's presence is not when others need it. I have access 24/7 and that is important. God is always available to me. Access to God is like diplomatic relations because it is an open door policy. I have been special rights and privileges to go through the doorway to God.We have this access because of Jesus and our relationship to Him enables us to have access to God the Father.

This access fulfills the two greatest commandments in that because it brings us into relationship with God, meaning that the more we have access to him the more we will love Him with all of our heart, soul and mind and when we love Him like this, we then are able to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, because of our love for God.


Access to the Father shows that we have peace with our Maker. We are no longer in rebellion with Him.

Our sins, which once held us back have been paid for by Jesus and we are privileged to come before the Kind who gives us eternal life. This is a bit like diplomatic relations because when 2 countries are hostile, there is no relationship. However, once the relationship is built, there is peace.

We cannot love someone or something we know nothing about. The greatest commandment which told us to love God with our ALL could be fulfilled in the Gentiles


Hi everyone,

q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important?

It is important because when we access him as our father, he make us part of the family of God, so anyone from any place, race or culture become brothers and sisters in God


Why is "access to the Father" important?

Access to the Father provides us with the privilege of dealing directly with God the Father without having to go through any lesser beings.

In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations?

Before we were considered

  • 3 weeks later...

The only way we can be reconciled to God is through the cross, without Christ we are aliens.

Through the Lord Jesus Christ we can approach the throne of God with out fear, we can come boldly to the throne of grace.

Through Christ, without Him we can do nothing.

To love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

We are joined together to become a holy temple.

  • 2 weeks later...

It is important to have access to the Father because we need the ability to approach the Father at any time. When we believe in the Father, and follow his laws and guidelines he allows us full access to him to bring our praises, as well as our needs and problems directly to him thought out prayers.

Diplomatic Relations gives us a way, a means if you will to be in the presence if our Lord God to approach him to come into his presence.

We obtain access to the Father merely by the asking of Jesus into our hearts and believing in him. He directs us to the Throne of the Father. "For no one shall get to the Father except through me.

It allows us the ability to know the Lord and his love and to love him with all our hearts. Therefore we have the ability to love others when we have access to God we have the favor of his love and the knowledge of how to love, God in so Awesome


  • 5 weeks later...

Access to the Father is important because God is at the centre of all things and by prayer we can enter into dialogue with Him concerning our needs and His will for us. This access is similar to having diplomatic relations because He is the King and Lord of Heaven but it is not similar to diplomatic relations because we have access as children. Important visitors to the Queen of England, including diplomats, have to wait in the ante rooim before they are admitted, but her children have immediate access. Without this access we cannot love the Lord our God with all our heart mind and strength, nor are we truly able to love our neighbour as ourselves - nor can we know the Father's will for us.

  • 4 weeks later...

1a) We have peace and reconciliation with God (through Christ, His death and resurrection--He reconciled us to God so that we may now have fellowship, talk, walk, and live with Him daily!) And, access to the Father by one Spirit.

B) We can come boldly before God now. Where we were not part of the family before, we are now able to come to the Father and speak to Him, any time, any where. Now we are admitted into His presence.

c) Access is now possible because of what Christ did on the cross, and in His resurrection. He now sits at the right hand of God, ushering us into the presence of God.

EC: Jesus fulfilled the two great commandments through His death. He said, "Not my will, but thine be done," and so died knowing that was the Father's will was for Him. He died so that man (His neighbor) might be saved, and live a life with access to the heavenly Father, as He had and has today!

  • 2 months later...
q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition

Why is "access to the Father" important?. "Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16, NRSV).

In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? Diplomatic relations is defined as "negotiations between parties without hostility"... Because we have been joined together by the Spirit (the Holy Spirit) we can now approach the throne ourselves without having to wait for a human mediator.

Before we were considered


Having "access to the Father" is important because we can seek His love and mercy. Access to the Father is similar to having diplomatic realtions in that we are given a pardon from our sins and given favor for our cause because we are his children. We obtained this access through the crucifixion of our Lord, Jesus Christ. This access fulfills the two greatest commandments and God's purpose for us by communicating with the Lord God and giving Him all the praises, as well as praying for others with as much faith as we have for ourselves.

  • 1 month later...


Having acess to the father is important because:We aren`t left to deal with lesser beings but have the privilege of direct access to the King of kings and Lord of lords himself.


Because we are reconciled to God with whom we didn`t previously have "diplomatic relations,"now we have access to the Father.


We obtained this access to the Father through Jesus Christ who opened the door. He`s(Jesus Christ)"The mediator between God and humankind.


No way can an unsaved soul carry out the two greatest commandments. Only by the shed blood of Jesus Christ can one gain access to the Father thus,allowing he or she to fulfill the two greatest commandmentsfound in (Matthew22:36-40) It is the love of the Father through the free gift of His Son that made it all possible

  • 3 weeks later...

Being cut off from the Father is total ignorance, ("Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they do.") and death (the wages of sin). Access to the Father = relationship with the Father (lost by Adam), return to the manhood of God's intention/purpose, with the heavenly inheritance of "all things" including the wonderful sensitivity of the Holy Spirit, alive to the wonderful things of God.

Access to the Father for people of this sinful world, which is so foreign to what God intended and so anathema to Him, is an amazing accomplishment of Father's diplomacy.

It is achieved by the sacrifice of the Son of God on the cross, and His resurrection and defeat of death - the last victory of Revelation, the complete victory of God's love.

The two greatest commandments are an extension of God Himself, who is LOVE. His purpose for His Kingdom is that His love be extended by His bride (we are the body, He is the head). The whole world was made by the energy of Love (God) and functions well only in that energy. "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, (not by miracles etc so much as) that you LOVE one another". "There is faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these (which could be said to encompass all the others) is LOVE".

  • 2 months later...

Q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important?

It would be like a child that had no access to his earthly father. Without access to our Father, we are lost.

In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations?

In order to have successful diplomatic relations there has to be communication. The same would be true with our Father. We need to be able to talk to Him.

How did we obtain this access?

This gift was given to us when Jesus took our sins to the cross. Praise The Lord!

Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us?

If we love God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind, then we will love our neighbors as our self. :rolleyes:


Access to the Father is important because we are sinners and He is a holy GOD. How can one who is sinful have access to One who is holy and undefiled? It is only by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that we have access to the Father.

All who come by the way of the cross have access to the Father, Jew, Gentile, everyone.

This access fulfills the greatest commandments in that when we know Jesus Christ as our personal Savior we love the Father. When we love the Father we will love fellow humans.

  • 1 month later...

Access to the Father is important because we don't need permission from anyone to be in the pesence of God. We have a direct line to the Father. Basic of our access is "one spirit". We have access because of Jesus Christ. He is the mediator between God and mankind.

  • 3 months later...

To be in the presence of God and to enjoy full access to Him is probably the single most important factor in life. One may have all the material wealth a person can aspire, but with out the full access to God it is all useless; there is no peace and eternal purpose that can be achieved through material wealth. Access to God is similar to a diplomatic relation in the essence that it gives you the advantage of communicating directly any time.

Adam and Eve had full access to God, but they lost it due to sin. But thanks be to God, this lost previlage was reinstated back to its original intent through the work of Christ Jesus on the cross. Now through Jesus we have full access to our father God. This access fulfils the two great commandments and God's purpose for us. Our continued communion with God will allow us to express our love to the Lord with all our heart soul and mind through worship. On the other hand, if we have the right relationship with God, we will be able to love our neighbor as oneself. And this is God's purpose for us.

  • 4 months later...

Access to the Father is important because He is our peacegiver, sustainer, our creator, He is everything and has given everything we need to live this life. He is the one who pronounces us innocent. Having access to the Father allows us the privilege of being able to seek His wisdom, His advice and feel His love and concern He has for us. Without that access we would lose out on all of what He can give.

Countries having diplomatic relations have commmunication with each other and that is what we need to do with our Father.

This access is granted through Jesus Christ

  • 6 months later...

:) 1.) access to the Father is important for peace and reconciliation with God

<_< 2.) having access to the Father is similar to diplomatic relations in that because of sin and separation from God we are now foreigners, and through the reconciliation brought about by the cross we are now citizens in the Father's kingdom

:rolleyes: 3.) we obtain access to God when we accept the salvation through the cross of Christ

:mellow: 4.) It is only through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that we can fulfuill the two great commandments and find and live out God's purpose for our lives. The indwelling of the HOly Spirit is for believers in Christ

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