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Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

Love for money grows when we turn our tv's on and are bombarded with the images and sounds of the wealthy and their endeavors to create more wealth. We see and hear commercials that speak of self-improvement, and phrases that speak of wanting more and aren't we worth it. Movies, and tv programs that show what life is like for the wealthy, and infomercials that proclaim instant wealth for a fee. It isn't long before we find ourselves longing for all the material wealth that we see others enjoying. Why can't we have it? We work hard-we deserve it, too!

Study the Word of God everyday, and watch who and what you listen to! Realize that we have what we have because God gave it to us, and be grateful. Give thanks to The One who deserves our thanks and praise! Trust and obey

for there's no other way

to be happy in Jesus

than to trust and obey!



Love for $ grows when our relationship with Jesus doesn't.

He gives us a certain amount, then we desire more & more--better & better--newer & newer--and the more-better-newer never stops!

Sunday, our pastor said he was glad he wasn't rich--he wasn't sure if he could handle it. Many winners of the Lottery find that out very fast. It changes their lives so much that they wish they hadn't won.

I'm thankful for all that God has given me! Compared to the world--I'm still in the 90% higher category just because I have a car--even if it is 15 years old! I am content!


Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

The story of the rich young man can answer this question well and is a challenge to all of us. Most us are pretty decent and keep most of the commandments. But like him, there is one that we tend to forget about


Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

I believe it starts when we focus on the things of the world and take our eyes off the things of the Lord. The wordly things then become our god.

Matthew Henry says

v. 9 the evil of covetousness. "It is not said those who are rich, but those who want to be rich, that place their happiness on worldly wealth. When the devil sees which way their lusts carry them, he will soon bait his hook accordingly".

How unsuspecting we are to the wiles of our enemy.

"Some want to be rich; they are resolved in it. Such will not be safe nor innocent. Worldly lusts are foolish and harmful, for they drown men in destruction and perdition".

v.10 "The apostle confirms that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. People may have money, and yet not love it; but if they love it inordinately, it will push them on to all evil. Covetous persons will abandon the faith, if that is the way to gain money. Those who depart from God do but treasure up sorrows for themselves".

This is so tragic!!!

Jonah 2: 8 "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs."

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26

Let us keep each other in constant prayer!!!


When a person who is not accustom to having money starts to acquire it and the power that comes with it they may desire more of both. People who do have money seem to want more as with those who lost much with the huge ponzi schemes that cost them millions. The great god money is never satisfied. Once you get into the game he's got you.

Once again the way to avoid such an entrapment is to be content with what you have. Don't get greedy and try to earn on what you have. Live on what you earn.

2 Cor 9: 8-10: "And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient (possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnish in abundance for every good work and charitable donation).

As it is written, He (the benevolent person) scatters abroad; He gives to the poor; His deeds of justice and goodness and kindness and benevolence will go on and endure forever (Ps 112:9).

And (God) Who provides seed for the sower and bread for eating will also provide and multiply your (resources for) sowing and increase the fruits of your righteousness (which manifests itself in active goodness, kindness, and charity). (Isa 55:10, Hos 10:12)." AMP

Many people who donate to our ministry give food, clothing and other items because they can ill afford to part with limited cash. In Paul's day the situation would have been the same. Our heavenly Father truly knows what we need and blesses us accordingly when we give from our heart, not with the intent of gaining because we tithe.


Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow?

Through the craving to become rich, until the the pursuit becomes the focus of life. (I think of Judas who started out stealing from the money bag, until he became willing to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.)

Viewing money as the means to power, position, security, self esteem, rather than that God is our security, and the One Who raises us up to whatever our destiny is, and it is in Him that we find our value as His children...not in what we do, or posess materially.

How does it become a trap?

The love of money leads us down a rabbit trail to believing that it is the source of our happiness...it becomes "god"....and leads to "hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction and miserable perishing." v.9.... Satan can provide wealth, as evidenced by his temptation of Jesus, and as is seen and heard today in testimonies of those he offered fame and wealth....fallen rock stars, politicians, movie stars, fallen sports legends who had it all from Satan's hand, and now are in disgrace, as they fell into what often goes with the love of money and having too much....drugs, the ability to afford steroids to enhance performance...the orgies of extravagant living and debauchery, the vainglory and pride, which Proverbs says leads to a fall.

How do you escape this deceptive trap?

Knowlege is key....awareness of our weaknesses and possible tendency to fall for this trap. Being honest with ourselves. Prayer to avoid it or to escape it if one is already ensnared:

I personally love David's prayer: "You desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost heart. Purify me, wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Make me to hear joy and gladness and BE SATISFIED; Hide not your face from my sins and blot out all my guilt and iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right, persevering and steadfast spirit within me...etc." Psalm 51.


3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

I think that once someone has their heart set on money or worldly riches they often tend to slip back in their walk with the Lord.They become entrapped in ever growing need for more wealth which leads to greed, unhappiness and a life of sin.During this time Satan really gets involved and trying to get free of his clutches can lead to the coarse of absolute destruction and loss of ones soul.

We should all be content with our lot ,count our blessings and let God provide for all our needs as he sees fit.Sometimes we have more than we know what to do with,start giving freely to those in need and the Lord will bless you in return.Don't always expect financial rewards as blessings there are many other ways in which the lord richly blesses us.Your salvation, health,family,friends,wisdom,peace,love these to name but a few

I couldn't think of better riches than these and say we should all pray for more of this type of wealth.


Q3. (1Timothy 6:7-10)

How does love for money grow?

We often mistakenly seek the affirmation and status that wealth brings. This can be a deliberate decision due perhaps to our lack of contentment as a Christian. Sometimes pride is involved; we have the need to prove ourselves to others by making lots of money, so that we can impress others with our wealth.

How does it become a trap?

Desiring to be rich can lead us into temptation. In order to achieve our goals, we become enticed to use dishonest and often violent means; and they can include gambling, speculation, fraud, perjury, theft, and even murder. The love of money is a root sin. That is to say, it lies beneath the surface and nourishes any number of other sins. We have to confront our love of money and remove it by the roots every time we see it spring up in another area of our life, if not we can be sucked into the desire to make more and more money. Before we realize it this desire can completely control and destroy our lives. The reason the pursuit of riches deceives is that money does not last and it never brings true happiness. It has been said:


Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

I believe it starts when we are very young, seeing the things our friends have and being bombbarded by T.V. ads and aswe get older it just gets stronger. It becomes a trap when we let it overwhelm our hearts and be come a controlling factor forour lives. We can only escape it by replacing it with something stronger focusing our thoughts and desires toward the one who made us and is there to provide for us ifwejust put our hope and trust in Him. He said He would never leave us or forsake us and we can depend on that if our faith is strong and we allow it to be fed by the Holy Spirit.


Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

I believe it starts when we are very young, seeing the things our friends have and being bombbarded by T.V. ads and aswe get older it just gets stronger. It becomes a trap when we let it overwhelm our hearts and be come a controlling factor forour lives. We can only escape it by replacing it with something stronger focusing our thoughts and desires toward the one who made us and is there to provide for us ifwejust put our hope and trust in Him. He said He would never leave us or forsake us and we can depend on that if our faith is strong and we allow it to be fed by the Holy Spirit.


  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

Love of money can start out as a very subtle thing. We can have a little, get a good feeling from it and thus decide we need more. We need to be aware from the very beginning that money does not bring joy--only Jesus can do that. We must daily remind ourselves that the materials things of the world can be quickly lost but Jesus is forever.


I lump love of money and material possessions together. I think that it starts subtley. I've always driven old cars. Until a couple weeks ago I never drove a car wth fewer than 100,000 miles on it or younger than 10 years old. As a result, while my car has never put me in debt, it has made me make several trips to the mechanic. I can remember being in college with my first car, which was deteriorating rapidly. It was the summer and we had some high school kids on campus doing a work program. I remember looking at this one kid's car that looked newer than mine and nicer than mine and getting so mad at God because mine was a piece of junk and his would never do anything bad to him. A couple years later, mine ended up in a junkyard, and I assume his did too. I got more cars with different problems, I assume he did too. But I've learned that it's not the car that makes you happy or the security you get by having it, it's the security you have when you trust the God is going to provide what you need.


I think the love of money starts when we see things that we would like to buy.

It becomes a trap when we buy more and more, and travel further and further afield. It becomes more of a trap when we have difficulty to stop buying things and buying becomes adictive.

I think we escape the trap when we draw closer to God - and when we start to give things away without expecting anything in return.



Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap

I think love for money can grow from lots of roots, poverty being the obvious one. However, the ability to accumulate money can also breed exhorbitant love for it. Change of lifestyle can do it, either through great loss or through achievements rewarded by money. Darwin observed that the fittest will survive and be most successful, and if we are acting out our carnal (animal) nature, then money is largely the measure of our success, so it will be the major orientation of our very intelligent carnal nature.

(I think this observation of Darwin's was quite accurate. It's just that you can't extrapolate from this to evolution, the self-improvement by chance of our DNA systems!).

Love for money becomes the blinkers that we wear if we are not careful. Our vision focuses on this one thing, the measure of our success, the engineer of our social relationships, the provider of our ego-centred self-concept. It engenders and controls the belief system by which our lives are motivated and it is very difficult for us to move "outside the square" and think in different terms. We, like other people, know that money speaks a thousand languages, and it certainly speaks ours and that of the people around us. It is very largely the thing that wins us our place in the human pecking order, although our personalities also have something to do with that. However, you don't get to fraternise with kings without similar quantities of money. We are addicted to the enablement of money to provide the lifestyle we aspire to, and it takes a huge shock (crisis, personal catharsis, or something like that) to change our way of thinking and take off the blinkers.

God uses all things to good for those who are called to His service. Unless we are brought up in a wonderful Christian family, there usually needs to be some personal circumstance which opens our minds to looking for more meaning in life that the everlasting competition for status. This is, more often than not, some form of stress. Very rarely it can be, as it appears in Abraham's case, just seeking for truth, needing to know the deeper meaning of life. Once we are set on this path it needs contact with a Christian or some teacher of the Truth. People go lots of places - into the new age is the typical route currently, especially if what is sought is comfort with no responsibility. However, Christian love, insight and wisdom is miraculous in many people's eyes, and this is what speaks loudest, especially love expressed as personal interest, service or care. When this is met at the time of catharsis the Lord is given the entry visa, and life is never the same again! Reality and Truth are invested in the new citizen of Heaven, together with a hunger for the great Word of God, the food of Heaven, and the new citizen can grow daily in the life of the child of the King of Kings, with all the mind of Christ that increasingly floods into him/her. The old life, with its animal values, becomes a thing of the past, a distant memory, as the child of God grows in spirit and strength. Satan, of course, will do battle for the mind of the new citizen, perhaps especially through the pocket consciousness or the pull of old friends, but a whole new world is open for the new citizen to grasp and tussle with in the glorious fight against evil, for the glory of the Mighty Son of God. New vision takes over. New associations become all important, and money falls back into its rightful place as a tool or slave, not a master.

Thank you Banks for that great quote. I have stacked it away!

Loved your line, Masika, "Stop loving money and start loving people! They are the true wealth". At least we can take people with us along to Heaven!


Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow?

The more we get, the more we want. We are humans, and God has given to us many wonderful things to see and to do in this world, and they do bring happiness, However, to enjoy many of the pleasures of this world, it takes hard work and money; so it is very easy for this love to grow.

How does it become a trap?

The trap is seen in what is rooted in our hearts, the love of THINGS, or the love of GOD?

How do you escape this deceptive trap?

We can escape this trap Satan has set out for us by following the First Commandment, to love God with all our being, and then the pleasures of this world will fall in its proper order in our lives. :unsure:

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

For the love of money is the root of all evil, the love of money will cause a lost of faith in God to provide for our every needs, and relying on money to take the place of God, Who has all that we stand in need of, all for man and man-kind every needs. Seek God and His Kingdom first and all of His righteousness, and all these other things will be added unto us, meaning our every needs.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

The love for money grows when we become greedy and selfish. The more we get the more we want. It becomes a trap when we get our mind and heart on our possession's of the world. We think about self. We can escape this trap by keeping our mind and heart on God. By having faith in him, believing him, and trusting that he will meet our every need.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?
I think it starts when you get alot of money or you have a really good job and able to buy things and do things. You can't stop with just going to Wal-Mart, you have to move up to Penny's and then Macy's. You have to go a steakhouse and not McDonald's. Credit cards are a hugh part of it. Just charge it! We have to learn to live within our means. I have no credit cards and if I need to use one, I get a disposable one. I don't have the fees and don't go outside my budget. If I don't have the cash I don't get it.
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

Love for money grows when one is not content with what one has and wants more in money or wealth to fulfill the things that one thinks it is a need that should be fulfilled

It becomes a trap when money become the objective or top priority of one


Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

We start wanting a little more and a little more. We think if i only had a little more everything would be great. Then we egt trapped into believing money is what will make us happy and content instead of God.

We need to keep in Gods word and remember we are rich in him and our treasures are stored up in heaven. That this place and everything in it will be gone.

  • 2 weeks later...

The love for money grows when we grow discontent with what we have.

It becomes a trap when we begin using credit cards and taking out loans to get what we want.

One escapes this deceptive trap by making a budget and sticking to it.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

When we let our desires wander till they get out of bounds.

Love for money becomes a trap when we stretch ourselves to the piont of taking unecessary risks that are to big to handle.

First by realizing that more wealth doesn't mean more happiness. We must stay focused on our mission. Tell ourselves that we are doing well if we have food and clothes.

  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

The love of money grows from selfish desires and not trusting in the only wise God. It becomes a trap when anyone can come and tell us that I can be rich and we follow their instruction on how to do it. We escape the deceptive trap by trusting in the Word of God and never doubting Him when he tells that His will for our lives is all we need.

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