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Both the new testament and the old testament serve in helping us grow spiritually and in showing us how to serve God better.

The Word makes a congregation grow. Jesus is the one who trained the apostles and gave the prophets His Word. We have no Word if we don

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The prophets and apostles contribute a lot to my life because the provide instructions, godly principles that I can live by. The Old Testament prophets prepared the way for us and the New Testament apostles provide principles and guildlines for us to live by daily. We need the new testament to give us histroy and the foundation for the coming of Jesus, but we need the apostles to build upon that foundation with the love of Jesus and all that He taught them to tell us. Prophets like Isaiah gave us hope of the coming of the messiah and apostles like Paul help us to take that hope and live, even in the midst of the storms raging around us.

I would have to say that what the prophets and apostles contribute to me, they are doing the same for the church. It is the Word of God that allows us to stand, even when the natural says fall.

I look at the cornerstone as that which holds us together. No building is complete without a cornerstone. And we are not complete without Jesus.

We grow or rise into a holy temple on ithrough the Lord. We must have a relationship with him. Know that He is the chief cornerstone. We build off of His foundation by being one in the Lord. We must learn that we all are needed to build the temple. That each has something to offer in order to make the temple in the Lord. All of us fit together to make the temple in the Lord.

This growth occurs only when we love the Lord and in loving the Lord we can love one another and work together on completing the Great Commission.


How do "the apostles and prophets" contribute to your life today?

They have already laid the foundation for our beliefs and have pointed us towards the one pattern, Jesus

Christ, upon which we can build.

To the life of your congregation?

Through their writings they provide the congregation with examples on how we are suppose to worship, witness, and spread the Gospel message.

In what way should Jesus Christ serve as a cornerstone to your congregation?

He is the one that the apostles and prophets built their foundations upon and is the one who we are to build our foundations upon.

In what sense does a congregation "grow" (KJV, NRSV) or "rise" (NIV) into a holy temple in the Lord?

When we are

  • 1 month later...

The teachings of the Apostles and the Prophets provide a firm foundation to become a Holy Temple with in us for God to Live in our hearts and souls.

The teachings help to build a structure to our lives today, showing the steps to build a spiritual foundation for our families and out church.

Congregations learn to build on the teachings a strong close-knit relationship with other Christians and a warm loving environment in our Churches

Jesus should serve as the cornerstone of our church because he it the redeemer of our sins, he is the strength that holds the church together.

A congregation grows in knowledge and fellowship into a holy temple. These things are needed to strengthen the church and a personal relationship with the one and only God:

Prayer, study of Gods word, and fellowship with other believers.

  • 4 weeks later...

The apostles and prophets contribute to my life as I read the Scriptures and zthey contribute to the life of my congregation as the Word of God is expounded from the pulpit and shared in fellowship groups. We are living stones and we form into a holy temple in the Lord. Growth occurs both in the individual and as others are added to the church by the witness of the congregation.

  • 3 weeks later...

Within the Body of Christ there are various callings. Each member is to respect the calling of the other in order that the whole Body may be in accord with the Head. This Body should draw all men unto itself and thus bring others to Christ. We are to be a 'royal priesthood' ministering to a hurting world. Webecome holy in service. He who would be the greatest must learn to serve the most.


The prophets brought us the teachings of the Old Covenant and the apostles brought us the New Covenant. Together they provide the Scripture we use and live by today in the current church.

Jesus is the cornerstone--he gave the prophets the Word, provided teaching to the apostles, and gave us salvation and hope in the resurrection. I am not a builder, but I would think that the cornerstone, or "capstone" is the basis for the foundation of the building (in this case, the Church). If it would be removed, the whole building would collapse.

We "grow" or "rise" to be a holy temple of the Lord through our love for one another. Eph. 4:16 states that "from whom the whole body, being fitted and held togehter by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love."

  • 2 months later...

"The apostles and the prophets" contribute to my life today by showing me how to obey God in a pleasing way to Him. Jesus Christ should serve as a cornerstone to my congregation by revealing that each blessing in each members life builds and binds the body closer together. A congregation grows and rises by adding faithful members one at a time. Growth occurs to bring this about by making Jesus the foundation of all we do. By excercising faith and giving God the glory until we are a body that houses the Spirit of the Lord in all ways and set a good example to the surrounding community.

  • 2 months later...


The teachings of the prophets of the Old Testament and the teachings of the apostlesin the New Testament provides for me and my congregation a firm foundation upon which we can base our christain life on.


Jesus Christ is the corner stone of that foundation.You see He`s the one that called the apostles,taught and commissioned them to pass His message on to us. Twas by His blood that we were saved from a Devil`s hell.


At the moment we ask Jesus Christ to come into our hearts and save our souls,at that moment we are sealed by the Holy Spirit and He the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts and life and dwells there for ever more. We (our bodys)are the Temple of the Holy Spirit(1cor.6:19). If we will allow the Holy Spirit to lead,guide and instruct us in every way.we will certainly grow.

The more faithful we are in church attendance,Bible reading,prayer and Bible study. The more surrendered life we live,the more we become Christ like.

  • 3 weeks later...

Their investment into the church, even just financially, is amazing. You can see where their treasure is. Every part of their life is for Jesus. They are a wonderful precedent/example for the "flock". They show me how to invest in the Kingdom of Heaven rather than in earthly treasures.

I have just joined a new church, so I don't know too much about the congregation as yet. However I already see that they will be challenged very clearly to overcome petty strife, and get into the meat issues of the gospel. And the example will be right there before them! In this new congregation I have joined, every word of Scripture is learned (by heart in the process of a sermon) and constantly quoted, but in Spirit and in Truth (not twisted). In this way Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of what is being built. Those who "fall into sin" will be chastised rather than overlooked here. Everything is checked out by Scripture and my pastor won't play nice llittle "doing church" games. He is constantly, along with his daily prayer meeting sheep, seeking urgently what God is saying, how to go closer.

He is very careful about who has what authority in the church and how they minister in that. He is accountalbe to God, and listens to us and to other mentors of his. He also holds us accountable. In this way we grow/rise into a Holy Temple in the Lord, a strong, unassailable structure knowing our authority in Christ and investing everything in Him. Our investment (ie the outcome of our faith) is like the mortar binding us together. We can feel ourselves being built into that mighty, powerful structure which the church is intended to be.

Growth is the outcome of what we eat. This congregation is fed meat, not milk (except for young Christians who partake of both!).

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (Ephesians 2:20-21) How do "the apostles and prophets" contribute to your life today? To the life of your congregation?

They have provided for us a good foundation. Even though they are no longer here, we can read their words and learn more about our God.

In what way should Jesus Christ serve as a cornerstone to your congregation?

Jesus is the one that taught the apostles and prophets so they could teach us. Without Jesus as our cornerstone, there would be no church.

In what sense does a congregation "grow" (KJV, NRSV) or "rise" (NIV) into a holy temple in the Lord?

The congregation grows by studying the Word, praying, bringing the lost to Christ, and loving each other.

In what way does growth occur to bring this about?

The growth occurs when we are obedient and submissive to God. That is when we grow spiritually. :rolleyes:

  • 2 weeks later...

The apostles and prophets contribute to my life today in that they personally laid the foundation on which the Church is built. Acts 2:42 tells us that the early church built its doctrine upon that of the apostles. As the members of the congregation read GOD's Word and obey it our lives are affected by the prophets and the apostles.

"Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone" reveals that Christ is the Rock on which the church is built. The prophets and apostles put down the foundation, and Christ is the chief corner stone, the Rock.

The Temple, which is the church is growing in the sense that the Holy Spirit is in the midst. As we grow in the Word we become more like Christ.

  • 5 months later...

The teaching of the apostles and the prohets is the basis for our belief, they guide us in our quest for the truth and assist us in leading our life in Christ who is the cornerstone of the Kingdom of God. Individual christian's life is built on their teachings as is the congregation's.

Moreover, Christ is the Cornerstone of Christianity. Christ is the one who died for our salvation.

The Church, the congregation is built on the cornerstone and it grows into the holy temple of the Lord God being carved and dressed by the craft of the teaching of the holy scripture which God spoke to us through the prophets and apostles. As the congregation worships God and starves to teach and support one another with the gifts of the Spirit it grows into His Holy Temple.

This growth occurs when we fellowship and when the body of Christ becomes one.

  • 6 months later...

All Word of God is good for instruction whether it comes from the prophets or the apostles. What a simple and wholesome life we would lead if we only adhered to all the teaching in the bible. There would be no false church growth <_< (only by number) but the numbers would increased purely because of the growth in spirit and truth.

  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

The apostles and prophets contribute to my life today in that without them it could have been impossible for me to know the Lord Jesus Christ .

It is through reading the scripture that contributes to the development of our faith.

Reading the Bible helps us to worship God aright.

One thing that comes from exploring the scripture is the nurturing of hope.Christian hope is a confident expectation regarding the future . This why Bible- reading Christians are neither despairing pessimists nor silly optimists. Despite all that is happening in the world which fills the human heart with gloom , we know God has everything in His hands and will one day come again to this earth to right all wrongs and take full control over human affairs.

Another benefit that comes from meditating on scriptures is that we are able to obey God.

The congregation that does not base their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ I do not know which Bible they are reading. There is no other Name which we were give on earth and heaven other than the Name Jesus .He His Chief Cornerstone.AMEN.

  • 6 months later...
How do "the apostles and prophets" contribute to your life today? To the life of your congregation? In what way should Jesus Christ serve as a cornerstone to your congregation? In what sense does a congregation "grow" (KJV, NRSV) or "rise" (NIV) into a holy temple in the Lord? In what way does growth occur to bring this about?

To a large degree it is through the apostles and prophets that God's Word has been revealed to us. The Scriptures are the sole basis of my belief and behaviour, so the contribution of the apostles and prophets remains a vital part of every day of my life. Since my congregation is also strongly Biblically based, the importance of the Scriptures is paramount in how it behaves and worships. We are Christians because of our belief that Jesus is Lord and that He is the only mediator between us and God. When we became Christians, we became members of His body and He dwells within us. He is the cornerstone of the church, of which our congregation forms part, because we are all obedient to Him, under Him, held together by Him through His teaching and His love for us. He gives our congregation life and purpose. Without Him the edifice would be pointless and would fall apart.

A congregation rises up into a holy temple in the Lord when it is united together in worship, in prayer and in study. When the Spirit within us unites and we work and worship together. We become much more than the sum of the parts. Unity brings with it enthusiasm; the wish to mature and become overcomers. The congregation grows when the spiritual growth of individuals is harmonised with other members of the congregation. It creates a collective dynamism.


The apostles were eye witnesses to all that Jesus did and taught. These things are recorded in the New Testament. The church's understanding of what we should be and teach are preserved there. The prophets also instructed and guided the people into true living and obedience to God. They have left us priceless treasure! A look into the will of God! Be thou my vision oh Lord of my heart!

A cornerstone is the beginning of a building. Jesus serves as our cornerstone by being the very beginning of our foundation. He was first in time and order for the New covenant. Jesus supports the main weight of the structure. He is the strength of the church, holding it together.

The congregation grows as each person is added as a living stone. Together we serve Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus prayed we would be one with the Father as He was one with Him. We are to be one church also. We use our gifts to help the church grow. We disciple others, building them up and helping them become firmly set on the foundation of Christ. With Christ as our head, we are responsible to help each other grow in faith. Not all have the same gift or calling, but all are ministers to each other. Our motives must be pure though and our motive should always be that others would come to know the fullness of Christ and their salvation through Him. We are responsible to grow others to maturity so they can become functioning ministers also.

  • 3 months later...

Question#4.) (Epesians 2:20-21) a.) "the apostles and the prophets" are the foundation of the church. b.) Through their teachings they provided a firm foundation. c.) Jesus taught the apostles and prophets, if you do not accept Jesus you do not accept God, if not fo Jesus we would not have anything, he holds the church together. d.) Because we believe in Jesus and we believe in the teaching of the apostles and prophets we are fitting together and becoming unified.

  • 1 month later...

(Life Application Study Bible)~~EPH.2:20~~The Church is not built on modern ideas,but rather on the spiritual heritage given to us by the early Apostles and Prophets of the Christian Church.

NKLV.~~Yet Christ Himself is the rock foundation on which the whole Church rests.Jesus is the cornerstone,and we as builders of the Church will line up the rest of the structure to the chief cornerstone.I believe this explains to me how we grow or rise into a holy temple in the Lord.

"The chosen stone which is Jesus Christ,and His chosen people joined together.How awesome just to know we are the church and "ONE" foundation,standing together "THE CONGREGATION"AMEN

Glad to join this bible study my name is Dena and i am from South Dakota, since the Lord God has built a new church here it is good to fellowship every sunday

  • 7 months later...

Q4. (Ephesians 2:20-21) How do "the apostles and prophets" contribute to your life today? To the life of your congregation?

The apostles and prophets contributed to my life as they were the men God used to present the teaching for the church. They laid the foundation for my faith, which is preserved in scripture. This scripture brought me and those of my congregation to know Christ as Saviour and Lord and to live according to His commands.

In what way should Jesus Christ serve as a cornerstone to your congregation?

Jesus Christ serves as a cornerstone to our congregation as He is the "fit" that reconciled us to the Father.

In what sense does a congregation "grow" (KJV, NRSV) or "rise" (NIV) into a holy temple in the Lord? In what way does growth occur to bring this about?

A congregation "grow" into a holy temple in the Lord as Believers come together the Spirit of God is manifested. Our growth occurs as we love people enough to witness to them and lead them to accept Christ as Savior and Lord.

  • 4 months later...

Hi All, God Bless you all.

How do "the apostles and prophets"

contribute to your life today? To the life of your congregation? First of all they have been through this walk with Jesus and done it all. Secondly how could anyone not benefit from the experiences they had with Jesus. What better way for us to learn than to walk in the light of those who experienced Him and walked closely with Him.

  • 4 months later...

The thing that impresses me about the apostles and prophets of old is that they were simple men, not well educated yet used by God in a mighty way. For our ministry and our congregation that is a very effective witness as we are the same.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. It is He who we are most interested in being like and pleasing. Our pastors recognize this and preach He alone.

The more you learn of Jesus the more you grow in Him. As you grow the Holy Spirit continues the sanctification process which is how we are made holy. The entire congregation, or at least those who are serious about their walk, grows together into a holy temple, a body of believers with Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone.


Apostles and prophets left there legacy to me through scripture, we can learn and grow from their accounts and teachings. Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone because He taught, inspired, commissioned and equipped the apostles and prophets and us today to carry out the Good News to those whom God has drawn near.

As we grow in our relationship with God we grow and rise into the believers He has called us to be. Our relationship is based on His Word, our prayers and our open hearts. We grow and rise as we open ourselves up to be who He desires us to be.

  • 1 year later...
Q4. (Ephesians 2:20-21) How do "the apostles and prophets" contribute to your life today? To the life of your congregation? In what way should Jesus Christ serve as a cornerstone to your congregation? In what sense does a congregation "grow" (KJV, NRSV) or "rise" (NIV) into a holy temple in the Lord? In what way does growth occur to bring this about? Exposition

-They should be our teachers and models of the Christian life. sadly, some who go by these titles are charlatans. But Jesus warned us to be as sly as serpents about this stuff, didn't he?

-His Word must be our guide. Our trust in Him, our prayers to Him, must supercede any other form of decisionmaking.

-We grow as we discuss and study the Word; gather in prayer together; learn to love God and each other despite our many personal quirks and eccentricities.


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