Eldress Rowe Posted February 7, 2024 Report Posted February 7, 2024 It was and is necessary to make formal accusation and try false teachers for if left unchecked they will think that they can get a way with sinful living and still maintain their leadership roles in the church. If they continue in their sinful ways and others see that nothing is done about it they may be tempted to do likewise. Just because a sinful leader maybe be rich or influential that is no reason to overlook his sinful actions.. The temptation to compromise and not go through go through with it because it can bring scandal on the person as well as on religion, even when the person is cleared. And Satan would be continually pestering the church with charges. It is difficult to exercise discipline today because the church has relaxed it standards and morals. Holiness is not a fact of life but a way of life and the church needs to get back to holiness. We have allowed the world to influence the church rather than the church influencing the world. Somethings that were once looked at as sin is not longer seen as such because so many are doing it, but if God said it is sin then it is sin. Quote
haar Posted February 7, 2024 Report Posted February 7, 2024 A3. It was necessary to make formal accusation and try the accused false teacher so as to ensure fair and just trial that gives the accused the right to defend himself. It was also necessary to do that so that it would serve as a lesson to anyone else found wanting to expect similar trial. One of the reasons why it is difficult for some present day churches to exercise church discipline is partly due to the fear of losing members especially those who contribute much in funding the church through donations, fat tithes and offerings. Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted February 8, 2024 Report Posted February 8, 2024 Q3. (1 Timothy 5:19-21) Why was it necessary to make formal accusations and "try" the false teachers? Paul said, that an accusation against an elder must not be entertain unless it is brought by two or three witnesses and those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning. Why were the temptations to compromise and not go through with it so great? The false teaching elder might be rich or another very influential. Why is it so difficult to exercise church discipline today? Church discipline is seldom invoked or exercised at all, even when sorely needed. The challenge also is the pick and choose who should be disciplined and who shouldn't. Quote
Diane D. Posted February 8, 2024 Report Posted February 8, 2024 The church above all must be transparent in its actions and disciplines when needed so that it is deemed fair and trustworthy. It must also stand behind the basic tenets of its belief and defend them. False teachers if left on their own would contaminate the congregation and divert it from the duties expected from a church. Why were the temptations to compromise and not go through with it so great? The temptations are the same today. Typically, when some other power appears greater physically or socially (such as the influencers in a society, the government etc.) the tendency may be to keep the peace of not "cause trouble". Some of those people who require disciplining may have come from very powerful families themselves; families who provide necessary support to the church. Why ...difficult today? It is difficult to exercise church discipline today for these same reasons. The promotion of all inclusiveness in thought and deed is also prevalent today. Rather than having a central authority on church doctrine with a scriptural focus, there is a great temptation to listen to and amend church policies and doctrines so that all who participate feel that they have been heard. Punishment for wrong-doing or wrong-thinking does not come easily today. Quote
crissy464 Posted February 8, 2024 Report Posted February 8, 2024 Formal accusations & trials are necessary to bring about justice in the church. Temptations to compromise or to not go along with it were due to the importance the people put on the person, needing his money or his name or position in public, instead of trusting God to supply & let justice be served. It's difficult today for the same reasons. Quote
Zanele Tlhakanelo Posted February 8, 2024 Report Posted February 8, 2024 Firstly , accusations must not be heresy but must be confirmed by two or three witnesses. The discipline of elders must be handled justly and publicly and this instruction was given so that people should know that those who transgress the laws of God are dealt with without any favor. The temptation to compromise and not go through it will put the church into disrepute as it will be viewed as accepting things that are ungoldy being done at the church and the church condoning bad behavior and false teaching. It is also important not to postpone the matter for a long time but addressed as soon as possible so that othe elders may learn from such a discipline. There is fear to discipline members because some of the people are supporting the church financially and if they happen to be discipline they will leave the church and some people may leave with them. Quote
Clelie Posted February 9, 2024 Report Posted February 9, 2024 When the accusation against an elder has been witnessed by two or three people the church should rebuke him in front of the assembly to keep others from doing the same . The accusation should be carried out in its entirety lest there should be any compromise from false teachers using any form of influence to get away from it Many churches are very protective of their name and rather than exposing sins they condone it in their own lukrwarmness. Quote
Sister Evelyn Posted February 12, 2024 Report Posted February 12, 2024 Q3 (1 Timothy 5:19-21) Why was it necessary to make formal accusations and try the false teachers? There must be two/three witnesses. Any accusation must be well supported or it should not even be considered. "Proof." The temptations to compromise was to keep these instructions without partiality and no nothing our of favoritism. Its difficult to exercise favoritism because many leaders are unaware of the biblical mandate or unsure how to start the process. They don't want to appear judgmental. The church has a wide-open front door. They've had a bad experience with discipline in the past. etc. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted February 13, 2024 Report Posted February 13, 2024 Maintaining true Christian doctrine was paramount. Timothy had to be reminded of his solemn charge to maintain order in the local church. This wasn't optional. Apostle Paul had a tremendous insight of the Church of God as the Body of Christ, the elected and predestined children of God. Apostle Paul knew that there will come a time when all our works will be tested. Will we have wood, stubble and hay or choice gold and rubies. Our characters must be formed by the Holy Spirit. Timothy would need to be partial in his pastoral judgements, not listening to rumors and half truths. Also he had a firm obligation to not to give into timidity from reproving men of high influence in the Ephesian church. In our day and age, compromise on so many issues is common. Apostle Paul had such a a profound sense of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the profound mission of the Church: just the thought of compromise and not reproving those in error was just unheard of in Apostle Paul's ministry. Our culture lacks fortitude. Reason why so many churches are in error is lack of manly ministers in the pulpit. Compromise of doctrine and lack of chutzpah to combat heterodox doctrines and characterize many churches and seminaries. Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 20, 2024 Report Posted February 20, 2024 We need to get the false teachers our of the church. If the church looks like the rest of the world, then why are we here? Are we truly worshiping God when we keep these people in the church? The temptations to compromise and not go through with the punishment is so great, because there would probably be a lot of people hurt in the process and it tends to split the church. Quote
hanks Posted February 22, 2024 Report Posted February 22, 2024 Q3. (1 Timothy 5:19-21) Why was it necessary to make formal accusations and "try" the false teachers? Why were the temptations to compromise and not go through with it so great? Why is it so difficult to exercise church discipline today? It is most important that we guard against any false teaching that causes believers to deviate from the true Word. Our teachers speak for God, and if what they say contradicts or dilutes or rejects any aspect of the faith, their teaching is false. This teaching may be extremely subtle or very direct. No matter, it must be firmly reacted upon so as to avoid church members being led astray. And they should be publicly rebuked because of the harm they do to the testimony of the church. Hopefully this will impress others with the seriousness we take on avoiding any error. Elders often become special targets of Satan, and one has to be very careful about false accusations. Once it has been proved beyond doubt that the elder has sinned, then he must be rebuked publicly in front of the congregation. Hopefully this will act as a deterrent and warning to others. This, however, can be easier said than done. It takes courage to do this, but it must be done for the integrity of the church. Today we find elders sin with impunity and then move on to other churches to do the same thing. Sometimes I get the feeling that there can be the temptation to compromise because of the loss of church membership. Church politics and money may be involved. Partiality because of wealth, status, or personality. Another reason may be that there is an “inner circle” in the church that are above being disciplined. Quote
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