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Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite?

Jeremiah said "The heart is deceitful above all things and it is exceedingly perverse and corrupt and severely, mortally sick. Who can know, perceive, understand, be acquainted with his own heart and mind." Jer. 17:9. I believe psychologists today call it "Denial" or a "Disconnect"...believing one thing while acting or speaking another.....or "believing our own press release"...it follows self righteousness which leads to looking down and judging others based on how we believe we're doing or how we want others to perceive we're living.

How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

For me it involves staying in a vital relationship with the Lord, confessing sin, studying the Word, prayer, asking Him to search my heart and expose and root out any darkness...and to create a clean heart. It involves being filled with the Holy Spirit, and obedience as well. A blase, "I can do it myself" attitude leads to "religion", as do legalism and license. I guess I can sum it up by "staying on the narrow path closely following His leading and footsteps."


Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite?

It seems to be easy to become a hypocrite, a play actor, when we lose the keen edge off our relationship with the Master. When we become lovers of other things more than of Him and we have to put on a face to cover up for the truth.

How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

By keeping our experience with Him up to date through our fellowship with Him in prayer and study of His word. By carefully guarding our heart to be sure that He alone occupies the center of our love. By disciplining ourselves to stay away from those things which we know would call for compromise on our part and lead us away from Him.


Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

If I am blessed by God (and I am!), but I give the credit to myself, then it will be easy for me to become a hypocrite. This is what we do. Something good happens-we get a promotion, or we are able to make a major purchase, and we usually pat ourselves on the back because of our hard work and effort. We forget that it is God Who allows us to receive these things and enjoy them.

We must always acknowledge God in all things. We need to realize that God is in every event, He is in every blessing, and without God, we would have nothing-we would be nothing. We are because He loves us! Gloray! It doesn't get any better than that!


It is easy because we want to make good impressions on people, but our everyday lives tell the story. We fail easily--that old sin nature--we are (I am) daily in battle with it.

Keep in the Word; stay prayed up; ask for God's leading for every day in every way; stay far away from--do not allow false teachers any footholds. Examine our lives daily & ask God to reveal areas that need work & His healing touch.


Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite?

It is very easy to become a hypocrite because our carnal nature is self-serving and we need to be very focused on the Truth and on the Spirit of God to avoid the selfish pathways. It is easy to "do" all the right things, enjoy the fellowship of the right people, be seen in all the right places, and yet be shallow in faith. We can live very successfully this way, and even delude ourselves that all is well, that we are successful in our faith. However, when it comes to self-sacrifice and real care of individuals, we in the west simply don't 'see' the need. We are blind to those who are not our closest friends. We have lost completely the art of community, and losing ourselves in the care of others as God has taught us to do. Or sometimes, in trying to care, we support others in dependency, because we haven't developed the understanding and skills needed. Life is an art form, and we need to learn (from Jesus) the art of Living (His Way).

How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

I think the FEAR of God is the beginning of wisdom. We are given the emotion of fear for a very good reason. Mainly it is to fear God. Normally we use it to fear accidents in traffic, or the back legs of a horse, for which it is also very valuable. But often we slip into fear of what the peer group will think, or fear of not having things we 'need', which is very unhealthy and personally debilitating, for in these matters God tells us "Fear not, for I am with you". We should be afraid of not sharing our blessings adequately with those in need, of not finding those to whom God has sent us with the message of hope, and of lacking the love (made up of perseverance, endurance, sacrifice, joy, peace, and other fruits of the Spirit) with which we fight the battles of life, and the prayerfulness through which God can teach us all that is needed, and all that is possible.


Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

We sometimes forget who we are and start following after the world,looking to satisfy our own needs without looking to God our provider. We take on worldly views and become the hypocrite that we donot want to be.

By study,prayer and having christian friends to turn to and to hold us accountable we can stand strong in the faith and be a workman who needs not be ashamed.


Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

We are all capable of hypocrisy. Often we slip into routine patterns when we worship, and we neglect to give God our love and devotion. If we want to be called God


Whenever we allow the flesh to overide the Holy Spirit we at once become hypocrites. Our failure to recognize and correct our error can cause us to establish traditons which lead to religion. Religion has no power as power comes from the Spirit and is the reason so many are falling away.


A Form of Religion Without Power


Jesus said, "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Matthew 23:27,28

When we are not abiding in Christ, the enemy is waiting around the corner to release deception into our hearts. It is so easy for flesh to think the best of itself and look down on others and despise them. As the Lord has released a strong conviction in my heart to continually abide in Him through obedience, prayer and His Word, I'm more alert to my behavior and attitude. Those things that don't line up with His Word, I repent and ask God to help me to apply His Word in my life. Now, when I see other believers not abiding in Christ and exhibiting hypocrisy, my heart is saddened and I know it grieves the heart of the Holy Spirit. Instead of me being judgmental and critical, I'm choosing to be forbearing and to pray.

When we lose the power of our Lord Jesus and have a form of religion, souls are not being won, captives are not being set free, the gospel is not being demonstrated in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I say let's drop the pretense, hypocrisy and truly be the salt and light of the earth.


Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

I think we are hypocrites by our very nature. So it is very easy to sink into that old nature. We condemn others when we ourselves are guilty. We need to rely on the Holy Spirit to convict us and then heed the instruction given by the Holy Spirit.

How dreadful to have a form of religion without the power. It is mindless, useless and vanity on our part. There is no relationship with our Lord which is the essence, the perfume of living, of life.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


I agree with Pastor Wilson..''we know the jargon and the talk, but our inner lives can still be untransformed..God have mercy on us!''

My own pastor tells us to read scripture until we are pierced to the heart..we need to pray, stay in God's will and ask Him to reveal to

us the triggers that temp us to be anything less than ''kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful."

We are useless without "a knowledge of the truth." :)


Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5)

Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite?

It is so easy to give an outwardly appearance of being religious. By our ungodly behaviour we show the world that we are living a lie, and there is no evidence of the power of God in our lives. But as Christians we have no difficulty in identifying the works of the flesh. We read about it in Gal 5:19-21:


Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

I believe sometimes we fall into the trap of Satan by getting caught up in the things of this world and before we know it we are doing things that our lord doesn


Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite?

Hypocrisy can become alive in us, IF, we misplace our hearts of love for God and what the Son has done for us, and replace it with a heart


The flesh opposes the spirit. Essentially we are too conscious of what others will think about us than the opinion of God about ourselves. When man's fear or opinion ranks the highest then it is easy to become hypocrites. When our life is not spirit controlled then we can degenerate easily to "religious". Being religious/ form of Godliness gives us a false sense of satisfaction. We also compare ourselves with the other Christians who also put a deceptive front in our churches. But we need to look at Jesus.

Also when the Holy Spirit prompts us and corrects us we do not act on those promptings and becomes dull of hearing the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we only correct the outward symptoms not the root cause. It is like applying ointment to the outward wound but not taking the antibiotics to deal with the root cause. I think we need to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling, because God is always at work in you to make you willing and able..." Phil. 2: 12-13.

Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

They will go to Church, Yes, but they won't really believe anything they hear. We must not become a hypocrite like that even tho it can easly happen. But by believing God's salvation by trusring in Christ Jesus we want become a hypocrite.


I dont' think the Pharisees ever saw themselves as hypocrites. In fact, I usually feel sorry for the Pharisees when I read the Gospels because it seems so clear to me that sometime in trying to follow all the rules in the Old Testament, they forgot the reason. It became about the rules and not the relationship. Rules are, I think more tangible than relationship. We know when we break a rule, they had generations of stories about what happened when their ancestors broke the rules. But the relationship is harder to get a hold of, especially when the person you're in relationship with isn't a 3 dimentional figure that you can directly interact with.

My job is a university security officer. I have to enforce rules, and I personally beleive that a lot of them are stupid. Last night I found a person using a computer in a hallway of an empty building and I had to tell her that she had to use a computer in a computer lab in the same building. While we argued about where she could and couldn't compute, I had to think about the answer to the question that I usually get... "Why?" The truthful answer is "I don't know, it's a stupid rule and I have to enforce it."

I think Christians get into this idea of we have to perfect and we have to abolish all sin around us, but never ask the why question. We forget that through our relationship with Christ, we have freedom. We forget that it's not about us being perfect, or appearing perfect because we're sinners and not perfect, it's about our relationship with our savior.


Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

It is so easy to become a hypocrite as we humans want to take credit for good things that have happened in our lives and are so wrapped us in ourselves. Love is missplaced. We must remember that we have nothing except what has been given us by God. We should love because He first loved us making it possible for us to truly love all His children. If we always strive to remember that all we have and all we are comes from God then our religion can have power because we live for His glory and to serve Him. We take credit for nothing. :rolleyes:

Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

It is so easy to become a hypocrite because on one side we are unwillingly to suffer or carry the cross as a result of our spiritual life transformation, but on the other side we so want to be considered and praised by people as a godly or faithful Christian

We can prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power in a way that open always ourselves before him and repent if he shows us our sins

  • 2 weeks later...
Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

It is easy to become a hypocrite because we do not really believe God and take him for who he is. We don't really realize that we can't have both worlds. We cannot pretend to be something we are not. A true Christian cannot do that. We can prevent this by praying, seeking God, and staying in His Word.


Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

-- Yes. It is easy to become a hypocrite in the following cases:-

1. When people say that they know everything, but do not follow them practically in their lives and moreover they strictly look on others.

2. When people get used to do the regular activities without the real experience of power.

Daily exercising of faith, receiving power from on High and getting guidance from the word of god rather than acting swiftly really prevents our faith from degenerating into a form of religion. We need to examine ourselves in HIS presence whether are we allowing any cold state or lukewarmness in our heart. We need to have good fellowship with the people who follow the Lord with all their heart.

Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

Pride is powerful and we don't want people to know when we are weak so we whitewash our lives with religeon. Instead of humble dependance upon God we put on a self sufficient act. The love of self, money, and pleasure distract us from a love of God.

  • 1 month later...
Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

It is easy to become a hypocrite when you start to act like a person who doesn

  • 6 months later...

Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power?

Because we all have a sinful nature.

We all want to be better than somebody else.

If other people don't know us that well, they don't find out we just pretend.

If we don't love Jesus with all our heart, very soon it will be too much of an effort to pray every morning, to read bible everyday,...

Ah, once a week will do... we think.

But we pass again because we want to watch Familiediner.

And then a month later we can't find our Bible...

For me, it used to work this way.

Because I was doubting if God was real, I just didn't feel like reading His word.

The Bible was in the cupboard, together with my study books.

Now it always lies on the table.

And I have daily e-mail from this course.

Both trics help to read everyday.

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