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Q1. (1 Timothy 3:2-12) What kind of leader do you believe Paul is indicating for us with the phrase "husband of one wife"? Why is a leader's family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems?

*A leader who is disciplined & in control of his home & is free of moral controversies.

*A leader's family is an important indicator of leadership potential or problems because as the saying goes, you can tell a tree by its fruits .If the family turns out to be chaotic, then it's obvious that the leader has no leadership potentials at all.

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Q1. (1 Timothy 3:2-12; Titus 1:6)

What kind of leader do you believe Paul is indicating for us with the phrase "husband of one wife"?

Paul's considerations for the leaders of the small, suspect, and sometimes persecuted religion known as Christianity was leaders who were people of respect in the community, that means they have to be:

                 Respectable because of their behavior in the community,

                 Worthy of respect, respect is earned,

                 Good reputation, this is not a short term event but years and years of building-up credible characteristics.

Why is a leader's family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems?

The ability of the leader to manage his family, his children should obey him, respect him and believers themselves. 


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Q1. (1 Timothy 3:2-12) What kind of leader do you believe Paul is indicating for us with the phrase "husband of one wife"? Why is a leader's family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems?


By teaching that a leader should be a husband of one wife, Paul is saying that there should be no polygamy. Leaders should thus be faithful and restrict themselves to only one wife.

It is given, that a family that is well managed and is peaceful and loving will produce good leadership ability in the church and in in the work place too.

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With the phrase "husband of one wife" I think Paul in indicating a leader who is faithful and committed to his calling just as he is faithful and committed to his wife.  It takes commitment, dedicating, and faithfulness (and lets not forget prayer) along with love and forgiveness to make a marriage work as God intended and it takes the same for the church.  We are none perfect and scripture tells us that love hides a  multitude of sin but the leader should be dedicated to making his marriage work as well as dedicated to making the Church work as God intended.

A leader's family is an indicator of his potential as well as problems because if the husband has no control of his own house  he is not likely to exercise control over God's bouse.  If his family shows him no respect others are no likely to do so either.

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Q1. (1 Timothy 3:2-12; Titus 1:6) What kind of leader do you believe Paul is indicating for us with the phrase “husband of one wife”?

ANSWER: The topic, “husband of one wife” is important because the leadership of the church will determine the character of the church. A godly church is impossible without godly leadership. Paul’s warning stands clear; a godly church needs godly leaders. We must be very careful who we entrust with this responsibility. According to 1 Timothy 3:2-12 and Titus 1:6, the kind of leader that Paul is indicating with the phrase “husband of one wife”, expresses requirements for two different levels of church leadership. The first are ''elders'' or ''overseers.'' These men are to be experienced Christians, respectable, capable teachers, with a good reputation and a well-ordered family life. The second group are ''servants,'' or ''deacons,'' who share many of the same expectations. Unlike elders, however, deacons are not necessarily called on to teach. And, they are expected to be ''tested'' prior to taking on their role.

Why is a leader’s family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems?

ANSWER: A leader’s family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems because it is believed that church leaders must be able to manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church. there is a direct relationship between the ability to provide effective leadership to one's family household and the ability to manage God's household, the church.

Finally, If the church leader is acting effectively, his children should (1) obey him, (2) respect him, and (3) be believers themselves. Of course, children will increasingly exhibit their own personalities and character. But observing them will tell you something about the candidate for church leadership. Of course, our cultures are different than the strong patriarchal family structure of the first century, so that must be taken into account, also. Leadership must  not to be autocratic or domineering. Rather the church leaders role is to "care for, take care of" the church (1 Timothy 3:5), as would a servant or steward of someone else's property.

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With the statement 'husband of one wife" Paul was saying that a leader should be faithful, and able to be an example for others in the church.  They should be above reproach in the larger community so as not to give the church a bad reputation and others in the church will chose to pattern their lives after him.  A leader should have established a consistence pattern of marital faithfulness before becoming a leader of the church for if they cannot be trusted with worldly things how can they be trusted with the things of God.

A leader's family is an important indicator of his leadership potential or problems because if he has ruled his family well more than likely he will do the same for the church but if he lacks control of his family this could be an indication of future problems. A good decorum with his family, and children willing to observes his orders, especially the rules of God's Word is a good indication of a man who can preside of over his house, rules in it, provides for it, and sees that everything is in its proper place and done according to the will of God.  He should be able to rule well in the house of God.

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The phrase "husband of one wife" indicates that he is committed and faithful to one person and the full attention is given to the wife in building a stern relationship unlike where there is polygamy because there commitment cannot be measured. The respect, focus, discipline, trust and love all shared with the one wife. These are attributes that are needed to have a stable church that focuses on God alone.

A well managed family that is stable and trusting in God alone is an indication that the leader will be able to give direction and manage all the affairs of the church with integrity. A family where children respect adults and are obedient shows that commitment, dedication and diligence are an integral part of a well managed family and the leadership there is rooted in God.

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Q1. (1 Timothy 3:2-12; Titus 1:6) What kind of leader do you believe Paul is indicating for us with the phrase "husband of one wife"? Why is a leader's family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems?

I think that he’s talking about a leader who is still married to the wife of his youth. A one woman man, who chose well and worked hard to make his marriage a success and a testimony of God’s grace.         
Divorce and infidelity probably wasn’t as prevalent as it is today, with more polygamy   in 1st century Asia Minor than there is presently. It’s not alway easy to find a one woman man in today’s society. Although there are many men who are eligible to be bishops, elders, or deacons. By God’s infinite grace, a man’s (or woman’s) life is not defined by past mistakes and sins. With a broken and contrite spirit and a heart willing to repent a person can be restored. Ready, willing and reliable to be put into God’s service.

If a man can’t manage his own family he would be hard pressed to manager God’s family; a church. 



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A man who is well rounded.  Apostle Paul is emphasizing good character of the bishop/pastor.   Being in a state of marriage is a good indicator that the candidate to the office of Bishop is mature.   A mature person with a well developed character is a prime candidate for such an important role in the local church.  A individual with such character flaws, though zealous for pastoral office, is not a proper candidate for the local church nor for a diocese encompassing local churches.  Being married with a well ordered house, a calm demeanor, hospitable, able to teach and who is spiritually mature---is a proper candidate.

Having a family is a good indication that the Ministerial candidate is able to lead a congregation.    The church must be very careful as to avoid creating scandal by appointing people who are not ready to handle the responsibilities of pastoral leadership.   In consideration of a Ministerial candidate, reviews from outside church sources are also very important.   They have pertinent insights that perhaps a church board or Ministerial assessment team missed along the way.


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Q1. (1 Timothy 3:2-12) Titus 1:6 What kind of leader do you believe Paul is indicating for us with the phrase "husband of one wife?

Paul meant that literally a married man should be a one-woman man. A man should not **** for another woman, nor commit adultery. A man should be faithful in his marriage as well as a married woman. Having a godly relationship first with God.

Why is a leader's family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems.

A godly leader should b e able to manage his own family well and see that this children obey him with proper respect. When a leader is respected and shows that he is capable of straighten communities and values the feelings of others this makes his voice heard he will will enable to make positive changes.

When a leader cannot control his own home and there's no respect and his priorities   are not in alignment with the will of God there will always be downfalls.

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Paul is looking for a person that he knows will not run off because of a woman. If he is the “husband of one wife” there would be no way to blackmail him. It is an important indicator of leadership potential if he has control of his own family. If he doesn’t have control of his family then how is going to maintain control of the church.

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Q1. (1 TIMOTHY 3:2-12; TITUS 1:6)

What kind of leader do you believe Paul is indicating for us with the phrase "husband of one wife"? Why is a leader's family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems?

This must be a leader of unquestioned morality – above reproach. If married, he must be entirely true and faithful to his one and only wife. The leader must also have no immoral relationships with other women. They must be spiritually mature, and I feel that the fruit of the Spirit should be reflected in what they believe and how they live. He must love our Lord Jesus with a passion. How well a person runs his own home can be a good indicator of his ability as a leader of a church. Any defect of Christian character often shows up in how he rules his children. If a leader cannot manage his own family, how will he be able to manage a congregation that is much more diversified and much larger?  It is obvious that if a man is unfit to rule in the smaller sphere, he would be clearly disqualified for the larger.

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One who is faithful to his one and only wife, has self control over all aspects of life. Has a good reputation has the ability to teach others, and invites people into his home.
        A church is like a family, if you cant control your home family how can you control the church family

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If you as a man of God cannot control your wife or your children, you are not fit to lead a church, periodt. Or be in positions of leadership in general. 

Especially if your wife is acting up and rebelling and undermining your authority that is a major red flag that you as a man are not following God's instructions and laws. 

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If you as a man of God cannot control your wife or your children, you are not fit to lead a church, periodt. Or be in positions of leadership in general. 

Especially if your wife is acting up and rebelling and undermining your authority that is a major red flag that you as a man are not following God's instructions and laws. 

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