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Q3. (Ephesians 2:19b) What does the phrase "members of God's household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God? What does it tell us about the kind of fellowship that is appropriate in the local congregation? What are the implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation? Exposition

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:rolleyes: God's churches are not a building but the fellowship of believers. Paul makes it easy to udnerstand by comparing the church membership to a building built to glorify God. The parts of the building are as different as each member but together they form a cooperative edifice for the glory of God. Unless you are a part of a "church" you are missing all the advantages that keep us strong and help us meet the needs we face each day.

God's house is about relationships. The relationships we have in the body of Christ is an extension of the type of relationships we are to have in witnessing. We are to love one another with the agape love of God. God brought us together for a plan and purpose. This is to advance His kingdom through loving realtionships.

I have learned to love my brothers and sisters and accept them as they are. At times it is not easy and my past hurts sometimes gets in the road of trusting them. However there is one person I can trust and that is the Lord. If I trust the Lord to see me through then I can continue to love in spite of the hurt. As I build my relationship with the Lord my relationship with others begins to change.

I thank the Lord for His love.



:lol: It tells us that we as the body of believers are one family, under on father "God". The nature of the church is that just as we are members of an earthly family and we all have different chores and responsiblilities so should it be with the church family. God has given us responsiblilties "the call". He chose us for a purpose. We need to ask God to reveal that calling so we can be functioning in God's family as we should. Gods nature is of loving father and protector and provider of his children.

;) We are to love our brothers and sisters in church as Christ loved us. I come from a family of 5 brothers/sisters and we don't always agree with each other, however when the storms of life come we are there for each other offering all type of support. Sometimes it is very hard to love someone but it is not a choice we have we must love all men. If we love only the loveable what does that show , nothing but because Christ lives in us we can now love, no matter what the circumstances are. Remember if we can't love our brother/sister whom we can see how can we say the love of God is on us and that we love God.

:) We are to gather together in one accord so we can encourge uplift each other etc etc......those who do not fellowship are missing out on many of God's blessings. Its an awesome time when a church can join together and give praises unto the Lord almighty and feel his presence in the sanctuary. God made the church for our benefit.


That the church is a family, and that God is our Father. Appropriate fellowship would be of building each other up in Christ, and to bring praise and honor to Him. The implications for those who do not attend could be that they are not part of the building, they are not joining themselves together to create a Holy Temple for God as He desires.


Members of Gods household is a body of believer's in our surrounding area who are knitted together to bring about the glory of God.As a body with many parts, separate in differents gifts and annointing .Each person functions as part of the body meaning the body cannot move unless the feet are connected to the body and the body cannot respond unless it recieves a message from the brain telling the feet to move.The brain must then inform the muscles and tendons etc. to prepare to move. The same with the body (the church) the body is connected in such a way that we must all be one accord in order for us to the function in the way God wants us to move .


(Ephesians 2:19b) What does the phrase "members of God's household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God?

That the nature of the church is like a large family and the nature of God is as a Father with many children we are those sons and daughters. We are brethen with Jesus.

What does it tell us about the kind of fellowship that is appropriate in the local congregation?

The fellowship should be as a large loving family. Able to get along with one another. While at the same time, to love one another enough to correct and admonish in case of sin and neglect.

What are the implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation?

The 'body of Christ' is incomplete.


What does the phrase "members of God's household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God? What does it tell us about the kind of fellowship that is appropriate in the local congregation? What are the implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation? ;) OK, here's where some of you, and myself may part ways, concerning my belief's about the church. Let me begin by saying I love my church, and my fellow Christian brothers and sisters, but my salvation does not depend upon the church, as a building. I understand the local church is a family...warts and all. We love each other, we fellowship with each other, we pray, and worship together; and yes, this is good. I wouldn't want it any other way, but the truth is my dependence is on the Lord, and not any man. In my opinion man has put to much into building up the "natural" house of God, and not enough to building up the Spiritual temple where God dwells. 1CO.3:16, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" We are the church! :lol: Built upon the foundation, layed by those who went before us. I'm not intending to sound "super spiritual" here, I'm only trying to say, that in the 24 years I've been serving the Lord, I've seen people become dependent upon a church or man, and when either of these failed, the person was crushed; some even falling away from the Lord. Yes, the local body is important....but keep your faith in Jesus, not a congregation. The day may come, when you may find yourself not able to meet together, so be sure of your foundation, my dear brothers and sisters.


The phrase reminds us that the Church is to be considered as a house where the Lord is the father and the congregation are the children. As such, we as the members of a congregation should love and care for each other the way brothers and sisters do. We should always remind ourselves that in the eyes of God, we are all the same. There are no distinctions between the rich and the poor, neither should there be any distinction between people who talk with the Lord more than once a day and those who do so only once. In fact, we should make it a point to compliment each other's strengths and weaknesses in order to create a better harmony within the "household."

Also, in the same way that our families sometimes find themselves in a crisis, God's household sometimes find themselves in a similar situation. It could be that there is a strife between members, or the congregation could be facing a financial crisis or a member is finding it hard to motivate himself participate. Whatever the crisis may be, we should not allow ourselves to be discouraged. We should remind ourselves that we are a congregation brought together by the Lord and allowing ourselves to be discouraged will put the entire congregation in danger of being toppled.

This is what people who aren't faithful in participating will miss most in their congregation. They will find it harder to survive and weather out the crises that come their way without the support and motivation of their congregation behind them because this is what family is all about. Emotional (and sometimes even financial) support and motivation.


God wants all of His creation - all of His people to share in His household, to be one family - loving and caring for each other. The nature of the church should show that we are all of one body - of one household - a part of one God, who made us all!

The local congregation should be on one mind to love the Lord in praise, worship, and service. We should love each other and uphold each other - serving God's will and led by the Holy Spirit - no bickering, judging, back biting. "Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me........make me, mold me, fill me, use me" Be of like mind, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, doing God's will, not our own!

We are all family. One must learn to love each other - understand each other - work as a family to show God's love to the world. If one is a Christian, one is a member of God's family and must be faithful to Him, gathering with other family memebers in the household of God to do his worik!


To be a member of God's house is a priviledge that we should respect and be thankful. You do not have to be a well educated person or no racial or social class. We come in all form and fashion. We love each other and trust in Jesus Christ. We were chosen(how great) elected by God to be his family. God is truly love. Christian who are not faithful to gather with the local congregation miss out on the fellowship of God's family. We come together to get strength, for praise and worship and build up each other. The coming TOGETHER is one of the tools that help us fight the wiles of the devil.


The good Father above is the provider of all things needed by his family. He knows us each individualy and knows our weaknesses and strengths. He knows which ones can be depended on and which ones need extra help. He is constantly overseeing his family providing comfort, instruction and sometimes chastisement. Fellowship and Unity in the family is important so that the family does not become disfunctional. Each member provides a different role in the body.When a member doesn't accept their place or doesn't assemble, that member has cut himself off from growth and it seems even causes the rest of the building not to grow as it should. [in whom the whole building being fitted together].

Q3. (Ephesians 2:19b) What does the phrase "members of God's household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God? What does it tell us about the kind of fellowship that is appropriate in the local congregation? What are the implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation? Exposition

The term strangers and aliens is a reference to the Jewish law which has very specific references to people who aren't Jews, but are living among God's chosen people. There was even a sign up at the Temple "God's House" which forbid strangers and aliens past a certain point. Now that we are both members of God's household that tells us that the church nature is to be more like a household. The brotherly/sisterly and household member fellowship is more appropriate in the local congregation. The implication for Christians who aren't faithful to gather with a local congregation is that they do not want to be a part of the household and are thus behaving like the prodigal son in going his own way.


We are now family members,children of the Father.Our fellowship with each other is of a family.We should love each other.We all are diffrent people with diffrent backgrounds.We all have diffrent gifts,in which we all work together in the Church as one family.Like one Nation,under God.

If you are not faithful then that seperates you from the congregation and God.Well,everyone knows how children are."Time Out"! Go stand in a corner!Sometimes we need that "Time Out" to be with God,one on one.You know,that secret place.God loves us,our brothers and sisters love us.We never want to be seperated from the love of God.We need to be faithful.What ever it may be that God wants us to do,always pray and push forward,be willing,and God will give you what ever you need to accomplish what is to be done in Jesus Holy Name.


Members of God's Household?

Nature of Church and God?

Fellowship, appropriate in the Congregation?

Faithful to gather w/congregation?

Since the Body is of Christ, then the WHOLE BODY is the Congregation/HOUSEHOLD. Fellowship is the nature of God and the nature of those who are in Christ. Each of us should come together and feed of Him, so that we may feed each other. Our Faithfulness is to the Lord, God Almighty... this comes first, and any work we are called to do in the Body should be done in Faithfulness to Him not man/woman. The word says "cursed is he who puts his trust in man".

We must remember that the Body is not of one congregation within the walls of a building.

Our fellowship is within the Whole Body... with all believers of the body; those within the walls of a place of meeting and outside of the walls of meeting. So when we gather at home, or a park, or any other place of meeting... we are still in Fellowship with the Congregation/Body/Household.

If you are of Christ, in Christ you are of the Body, of the Household... you are my brother, my sister... a part of my Household. We are adopted in Him. May God be with you always... Sunshine.


As members of God's household we are not just house guests or house servants. Rather we have been adopted into God's family and we are co-heirs with Christ. The church is a family just like our blood families. There is an old saying that goes "you can choose your friends but you can't choose your relatives." All who trust Jesus as their Savior are part of God's family regardless of sex, race, etnicity, social, political, or educational background, or religious denomination.


The Church is described as God's household. The individuals within this household may be very different in character and nature, but all are bound together by their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Since God's nature is love and since God loved the world so much that he sent his son to provide a way through Christ's death to unite all people, we are all, whether formerly aliens or not, wanted by God to be in God's family.

Since God treats all people as equals and invites everyone to join the family, everyone 'belongs' and has as much right as anyone else to worship God. Therefore, we are tolerant, respectful, caring and loving towards all members of our local congregation.

Just as 'family reunions' or 'relly bashes' are bonding times, so a christian who doesn't fellowship with the local congregation is missing out on the giving and receiving of love. I suppose it also means that person is not fulfilling his or her responsibilities that go along with the privileges of membership in God's family.


We are not foreigners or aliens when we ar in Gods presence we are His flock and we serve him. We love each other as we do our Lord and we serve Christ, no matter what our background is we are to tell witness about Jesus and to Love each other and our neighbors.


l ;)

(1) The household of God is made up of the redeemed both Jews and Gentiles. It is spiritual house , a family unit where Christ is head and God is our Father who initualated bringing together this family in Christ.

The nature of it is one of LOVE. It was love of the Father that devised a redemptive plan and love of Christ that carred out it out! All of this was done "before the foundation of the world". What love, what mercy, what grace!

The scripture tell us that they wll know that we are christians by our love. They will therefore know that we are a family by the love we have one for the other.

(2) The fellowship that is approprite in the local congregation is that of LOVE and UNITY. Followship is a spiritual union with Christ. (-Cor 1:9 - God is faith by whom ye were called in fellowship of His son Jesus Christ our Lord.

I-John 1:3 -That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and wiuth his son Jesus Christ.

(3) The implication for those christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation is that they do not care about the family unit and maintaining fellowship. They are shunning family members when they should enhancing and sharing in the House of God.

As Pastor Wilson stated, we can not choose our family members. However, as God deals with us through love, we should display this to all family members. And some family members need us more than others.

Secondly, it is direct disobedience to God,s Word. Heb. 10:24-25 - And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works. Not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

The apostles continued daily in the temple praising and blessing God.


Q3. (Ephesians 2:19b) What does the phrase "members of God's household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God?

The Church, as the body of Christ, has members of different races, cultures, gifts and skills. All are precious to God and all are equal in His sight. The less sin there is in our lives the greater God can use us. As we can read


The phrase "members of the household of God" tells us that the nature of the church and of God are family-oriented, loving, caring, unified, and visionary. As members of the household of God, we must reflect the light of Jesus and encourage one another. Unfaithulness in the household of God can hurt the body, the family of God, and weaken believers. Our unfaithfulness is a stubling block to others, believers and nonbelievers. lmc


We are members of the same household because we we are deeply bonded together in Christ. The Church is a single Family whose Father is God.

Therefore, our fellowship with one another ought to be based on unconditional love, brotherly love, because with our fellow Christians we share a common inheritance. As for the Christians who do not have fellowship at a local church, they are missing out on family love and are depriving the family of their contribution.

  • 2 weeks later...

The phrase "members of God's household" let us know that we can be whole in Jesus and that if we put on his nature, we will become like him, wholesome and wanting to do the right things in life to make it happen. We must remember that we are many members, but one body and if all the parts are working together we can be great. The kind of fellowship that is appropriate in the local congregation should be one of love and determination.

We must be determined to reach out and bring the fellowship in the church. We realize we can't do nothing without the help of God because He is the one working with us and through us to get this job done. The congregation should be happy to come together and let the spirit of the Lord flow with the majesty and glory of God.

The implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation is one of not wanting to belong because they don't want to come together as one. But the word of God said "we must not forget to assemble ourselves with one another, because where two or three are gathered together in His name, He will be in the midst".

We have to teach them how to build lasting relationships once they enter into the presence of the Lord and begin serving him realizing that the church is in the heart of the person.


"Members of God's household" tells us that God is our heavenly Father. That we belong to Him. That He is our provider; our keeper; and most of all our Redeemer. Belonging to Him shows how much He loves us and how much He wants to be our Father. CeCe Winans has a song out that says, "I want to be your everything." It is talking aboaut how God wants to be our everything, that through our submission to him totally, He becomes our Father, taking care of our every need. God wants us as His children. He has adopted us into His family. It also tells us that we, who are believers, are a family, and that we are to love one another as God has loved us. The nature of both God and Church is to exemplify the love of God. Those who are not faithful in being a part of a local congregation is forsaking the assembly. God said that we are to come together to encourage one another and to strengthen one another. Where one is weak, the other is strong. We truly are our brother's keeper.

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