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The church to me is not a building but the people that makes it up. We all come from different walks of life but when we worship our Lord and Savior together we are the church. We should welcome all into worship with us as God wants us to do with him.

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If we are fellow-citizens with the Jewish believers, what are we citizens of?

We are fellow-citizens of the household of God.

In what sense are we "holy" or "saints"?

In the sense that we are now God

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Members of God's Household tells us the nature of the Church is as a temple, holy ground in which we come to worship the one and only God. God is a caring, demanding, yet loving God; He cares for all, demands our love, and loves abundantly without question.

It tells us that the church today should worship with all our heart and the members should be as a family in Christ Jesus, and the church family, which God has assigned to them.

Christians that are not faithful, have many problems, hurts, wounds and hard backgrounds. When we allow God to Control our lives we can find peace. Sure we will still have our trials but through our Faith and Trust in God "We shall overcome"

  • 5 weeks later...

We are in a family, God's family and are brothers and sisters in Christ, with the Lord Jesus as our elder brother. God is love and that love embraces His children. The local church is not just a part of the church it is a microcosm of the whole church and forms a family in itself. Those who fail to gather with the local congregation are staying outside the family in disobedience to God

  • 4 weeks later...

In a household there are tasks for each member to perform. When someone doesn't carry their load the others are either overburdened or disruption occurs. This the local church, the members are to assume their roles to assist tha leadership depending of the talents each possesses. We are bear one another's burdens and biding up the wounds od the hurting members.

  • 2 months later...

The phrase "member s of God's household" tells us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God that we are part of the body of Christ and part of God's temple. It tells us about the kind of fellowship that is appropriate in the local congregation that it should be reverent and worshipping, glorifying, and raising up the Lord God. The implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation are that they will not be filled with the presence of the Lord, they will be left out of His body, and will not be a part of the foundation of God's temple.

  • 2 months later...

3(Ephesians2:19b)W does the phrase "members of Gods household"tell us about the nature of the church and about the nature of God?What does it it tell us about the kind of fellowshipthat is appropriate in the local concregation?What are the implications for those Christains who aren`t faithful to gather with the local congregation?


We have the privilege of being fellow citizens with the saints,and now being members of"the household of faith."Galatians6:10.


We are not just house guest or house servants,we have been adopted and are now members of Gods family.


The appropriate fellowship in the local congregation.The church is a family.It is comprised of people of different backgrounds,races,color and education,etc.We dont chose them,but we must love them.Why?Because they have one thing in common.They or we all trust in Jesus Christ and have been chosen ,elected by the father to be his family.When we enter into the family of God He teaches love as the prime directive within His household. We learn to love one another in the family and,create a microcosm of God round about us .We are family and are joined to one another by the strongest of bonds.

  • 3 weeks later...

God is the father figure in the family (church).

The fellowship of a biblical congregation is like that of family members - usually very caring when it all boils down(!), direct, honest and seeking the best interest of that brother or sister.

Christians who do not "assemble themselves together" faithfully place themselves outside the love, care, protection, honesty, correction and family values of the family. Therefore they are unsafe, unprotected, uncorrected, unaligned with values, outside the care zone, and ripe to be pIcked off by satan prowling around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. DANGEROUS! LOOKING FOR TROUBLE!

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Ephesians 2:19b) What does the phrase "members of God's household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God?

The church is not the building we worship in, but the worshipers. We are members of God

  • 2 weeks later...

"members of GOD's household" tells us that God the Son is the Head of the church and we are its members. All who have received Jesus Christ as personal Savior are brothers and sisters in the Lord. We should be loving one another just as we are and not rejecting someone because they are not as we think they should be.

The fellowship of the members of GOD's household should be a sweet, loving fellowship, closer than our biological family members.

Those Christians who are not faithful to gather with the local congregation are out of fellowship with the Lord. They have either been hurt or have not grown in the Christian walk.

  • 5 months later...

The Church is to be considered as a household, a loving and caring family where the Lord is the father and the congregation are the children. As brothers and sisters, the congregation are supposed to learn to love one another and rever the Lord and put all your faith on Him for He is the provider and the Head of the house. Some of our brothers and sisters could be difficult to get with, but you never choose your brothers and sisters, we nweed to learn to love one another. Christ died for all of us and He wants us to be bound by his love.

A true congregation of the Lord is His Household, where He is the center of everything and where through His love the children unite themselves to serve His purpose not their fleshly individualistic motives. To be in and with the family of God, the congregation, at good times and bad times in serving His purpose and to keep your faith focused on Christ is what is all Christianity about.

Some brothers and sisters may feel that they do not need this company, or that they can do by themselves if God be with them. But the point is this "is it the will of God for man to be alone?" Ofcourse not! No matter how bad or good our brethren might be they still remain our brethren, we need to worship the Lord with them and we need to be built as his holy duelling together.

  • 10 months later...
:lol: It tells us that we as the body of believers are one family, under on father "God". The nature of the church is that just as we are members of an earthly family and we all have different chores and responsiblilities so should it be with the church family. God has given us responsiblilties "the call". He chose us for a purpose. We need to ask God to reveal that calling so we can be functioning in God's family as we should. Gods nature is of loving father and protector and provider of his children.

;) We are to love our brothers and sisters in church as Christ loved us. I come from a family of 5 brothers/sisters and we don't always agree with each other, however when the storms of life come we are there for each other offering all type of support. Sometimes it is very hard to love someone but it is not a choice we have we must love all men. If we love only the loveable what does that show , nothing but because Christ lives in us we can now love, no matter what the circumstances are. Remember if we can't love our brother/sister whom we can see how can we say the love of God is on us and that we love God.

:) We are to gather together in one accord so we can encourge uplift each other etc etc......those who do not fellowship are missing out on many of God's blessings. Its an awesome time when a church can join together and give praises unto the Lord almighty and feel his presence in the sanctuary. God made the church for our benefit.

[quote name=NASHVILLE071995' date='May 13 2003, 06:33 AM It tells us that we as the body of believers are one family, under on father "God". The nature of the church is that just as we are members of an earthly family and we all have different chores and responsiblilities so should it be with the church family. God has given us responsiblilties "the call". He chose us for a purpose. We need to ask God to reveal that calling so we can be functioning in God's family as we should. Gods nature is of loving father and protector and provider of his children.

;) We are to love our brothers and sisters in church as Christ loved us. I come from a family of 5 brothers/sisters and we don't always agree with each other, however when the storms of life come we are there for each other offering all type of support. Sometimes it is very hard to love someone but it is not a choice we have we must love all men. If we love only the loveable what does that show , nothing but because Christ lives in us we can now love, no matter what the circumstances are. Remember if we can't love our brother/sister whom we can see how can we say the love of God is on us and that we love God.

:) We are to gather together in one accord so we can encourge uplift each other etc etc......those who do not fellowship are missing out on many of God's blessings. Its an awesome time when a church can join together and give praises unto the Lord almighty and feel his presence in the sanctuary. God made the church for our benefit.[/quote]

If we love only the loveable what does that show , nothing but because Christ lives in us we can now love, no matter what the circumstances are. Remember if we can't love our brother/sister whom we can see how can we say the love of God is on us and that we love God.

:) We are to gather together in one accord so we can encourge uplift each other etc etc......those who do not fellowship are missing out on many of God's blessings. Its an awesome time when a church can join together and give praises unto the Lord almighty and feel his presence in the sanctuary. God made the church for our benefit.


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

The phrase " members of God's household" , It tells us about the nature of the church and nature of God - in that the Church is a family , and in a family you do not choose to have them , whether they are good or not you must Love them. You remain a member of that family.

For us Christians we have one thing in common , we all trust in Jesus and have been choosen , elected , by the father (God) to be His Family. We are joined to each other by very strong bonds.

So us a church we must love one another and encourage each other all the time.

  • 6 months later...

In verses 2:14-18, Paul instructs us that Christ himself is our peace and unifier. He has joined the Jews and the non Jews together as one. He broke down dividing walls making peace and gaining access for all to our Father through the Holy Spirit.

By being members of God's household, we are all equal as members, under God with Jesus as our cornerstone.

The nature of the church and the nature of God to me is unity and oneness in love. We are being built together. We are many, but one. In Christ we are joined together to become a dwelling place in which God lives.

Church becomes a place where fellowship is designed for God's presence and purposes. We should be unified in these purposes. We should meet for these purposes and we should share our gifts and talents in the church for these purposes. We should be revealing the good news of Jesus Christ in our actions towards each other and to those whom God sends to us. It's all about Jesus!

When Christians aren't faithful to gather within the church, I think that implies a lack of understanding or even faith in knowing who they are in Christ. They lack the understanding of the purpose of their lives or in understanding not only their relationship to God but with each other. It's like a body having parts that casually dismiss themselves from being connected for a day. We need all the parts to function properly and we need to be connected to one head to direct us in what to do!

We are called to share about salvation through Christ and we are called to build the church, not divide it!

A house divided can not stand.

We need to love. We have known His love and we trust in that love. God is love. Those who live in love, live in Him and He in them!

What does the phrase "members of God's household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God? What does it tell us about the kind of fellowship that is appropriate in the local congregation? What are the implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation?

The church is a family, each member of the church is a member of God's family and God is the Father of each member of the church. His love is the love of a father towards His child. This should bind us together. Unlike our friends, we do not chose our family. But Jesus requires us to love every member of God's family without exception. This love must transcend social class and circumstances. It means we should really engage with our local congregation - not as some kind of social club - but because we are all vital members of the church and we must be a vital part of God's presence on earth. If we are standoffish and avoid our local congregation we are not real members of Christ's body, His church, and we are defying what we are told to do. Our engagement is not to be a voluntary matter; nor is it to be grudgingly given. If it is, it will diminish the effectiveness of the church.

  • 3 months later...

Question#3.) (Epesians2:19b) a.) To be a "member of God's household"is that we have been adopted in to God's family and it does not matter about our circumstances or what we have done, we are accepted. b.) We need to got to church, to show God that we love our family and him. c.) Christians who are not being faithful in the local congregation are not blessing the family or the church, they are not sharing God's love with the family, they have taken out part of the body.

  • 2 months later...
Q3. (Ephesians 2:19b) What does the phrase "members of God's household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God? What does it tell us about the kind of fellowship that is appropriate in the local congregation? What are the implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation? Exposition

House hold of God refers to us as being family. God loves the church and desires to be our Father. to care for and to protect us and to provide for us. He also desires our love and affection in return. The appropriate fellowship is that of brothers and sisters. we may not always agree - but we should always love. You don't give up on family and you dont walk away from family. Many times those that don't gather with the local congregation have been hurt in the church - and there is no hurt like the hurt you can get in church. God wants us to gather in love and to worship together. People need to overcome their hurts and disappointments and be a part on the local church so they can help others and so others can help them.

  • 5 months later...

Q3. (Ephesians 2:19b) What does the phrase "members of God's household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God?

The phrase "members of God's household" tell us that all believers make up the Church of God and that God is the God of ALL.

What does it tell us about the kind of fellowship that is appropriate in the local congregation?

In the local congregation our fellowship should be as among family.

What are the implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation?

Thos who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation is neglecting to meet with family members.

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (Ephesians 2:19b) What does the phrase "members of God's household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God? What does it tell us about the kind of fellowship that is appropriate in the local congregation? What are the implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation?

"Members of God's household" tells us that the nature of the Church is one of an extended family of which Jesus Christ is at the head. Part of God's nature seems to be that He desires to bring people together as an extended family to love, nuture, and care for one another. For fellowship, service and coporate worship and prayer.

Local Churches should have fellowships that emphaize love, nuture and care for another. Fellowship should be on a frequent basis so that the Body of Christ can really know each other and minister to one another as well as the community at large. Christians should be one as Jesus and God were one. (John 17). You have to have frequent fellowship in order to become as one.

The implication for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation is that they do not have an understanding of what the Church is and their responsibility to it. It is also an indication of spiritual immaturity and self-will over the Will of God.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone. I am certainly enjoying the study!

What does the phrase "members of God's

household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the

nature of God? What does it tell us about the kind of fellowship

that is appropriate in the local congregation? What are the

implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather

with the local congregation? It tells me that family is important to God. The church needs to be reminded that they are one family in Him. God wants unity in our lives and communion with him as a family. We need not forsake assembling ourselves together in His name because it is not healthy for us. We also must get along with one another and accept each other in love. It is like when we do not show up to church, it hurts others. It would be like we stayed out all night and did not let anyone know where we were at. It hurts everyone when people do not come to church. Never mine what it does to the one who does not come. God wants unity in His church family.

Q3. (Ephesians 2:19b) What does the phrase "members of God's household" tell us about the nature of the Church and about the nature of God? What does it tell us about the kind of fellowship that is appropriate in the local congregation? What are the implications for those Christians who aren't faithful to gather with the local congregation? Exposition

If we're serious about interpretation of scripture, we have to keep it in context, wherein a lot of factors come into play.

The context is referring spiritually to us as citizens of the household of God and the picture here is a "building" or "dwelling place" of God just as when Paul speaks about the edification of the church in Cor. the picture is also

"building up" as in a structure. Preceding verse 19, however, he is speaking about Israel and the Gentiles being made into one "new man". Then in v. 20 he continues after saying that we are fellow citizens of God's household "having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Himself being the cornerstone." It is an analogy coming together - v. 21 in whom the whole building is growing (present tense) into a a holy temple in the Lord in whom you also are being built (present tense) together into a dwellling of God in the Spirit. It's a picture of the developing universal church as a dwelling place of God.There is no substitute for following the Spirit as he leads and speaks his peace to our hearts. Hopefully, we are encouraged and edified when we come together locally, but I have also experienced the opposite. The writers of Hebrews says not to forsake the assembling of themselves together, but, again in context, he was speaking to a group of believers who was under some serious persecution to go back under the law, posing a threat to their faith in the new covenant they were now under and, as he was encouraging them, he desired that they encourage one another. The writer felt they needed support and instruction. Other than that, I know of no other "implications for those who aren't faithful" and I deeply resent anyone who would put a guilt trip on us because they are misguided themselves or have a personal agenda. Galations has a lot to say about standing our ground in the freedom Christ purchased for us and scripture says to let his "peace" be our mediator. However, it seems that we sometimes have to do a lot of struggling with the law before we let go of it, depending largely, I think, on the degree of influence of incorrect thinking and teaching and other exposure.

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