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Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission?

The results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus included wasting time in endless discussion of myths and spiritual pedigrees and meaningless speculations. None of which helped people live a life of faith in God and carry our the church's prime directive -- the Great Commission .

The church ended up in turning from sound doctrine and spending their time in meaningless discussions. This division and tension over doctrine in the church caused some to develop distorted or preverted forms of the Christian faith and some to turn away from the faith completely. Needless to say, it caused disharmony and disunity in the church at Ephesus.

False doctrine causes division in any church which impacts fellowship and outreach.

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In the church of Ephesus, the teachings of false doctrine resulted in destruction of the faith, and controversy that caused confusioin amongst the members of the church.

The false doctrine was obsurd and flawed diverging from the original teachings of the Old Testament, Christ, and the apostles, which is the gospel of God's grace. This doctrinal controversy caused confusion and division in the church of Ephesus.What God meant for peace in and edification of the church became distorted causing a number of issues.

The Bible teaches us that a house divided cannot stand and false doctrine was causing division. False doctrine is a stumbling block that generates a lack of togetherness necessary to carryout the mission of the church.

  • 2 months later...

The false doctrine was causing division and controversy throughout the church. People were mixing their old traditions with the truth. They did not fully understand the gospel and began to rely on old wives tales and myths.

As a result of this people began to believe false truths. I began to think of some of our spiritual leaders today who add their own "truths" to the word of God. They add things to please themselves and allow some of their wrongdoings to be acceptable. This always stagnates the growth of the church. We can not grow if we are living by false truths. We can not grow if we are divided. Division promotes chaos and confusion. Chaos and confusion are not of God.

  • 2 weeks later...

1a)The results of false doctrine’(teaching) in the chuch were-1Leadership crisis among the elders (3:1-7; 5:17-20), some of whom are false teachers (Acts 20:30)not suitably equipped to be pastors.2.Desire for wealth -- greed (6:6-10).3.Divisive asceticism from the Judaizers.4.Destruction of the faith of some (2 Timothy 2:18)as people led away from God’s truth by others speaking in ignorance about geaneologies&myths.5.Confusion and controversy that is disturbing the peace and unity of the church. 

b)Doctrinal controversy had hurt spirit of church by it resulting in strife and controversy,a place of rancor and dispute,instead of being a place of peace.

c)Unhealthy interest in arguments&quarrels about words,fluff &nonsense,caused distraction from clear teaching about the gospel of grace,&the clear direction of the church,preventing growth in discipleship individually&more people in churches. 

d)False doctrine in church distracts us &our focus from fulfilling Jesus commission for followers to spread good news,making disciples of all nations &enabling more people to know salvation through Jesus.  



1a)The results of false doctrine’(teaching) in the chuch were-1Leadership crisis among the elders (3:1-7; 5:17-20), some of whom are false teachers (Acts 20:30)not suitably equipped to be pastors.2.Desire for wealth -- greed (6:6-10).3.Divisive asceticism from the Judaizers.4.Destruction of the faith of some (2 Timothy 2:18)as people led away from God’s truth by others speaking in ignorance about geaneologies&myths.5.Confusion and controversy that is disturbing the peace and unity of the church. 

b)Doctrinal controversy had hurt spirit of church by it resulting in strife and controversy,a place of rancor and dispute,instead of being a place of peace.

c)Unhealthy interest in arguments&quarrels about words,fluff &nonsense,caused distraction from clear teaching about the gospel of grace,&the clear direction of the church,preventing growth in discipleship individually&more people in churches. 

d)False doctrine in church distracts us &our focus from fulfilling Jesus commission for followers to spread good news,making disciples of all nations &enabling more people to know salvation through Jesus.  



1a)The results of false doctrine’(teaching) in the chuch were-1Leadership crisis among the elders (3:1-7; 5:17-20), some of whom are false teachers (Acts 20:30)not suitably equipped to be pastors.2.Desire for wealth -- greed (6:6-10).3.Divisive asceticism from the Judaizers.4.Destruction of the faith of some (2 Timothy 2:18)as people led away from God’s truth by others speaking in ignorance about geaneologies&myths.5.Confusion and controversy that is disturbing the peace and unity of the church. 

b)Doctrinal controversy had hurt spirit of church by it resulting in strife and controversy,a place of rancor and dispute,instead of being a place of peace.

c)Unhealthy interest in arguments&quarrels about words,fluff &nonsense,caused distraction from clear teaching about the gospel of grace,&the clear direction of the church,preventing growth in discipleship individually&more people in churches. 

d)False doctrine in church distracts us &our focus from fulfilling Jesus commission for followers to spread good news,making disciples of all nations &enabling more people to know salvation through Jesus.  


  • 1 year later...
  On 1/6/2009 at 11:48 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission?

False Doctrine causes disputes and that cause splits in the church. Disputes are satan works , not Gods, and that hurts the spirit of the church. Lost people don't see a need to come to a church thats no different than the lost world. The church can't do its mission if we are not in one accord with GODS WORD.

  • 4 months later...

Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission?



False doctrines lead to division and chaos in the church instead of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The world does not see the glory of God, the love of God and the compassion of God in a church infected with false doctrine. It prevents church growth in 2 ways. Those who are not strong in the Word of God and walk with God, seeking His guidance in the middle of the conflict will either go with the flow and follow the dissention or with some, leave suddenly without seeking God for further direction. This can cause christians to become like the children of Isreal who,for 40 years were lost in the wilderness, until they allow God to restore them and then lead and guide them to a sound church home. False doctrine prevents the growth of a church as well as the growth of individuals because it is out of order, and our God is a God of order. For some people leaving is a desperate act to get away from the drama that is destroying the church, out of a sincere love for the things of God. For some, false doctrine leads to the downfall of an idol that was created in that person's mind: putting leadership on a pedestal and the costs that goes with that. For some false doctrine ts religion and not a personal relationship with God. And then there are those who do not personally study the Word, for themselves, but rely solely on man's teaching of the Word and, therefore do not have the discernment or knowledge to recognize a false teaching as its introduced in a church. False doctrines are the works of bad intentions: pride, destruction and downfall. There are some who are planted in a church to destroy it by evil followers. There are also people who are led astray in leadership by enforcing legalsim over grace and love. Or, as I mentioned by seeing themselves more highly than they ought to (pride).


The church is about spreading the love of Christ and exemplifying that love to the world. When the church is divided, when the church is the talk of the community as a result of its inner turmoil, when the church does function in unity, the church abandons its mission:  to save a dying world. Who wants to go to a church that promotes problems over peace? That's an everyday life problem. We go to the church for answers. Not more drama.


I have lived this experience. And I never want to again.



  • 7 years later...

Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission?

The false doctrine at Ephesus is causing controversies, and confusion with believers, and this would only lead to quarrels and anger and separation within the church community. It will bear the fruit of the spirit of the church and you will see people going elsewhere looking for sound doctrine. The leadership of such a church are not functioning with that sincere faith and that would mean they are in it for themselves to some degree, and this is always a bad example and will not grow a healthy church.

The church can not function as one body of Christ and that keeps it from growing as it should in a healthy sound way. It will produce believers who are not sincere and this is not what Jesus wants to see, and sadly will cause many to err because of the poor influence of bad leadership, and also the lack of knowledge the believers have to test the doctrine. In the days of the early church it was certainly not a case of everybody having a Bible to study and they absorbed mostly what they were taught by their leaders.

  • 1 year later...

There were judaizing teachers who were constantly seeking to bring Christains back under the law of Moses.  As a result, endless spurious fables of numerous gods were being taught to those lacking simple faith in CHRIST ALONE for salvation.  Empty arguments composing of legendary tales led to strife and debate.  Apostle Paul wanted Timothy to be occupied with the essentials of the Christian faith.   Lack of focus on the kergyma of the Gospel led to fables, superstition and endless genealogical questions, including strife and debate.


  • Pastor Ralph changed the title to Q1. False Doctrine
  • 4 months later...

Q1. Some of the results of the false teachings at Ephesus were a very unhappy and unstable church. There were controversies , quarrels and strife. This was leading to division,  inward thinking and distrust. The Spirit of the church was being compromised. This distracted from the work of the church and gave Satan a foothold!

The church that is being subjected to false teaching is spiritually compromised because truth is not being taught and people pick up untruths which lead to confusion and quarrels. A church in these circumstances cannot thrive only God’s truth will make a church thrive and flourish. A congregation must also be humble and eager to hear, and obey. If a church is not hearing truth it’s people cannot go out any and fulfill God’s mission they will be telling warped messages which are detrimental to everyone who hears. 


What were some of the results of false Doctrine in the church at Ephesus?

  • people were not taught the truth based on the scriptures.  They may have been mislead or the doctrine itself was not strong in Christ/God. that type of basis allows for dissension.

How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church.   How does it prevent growth?  How does it keep the church from its mission?

  • controversy leads to splits within the church which leads to separation of families outside of the church.  It is, by nature, no healthy.  This is different from robust discussion based on fact and scriptural content which broadens the outlook of the individual.  
  • when we have controversy, we have no single focus and therefore, the church would not move forward because its mission and vision would be subject to interpretation.



Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus?

ANSWER: False teaching was taking place in Ephesus resulting in extremely poor conduct in the Ephesian church. False teaching results in useless obsessions which promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith. The false teachings at Ephesus which concerned Paul arose from misreadings of the Law of Moses, including false myths and genealogies that may have been tools for speculations about the origins of the world.

Rooted in the ambitions of the false teachers, these misreadings swerved from a proper focus on faith in God's work, causing damage to the faith of some in the church. In addition to corrupting behavior, false teachings serve to distract them from what is truly important. False teaching does not produce love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Instead, false teaching produces division and hate and comes from an impure heart, a bad conscience, and an insincere faith!

The false doctrine was in large part superficial and nonsense that had replaced the clear teaching of the gospel of God's grace. The result was strife and controversy. Rather than a place of peace, the church had become a place of rancor and dispute. False teaching always has consequences. We can’t be taught wrong and live right.

How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church?

ANSWER: Lack of spiritual preparation on the part of leaders, members, and scholars contributes to ecclesiasti­cal disunity. When the Holy Spirit does not fill people, they are either empty or, even worse, filled with evil spirits. Lack of spirituality on the part of Bible scholars and church leaders may also lead to wrong hermeneutics. Likewise, when church members are not spiritually connected with the Divine, they can easily become misled theologically. Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, every attempt to cor­rectly interpret God’s Word becomes futile. In other words, our spirituality influences our presuppositions and approach to biblical interpretation.

When the Holy Spirit departs, the church is left too vulnerable to the con­trol of evil forces. When that happens, church leaders, church members, and Bible scholars will often not agree in matters of Christian faith and practice. The Holy Spirit and angels’ departure from the church at the individual or corporate level must be avoided at all cost. Church unity is possible only through the power of the Holy Spirit. The church should be united in belief and practice. There must be harmony in the Biblical practices of the church. Church unity is impossible outside the Word of God. Unity does not necessarily mean uniformity; rather unity means oneness of faith, purpose, and practice in Jesus Christ.

How does it [doctrinal controversy] prevent church growth?

ANSWER: Controversial issues have the potential of splitting the church. In order to avoid this dan­ger, church leaders need to exercise much care and, at the same time, show firmness when dealing with these issues. Doctrinal divisions and internal conflicts can quickly divide your church, driving away your current members and preventing new ones from joining! It’s important to understand and deal with doctrinal controversies to preserve the health of your faith community. When these problems occur, it is absolutely critical to remember that divisions can seriously harm the work your church is doing. It’s also important to ensure that these differences ultimately remain respectful and don’t divide the church. After all, churches are communities. When your church is unified in its doctrine, this helps to reduce potential quarrels and issues. Instead, everyone can focus on the community and vision. 

How does it, [doctrinal controversy], keep the church from its mission?

ANSWER: The doctrinal difference had brought a breach in the peace of the local church and hampered efforts at evangelism and missions. The Bible should be the basis of all doctrines. Some doctrines are absolutely important to maintain because of their effect on other doctrines. For example, if we abandon the doctrine of the Trinity or the deity and humanity of Christ in one person, or the inerrancy of Scripture, or justification by faith alone, many other doctrines will be lost as well. We will waste time and energy in endless controversies rather than doing valuable kingdom work. Doctrinal conflict provides an opportunity for the church to take a clear stand for the truth of God’s Word. We should look to the work of the Holy Spirit within the church to aid us in our faith and practice. May we, by God’s grace, rise up to the challenges that face us as church leaders and scholars when we face controversial issues.


Some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus are their minds were filled with doubts and fear,  there was disputes. controversies, quarrels, strife, pride, hypocrisy, and questionable ethics.

Doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of the church by disturbing the peace and unity of the church.  The church becomes a place of rancor an dispute, the focus is distorted and the direction of the church is diverted.

False doctrine prevent growth because false doctrine hinders the Christian's maturity but when Christians hear good sound doctrine or teach they mature.

It keeps the church from its mission because when we stop talking about things that truly important our focus becomes distracted, the church is diverted and its mission is compromised.  Our focus is on other things rather than on what we have been commissioned to do, go make disciples.

  On 1/11/2009 at 2:03 PM, RTsmith said:
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission?

The results of false doctrine is confusion of truth, this hurts the spirit of the church because it creates contention and breaks the unity of the body within. Bitterness toward one another is the result. Where there is arguments and a breaking of the unity there will not be any spiritual or physical growth. This keeps the church from its mission because the body is focused on itself than on the Great Commission.


Some of the results  of the false doctrines :

they became self centered  as 

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭ESV ‬‬says 
[6] Certain persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, 

They have diverted which caused confusion in the church.. when there is confusion , it will create division and will cause  disunity. The truth will be compromised. Unity is a sign of  maturity. Confusion brings about mistrust and disunity, disunity will divert the direction of everyone which will hinder the church from growing. They will be striving in different directions therefore affecting the mission 


Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission?

The main result of these false doctrines is that they drew people away from the truth of the gospel. That we put our faith, hope and trust in Christ alone for our salvation. These false teaching were hindering the truth.

The spirit of a church should be a common love for the Lord and for one another. These false teachings caused arguments  and separated the church members. People followed mere men instead of Christ.

People who either know the Lord or are earnestly seeking Him will not stay in a church wracked with turmoil and dissension. And visitors will notice the lack of love there and move on.

It keeps the church from focusing on the main points of the gospel. That we are all sinners in dire need of a savior. And that Jesus Christ is that Savior. 

  On 1/11/2009 at 2:03 PM, RTsmith said:
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission?

The results of false doctrine is confusion of truth, this hurts the spirit of the church because it creates contention and breaks the unity of the body within. Bitterness toward one another is the result. Where there is arguments and a breaking of the unity there will not be any spiritual or physical growth. This keeps the church from its mission because the body is focused on itself than on the Great Commission.


Some of the results  of the false doctrines :

they became self centered  as 

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭ESV ‬‬says 
[6] Certain persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, 

They have diverted which caused confusion in the church.. when there is confusion , it will create division and will cause  disunity. The truth will be compromised. Unity is a sign of  maturity. Confusion brings about mistrust and disunity, disunity will divert the direction of everyone which will hinder the church from growing. They will be striving in different directions therefore affecting the mission 


False doctrine is teaching things that they know nothing about, leading the people in the church astray, allowing them to do what they want.
Controversy will bring disorder to the church, leading away from the teachings of Christ and focusing on the old ways


Results of false doctrine in the Church at Ephesus : pulled the Church down instead of building it up, corrupted religion, shook the foundation of the Christians by filling their minds with doubts and fear, caused disputes, vain jangling, controversies and quarrels, strife, pride, hypocrisy and questionable ethics.

Controversies hut the spirit of the church because they disturb the peace and unity of the church.   The church becomes a place of rancor and dispute, the focus is distorted and the direction of the church is diverted,

It prevents growth because we stop talking about things that are truly important , our focus of the church is distorted and the mission is compromised, and the church is kept from it mission.

Christians mature in Christ when they hear good sound doctrine or teaching whereas false doctrine hinder Christian maturity


We have the dispensation of God which is in faith.  Fables, genealogies based on myth don't increase the "first love" of the Ephesians.  The kabbalistic gnostic teachings would cause the Christian faith to become another sect robbed of it's "first love", and prepare the way of deep apostasy.

The focus of the local congregation must be on Christ Jesus as set forth by Apostle Paul and Bishop Timothy.  Serious Bible study is extremely important in order to stay on the road of holiness.  Lack serious Bible study among believers will cause to end up in various forms of heterodox doctrines.    This has happened time and time again. A prime example is the history of Puritan theological schools like Yale and Princeton Universities.   They were centers of Orthodox Christian formation centers, but eventually fell into heterodox agendas.   Likewise, various churches that fell into heresies and schisms, lost their focus, they lost their evangelistic fervor.   Tragically they no longer focused on the Cross of Christ, and accepted various forms of heterodox doctrines: vain babblings and vain imaginations.   God has given many over to a depraved mind.




Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus?

ANSWER: False teaching was taking place in Ephesus resulting in extremely poor conduct in the Ephesian church. False teaching results in useless obsessions which promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith. The false teachings at Ephesus which concerned Paul arose from misreadings of the Law of Moses, including false myths and genealogies that may have been tools for speculations about the origins of the world.

Rooted in the ambitions of the false teachers, these misreadings swerved from a proper focus on faith in God's work, causing damage to the faith of some in the church. In addition to corrupting behavior, false teachings serve to distract them from what is truly important. False teaching does not produce love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Instead, false teaching produces division and hate and comes from an impure heart, a bad conscience, and an insincere faith!

The false doctrine was in large part superficial and nonsense that had replaced the clear teaching of the gospel of God's grace. The result was strife and controversy. Rather than a place of peace, the church had become a place of rancor and dispute. False teaching always has consequences. We can’t be taught wrong and live right.

How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church?

ANSWER: Lack of spiritual preparation on the part of leaders, members, and scholars contributes to ecclesiasti­cal disunity. When the Holy Spirit does not fill people, they are either empty or, even worse, filled with evil spirits. Lack of spirituality on the part of Bible scholars and church leaders may also lead to wrong hermeneutics. Likewise, when church members are not spiritually connected with the Divine, they can easily become misled theologically. Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, every attempt to cor­rectly interpret God’s Word becomes futile. In other words, our spirituality influences our presuppositions and approach to biblical interpretation.

When the Holy Spirit departs, the church is left too vulnerable to the con­trol of evil forces. When that happens, church leaders, church members, and Bible scholars will often not agree in matters of Christian faith and practice. The Holy Spirit and angels’ departure from the church at the individual or corporate level must be avoided at all cost. Church unity is possible only through the power of the Holy Spirit. The church should be united in belief and practice. There must be harmony in the Biblical practices of the church. Church unity is impossible outside the Word of God. Unity does not necessarily mean uniformity; rather unity means oneness of faith, purpose, and practice in Jesus Christ.

How does it [doctrinal controversy] prevent church growth?

ANSWER: Controversial issues have the potential of splitting the church. In order to avoid this dan­ger, church leaders need to exercise much care and, at the same time, show firmness when dealing with these issues. Doctrinal divisions and internal conflicts can quickly divide your church, driving away your current members and preventing new ones from joining! It’s important to understand and deal with doctrinal controversies to preserve the health of your faith community. When these problems occur, it is absolutely critical to remember that divisions can seriously harm the work your church is doing. It’s also important to ensure that these differences ultimately remain respectful and don’t divide the church. After all, churches are communities. When your church is unified in its doctrine, this helps to reduce potential quarrels and issues. Instead, everyone can focus on the community and vision. 

How does it, [doctrinal controversy], keep the church from its mission?

ANSWER: The doctrinal difference had brought a breach in the peace of the local church and hampered efforts at evangelism and missions. The Bible should be the basis of all doctrines. Some doctrines are absolutely important to maintain because of their effect on other doctrines. For example, if we abandon the doctrine of the Trinity or the deity and humanity of Christ in one person, or the inerrancy of Scripture, or justification by faith alone, many other doctrines will be lost as well. We will waste time and energy in endless controversies rather than doing valuable kingdom work. Doctrinal conflict provides an opportunity for the church to take a clear stand for the truth of God’s Word. We should look to the work of the Holy Spirit within the church to aid us in our faith and practice. May we, by God’s grace, rise up to the challenges that face us as church leaders and scholars when we face controversial issues.


False teaching at Ephesus resulted in dissension and back-biting among the congregants because of its mataiologia, "empty, fruitless talk." (It sounds a bit like being trapped in an pretentious academic seminar without exit doors. :))  It's easy to imagine that our conversations are weightier and more important than they really are -- it's humbling to admit that many of our conversations are mere meaningless blather, from God's perspective. The people at Ephesus needed a bit more humility, apparently.

Doctrinal controversy, more so than, say, vehement disagreements over church finances, cuts to the heart of a church. What we hold in common are not merely cultural values, but a religious faith grounded in biblical teaching. When pridefully we argue over that teaching -- which can be strengthening, by the way, if done correctly -- we unintentionally weaken our shared faith. Having said this, there are teachings worth fighting for, the core teachings of the Bible. We are not to run away from controversy that's important.

I don' t think that doctrinal controversies are the only sorts of disagreements that pull us from our mission, but any controversy or disagreement that is unresolvable or tangential to the core of faith has the effect of distracting us and dividing the body.

For example, good Christians have died over the controversy regarding the eucharist/Lord's Supper -- whether it's purely symbolic or the actual body/blood of Jesus ... or something in-between. On issues such as this, it may be best to go to the corner of the ring and associate with people who share your beliefs. There are reasons why Protestants splinter and one of them is to prevent dissension. 




Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) 

What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? Disputes over words that meant nothing. Controversy leading to strife, distrust and abandoning Faith in Jesus .I imagine that brought on hopelessness, isolation & even anger at being misled .Or in innocent ignorance following the false doctrine as truth because the people trusted the teachers. Leading people to question the validity of Christ and the gift of salvation and love.

How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? Causing mistrust,doubts,fears,anxiety,power struggles.There can be no unity where there is quarreling.

How does it prevent growth? False doctrine & its controversies keeps people away from getting to know who Jesus is and our relationship with Him. There can be no fruit of the Spirit growing without what builds up our faith & conviction. The natural transformation of our hearts from the Power of God. Through the word,prayer & praise.If the word is distorted and we are living by that false word the Powr of God is not woring in us. That makes me sad,I can only imagine how broken hearted it makes my Father

How does it keep the church from its mission? It misrepresents Gods mission entirely so it turnes into a whole nother entity not of God.


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