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Paul says not to be hasty in laying on of hands in order that they have a chance to get to know the person before commissioning them. Otherwise they may choose too quickly and the deeds (good or bad) that are associated with the intended elders may not be obvious. These dangers are lessened when you get to know a person.

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Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?

Paul is tell Timothy not to lay hands on a person that no one truly knows and putting them into a leadership position in the church, because that person

  • 2 months later...
Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?

Paul says not to be hasty in the laying on of hands because the person doing the commissioning is also responsible for the performance of that person in office. If not much is known about the person commissioned, bad choices can be made about choosing the leaders. That's why Paul cautioned that elders should be seasoned Christians, not novices. The character of elders should be known before they are commissioned. They should be tested and proven worthy of the office.

The dangers of hasty commissioning can be lessened by carefully choosing elders from among seasoned church members who have proven to be of worthy character.

  • 1 month later...

The elders would be in part responsible for actions of the people they appointed to the church. The danger of moving too quickly could be that there might be things about them they're not aware of. Those things would come to light if they took their time and got to know them.

  • 1 month later...

1 Timothy 5:22-25

* Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"?

Hast does not wait for the Word of God to move the right person in place. If one is removed, it is because there is another person ready to bring new gifts forth.

* What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?

Hast in appointing a new person can quickly turn into a mistake if it is not confirmed by the Call of God, or to even choose an opportunist at a time of vacancy. Allowing to acknowledge a person through his/her good deeds and growth comes with a good period of time in frequenting the same Church.

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?

Paul said, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands," because there's a possibility of ordaining a person that little is known about and later finding out that the person is not what they purport to be. The person, to be ordained, should be tested for service and then if there is nothing found against them, let them serve. The danger of ordaining one who is a false teacher or one who is not walking faithful to the apostolic teaching will be lessen when the candidate is mentored, trained and tested to fill the position.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?

There is danger in being hasty. False teachers can be among those that are being considered for ordination.

There needs to be background testing before anyone can be considered. New converts should have more years of service and training before they can take on such a great responsibility. Even some that have walked with the Lord for many years are not always the best to be chosen. Therefore the testing to see what that person is all about, what he or she believes is vital.


Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?

Unless we know the person very well or they have not been proven, we may be putting someone in that position that should not be there.

  • 3 months later...

Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?

do be hasty because it takes time to get to know someone and there belifes you don't want to make the samemistake

you may get another false teacher

by leting them prove them selves

  • 1 month later...

It is very important that we do not make a quick and hasty decision before we put someone in office.First,we have to look amongst the congregation to see if there is anyone qualified to hold that office.Once we have identified the candidate,we have to allow for some time to observe that his character is beyond reproach.Paul said in Titus 1:7 "For a bishop must be blameless as a steward of God ...." As the saying goes "You can't judge a book by its cover", so it's important that we put the right person that follow scripture teaching and not led the congregation on the wrong path.

  • 4 weeks later...

Because there must be an inward change as well as the presence and influence of the Spirit of God to produce godliness in that person.

Strong examples of godliness in Church leaders is important because people that follow certain people tend to mimic their behavior and lifestyle. . . Righteousness begats righteousness - unrighteous behavior has the same affect. . .


  • 4 months later...

Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?

We are to be cautious in ordaining people in Church because you don't know enough about them. If you take your time and get to know the person you might nnot think he/she is worthy of this office.

If we jump to quick in replacing these people we might just pick someone who is worse than the other person.

Take time to know people beforee you place them in office. You don't want to repeat the same performance down the road of the false teachings...

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?

The laying on of hands is like giving a blessing of God and if you don't really know the person you are laying your hands on you are not following the teachings of the word of God. I think that anyone given the privilege of leadership in the church should be given a trial period before deciding on having them as a leader in the church.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?

Paul said,"Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands" beause that may be unwise.The laying on of hands at an ordination is not merely ceremonial. It involves us with that person at a much deeper level and makes us responsible in some measure for how they conduct themselves in ministry.

The dangers can be lessened by testing them first in that way we would be able to know the person thoroughly;from the inside and out.

  • 4 months later...

Members and leaders of a congregation need to really know those they are putting into positions of leadership. Waiting a little while to get to know them would serve them well.

  • 11 months later...

Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so?

We have just read how to handle people with false teachings, or who have other problems. You dont want to remove one problem and then imeadiately replace it with another. Also you dont want to weaken your leadership team with a wrong decision.

How can these dangers be lessened?

By not chosing too soon, following Paul's guidelines. Following the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


  • 9 months later...

Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?

Before commissioning a person to church office the Senior Pastor and the church must have a knowledge of the person as to their qualifcations and call to office/ministry, lifestyle, doctrinal beliefs, family life, etc. as that there no surprises after placed into the office or ministry. Therefore in testing and evaluating a person prior to commissioning lessens the dangers of failure and embarassment and causing harm to the church and/or ministry.

  • 4 months later...

4a)Appointing laying on of hands,deacons&elders is not just ceremonial,but involves us as a church  sharing in,being responsible in part the deeds of others in ministry Therefore we shouldn’t replace deacons hastily but see if their faith is proven through testing times ,until know them well over period of time..
b)Reason being a persons sin may not be immediately obvious, some sins only become apparent when people serve.
c)  If after seeking the Lord who the right people may be for a position ,getting to know person &how they have served in church life in lesser roles. they should be appointed first as deacon to see whether they serve with humility in church leadership,before nominating for elder position, this helps discerning of church for future and helps lessen dangers of electing person to position not suitable for.

  • Pastor Ralph changed the title to Q4. Slow to Ordain
  • 1 month later...

This warning is very important due to the fact that people have secret sins and hold heterodox doctrines.   By having "Communion in sacris", one is aiding and abetting someone who really needs to either repent or correct some errant doctrinal positions.   Apostle Paul has a very high regard of the Church of God as the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth. There will come a time when the hidden sins will be made manifest on judgement day.

Very true that people will get upset towards a godly Bishop or Pastor when the "laying on of hands" is not done after a period of examination.   People that are adamant about their secret sins don't have an attitude of humility and shame; they are usually headstrong.   After carefully examining a candidate for Ministerial duties or for healing, the laying on of hands can be done at a proper time.   There is no magic in laying on of hands.   The Bible is very strict about honoring the name of God.   The Prophet Ezekiel repeats this over and over in his prophecies and sermons.   Faith in God, reverence for the name of God,and personal holiness are being set forth by Apostle Paul in these verses. Apostle Paul had a three fold solemn testimony before God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels.  Apostle Paul was very aware of the 2/3 of elected angels that remained true to God while others joined Lucifer's rebellion.  It's truly a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.

  • 3 months later...

In church, I've seen both the laying of hands in order to heal or ask for an extra Spiritual infusion, as well as the laying of hands to ordain a person's in his or her spiritual gift. Personally, I have experienced the former but not the latter so believe, but am not certain, that the former is far more common and broadly practiced than the relatively rare ordination.

But, since the context suggests the latter, the laying on of hands must refer to ordination. I wonder why ALL congregants aren't ordained in their gift? Why do some gifts require ordination and not others? Why are leaders ordained but not other gifts?

Paul seems concerned that spiritually unfit people were being ordained. He was cautioning the early church to take ordination more seriously by doing it  more deliberately.

Since we all are promised one gift (or more) it's important that we develop that gift. Though we may be talented naturally in a particular area, it may not be God's calling on our lives. I think this was a concern of Paul: he saw Christians ordained who were naturally gifted in a particular area, but not spiritually gifted.

A natural gift can carry a person quite far -- seculars do amazing things without God's spiritual gifts. But Christians are called to go beyond nature, to part the sea and ask God for miracles. Many Christians are asked to do things at which they are NOT naturally gifted, perhaps to develop humility and a sense of utter dependence on God.  

One way God lessens the danger of natural gifts is by calling in ways we feel inadequate and uncomfortable. The church would then both realize that person's inadequacy as well as his or her calling. They would need to pray for him or her because, frankly, they would see that that person needs supernatural help and strength to succeed. The laying on of hands on a naturally ungifted person, then, would be an act of faith, not reason. 


Q4.Having dealt with the disciplining the false teachers Paul goes on to tell Timothy not to be in a hurry to ordain more elders. It was more important to get to know church members deeply and then decide who to ordain. A person for leadership in the church must not be a new convert because he may become conceited also he would not have the depth of knowledge required by a teacher. It takes time to get to know people deeply , a persons bad traits may not be obvious at first when one knows them on a superficial level also their good deeds and qualities may not at first be obvious. These qualities and not so good qualities become more apparent as we get to know people on a deeper level. 


Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened?


Laying of hands in this context means appointing new Elders into leadership positions. Paul advised young Timothy that he should not rush to appoint new leaders. Instead, he should take time to study and really establish if the person is really qualified and is of good conduct spiritually and socially.

The danger for not observing this noble advice or instruction would be to rush to appoint an elder or any leader just to find out too late that the new appointee is a drunkard or a quarrelsome person or even a polygamous person etc.


Thus to avoid such dangers, there would be need to have standard time frame of a least one year (my view)  with any any member that would be considered for leadership in a church (he should be someone who has been active in all church activities)


Paul say "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands" because it first need to be proved that they have the grace of God in them, the gifts for public service bestowed upon them, are sound in faith, are of a good life and conversations, and of uprightness and fidelity.  For some this can be obvious but others have to be observed over a period of time to see if these qualities are present.

The dangers in laying hand in someone hastily is that some men have private sin that need to be revealed. Some men's characters are so well know that it is clear that they are destitute of the grace of God, unsound in faith, and are men of immoral lives and conversations that there can be no dispute as to whether they need to be admitted into the ministry of the Word or office or be rejected.  But there are other whose sins or errors are so private that they may not be known and it is proper to take time and not be hasty to lay hand on them for ones does not want to share in the sins of others.

We can lessen these dangers by getting to know people before we put them in ministry or office.  We should care observe people, without showing partiality or favoritism in to see if they have received the grace of God in truth, are equipped with that which is necessary, useful, and desirable for ministry, are sound in the doctrine of faith, and are men of godly lives and conversations in order to lessen the risk.



Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25)

Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"?

Deacons "must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.

What are the dangers in doing so?
By ordaining people whose lives we don't really know deeply we can share in their sins.

How can these dangers be lessened?

It should not be entered into lightly a person's sin may not be immediately apparent and this is the same can true with good deeds.

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