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Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

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It seems to me that good stewardship would expect one to try and better themselves in all areas of our lives. However, our measure of this should not be in how much materialistic stuff we are able to collect, or the social status we obtain, but whether or not we are in the center of the Lord

Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

It helps us get along happily because we can see life from God


Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

I think the question here is not what we need as so much as what we often want. When one is content with ones lot, it is easier to see the way forward because your needs are already being met. Anything over and above, must be seen as blessings from God. Sometimes the less we expect the more we receive so lets not be so eager to always want more.

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and the rest will be added unto you. Our God shall supply all our needs according to His riches and glory He knows when we have sufficient, even when we think we don


Contentment has nothing to do with trying to improve one's lot. Contentment is about excepting what you have and who you are in society. If you are a day laborer you can choose to go to a school of higher training to earn more, elevate your social standing (as you see it) and yet, live within your means based upon your current income. You may not, however, be in a position to change your skill level so Paul is teaching us to live within our means.

Many churches are comprised of mixed congregations with many professions and related income levels. The carnal person often has a "keep up with the Jones' " mentallity and tries to put on an image like them. We are in a financial crisis because too many people, including a lot of Christians, extended themselves beyond their ability to pay, all because they wanted to keep up with society as painted by TV, movies and the internet. They weren't content to go shopping at the discount stores, instead opting for high end things. Now where are they shopping?

Depending upon God to supply our needs even if they may not be what everyone else has, is humility 101. We find that worrying less about how society perceives us gives us a closer perspective of how Jesus needs us to be. Being content with what we have and who we are enhances our spirituality and lessens our needless worries. That makes it possible to concentrate on our Christianity and, is the way to godliness.


Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

This is my take on this matter, since I have been on both sides of the isle-so to speak. I believe that as we seek to know God better, we learn to trust in Him for our needs. That does not mean that we can not, or should not try to better ourselves. At the same time, we need to realize that seeking to better ourselves means sacrificing the things that really matter. For instance, we may be spending so much time with our job, that we forget that we have family at home that need our attention. Or, we may be spending our time trying to impress people connected with the job, or people in the community, and slip slowly in to ungodly living and habits. Love for money will separate us from God. We have to keep it in the proper perspective. I believe that if we take care of our responsibilities and raise our children in godly homes, then God will see to it that we have what we need and, sometimes, give us the things that we are not looking for in the way of blessing. Answer to our prayers and His precious presence-what more could we possibly need!


Q2. (1Timothy 6:6)

Why should we seek contentment?

Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need?

What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

The truly godly person is not interested in becoming rich. He possesses inner resources which furnish riches far beyond that which earth can offer. He has peace with God, spiritual joy, and assurance of salvation. He knows that:


God wants us to seek contentment & desire only Him.

No, our work is to provide for our families, but for the family's "needs" not all their "wants." What is our motivation???

The balance comes when we seek God first of all, knowing everything is His & He will take care of us--meet our every need. He will provide just the right job, the health, whatever is needful for you to take care of your family. Beyond "needs" are "wants" and that will trap us every time. We need the new ________--especially if your neighbor or friends have one......

It seems to me that peace comes with contentment.....


Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

Because in contentment there is peace of mind, a peace that passes all understanding. When we are content with what we have it is easier to hear when God speaks to our hearts. No, but it slows us down to take time and consider what is important, what is a need versus what is just lustful desire. The balance is when again your are at peace with yourself. When you are seeking what God wants for your life instead of just what I think He wants me to have.


Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

Matthew Henry says "Godliness is ever accompanied with contentment".

I don't think he means sit down on a beach and never do anything to improve ourselves and our circumstances. If we are godly people it will make a difference on what we put our prioities on and the means we chose to improve those things that we would like to see improved. My circumstances right now are difficult for me and I find it difficult to be contented with somethings. I would like to see improvement in many areas including attitudes especially mine (that's where the trouble usually is). I find in myself I need more work in being godly which means more prayer and submitting to the Holy Spirit.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26

We need to pray for each other and I so appreciate your prayers!!


:PQ2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?


Real contentment comes when Christ is first in our lives irregardless of whether we have the wealth of the world or not. Contentment does not keep us form working and "getting ahead" so our families can have what they need. God expects us to use our talents and to work to the best of our abilitity; however, we should always keep materials things in perspective and remember that we have God whether we have materials things or not. We should seek to improvement ourselves but remember the most important thing to remember is that everything we have comes from the Lord and we should use our lives (whether we are wealthly in materials things or not) to serve Him. This will bring contentment that is real and cannot be taken away from us. :rolleyes:


Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment?

I've learned over the years the truth that Paul taught, that I'm content in whatever state I'm in, whether I have much or little. I've learned that contentment brings peace, and facilitates unity and harmony with those around me. When I'm content, I'm filled with gratitude to God, and am seeking more of Him instead of more of what the world has to offer.

This place in life came as a result of our losing our home, car, everything, (except for our minds!) nearly 20 years ago, during a similar economy to todays. Our business could not sustain the losses and the new computer technology which was unfriendly to our type of business. We became homeless, and it was in God's amazing provision for our family that I've learned contentment. He is truly ALL that His Name proclaims Him to be: the Great Physician, our Provider, our Savior, our Holy Spirit and Comforter...and on and on. We were taken into someones home, fed, cared for, never lacked anything we needed. My husband lost his sight, and through a miraculous phone call from out of state, from someone who saw an 800 number on T.V., he received free eye surgery.... We've had no money and lots of money, but I learned that it all comes from His hand, and is always what is needed for that day. Last Christmas we had little money, but several weeks before the holiday, over 1,000.00 poured into our hands. A blessing, but we would have been content with whatever He provided because we've learned that He knows what we need...though He often gives us more than we need so that we can share with others.

Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need?

No, contentment keeps us from STRIVING, which is not how we are called to live as God's children. As we walk with Him and serve Him and do the work He provides to our best ability, what we need will come to us from His generous Hand.

What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

I think it's "Working to full capacity in a relaxed state of faith"....He brings the improvement when I'm surrendered to His Lordship, and I'm living in contentment with what He has provided.


I'm bad at citing verses, so excuse me. In Matthew Jesus says you cannot serve God and money. Money and the accumulation of stuff can easily become a god in your life. It's one of those things that starts you down a road that's hard to get off of. Paul is telling Timothy and the church that they need to be content with what they have, they need to see what they have as a blessing from God and take the attitude that it is God-given because if they fall into the trap of wanting more, more, more, it's easy to lose sight of where it all came from.

A contented attitude is one of humility towards God. Some of the side effects of it is that you have far less stress which makes you more able to get things accomplished. At work you're going to start achieving more in part because your attitude toward your work will be overall more positive. You're going to get along with people better. You're going to see yourself as more successful instead of constantly pushing for getting more and more. If you're content with what you have, then you're less likely to get into debt trying to get the next best thing. That alone from a practical side is going to meke your life better.

I think we need to examine why we want to improve. Right now I work in a low paying job that I feel stuck in. I'm hoping to get a teaching job (or maybe work with technology in a school) this summer and move. Getting this new job would represent a HUGE pay raise and hopefully going to a city that I'll enjoy more than where I'm at. I'm not as intersted in teh bright lights, or new party scenes, or even getting a new cell phone (or an ipod, I **** after ipods). What I'm interested in is finally using some of my skills and having a job that is going to challenge me. I guess I've gotten to a place in my faith where I know God is going to provide. I know that I can live with a little less than what's ideal if I know that I am where God wants me to be and that I'm doing what He wants me to do. .


The contentment I seek is 'Peace of Mind and Heart' to be where I am at any given time.

As Christians we are to do our best all the time and also 'go the extra mile'. This degree of excellency will enable the family head to receive promotion, especially as God gives him grace and favour.

The balance between contentment and the quest for improvement? I think this would be like the changes Christ has made in our lives already, and being eager to embrace everything He has in store for us.



Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

I don't know about seeking contentment. It seems to me to be more of a commandment that we exhibit contentment. After all, God has given us the abilities to do and achieve all that is necessary plus a lot more so that we have the wherewithall to give to those who have not such ability. If we are not content with that, then we are poor specimens. I don't think that having contentment takes the goals out of our lives, or limits what we can possibly achieve. I think it is the thankful heart for all that we are trusted with. Thankfulness is an extremely powerful asset that opens up a world we would never otherwise realise, and that is all part of contentment. A man is content because he can conquer a higher mountain. A lot of our contentment is like that. We have talents to use and are answerable for our use of them. Contentment is located within that framework. We are content that all things are possible with God. That is a very exciting sort of contentment.

Contentment means thankfulness with the absence of greed and wrong motivation, and the presence of exhilaration with all God has provided for us, the list being much longer than ever we can write. It embraces the acceptance of responsibility for the use of the talents God has invested in us.

I don't understand why Christians always see the scriptures in a passive sense. They think contentment means not wanting more, not seeking achievements, not having further goals. How ridiculous! It should be automatic that we are excited about the ability God has given us to be creative, find solutions, advance causes, build community. What if Martin Luther King had sat passively about the racial situation in America, saying this is our lot, we have to "be content with it". what a loss to all of society that would have been. What if Wilberforce had been passively content with the slave situation? How disgusting! We are made to be pro-active. We need to be very content with that! We are children of a just God, and should be very pro-active in areas of justice for all humankind - why else has He given us anger? So we can put things right!. Therein lies contentment. Why are we given gifts? So that we can build community. Therein lies contentment.

This sort of contentment expects us to use our gifts and talents to achieve things and give into society. There is no limit either on achievement or on contentment. It's only the motivation that can be wrong and upset the balance - eg greed, grudge, envy, jealousy laziness, narcicism, self-orientation. limited vision etc. Scripture is vigorous, and so should we be, praising the Lord for the abilities He has put in us and for His guidance on holy use of them.

The balance is entirely in the motivation. Holiness is what we desperately need to seek in order to keep the balance right.

I learned a lot from Jan Mary's answer. If we are in such a situation, then contentment will grow from watching God at work in it, in ceasing to struggle and calling out to Him for help, because He is all our resource, whatever our situation. Contentment very much grows from thankfulness, wherever we are. Such situations are actually needed for us to experience the wonders of the 23rd psalm. If we have everything on a silver platter and never walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will not understand the comfort of the Rod, the joy of the Bounteous Table in the presence of the enemy, the Annointing of God's presence, the complete Absence of Fear, the presence of His Mercy and Goodness, and the certainty of our residence in the House of the Lord for ever. These things are cause of great contentment.


Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment?

Contentment to me is an after effect of godliness and its fruits, seen in a person whose trust is not in the things of this world, nor is it in oneself, true contentment is found in a life trusting in God, and what Christ has done for us.

Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need?

True contentment has nothing to do with the goals, dreams, love of family and their needs.

True contentment is following your dreams, but, with the main purpose, of putting God first in one

Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?
Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

Contentment is great gain. Godliness without contentment would be a joyless, and legalistic righteousness. Contentment without godliness describes a person sadly disconnected from God's truth.

Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

We should seek contentment because it is a positive assurance that God has and will supply our need's. We have been satisfied by the grace of God. We are not to grasp hold of material possessions. We are neglecting God when we do. No, contentment does not keep us from getting ahead. If anything, it helps. It shows our willingness to take action that has been requested by God. I think the balance is equal. When we get contentment, improvement comes also.

Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

We should seek contentment because we always feel not content, want more and more, and always try to fulfill our need so that, in turn, forget about or forsake our priority in our life or what we should seek first in our life, and our heart is no longer towards God but towards wealth or money.

No, contentment does not keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need. Contentment is of learning to rely on God to fulfill the need of our family. Contentment is of self-control in satisfying our need, of keeping from being greedy, of free from the love of money. The question is what needs should we fulfill, and to what extent of needs should we fulfill? We know that our need will be unlimited because if we have fulfilled a need, then another need will appear in us.

The balance between contentment and the quest for improvement is this: we should do as stated in Mathew 6:33, that is,

Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?
Our contentment should be with our relationship with Jesus. It is not with the things we acquire while we are in this world. Our focus should be on winning others, sharing the gospel. The Lord will take care of his own as long as we are in the center of his will.

We should seek contentment so we can be at peace. We don't need to "get ahead" for our families. God has promised to provide our needs, not our wants. The balance is a relationship with God. I believe He will keep us grounded. Our quest for improvement should be spiritual, not financial.


Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

Seeking contentment is fully relying on God for our needs, knowing what lies ahead for us in heaven.

No it keeps our mind focused on the Lord. He will supply our needs not neccesaryly our wants.

There's nothing wrong with getting ahead and trying to make a better life for your family as long as that doesn't become yuour main focus. If you become focused on wealth that becomes what you worship. God must always be first in everything.

  • 2 weeks later...

We should seek contentment because it helps us learn to be satisfied with what we have.

When we learn to be content with what we have, we also learn to trust God that we will be able to provide for our families.

The balance between contentment and the quest for improvement is to put God first.

Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement?

We should seek that inner contentment with Gods provisions so we are not looking to the things of the world.

Our families have what they really need in Christ. If the opportunity comes up to get ahead that ok but not at the expence of our God and family.

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