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Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

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The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. This is a very personal, tender, close intimate relationship of a child with their loving Father. It is through this assurance that we know it is well with our souls. We receive this kind of personal assurance as we spend time in the presence of our Father.


The Holy Spirit inspires us to refer to God as "Abba" or daddy, because we have the assurance of sonship in Jesus. We are related. We also are an heir with Christ. If we don't have this personal assurance, the relationship needs to be looked at, whether or not Christ & His work was done in you in the first place. You cannot possibly grow in your relationship if you are separated from Him in your everyday life. You need to spend time with Him and in His Word & take His promises to mean YOU. The Holy Spirit will work in you as you let Him lead you.


Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'?

We are inspired to pray because the Spirit moves us to the knowledge that we need God's help and guidance to become as we want, right with Him. On our own, we stray miserably.

What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

We don't believe it and revert to old ways and sin. We receive personal assurance through prayer, reading and listening to God's word, praise and thanksgiving, fellowship with other Christians.

Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

The Holy Spirit is like a forgiving father to us, over and over in Scripture we find sin being forgiven - 'big' sins too, like David's. While we can come to God as our 'Daddy' for all our needs, He also requires our respect, as does our earthly father. We need assurance of salvation, otherwise we have no hope, nothing to look forward to. We receive this assurance through our faith in God and acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.


Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray "Abba, Father"? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

Acceptable prayer is wrought in us by the Spirit.That is why we have t cry to Our Father.

As children who need protection and help. This evinces the habitual spirit of a child of God; a disposition,

(1.) to express towards him the feelings due to a father;

(2.) to call upon him-- to address him in the language of affection and endearing confidence;

(3.) to seek his protection and aid.

Abba. This word is Chaldee--(CHALDEE)--and means father. Why the apostle repeats the word in a different language is not known. The Syriac reads it, "By which we call the Father our Father." It is probable that the repetition here denotes merely intensity, and is designed to denote the interest with which a Christian dwells on the name, in the spirit of an affectionate, tender child. It is not unusual to repeat such terms of affection. Comp. Mt 7:22; Ps 8:1. This is an evidence of piety that is easily applied. He that can in sincerity and with ardent affection apply this term to God, addressing him with a filial spirit as his Father, has the spirit of a Christian. Every child of God has this spirit; and he that has it not is a stranger to piety.

Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?



Q6. (Romans 8:15-16)

How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray "Abba, Father"?

Every believer is a child of God in that he is born into a family of which God is the Father. It is because of our love and trust in God that the Spirit prompts us to call God


Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

By communicating with our spirit and giving us a need to cry out to the one who loves us as no other. He gives us the desire to be drawn ever closer to God and a need to give back that love that He has so freely given to us. We become withdrawn from God and fail to hear the Spirit calls us to that place of peace and love found only in the fruit of the Spirit as we continue to refuse that assurance our hearts become hardened and we lose hope. We recieve it through study and prayer and a continued relationship with God by striving t0 do His will and showing His love and mercy to others.


Through faith in Christ, Father God adopts us as His beloved children. The Holy Spirit draws us into this new intimate relationship with the Supreme Creator and Sovereign LORD of all things. Just as He revealed varying facets of His person at different times in human history, He has now revealed Himself as the tender heart of Abba. He is not just the origin of His progeny, but the One who has a genuine caring fondness for His kids. He invites us to snuggle in His lap, to rest against His beating heart of love, to enjoy the peace of His sheltering arms, to draw the courage to grow into who we're meant to be from His guidance and encouragement, to be assured that He will never leave or forsake or fail us. Doesn't that just sound like the perfect Daddy! We now have the call and privilege of knowing Him in this way as opposed to knowing of Him in a purely authoritarian way.

If we don't gain personal assurance of our salvation, I think we are likely to end up without a personal relationship with Father and will probably have a legalistic relationship with Him. And in that, I don't think one can ever begin to grasp the true joy and "peace on earth" (peace between God and man) that our Father intends. This kind of personal assurance can't be found in legalism or self-effort. It can only really be found in seeking God through the person of Christ. When your heart sees Him for who He truly is and what He has truly done for you, I think you've found Him. And life can't ever be the same again after that kind of personal encounter. When you accept Him and give up yourself, you belong to Him. Then it doesn't matter how you feel about it at any given time; you stand on the unwavering assurance of what God's Word says about you now. And the Holy Spirit will confirm this in your own spirit.


The indwelling Holy Spirit is reality. He confirms everything about the Father, including His relationship to His children. For this we are inspired to cry "Abba Father" as His love penetrates us through and through.

By referring to God as Dad or Father we are acknowledging that our love for and relationship to Him is deeply personal and significant, very special to both the Father and child.

It is not possible to appreciate a right relationship with the Lord unless we have the Holy Spirit as the Spirit is our assurance of our salvation. We are simply rudderless ships without Him.


The Holy Spirit inspires us to pray "Abba Father" by prompting our spirit to call God, Father or dad. The significance of calling God, Father or dad is it shows we have a very personal and intimate relationship with Him.

If we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation then we spend all our time feeling guilty and insecure and fail to grow in the Lord and our love for Him. We receive assurance through believing His Word and seeking Him through prayer. He will hear us and answer by giving us the assurance that we are His.

Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

It is for the love of God and the trust in him that the Holy Spirit can prompt us to pray Abba Father. The significance is that the Holy Spirit witnesses that we are the children of God. He gives us the assurance. If we don't have the assurance, we will not be at peace. We will be restless because we don't have the assurance that God truly loves us and we are His children.We receive this assurance by accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior, and letting the Holy Spirit dwell in us.

Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

Abba Father Our relationship with God, through His Holy Spirit, the Spirit of son-ship, adopted into the family of God's children, We are His children, We are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus, If we share in His suffering in order that we may also share in His Glory. If we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation we do not comprehend the wonderful grace of God, the free gift of forgiveness , a sincere of guilt and insecurity when we fail to have personal assurance through excepting the Holy Spirit to teach, lead and guide us with a great desire for God salvation put in to our hearts by way of His Holy Spirit.


Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'?

By producing the Spirit of sonship/ of adoption and in the bliss of which we cry "Daddy, Father".

What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad?

We are His children, His kids...His heirs. A close, personal ,intimate, family relationship. We know that we are loved unconditionally and accepted in the Beloved. We live at peace with God, knowing we are forgiven, and when we stray, He will lovingly bring us back and discipline us as a loving Dad if needed. We live a life of freedom in the Holy Spirit.

What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation?

We live not as His beloved children, but as slaves in bondage to fear...dreading Him, avoiding Him. This kind of life is lived trying to earn God's love, and to avoid punishment, always looking over the shoulder.This life is lived in drudgery trying to fulfill the letter of the law.

How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

The Holy Spirit Himself testifies together with our own spirit, assuring us that we are God's children.

Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

We are inspired by the Holy Spirit to pray "Abba, Father because the spirit himself testifies that we receive the spirit of sonship. We are sons of God. Hence it is fitting to pray Abba, Father.

The significance of us referring to God as our Dad is that we are heirs of his kingdom and co-heirs of Christ.

If we fell we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation we don't fell the meaning of calling God Abba, Father. We receive the personal assurance through the spirit, knowing Jesus has died for my sins, I repented of my sins and received God's forgiveness and He now consider me his son who is cleansed of sins.


The Holy Spirit gives us the confidence and assurance that we have been reconciled and are now children of the most High God.

It is wonderful that God, the awesome and Hoyly God is my father! This implies that I'm loved by Him, have whatever I need and I'm secured because I am the son of the Almighty, Elshaddai, Jehovah Jireh who is more than enough and is my provider.

If we do not have the personal assurance that we are children of God, we may be frustrated and live miserable lives. We need to ask god to reassure us of our salvation through the Holy Spirit. We laso need to ask Him to increase our faith to believe Him.


The Holy Spirit inspires us to pray "Abba, Father" because of the very special personal relationship we have with God. He lets us know we are loved in such an intermate way that it melts our hearts and gives us such peace and assurance of His love.

If we don't have this personal assurance, we have somehow lost touch with God and we need to spend more time with Him, in prayer, worship and in reading the Word.

Love from Greta


Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

Through the Holy Spirit we can know we have this very special and close relationship as a father and son.

Calling him dad gives us that feeling of a relationship that only a parent and child can have it brings into Gods family makes us his child and heir with Jesus.

It is given to us through the Holy Spirit when we acknowledge Christ as our saviour.

  • 4 weeks later...

The Holy Spirit speaks to our spirit and tells us we are God's children. We have a close personal relationship with God if we are able to call him Dad. If we can't believe God is able to cleansed us of our sins we're not going to believe or have faith in anything else the bible says. We know that it's true because the Holy Spirit tells us so.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

I know that I am saved, because I have the assurance of God's Word that tells me I am. Also, I can feel it in my spirit whenever I pray-I know that God is with me. He is listening to me. I just know. I can't describe it, but it is wonderful!

Without that assurance, life would be intolerable. To know what I know now, and not have the realization that I am saved-well, I couldn't go on. We receive this personal assurance when we give our hearts and lives to God. If we are being real, then God will be real with us. He knows if we are sincere.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray "Abba, Father"? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

"The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children." (8:16)..........the Spirit acts upon our spirit to cause it to cryout as a child.

The personal assurance of salvation is part of the essence of faith and an essential of salvation.

Seek God earnestly to find the place of rst which is in God. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes:Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? The Spirit is not one of fear but one of love just as a loving earthly father would be.What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? It is this love for God and the trust in him that the Spirit prompts in us. The Spirit can be felt in us as we call out to God. A loving Dad is one that we would love and trust. What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? Without personal assurance of our salvation, we would feel insecure, frustrated and have no real sense of purpose.How do we receive this kind of personal assurance? <_< We receive this kind of personal assurance by growing close to our Lord through prayer, study of the Word and seeking His will in our lives.
  • 1 month later...
Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance?

Abba is the Aramic word for Father. When we accepted Christ we became sons of God. We were adopted thru Christ and thus are given all that Jesus is given. To refer to God as our Dad or Father shows that we acknowledge Him, that we are from Him that we belong to Him. Without this personal guarantee, promise, we live a life of uncertainty, no hope.To recieve this assurance, promise, we need to accept Christ beleive in Him and follow Him. :rolleyes:

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