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Access to the Father is important because you will not need permision from anybody to go to Him .You can visit Him at anytime.

If a country is not having Diplomatic relationship with another Country it is not easy for the head of either country or his/her people to visit freely to another country without special clearance, but if the relationship is there they can visit each other at anytime without much restriction.

We obtained access to the Father through the shade of the blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

If you do not Love someone with the whole of your heart it is not easy to have good relationship with that person

  • 6 months later...
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Access to the Father is important because the door is now open to all people. There are no barriers or dividing walls between us and God. We can come to Him with all things and we are assured a welcome in His presence.

In diplomatic relations, there is always a seeking for peace and for the welfare of all. Christ destroyed the divisions that were in place between Jews and Gentiles. He restored relationship between God and man. Peace is restored and all hostilities are crucified with Christ.

We obtain all this through the death of Christ on the cross.

The two greatest commandments are fulfilled in this way because Christ opened the door for direct access to our Father. We can come to Him with all our needs and for direction in our lives. We love, honor and respect Him above any earthly authority.

It also fulfills the command to love each other because there are no more differences between each other anymore. We are all one and we are all equal. We seek to love each other with sacrificial love. We love one another more than we love ourselves. Our purpose is to serve in love. We serve because we love and we serve with joy because we love.

Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us?

Before we became Christians were were estranged from God. The purpose of our conversion and jutification was to come to God to serve Him and love Him. The access to God came about through the mediation of Jesus. The similarity with diplomacy is that the relationship came about through mediation. This access gives us the possibility of becoming a child of God and to become closer to God. Only by centring our devotion and worship on God can we fulfil the commandment to love God with all our heart and with all our soul. By coming to God we also become a member of Christ's church and become obedient to Him. As disciples we must love one another. As Christians we must also love our neighbours as ourselves.

  • 3 months later...

Question#1.(Ephesians2:16-18) a.) So, we can have everlasting live, we can have what Israel is promised, we can ask the Father for favor in everything. b.) We have to accept Jesus and through Jesus we can come to the Lord. c.) We obtained access through Jesus. extra credit. Now that we are part of God's family we are to love everybody no matter what their circumstances or what they have done, because that is what Jesus did he loved everybody.

  • 2 months later...
q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition

Access to the Father is of utmost importance. Without access we could not have a relationship at all with HIM. We could not go boldly before the thone, nor could we listen to the voice of God.

This access is similar to diplomatic relations by the fact that we only have access to God through Christ Jesus our Lord. In diplomatic relations we often have an ambassador who speaks for us and does business on our behalf - just like Christ.

We have this access only through the blood of Jesus Christ. He says "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.

Only through Christ can we have a loving relationship with the Father and only through Christ are we able to love one another.

God's ultimate purpose for us is to love Him and for Him to love us. As sinful man this was not going to happen because God cannot look on sin - But now God sees us IN CHRIST. We are hidden in Christ and when God looks at us He sees Christ.

  • 3 months later...

q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us?

" Access to the Father " Is a trilling revelation, considering my origin - that's where I'm coming from. Before now I was cut-off from God, dead, enslaved in sin, excluded from citizenship in Israel, a foreigner to the covenant of promise, without any hope in this world and without God in this world, I could not pled my case because there was no case - I was guilty from birth! Even though I tried to reach Him or do the right things, nothing that I did could get His attention, I was doomed. I was forced to take all kinds of punishment without any help or hope for help even as I cried out. When suddenly everything changed, I was reconciled to Him by the death of His son Jesus Christ on the cross, infact there was a SWAPPING of POSITIONS. Jesus took my place that I may take His. I became alive! I was quickened, raised and now seated at His right hand in heavenly realms.

This new position qualified me to have direct access to Him at any time/where, and the word says of me to come in boldly into His presence. With this access I now share a common life (Spirit) with God, for me this is the fulcrum of all other things which I have being priveledged to share with God, by this access.

The basis of this access is, -- "in" or "by" (Greek preposition en) "one Spirit" (2:18).

This access is not to lesser beings but to the God - the Creator Himself! Enhanced by the death of His son Jesus Christ and enabled by His Spirit (The Holy Spirit), the access I now enjoy to the Father has actually facilitated my ability to fulfil the two greatest commandments in the bible (Matt 22:36-40) and God's purpose for my/our life(ves).

First, it shed and stimulated the love of God in my heart by removing the barrier that stood oposing every move I made toward God. It also gave me the opportunity of seeing and experiencing God's love first hand - that actually stired my love ( I can love Him now because he first loved me).

Secondly, this access has facilitated the purpose of God i.e in uniting all His own in Christ through the Church, in that, I am aware that we all though from different backgrounds share in one Spirit - HIS SPIRIT. I'm also aware that we all gained access to Him not by our good works but by the finished work of His Son Jesus Christ.

With all these in sight, I make myself ever willing, available and yielding to ensure the fulfilment of His commandments and purpose in my life.



  • 2 months later...

q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important?

Access to the Father is important because it is through this access that we receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations?

Access to the Father is similar to having diplomatic relations as you are afforded special privileges even though you have been grafted in to the family of God.

How did we obtain this access?

We obtained this access when Jesus gave his life for the forgiveness of our sins, cleansing us from all unrighteousness. As blood washed sons and daughters we are escorted into the presence of the Father by our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us?

The access allows all to come into the presence of God our Father and just as God loves us all we are to accept and love all men.

  • 2 months later...

Access to the father is important because it brings us to the father's presence, the most powerful force in the universe. we are not to deal with lesser beings but with the king of kings himself. there we can find mercy and grace in time of need.

since we are now reconcile to God which means that we can now engage in mutual dialog and social intercouse with our Father is similar to having to having diplomatic relations.

Christ through His body reconcile us to God and obtain peace for us and through Him gave us access by the Spirit

Access to the Father enable us to worship Godn in His presence and in spirit and in truth and when we truly know him as the God of love, we can love our neighbours as well

  • 4 weeks later...

q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us?

Without "access to the Father" you really do not have an intimate relationship with Him. Access to the Father via Jesus Christ is similar to having diplomatic relations because He mediates/intercedes to the Father on our behalf.

We obtained this access via Jesus' death on the cross for sins and His physical resurrection to the right hand of God's throne where He intercedes on behalf of those who believe in what God has done in and through Him. Jesus Christ invites us to come boldly to the throne of grace.

  • 4 months later...

Access to the father is vital. without it, we would be lost, we would be open to Sin and the devil. We recieve access to God through the Blood of Jesus Christ. He died so that we would be able to come before his Father's Throne.

  • 4 weeks later...

q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us?

If Esther didn t get acces to the king, the jewish people should perish. Without acces to our King of kings, we would be shrunk to solve our probleme reling on our sinful nature...(Ga 5:19...) and we would not inherit the Kingdom of God.

When two countries have diplomatic relations, normally their respectively have, what we call embassies. The embassy, in a certain way, a small country in the big friendly country, so that the two countries can always keep in touch. In the case of our relation with our God, we are given His Holy Spirit FOREVER (Jn 14:16). We are not just in touch, He dwell in us by His Spirit. His only begotten son Jesus, has bought us by His Godly Blood, and grant this acces to us He loves.

  • 2 weeks later...

Access is important so that we can talk with God and to God and enter into a true relationship with Him. This access was made possible by Jesus Christ dying on the cross and rising again.

It is like diplomatic relations because we were once like a foreign people to Him unable to communicate and ignorant of our need for a relationship with Him. Having access fulfills the 2 great commandments in that are relationship with God allows us to begin to know Him and love Him with our heart, mind and soul. And we then learn to love our neighbors like ourselves through this relationship with God. The more we are in Christ the more we desire to please God and fulfill these two great commands.


Access to the Father is the only way that we can have our prayers answered and it is by His Son, Jesus, that we can do this. He is the only way. He is our "ambassador", the One who keeps the lines of communication open between ourselves and the Father. This is as would be the ambassador between one country and another. We are ambassadors for Christ, between sinners and He.

Matt 22:36-38 requires that we love God with our all and this we can only do by direct access. Similarly, we can return His great love to our neighbors by channeling the Holy Spirit which He gives, through our hearts to them.

  • 11 months later...
q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition


To understand why access to the Father is important, we need to look back to Ephesians 2:11-13. It says:

"Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called 'uncircumcised' by those who call themselves 'the circumcision' (that done in the body by the hands of men) -- remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world." (2:11-13)

Without access to the Father, we are in pretty sorry shape and without hope. We are separated from Christ, excluded from the citizenship, alienated from the covenant promises, and without God. The total hopelessness and lose is overbearing. Access changes this!

"Access" is the Greek noun prosagoge, "a way of approach, access," from the verb prosago, "bring into someone's presence, come near, approach." This is pretty exciting we can approach the Father anytime and anywhere.

Similar to Diplomatic Relations

This access is similar to diplomatic relations in that we were estranged from God, and through the cross, we are reconciled to God. We can approach the Father day or night and anywhere.

How did We Obtain this Access

The access came at a great cost: through the cross.

Access and The Great Commandment and Serving the God

Matthew 22:36-40 tells us to love God with all our heart, mind, and should and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We are not able to love God without being reconciled to Him. We are not able to fulfill His purpose without the reconciliation that was made possible through the cross.

q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition

-If we cannot gain access at all to the Father, we are fully separated from Him, and that is the condition of hell.

-I have no way to have personal access to President barack Obama. But if we had a mutual friend, that freiend might get me into the oval office to discuss my views on politics.

-Prior to Christ's atonement for our sin atonement was only possible through blood sacrifice. Now He , being one with the Father, makes the way clear to 24/7/365 communication.

-We can love God PERSONALLY. We can love others in union with them in the throne room.

  • 1 year later...

1a)Just as access to natural fathers is important,so is access to our Father as a child of God. He knows all about us,better than we know ourselves, He will listen to our cries at all times, He knows what is best for us. I love him & want to have fellowship with him. :DB) In the same way that we cannot gain access to a country (dipomatic relations) without first creating diplomatic ties with their government, we cannot gain access to the benefits that the Lord will provide if we are not Christians. ;) 1c) Jesus came to not only become our sacrifice, for sin, but to reconcile us to the Father...as one body, in Him, complete. Christ made our peace, moved the partition between us with his blood. Now as citizens and children we love our Lord who has adopted us into his kingdom, giving us hope. 1d) We also love our fellow citizens because our king loves them likewise. Together we are working to help build our great kingdom. :)


1a)Just as access to natural fathers is important,so is access to our Father as a child of God. He knows all about us,better than we know ourselves, He will listen to our cries at all times, He knows what is best for us. I love him & want to have fellowship with him. :DB) In the same way that we cannot gain access to a country (dipomatic relations) without first creating diplomatic ties with their government, we cannot gain access to the benefits that the Lord will provide if we are not Christians. ;) 1c) Jesus came to not only become our sacrifice, for sin, but to reconcile us to the Father...as one body, in Him, complete. Christ made our peace, moved the partition between us with his blood. Now as citizens and children we love our Lord who has adopted us into his kingdom, giving us hope. 1d) We also love our fellow citizens because our king loves them likewise. Together we are working to help build our great kingdom. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I think a good summation is found in Acts 17: 24-28.

Access to the Father is important because "In Him we live and move and have our being." Everything all our lives is in Him and for Him and our very being is connected to Him. We belong to Him. We are a part of Him. We are His offspring. His children. Without Him we have no true life. He has determined our exact times and places to live. He has full control of our lives for our good if we open our hearts to Him. He desires for men to seek Him and find Him. He is not far from any of us. He desires to share His very being and who He is with us. That was always His desire.

Our "diplomatic" relationship is like being one in agreement for the good of all. Through Jesus, all have access to the Father. When we are in agreement that Jesus came that ALL would have eternal life, we agree as one through Him that all can come freely and be given the full benefits of belief in Christ. All become one under the Father and are His children having access to His throne of grace.

This access fulfills the two greatest commandments on love because if we love God more than anything else, we believe in our unity in Him and that we are all brothers and sisters of one family. God is our Father whom we love and we live and have our being in Him. If we truly accept this, all relations with each other should be one in God and of love for each other. This is the power of God for God is love. His purpose for us is that we will live in love and be a demonstration of love to each other in encouragement as well as to the lost and the weak and the suffering, so to draw others to Him also. He desires that none should perish but all will have eternal life.

  • 1 month later...

q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition

Sin causes a distance between us and God.

"Access to the Father" means that there is no more distance.

This is obtained by the blood of Christ.

It's important to accept Jesus' offer because otherwise you get lost.

To have a relation with our God we nee to approach Him every now and then.

He gave us the Bible and the Spirit - we pray, read the Bible, take care for eachother.

In loving God and eachother we obey the two commandments of Jesus.

God's purpose is we all do like this.

  • 1 month later...

Access unto the father is important because Jesus declared that he is the Way the Truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me

so with out proper access we have no way to the father

esther g


Q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18)

Why is "access to the Father" important?

Without Him we are nothing; there will be no peace, and we will be without hope. Our future is bleak as there is no hope beyond the grave.

In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations?

We have been adopted into God

  • 1 month later...

q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition

Is important for me to have access to our heavenly Father because we wouldn

  • 2 months later...

q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition

God is the Creator, the Holy One, inaccessible, incomprehensible. He does not need us to complete Him or to add anything to Him, yet he wants to be OUR FATHER. Because we have sinned, we are unholy, defiled and we cannot stand before God. Jesus ,through His death on the cross reconciled us with God and we can now be called children of the Living God. We can go to His throne with boldness and assurance that He loves us, much more than any earthly father. We can go to our Father to talk with Him, get comfort and be loved by Him.

A diplomat needs to be invited to the country and then he needs an audience with the rule, he cannot just go when he pleases. God invite us through Jesus, but we are not any diplomat, we are now His family. Just as a child has no need to ask permission to go to his father, even if his father is an earthly king, we don;t have to ask permission to go to God the Father.

The great commandments are Love the God with all your heart and all your soul and love your neigbour as yourself. If we love God, we will enjoy going into His presence, and when His love fills us, we will love our neighbor. God's purpose for us is to show the world His love and to care for one another


"Access to the Father" means that we are able to relate to God as our Heavenly Father. It means that we are God's children and are united with Him as one family in Christ Jesus. We were estranged from God and without hope, but Jesus Christ extended God's love and invitation to become part of God's family. God loves us and now we can love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. We can love each other as brothers and sisters, members of God's family. This is God's purpose for our lives.

  • 3 months later...

q1. (Ephesians 2:16-18) Why is "access to the Father" important? In what way is access to the Father similar having diplomatic relations? How did we obtain this access? Extra credit: How does this access fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and God's purpose for us? Exposition

1. We can talk to God directly, no middleman, just as a supplecant to God Himself on His throne. This was a blessing from Jesus, His life, death, and resurection.

2. In either case, the Father or a president, we have the means to request an audience as a diplomat. Jesus opened the door to the Father for us.

3. Thru Jesus Christ. He joined the Jews and the gentiles into one body, and enables us to be forgiven our sins so we can approach the Father in humbleness and prayer.

4. When we talk to God, we realize His great love for us. Who among us could not return that love as we consider all He has done for us. This love we have spills over onto our fellowman. We have a problem with someone??? Look for God in them. Easier to love them when you see them as Gods child. God created mankind to love Him and to love one another. We sin, He forgives.....Can we not do the same for others?

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