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For me, "godliness" is striving to emulate the life of Christ. We should strive to serve others, to help those less fortunate, to comfort those in need of it. We can try to achieve some measure of godliness by taking the teachings of Jesus into our heart and minds, and letting our hearts and hands do His work. Those who try to achieve "godliness" by a strict morality are really just trying to prove to others that they are better. If we live in a godly manner, we don't need to make a big show of it. Our lives and actions will be apparent to others.

  • 11 months later...
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How would you define "godliness"?

Godliness is being a reflexion of God. Showing why we were made to His Image. Living in such a way that Jesus is seen in our actions because His Spirit is living in us.

What produces godliness in a person?

The Holy Spirit that makes us bear fruit of the Spirit.

How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality?

Following our own ideas vs obeying God, following the lead of the Holy Spirit.

  • 9 months later...

Q3. (1 Timothy 4:7-8) How would you define "godliness"? What produces godliness in a person? How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality?

I would define godliess as living to please God out of love for Him.

The transforming power of the Holy Spirit and a person's response to God's Word produces a desire within a person to please God by living a godly life.

Godliness springing from a love for God is personal vice an impersonal adherence to a moral code Adhering to a moral or religious code is more about the individual than pleasing and honoring God.

  • 4 months later...

3a)Godliness is inwardly seeking&serving God in love&seeking to please him,because we love Him more than sin. It is the fruit of our love for God, and is shown by how we chose to think & what we do each day.e.gLiving in peace with our neighbour,work collegues,family,doing good deeds for each other and not participating with gossip,drunken,anger,bitterness or other sinful behaviour.It is our fulfilment of first Great commandment Mark12:29-30
B) God’s HolySpirit in us helping us listen&yield to the Spirit’s prompting,guidance&correction as a way of life produces godliness in us.Each day as we confess our errors,learn from them &receive God’s forgiveness,we can step forward cleansed in peace&Christ’s power.
c)Godliness is different because strict morality is an outward obedience or legalism seeking to not dox out of selfish fear of punishment or to adance self.Godliness however is action withHS help out of love for God&seeking to please Him not self.

  • 10 years later...

Godliness is best described in Apostle Paul's list of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  Apostle Paul's background was replete with various laws, prohibitions and dietary laws.  Apostle Paul was so caught up with the Lord Jesus Christ and the mystery of Faith and mystery of Godliness.   No wonder why Paul was so emphatic on not stressing various rules and having a Manichean view on creation.  He couldn't add nor dare subtract on the salvific work of Christ.  Nor would Paul preach cheap grace.   

The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will quicken our mortal bodies.  Apostle Paul was firmly convinced that the HOLY Spirit is able to sanctify the believer.

A strict mortality had it's place.   However; the believer has supernatural power to live a consecrated life.   Due to the HOLY Spirit, s believer really doesn't need someone do be with him 24x7 reminding him of rules to follow.   The new believer has a heart of love for God, something new has happened!  New desires for holiness, disdain for the sinfull ways of the world. A new song permeates his heart and mouth! Living right is the natural outflow and not a burden of going by do's and don'ts.  

  • 3 months later...

How would you define "godliness"? What produces godliness in a person? How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality?

I would describe my family as good-godless. They're morally strict, completely honest in their dealings with others including finance, upright to the point of being inflexible, non-demonstrative emotionally because they value "rational relationships", and, in the past, politically active because "we owe it to society." I was taught, as a young child, a form of noblesse oblige, though I don't want to make it seem snotty or stuffy: I was taught to "give back" because "it's the right thing to do."

My family is also comprised of hard-core atheists.

For many years I had difficulty reconciling my own moral failures with my faith -- and my family's seeming moral rectitude with their atheism. Surely, I thought, the faith-filled should be "better" than the faithless? Shouldn't the faithful have a knee-jerk tendency toward doing the right thing which the godless do not possess? Shouldn't the presence of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of Christians incline them toward goodness and godliness in a way that overwhelms the paltry good deeds of the godless?

I do think, on average, that Christians are more moral in their behavior than non-Christians, even though statistics such as the divorce rate suggest otherwise. But there are plenty of moral people outside the church, such as my family. This still gives me pause.

Often, the behaviors of the strict moralists mime those of godly Christians. They're indistinguishable at the behavioral level, that is. What makes a godly person godly is his or her motivation and what's in the heart. A godly person is motivated to please God, to honor Him in little ways by self-sacrificing moral behavior. Furthermore, a godly person has not just internalized moral behaviors, but can name them -- generosity, patience, self-control, etc. A godly person knows these behaviors, as they are developed within, to have been prompted and nurtured by the Spirit.

A residue of God's morality remained after the fall. Some non-believers picked up, or were taught, to be moral because of this residue which still persists in society. This is more than "general revelation" -- it is God's continual working in nature and human society. He hasn't let society implode but actively kept HIs orderly ways and behavioral norms alive ... though it often doesn't seem that way.









We must be intentional. We must be consistent in seeking to know and become more like Jesus - using every means God has given us to know Him and grow in His likeness.

Just as an athlete must be disciplined and determined to remain fit and grow in strength, so, too, must we in spiritual godliness; i.e., Bible reading, studying, prayer, and worship. Slothful Christians do not become godly. Neglecting our spiritual disciplines will not grow godliness or usefulness to the Lord.

Bodily fitness is temporary, but spiritual fitness lasts for eternity. 

Spiritual growth impacts eternity. Paul often speaks of the "next life" as the true focus of the believer. Colossians 3:2 reminds us to "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."

As a child I used to hear "Don't be so heavenly minded that you are of no earthly good," It is true that we cannot ignore the earthly realities around us. However, a person with a godly perspective on the good things God has given us (1 Timothy 4:4) can be completely "heavenly minded" and still of much "earthly good."




L I’m Q3.Godliness is something that is developed over time by consistently being immersed in the things of God. We do this for just one reason and that is that we love God so very much. It is something that is developed within our hearts over time as we grow in our knowledge and love of Christ. It is not something we notice ourselves but can be noticed by others. It takes time, consistency and single mindedness! We love God so much that we don’t want to offend or hurt Him in any way.

Godliness is something that happens deep inside us in private with God. Strict Morality is a code of do’s and don’t that may have little to do with pleasing God, and more likely to be pleasing ourselves and thinking we are so much better than most people! It is religion and law keeping and nothing to do with a relationship with the Living God.


Q3. (1 Timothy 4:7-8)

How would you define "godliness"?

It is to live a life that pleasing GOD. A character build by GOD's nature, to conformed to GOD. 

What produces godliness in a person?

The fruit of love for God. Saturated in HIS presence.

How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality?

Godliness is a close inner spiritual relationship between GOD and man.

Embracing a strict morality just to live a good life!!!


I think this section summarized godliness perfectly.  It is living and thinking with a focus on how God wishes us to live, using Christ as an example.

Close association with God enables godliness:  studying the scriptures daily (as did the Bereans) if you can, living healthy (I make bad decisions and exhibit bad behaviours more when I am hungry and sleepy), putting everyday experiences into a heavenly/Godly perspective.  I try to ask myself if there is anything I should be doing for someone else?  Is there anything I should do to support organizations more.  It really is a struggle if we try to do this on our own.  I think somehow, we need to listen and recognize the Holy Spirit more and his guidance.  He is the true teacher, not through ourselves.


Godliness is expressing our love for God who has loved us first by sending His sinless Son on earth to set us free from eternal death. Such depth of love drives us to honour Him with a heart who seeks to please Him. 
This desire comes out of a loving and grateful heart .It does not boast of any  achievement from self . That godliness has the power to change our inner beings and show humility and love for God and for people on earth.


Q3. (1 Timothy 4:7-8) How would you define "godliness"? What produces godliness in a person? How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality?

A3. Godliness is living to love and please God by obeying his word. It also involves loving one another as our selves. 

This is tough but doable with the help of the Holy Spirit. And when we fall, we should humbly repent and move on again.

This then is the difference with mere exhibition or legalistic observation of set of rules without regards to loving God and man- your “neighbour”


Godliness is living a life that results in actions that are pleasing to God.  Not only do we obey God but we respect Him.  We are instructed to add godliness to faith when we become born again believers.

Godliness is produce as we train and discipline ourselves in doctrines which are according to godliness and tend toward godly edification as the Holy Spirit leads us.  We  exercise the heart in truth, sincerity, and faith as we exhibit faith, hope, love, reverence, humility, and spiritual worship of God according to His will.

Our embracing strict morality may keep us out of bad company and from doing evil things but it will be of no give us everlasting life.  Without internal godliness and spiritual worship we will not enjoy all the good things and mercies of life God has promised to His spiritual worshipers, those who fear him and walk upright.


Q3. (1 Timothy 4:7-8) How would you define "godliness"? What produces godliness in a person? How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality?

*Godliness is living to please God.

*Submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit produces godliness in a person.

*Godliness is different from embracing a strict morality because, here, it is the holy Spirit at work within the individual, producing godliness with the individual's full cooperation.


Q3. (Hebrews 1:2; Romans 8:17; 1 Corinthians 3:22) In what sense is Jesus "Heir of All Things”?

ANSWER: Jesus is the heir of all things, and that all things includes you, but to get you he had to pay for your sins. And on the cross he did. As the Son of God, (the King of kings and Lord of lords), Jesus is the heir of all that God possesses. Everything that exists will find its true meaning only when it comes under the final control of Christ.

What does it imply that we are co-heirs with Him?

ANSWER: According to Peter, Jesus inheritance “can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for us.” What this means for us, as followers of Christ, we are adopted into God’s family as His children, and we are “co-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17). As co-heirs with Christ, we are set to inherit all that Christ inherits, namely, salvation from sin and eternal life with Him.

3 Reasons Why We Are an Heir of God.

  1. We Are an Heir of God Because We Are a Child of God.
  2. We Are an Heir Because We Are Redeemed From the Curse.
  3. We Are an Heir Because We Are a Joint Heir With Jesus.

When we accepted Jesus as our Savior and Lord, we joined God’s family. We  became one of His children, and we received the same rights and privileges that Jesus has. Romans 8:17 refers to us as a joint heir with Jesus.

In what sense do we possess all things?

ANSWER: The sense in which we posses all things is, all things belong to those who belong to Christ. And our inheritance is: The world. The earth and all that is in it. The nations. Everything is yours because you are Christ’s:

  1. Christ’s body,
  2. Christ’s bride,
  3. Christ’s subject,
  4. Christ’s sibling, and
  5. Christ’s fellow-heir.

And why does belonging to Christ make all things yours?

  1. Because Christ is God’s. “You are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.” Christ is God’s Son. Christ is God’s Word (John 1:1).
  2. Christ is God’s image (2 Corinthians 4:4).
  3. Christ is God’s Beloved (Matthew 17:5).
  4. Christ is God’s radiance (Hebrews 1:3).
  5. Christ is God’s essence (Hebrews 1:3).
  6. Christ is God’s heir (Hebrews 1:2).

All the Father is, or can be, or can do for a creature, He is and does for you because you are Christ’s.


Godliness” the word is translated from the Greek word for "piety", and is used in the New Testament fourteen times in the letters of Peter and Paul. While the expression also refers to the divinity of God, godliness in the Bible is mainly used to describe a positive way of life influenced by God, and inspired reflection in the tenets of the Christian faith.
        Morality is the belief that some behavior is right and acceptable and that other behavior is wrong.


Q3. (1 Timothy 4:7-8) How would you define "godliness"? What produces godliness in a person? How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality?

Christlikeness, holiness, perfect love.

Gratitude, a deep appreciation for everything that has been done for me by a loving Father who accepts me, a loving Son who died for me and a Holy Spirit who indwells and intercedes for me. A sincere love for God and a desire to honor Him in all areas of my life.

Godliness is once again rooted in a deep appreciation and gratitude for what has been done for me. A sense of being.                                
Adhering to strict set of rules is works based and once again focuses on the external. (look at what I’m doing) Yet my heart may be very far away. From the external to the internal. From works to the heart.   




The secret of the devout Christian life is the indwelling of Christ within, not on abstaining from things without.  The Christian who dwells in the Holiest of Holies is focused on Christ alone; it is without controversy, undisputed fact that Christ is the mystery of Godliness..1 Timothy 3: 3:16; Colossians 1:27.  Godliness is outworking of the Grace of God outworking in our daily lives.  Our characters are being formed; we have the Mind of Christ as we study the HOLY BIBLE.

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are manifest in our lives as we walk with the Lord.  It is indisputable....Christ lives in me.   I now have soteria due to the one final sacrifice of Christ.   

Strict morality has its place.   However, we cannot lose sight that it is THE GRACE OF GOD that we are preserved in holiness all day long.   Our focus is on the Lord not focusing on minutae of rules.  In the Christain life, it is due to our love of God that we act in a sanctified manner.  We have been regenerated by the HOLY Spirit.  Adherence to rules alone will only go so far.


Godliness is about following God's blueprint. A person who is rooted in the Word of God will understand things that please God and those that displeases Him. It is all about not being confused by what other people say because if you do not read the Word of God yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the discerning spirit, you will surely not know the mind of God. There is a pattern that God wants us to live our lives and His Word is our manual.

Submitting to the Will of God produces godliness. We cannot want to live our own lives and disregard when God speaks to us, for example, in Ephesians 4:26 the Word of God says "Be angry and do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger". This is but one of the scriptures that shows us that if you go to bed angry, the fruits of the spirit will not be practiced.

Strict morality can be acceptable but does not replace the grace of God that assist us to lead to godliness. We need not lose sight that we have been saved by grace and it is only the Holy Spirit that can help us to live a godly life and what is important is that we should always pray and strive for godliness in our thoughts, speech and actions.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3 (1 Timothy 4:7-8) How would you define "godliness"? The reverent awareness of God's sovereignty over every aspect of life, and the attendant determination to honor him in all one's conduct.

Love for God, pleasing God. When we fall short of the glory of God, we repent, ask forgiveness, and get up to follow our Lord again, wash in the forgiveness of God produces godliness in a person. It is the spiritual fruit that comes form a pattern of yielding again and again to the Holy Spirit.

Godliness comes from seeking to please God; from submitting as a way of life to the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit as well as to his occasional rebuke.


Q3. (1 Timothy 4:7-8)

How would you define "godliness"? What produces godliness in a person? How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality?

To me godliness is a deep devotion to God, and a great awe of God. Which results in living a godly life centred on God Himself - glorifying Him, honouring Him, fearing (reverencing) Him and respecting Him. Our spiritual goal would be complete devotion to God in Christ. Exercising ourselves in the Word increases our godliness. It is an active obedience to the Word that springs from this deep devotion to our Heavenly Father. We become doers of the Word. This involves strict discipline. Spiritual exercise involves, amongst many other things, reading and studying the Bible, prayer, meditation, and witnessing to others. For example, we could do yearly Bible reading plans, and memorising Scripture – perhaps 100 verses yearly. To maintain such a state of godliness involves a continual intake of the Word, with a consistent submission and obedience to the Word of God. By God’s grace and power, we spare no effort to reach our goal - we discard everything that encumbers our spiritual progress. The result is life, fellowship with God in Christ, the love of God in our heart, the peace of God which passes all understanding, complete devotion, and godly living. Everyday walking with the King of kings, Lord of Lords – our Lord Jesus Christ. Who is the essence and wellspring of godliness. Strict morality is self-centred whereas godliness is God-centred.


Godliness is somebody that is following God’s commandments. They are the same when with somebody else or by themselves. They are the same on the outside as in the inside. The thing that produces godliness is staying attached to God and examining the scriptures daily. Godliness is doing things that you know would please God and strict morality is doing things because they have become a habit.

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