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Paul is fearless because he knows that the LORD holds everything He ever promised and provided in His hand, where nothing can snatch it away. God is guarding Paul's salvation and holy calling. He is guarding His own purposes and the grace He extends through Christ's defeat of death. Paul trusts that God is guarding the immortal Life that awaits him on the other side of natural earthly life. That gave him the courage and confidence to face whatever he had to suffer. And God is the same for us today.

Paul's fearlessness comes from a knowledge and trust of the One Who saved Him. He knows God has a plan for Him, to use him for His glory and he can rest assured that being in God's will, doing the Lord's service, he will be kept by God until the day Jesus comes back!


Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

Paul is saying that he believes that Christ will protect him and give him the courage he needs to do whatever needs to be done, and to go through what ever needs to be gone through. And Paul knows that God will protect whatever he has preached(as long as it is the truth) and cause it to grow. It don't get any better than that! Gloray!


Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

The Lord, Jesus Christ, is his shelter,protector and provider. He alone is who, Paul is placing his trust and Paul know that this trust will not be in vain because he has seen the risen saviour. He trusts God to guard his spirit and to bring itinto his glorious presence on that day of His promise and give him,Paul, the gift of a new life.


Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

Paul had lost all his material possessions, but he would never lose his faith. He trusted God to use him regardless of his circumstances.

(1) Paul knew that God would guard the souls of those converted through his preaching; (2) Paul trusted God to guard his own soul until Christ


(2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

Paul represents the Christ among men by appointment to the gentiles. He had that appointment personally delivered to him by Christ, and his meeting with Christ changed his whole purpose in life. It then became the service of Christ from which he never deviated for a moment although lesser men did. At that meeting he reviewed his whole life and gave it to Jesus whatever the consequence recognising Him as Lord. He meant business, as he always had, though mistakenly. He didn't flinch backwards from what he had then done, knowing that Christ had not flinched either, and he was His man. He had knowledge of the eternal and he wasn't about to let go of it. I think he loved Jesus, and that was what drove him. Those who are forgiven much love much, as Jesus once said. Paul had that kind of love.

At that point he had recognised and trusted Jesus with the rest of his life, with his life's purpose, with everything. His one ambition was to be acceptable on the last day, and he kept this firmly in mind. His eternal life, nature, soul, being was what he trusted God with.


Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

The source of Paul's fearlessness was his faith in God.

He entrusted God to keep that which he commited unto God being:

1. souls of those converted through his preaching

2. God to guard his own soul

3. God to carry out the ministry in the event of his death

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

As paul faces his final hurdle,death itself he is filled with an unwavering faith in our Lord and knows that Christ conquered death in His resurrection.His life as an apostle was one of great trails and tribulation,through all which he trusted and obeyed God.

Now in facing certain death of the flesh he puts both his life and fruits of his work in the hands of the Lord knowing that the lord will come through. In this knowledge he is able to face death and know that his work will carry on and was not in vain.

Oh to have such faith and trust in the Lord is what we should all strive for in order that we to might have such fearlessness and confidence in our Lord ability to guard our lives and the fruit that our work might bear.


Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness?

His absolute trust and assurance that his life and the fruit of his ministry are in the capable hands of Christ. He knows this work is the Lord's and will continue after he's gone on to glory, because the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.

What does he trust God to guard for him?

All that he has worked to accomplish in service for His Lord...the churches he has founded, those who have been converted to the faith, his remaining life, and the details of his impending death and the life he will live after death in Heaven.


Paul says to the Colosssians "set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God."

This mindset drives away fear..it gets our minds and hearts off of the longlings,desires, and fears we have to witness

and on to Jesus: RIGHT WHERE IT SHOULD BE!!!! ;)

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

:rolleyes: Paul knows God and feels sure that God will take care and watch over him. He knows God will guard everything he has entrused to Him. He has entrusted his life to Christ and the fruit of his ministry. What a joy and contentment to know for sure that Christ will guard this.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

According to verse 12, the source of Paul's fearlessness is his very deep knowing of Christ

That he trusts God to guard for him are his life and the fruit of his ministry to be revealed on the Last Day, as told by Pastor Wilson

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

Paul's confidence in the gospel and Savior Christ Jesus enable him to suffer without any shame. The phrase whom I have believed expresses unshakable trust in Christ Jesus. What I have committed does not refer to something Paul has done for Christ, but to something he had entrusted to Him, not as Paul's confidence in himself but of Christ's trust worthiness. It's like a deposit in a bank, God will keep our deposit, our life, and the eternal rewards an investment in Christ Kingdom an abundant reward in eternity.


Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness?

Paul's fearlessness comes from Paul's faith, entrusted in the anointed One, the Messiah, Johoshua, the Son of God Almighty.

What does he trust God to guard for him?

To guard the gospel, that God so loved the world, (the Gentiles also) that He sent His Son, Johoshua, to all who will believe that Christ is the anointed One, was sent by God to give life, to reconcile mankind with the Father. That life is found in Jesus, Johoshua, and in the Holy Spirit that is given, to give to us power, power to go forth to live and preach God's Word. Keep this in my heart forever. :rolleyes:


Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

His trust is in Jesus who he knows and trusts. He believes what was told and shown to him. He knows what was told to him is true and where his treasures are. He knows him intimately therefore he has complete trust of his life to Jesus hand.


According to 2 Timothy 1:12, the source of Paul's fearlessness is that he has placed his trust and hope in Christ.

What Paul trusts God to guard for him is the care of his life and the fruit of his ministry which will be revealed at Christ's second coming.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

His knowledge and relationship to Christ.

The fruit of his ministry and his very life.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  On 2/2/2009 at 6:01 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him?

According to verse 12, the source of Paul's fearlessness is a conviction that God, in whom he puts his trust is able to keep him until the second coming of Christ. He has entrusted to God his life and the fruit of his ministry.

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