rambler Posted January 19, 2010 Report Posted January 19, 2010 Q2. (2 Timothy 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? We must not be looking for a fight. We must have the right attitude before we begin. We need to be gentle and skillful without backing down from the truth. Be meek and humble realizing that we are the vessel and that the Holy Spirit through is doing the work. When we lack in this, the Spirit is hindered. Quote
emmaus Posted January 25, 2010 Report Posted January 25, 2010 The most important characteristic for teaching is humbleness. Next is kindness, allowing them to make their point without interruption. Then knowing the facts and where you can find it in the bible to show them the truth. There Quote
DrD Posted July 5, 2010 Report Posted July 5, 2010 Q2. (2 Timothy 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? We must first be knowledgeable of what we are teaching and also have the wisdom to convey it in such a manner that it is received. In so doing we must be considerate, not resentful, overbearing, or mean spirited. Most importantly, we must have a love for God - actually we should possess the Love of God - which will help us to be more tolerant. . . Lacking these characteristics hinder our tasks because many times those we are attempting to teach lack these very qualities. . . Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 1, 2011 Report Posted February 1, 2011 The various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents are being humble which will make you approachable. They will be more willing to listen if you humble yourself. Another on is to have the skill. We can know the bible but we need to be able to teach others and to discuss what we know with them. Quote
Eagleswings01 Posted April 24, 2011 Report Posted April 24, 2011 Q2. (2 Timothy 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? 5 characteristics which enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents are: -kindness-must be pleasant, tenderhearted and always showing concern for others -skill-must possess the "know-how", the learned capacity to teach -lacking resentfulness-despite what others may do or how others may treat you; we ought to still treat them out of love and respect -humility-basically it involves showing respect for others. Not because we have the authority to correct others mean that we ought to be boastful and arrogant. -trusting God to work- we need God. We need his strength, we ought to depend upon him to work through us. These characteristics all go hand in hand. I f we lack any of these then we will be unable to reach others. Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted August 5, 2012 Report Posted August 5, 2012 In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. !st of all you must know the Bible intimately. You must study it continiously so that what you teach will be the truth and not your own ideas. You must be filled by the Holy Spirit so that you can be guided by Him on how to handle the situation. When you are in such a situation you must bear fruit of the Spirit, you must show your opponent love, show him that you ae correcting him because you care for his salvation. Have patience, dont get upset, then he will be on the defence and will try to defend his point of view, instead of discussing the point and looking at it from all angles. When you are patient, you might learn something as well. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? When you force an issue both of you are on defence, both of you are not open to new ideas. You want to win, you are not serving God anymore but your own ego. The issue is not what is right anymore, but who has the stronger will. The moment the focus is not on god,but on my power or iteligence, the battle is lost. Quote
Craig Posted May 24, 2013 Report Posted May 24, 2013 Q2. (2 Timothy 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? In order for others to hear what you are teaching and to reasonably discuss varying views, a preacher/teacher must follow Paul's instructions regarding correction and in general teaching. They are as follows: We must not quarrel with others, but be patient, kind, and graceous. We are not to be resentful or bitter that someone doesn't believe as we do. Pray for those who oppose you. Pray that God will give them insight and knowledge concerning the issue in debate. Pray they might gain the knowledge of truth. We are talking about those who are truly in Biblical/apostolic error. Pray for those who satan has lead astray through incorrect understanding of scripture. Don't be cruel or argue with them. Present reasonable and loving Scriptural evidence of the truth. We gain nothing or anyone for the Kingdom of God by being hostile. In fact, we drive people further away from the truth when we are mean. We must put our own need to be right and our ego behind us in order to reach others for Jesus Christ. Be loving and gracious to everyone regardless of their attitude or beliefs. Quote
wifee Posted October 27, 2013 Report Posted October 27, 2013 2a)As a christian teacher Paul asks us to behave with kindly feelings towards a person who offers opposing teaching, Resist being resentful,angry or trying to verbally beat them into agreeing with them, instead pray for them &humbly using patience,tolerance, discerning skill, gentleness &respect with help of HSguide&instruct them in God’s truth with a pure heart and clean conscience& spirit. We are asked to put aside our own sense of self-importance, gentleness, humility,,meeknesss,our ego’s, believing that we in our own strength and words are not verbally changing person into submission, but trusting God through HS is using our attitude and words to soften their hearts and change minds where needed.We know that our words alone don’t affect change,but that through the Word we teach God will do the convicting,convincing where needed & grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth. God’s word contains the power in itself to bring about change." If we don’t use these qualities of "gently instruct","correcting with gentleness",when dealing with quarrelsome false teachers, we divert focus from God back to us,arrogance, pride,arguments and wounded souls follow, we can make a situation worse,becoming like one of them,hardening the hearts of our opponents,and make their soil harder,less easily penetrated by God’s word. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted December 23, 2023 Report Posted December 23, 2023 Be kind yet forthright ! Apostle Paul didn't want his ministers to be bashing people over theirs heads. He knew that being kind and approachable would gain the hearts of those who fell into heterodoxy. St Athanasius wasn't too diplomatic with Arius who denying the divinity of Christ. But this was after Athanasius humbly tried to talk sense to Arius. I have asked God for forgiveness for the times that I wasn't the ideal minister/teacher as described in this Epistle. I sure have a long way to go, I am doing better. I do take the ministry quite seriously; outdoor evangelistic preaching can be challenging. I ask God to be merciful on me for my impatience and spoken and unspoken remarks or complaints. Lord Jesus Christ be merciful to me a sinner ! Quote
Krissi Posted February 27, 2024 Report Posted February 27, 2024 In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? As I think back on how I conceived various Christian theological and ethical tenets, I'm surprised at how much I've changed. At this point, I hold my beliefs more lightly knowing I could be wrong, just as I was wrong in the past and will be wrong in the future. For centuries, Christians slaughtered each other over minute aspects of doctrine. The large gap between Eastern and Western Christianity and Protestantism (Orthodoxy v Roman Catholicism v Protestantism) has never been mended, and, frankly, I doubt it will be. The current war in the Ukraine, a proxy war between the secular West and the Orthodox Russians, is, in many ways, an extension of an old animosity between East and West, although the elitists in the West long ago abandoned their Christian heritage, unlike the leaders of Russia. In our lifetime, we are watching unresolved theological tensions morph into cultural differences that have hardened into the political fault-lines that cause war. I don't think any Christian teacher, going back ten centuries to the final schism between East and West, could have, even with a correct attitude and abject humility, corrected a theological argument that became a huge cultural, and not political, chasm. Good attitude and a loving spirit would have helped in interpersonal relations, but theological and cultural differences on a macro level became were too great to bridge. We have this naive idea that contentions between Chrsitian groups originate in sinful attitudes or ideas, and therefore can be abrogated by acting and thinking more like Christ. This is not true, at least historically. Some ideas -- not all, but most -- are so deeply entrenched and believed that worshipping apart from each other in distinct denominations and movements is the best and most pacific solution. NO characteristics (personal traits, ethical changes or moral adjustments -- can bring together people who do not agree on the theological basis of the Godhead, for example. NO characteristics can cause some Christians to willingly submit to one leader, the Catholic Pope. NO characteristics can bridge the cultural differences that created circumstances of being military and political enemies. It is quite possible for individual Christians to befriend and enjoy other individual Christians from traditions unlike their own ... this is beneficial and what we should do. We should reach out. We must do so, though, knowing that macro changes between groups of people from different religious traditions within Christianity have not, historically, occurred. Quote
Niyonka16 Posted March 18, 2024 Report Posted March 18, 2024 Q2. (2 Timothy 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. ANSWER: We must strive very hard to get the biblical balance right, in other words. Refusing to be drawn into wasteful and useless arguments does NOT mean we just allow false teaching to run riot. We can stand up for biblical truth while also not getting involved with those who just like to debate stuff and argue all day. We must be kind to everyone; even to our opponents by speaking the truth in love not letting errors go unanswered. First, good Christian teachers are God’s servants. They defend biblical truth, not their own opinions. Second, their demeanor is “kind” or gentle. The gentleness that Jesus modeled with Thomas and Peter is the standard (see John 20:24-29; 21:1-19). Third, Christian leaders are “able to teach” (see 1 Timothy 3:2). They deliver the truth with clarity and conviction. Fourth, when they “patiently endure evil,” that are able to put up with it if necessary. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? ANSWER: Christian teachers (godly shepherds) will “correct [their] opponents with gentleness” (see 2 Timothy 2:25). They may ignore lesser errors so that they can address core issues. They wait and speak calmly, without haste or anger, so that others can listen. The goal is not to win arguments but to tell the truth so that people repent. This edifies God’s family, which is wounded by both heresy and wrangling. May the Lord therefore grant us insight to know when to ignore petty disputes and when to correct damaging errors. And may He grant that good doctrine drive out bad, even as the beauty of peaceful, loving leaders silences contentious men. To sum it up, Christian teachers are the Lord's servant and we must not quarrel; instead, we must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and not resentful. It is very important to set an example of consistent faith and a good conscience, remaining above reproach and exercising the spiritual gifts that God has given us. Quote
Clelie Posted March 19, 2024 Report Posted March 19, 2024 Teaching Christian ethics must be done in the power of the Holy Spirit, be under His leadership to teach the truth of God . The teacher must be self control that will not suffer negative reaction from opponents. He must exercise the patience, the kindness, the skill to convict through the word of God . All should be done through the power of the Holy Spirit who will produce the fruit of the spirit in him. To do the work of God from self is detrimental .. Quote
Katy Posted March 20, 2024 Report Posted March 20, 2024 Q2. A person trying to help someone who has wrong beliefs must first of all be humble. Whatever they have to say must first of all be done in a humble way, there must not be any ego issues present! The attitude must not be one of superiority or arrogance or argumentative and quarrelsome speech. The attitude must be gentle full of kindness and respect. We must remember we are all clay vessels bringing the word of God in truth to someone, we are the messenger but it is God by His Holy Spirit that brings someone to repentance and to the truth of God’s If we do not act as above, the person will have no interest in listening to us and may never have another opportunity to see their mistakes. This in turn may lead to others being taught things that are not accurate. It can be very detrimental to the body of believers. Most of all it brings dishonour to God. Quote
Eldress Rowe Posted March 21, 2024 Report Posted March 21, 2024 A Christian teacher must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and not resentful. They must be kind and gentle and have a spirit of humility that will allow them to correct others with gentleness and meekness and trust God for the finish product. We are not to have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments but teach the truth of God with a pure heart and a clear spirit. And we are to always give an answer to everyone who ask so that they might have reason to hope for the hope we have. As teacher our aim should be to lead others to the repentance of sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior. If we lack any of the qualities we may turn others away with our manner of speaking or by our lack of gentleness, kindness, and meekness. Teachers are to teach, not to dictate. Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted March 21, 2024 Report Posted March 21, 2024 Q2. (2 Timothy 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. To be kind toward someone else give you the opportunity that the person will be at ease in your company and want to listen what you have to say. JESUS instructed HIS disciples to teach HIS WORD, we are also HIS disciple and must spread and teach HIS WORD, but we have to know HIS WORD and ask the SPIRIT to give us the skill and knowledge to do so. Don't correct your opponent when you are in a moody feeling or when something influence negative the situation. In short don't pay evil with evil. Don't be resentful. We have to have a humble SPIRIT when teaching or correcting someone, it is in this where peoples hearts are soften and more receptive towards instruction. GOD is at work, it only GOD's SPIRIT that change things in our lives. What we do or try to do let the SPIRIT of GOD take control. GOD never sleeps nor slumber. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? When the opponent feels uncomfortable, notice a lack of knowledge, the atmosphere tide then they will resist to receive or even listen what we want to say. We will not succeed in what we want to do, meaning to spread the WORD. Quote
haar Posted March 23, 2024 Report Posted March 23, 2024 Q2. (2 Timothy 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? A2. For a Christian teacher to correct his opponent, he should emulate the Lord Jesus Christ by correcting in love, humility and gentleness. Quote
Old Jerry Posted April 2, 2024 Report Posted April 2, 2024 The characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents is to be kind, gentle, clear headed and respectful. If you are able to keep your cool then maybe they will listen to you. If you don’t have one of these attributes then they will stop listening to you and become very argumentative. Quote
hanks Posted April 3, 2024 Report Posted April 3, 2024 Q2. (2 TIMOTHY 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? As Christians we are to resemble our Lord and Saviour, who is kind and gentle, humble and meek, lowly, and restful. We, as our Lord's servant, then, must also be kind and gentle, humble, easy to speak to, approachable in our behaviour, patient and polite; not irritable, intolerant, sarcastic, or scornful, not even toward those who are difficult or slow to understand. It is with this attitude that we must try to win opponents over to the truth. We must note however, that this gentleness will not always be reciprocated or even appreciated. At times we will meet with ridicule and abuse, even with insult and injury. When this happens, we must show even more patience and tolerance; remembering to correct the opponents with mildness. Always listen carefully to all questions and try to answer them but respectfully. Avoid any foolish debates which can only result in unnecessary arguments. We are not to succumb to evil. Quote
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